View Full Version : Malaysia rebuffs US on Iran oil sales

06-13-2024, 04:53 AM
1. The following are excerpts from Fernando Fong's May 10 article in The Rakyat Post.

(Begin excerpts)
In a recent development that has caught the public’s attention, Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail has reaffirmed the country’s stance on recognizing only sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

This statement comes in response to claims made by the US Treasury Department’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson, who suggested that Iran has been relying on Malaysian service providers to sell US-sanctioned oil in the region.

During a meeting with Nelson, Saifuddin emphasized Malaysia’s commitment to combating terrorism financing and tackling illicit financial activities.

However, he also made it clear that Malaysia, as a sovereign nation, will only adhere to sanctions imposed by the UN and not by individual countries..... (End excerpts)

Source Link: https://www.therakyatpost.com/news/malaysia/2024/05/10/malaysia-defiant-we-only-recognise-un-sanctions-not-us-threats/

2. Poster's Comment:

Uncle Sam was certainly shocked by Malaysia's defiance of US pressure on halting shipments of sanctioned Iranian oil. This is the first time the US ever gets such a bold rebuff from a small country that, unlike the Philippines, does not even claim to be the so-called "middle power".

To put it simply, quoting the words of economics professor Geoffrey Williams at the Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST): “Malaysian businesses can do business with anyone unless there are UN sanctions regulations to stop it, but the US cannot stop Malaysian companies doing business with others."

Malaysia's response is unique, simple, rational, direct and as "sharp" as the kris of Hang Tuah, the legendary warrior who lived in the 15th century during the golden age of the Malaccan Sultanate.

Malaysia has set the standard for all other countries in rebuffing US economic imperialism.

Additional References:




06-13-2024, 05:54 AM
1. The following are excerpts from Fernando Fong's May 10 article in The Rakyat Post.

(Begin excerpts)
In a recent development that has caught the public’s attention, Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail has reaffirmed the country’s stance on recognizing only sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

This statement comes in response to claims made by the US Treasury Department’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson, who suggested that Iran has been relying on Malaysian service providers to sell US-sanctioned oil in the region.

During a meeting with Nelson, Saifuddin emphasized Malaysia’s commitment to combating terrorism financing and tackling illicit financial activities.

However, he also made it clear that Malaysia, as a sovereign nation, will only adhere to sanctions imposed by the UN and not by individual countries..... (End excerpts)

Source Link: https://www.therakyatpost.com/news/malaysia/2024/05/10/malaysia-defiant-we-only-recognise-un-sanctions-not-us-threats/

2. Poster's Comment:

Uncle Sam was certainly shocked by Malaysia's defiance of US pressure on halting shipments of sanctioned Iranian oil. This is the first time the US ever gets such a bold rebuff from a small country that, unlike the Philippines, does not even claim to be the so-called "middle power".

To put it simply, quoting the words of economics professor Geoffrey Williams at the Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST): “Malaysian businesses can do business with anyone unless there are UN sanctions regulations to stop it, but the US cannot stop Malaysian companies doing business with others."

Malaysia's response is unique, simple, rational, direct and as "sharp" as the kris of Hang Tuah, the legendary warrior who lived in the 15th century during the golden age of the Malaccan Sultanate.

Malaysia has set the standard for all other countries in rebuffing US economic imperialism.

Additional References:




Well obviously Malaysia has become a funder of international terrorism And has been taking over by Terrorist (or communist, or drug cartels, or a dictator that oppresses his own people, or are just moments away from getting a nuclear weapon!) Therefore the U.S. will have to deploy some FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY over there if our diplomatic outreach, (kickbacks to leaders, bribes, trade sanctions, offers of protection) don't work.

06-13-2024, 04:56 PM
Well obviously Malaysia has become a funder of international terrorism And has been taking over by Terrorist (or communist, or drug cartels, or a dictator that oppresses his own people, or are just moments away from getting a nuclear weapon!) Therefore the U.S. will have to deploy some FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY over there if our diplomatic outreach, (kickbacks to leaders, bribes, trade sanctions, offers of protection) don't work.


06-13-2024, 05:33 PM

Malaysia ‘potential impact’ of Iran sanctions’ violations

Treasury Department says it’s concerned about Washington-sanctioned Iranian oil being moved from ship to ship in Southeast Asian waters.
A U.S. Treasury delegation will discuss the consequences of allowing transshipments of Washington-sanctioned Iranian oil in meetings with government officials here this week, amid longtime allegations by Western news and research firms that Malaysia permits Iran to use its waters for ship-to-ship petroleum transfers.

The American officials who arrived in Kuala Lumpur late on Monday will engage in blunt discussions with their Malaysian counterparts, U.S. Ambassador Edgard Kagan said on the sidelines of Asia’s largest defense show.

“We are confident that the Malaysian government understands the U.S. position with regard to transshipment of oil that has been sanctioned, and understands the potential impact that this could have,” Kagan said in response to a question about whether Washington sees Malaysia as a transshipment hub for Iranian oil.

He did not elaborate on what he meant by “potential impact,” which could mean anything from sanctions on Malaysia to an emboldened Iran potentially causing more trouble for Washington. Sanctions deny people or companies access to assets within the United States and prevent American citizens or financial institutions from doing business with them.

