View Full Version : China And The US: Sleepwalking Towards War

06-13-2024, 11:25 PM
Very good article, lots of comparisons between pre-WWI Britain and Germany:


06-14-2024, 04:34 PM
Very good article, lots of comparisons between pre-WWI Britain and Germany:


I really like this site. I posted something from it a week or two ago.

06-14-2024, 05:24 PM
I really like this site. I posted something from it a week or two ago.

I'm pondering a subscription, had one years ago. Cheaper than WSJ. LOL!

06-15-2024, 09:58 AM
I really like this site. I posted something from it a week or two ago.

I'm pondering a subscription, had one years ago. Cheaper than WSJ. LOL!

Foreign Affairs often has very real info, but know your source.
Understand where they want you to go.

About Foreign Affairs
Since its founding in 1922, Foreign Affairs has been the leading forum for serious discussion of American foreign policy and global affairs. It is now a multiplatform media organization with a print magazine, a website, a mobile site, various apps and social media feeds, an event business, and more. Foreign Affairs is published by the Council on Foreign Relations (http://www.cfr.org/) (CFR), a non-profit and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs through the free exchange of ideas. ...

"The ultimate aim of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) is to create a one-world socialist system, and to make the U.S. an official part of it."
Dan Smoot -Former FBI


06-15-2024, 10:09 AM
Foreign Affairs often has very real info, but know your source.
Understand where they want you to go.
About Foreign Affairs
Since its founding in 1922, Foreign Affairs has been the leading forum for serious discussion of American foreign policy and global affairs. It is now a multiplatform media organization with a print magazine, a website, a mobile site, various apps and social media feeds, an event business, and more. Foreign Affairs is published by the Council on Foreign Relations (http://www.cfr.org/) (CFR), a non-profit and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs through the free exchange of ideas. ...

"The ultimate aim of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) is to create a one-world socialist system, and to make the U.S. an official part of it."
Dan Smoot -Former FBI


As it's always been. Funny thing, the State Department and related agencies hire folks that studied these issues and other countries/cultures. Some are better than others. When it comes to reading, I don't feel I have problems with discernment. Thanks for the warning. You might want to apply same to some of your sources.

Black Diamond
06-15-2024, 10:58 AM
As it's always been. Funny thing, the State Department and related agencies hire folks that studied these issues and other countries/cultures. Some are better than others. When it comes to reading, I don't feel I have problems with discernment. Thanks for the warning. You might want to apply same to some of your sources.


07-05-2024, 09:32 AM
More CFR info , just for the record.

Also interesting is the history of the Rockefellers, China, Nixon & Kissinger.


07-05-2024, 03:56 PM
What are we to make of the CFR as it relates to the discussion re: US and China potential hostilities?

07-05-2024, 06:46 PM
What are we to make of the CFR as it relates to the discussion re: US and China potential hostilities?
make of it what you will.
or don't.

07-06-2024, 11:14 AM
make of it what you will.
or don't.

You seem to present things without context as the definitive word and we're silly for not recognizing the enormity of the information.

07-06-2024, 11:57 AM
You seem to present things without context as the definitive word and we're silly for not recognizing the enormity of the information.

I'm just presenting information.
Not saying it's "definitive" or all there is to know.
Never called anyone silly.
But it's not smart for me or you to ignore info just because you don't like the way... you think ... it's presented.

I'm not really going to argue the points anymore at DP, I'm just post ing info for folks to consider... or not.
There's info available out there to confirm or deny or give different takes. I'm just posting info thats not considered in the original article posted here.
How pertinent you think it is or isn't is up to u & others.
I'm not a China expert, but to me the broader history & relationships bear some consideration. Among many other factors I'm sure others are more familiar with than I am.

Concerning context of the earlier post.
The topic is war with China from a CFR article. I posted other Info about the CFR and its historical relationship and POV of China.

07-06-2024, 03:41 PM
I'm just presenting information.

I'm guessing that nobody cares. I don't care in the least unless the information is related to current events and how you think it adds to the conversation. I care not a whit what Hillary said a decade ago.

07-06-2024, 04:56 PM
Some of us do care about history and how it seems to be repeating itself.

Black Diamond
07-06-2024, 06:30 PM
Some of us do care about history and how it seems to be repeating itself.

How is it repeating itself?

07-06-2024, 11:20 PM
How is it repeating itself?

Well .. for starters a new variant of a pandemic is trying to get leverage right before an election.


But this topic should probably be in another thread.

07-07-2024, 12:41 PM
Well .. for starters a new variant of a pandemic is trying to get leverage right before an election.


But this topic should probably be in another thread.

China doesn't seem to be mentioned in the article.

07-07-2024, 08:03 PM
China doesn't seem to be mentioned in the article.

As I said probably should be in a different thread. The question was about how history repeats itself... this was just an example.

07-08-2024, 10:46 AM
How is it repeating itself?Most obvious? Everyone is marching to or preparing for war except us. We're sitting here on our arrogant asses deluding ourselves into believing the oceans still insulate us. In the meantime, we got a bunch of isolationists that think if we just suck everything into the borders of CONUS and abandon our allies who it is going to take to win the next war, that we can just pretend it's not happening. The same thing 1930's Republicans thought.

Black Diamond
07-08-2024, 11:09 AM
Most obvious? Everyone is marching to or preparing for war except us. We're sitting here on our arrogant asses deluding ourselves into believing the oceans still insulate us. In the meantime, we got a bunch of isolationists that think if we just suck everything into the borders of CONUS and abandon our allies who it is going to take to win the next war, that we can just pretend it's not happening. The same thing 1930's Republicans thought.

I don't think that's what she had in mind.

07-08-2024, 11:11 AM
I don't think that's what she had in mind.Who? I responded to your question with historical fact. Can't speak for anyone else.