“We look forward to candid and frank discussions that are going to be done very much from our standpoint in the spirit of working together to address a common problem,” Kagan said.

... Iran has been the main focus of US officials in the region, given its historically friendly ties with countries like Malaysia. Earlier, the US administration passed a package of measures, which includes sanctioning foreign ports, vessels, and refineries that process or ship Iranian crude. ...
The sanctions would also attempt to enforce restrictions on all oil-related transactions with US-sanctioned Iranian banks. US officials are attempting to utilize the supposed environmental risks of dealing with Iran-affiliated vessels to pressure Malaysia into colluding with Washington. ...


Typical Steps taken in Foreign Policy (U.S. will stop at any step where the leadership "cooperates")
Step 1 Friendly Talks... lil "pressure".
Step 2 More talks more pressure, back channel bribes promises of $, goods and services for the leadership & country if necessary.
Step 3 Then threats of sanctions, other national pain points. "offers they can't refuse"
Step 4 Possible CIA election tampering, regime change, unexpected deaths with the new leaders surprisingly cooperative.
Step 5 Accusations of being a funder of international terrorism, being taking over by Terrorist, or communist, or drug cartels, or a dictator that oppresses his own people, or they are just moments away from getting a nuclear weapon!
Step 6 Freedom & Democracy Deployed for the people of the country. (U.S. soldiers & foreign lives don't matter)

you accuse me of being idealistic but it seems you have some idealistic notions of how the U.S. deals with other countries.
This is "real politic" & the deep state playbook, the way Henry Kissinger, Dick Chenney and his ilk get crap done.
I'm not sure why you have a problem with me just stating the facts of how things happen foreign policy wise for the benefit of western corporations and the globalist.

It is, what it is. no need to sugar coat it.

Lindsey Graham will tell you.

06-13-2024, 06:13 PM
Malaysia ‘potential impact’ of Iran sanctions’ violations

Treasury Department says it’s concerned about Washington-sanctioned Iranian oil being moved from ship to ship in Southeast Asian waters.
A U.S. Treasury delegation will discuss the consequences of allowing transshipments of Washington-sanctioned Iranian oil in meetings with government officials here this week, amid longtime allegations by Western news and research firms that Malaysia permits Iran to use its waters for ship-to-ship petroleum transfers.

The American officials who arrived in Kuala Lumpur late on Monday will engage in blunt discussions with their Malaysian counterparts, U.S. Ambassador Edgard Kagan said on the sidelines of Asia’s largest defense show.

“We are confident that the Malaysian government understands the U.S. position with regard to transshipment of oil that has been sanctioned, and understands the potential impact that this could have,” Kagan said in response to a question about whether Washington sees Malaysia as a transshipment hub for Iranian oil.

He did not elaborate on what he meant by “potential impact,” which could mean anything from sanctions on Malaysia to an emboldened Iran potentially causing more trouble for Washington. Sanctions deny people or companies access to assets within the United States and prevent American citizens or financial institutions from doing business with them.

“We look forward to candid and frank discussions that are going to be done very much from our standpoint in the spirit of working together to address a common problem,” Kagan said.

... Iran has been the main focus of US officials in the region, given its historically friendly ties with countries like Malaysia. Earlier, the US administration passed a package of measures, which includes sanctioning foreign ports, vessels, and refineries that process or ship Iranian crude. ...
The sanctions would also attempt to enforce restrictions on all oil-related transactions with US-sanctioned Iranian banks. US officials are attempting to utilize the supposed environmental risks of dealing with Iran-affiliated vessels to pressure Malaysia into colluding with Washington. ...


Typical Steps taken in Foreign Policy (U.S. will stop at any step where the leadership "cooperates")
Step 1 Friendly Talks... lil "pressure".
Step 2 More talks more pressure, back channel bribes promises of $, goods and services for the leadership & country if necessary.
Step 3 Then threats of sanctions, other national pain points. "offers they can't refuse"
Step 4 Possible CIA election tampering, regime change, unexpected deaths with the new leaders surprisingly cooperative.
Step 5 Accusations of being a funder of international terrorism, being taking over by Terrorist, or communist, or drug cartels, or a dictator that oppresses his own people, or they are just moments away from getting a nuclear weapon!
Step 6 Freedom & Democracy Deployed for the people of the country. (U.S. soldiers & foreign lives don't matter)

you accuse me of being idealistic but it seems you have some idealistic notions of how the U.S. deals with other countries.
This is "real politic" & the deep state playbook, the way Henry Kissinger, Dick Chenney and his ilk get crap done.
I'm not sure why you have a problem with me just stating the facts of how things happen foreign policy wise for the benefit of western corporations and the globalist.

It is, what it is. no need to sugar coat it.

Lindsey Graham will tell you.

Your anti-American rhetoric is tedious and boring:rolleyes:

Obviously, in the not so hidden, regular print it states "Washington sanctioned". If Washington so deems it, Washington can "un-sanction" it. Washington can also choose to employ whatever diplomatic/trade tools it sees fit to remedy any situation it deems not in its best interest. That's the way the World rolls and the US didn't invent it.

Get over yourself:rolleyes: