View Full Version : Marjorie Taylor Greene creates headaches for House GOP

06-11-2024, 02:09 PM
Block her from everything. She's a disgrace and obviously skipped US Government in school.

Marjorie Taylor Greene creates headaches for House GOP as leaders weigh how much attention to give the Trump loyalist | CNN Politics (https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/11/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-republicans/index.html)

06-12-2024, 06:42 AM
Block her from everything. She's a disgrace and obviously skipped US Government in school.

Marjorie Taylor Greene creates headaches for House GOP as leaders weigh how much attention to give the Trump loyalist | CNN Politics (https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/11/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-republicans/index.html)

:whistling2: :popcorn:

06-12-2024, 01:23 PM
She has rapidly become the biggest embarrassment in the GOP.

06-12-2024, 02:58 PM
She has rapidly become the biggest embarrassment in the GOP.

You so silly. :slap: She is clearly the end game that people want... I guess... I've asked... I didn't get an answer... Even though she's an attention seeking whore... Like the rest of them...

06-12-2024, 05:00 PM
She has rapidly become the biggest embarrassment in the GOP.Agreed. That's going some too with Mace and Gaetz hanging around.

06-13-2024, 06:30 AM
You so silly. :slap: She is clearly the end game that people want... I guess... I've asked... I didn't get an answer... Even though she's an attention seeking whore... Like the rest of them...

As a people myself,
All I want is political action, legislative policy that goes in the right direction.
I don't really care who's feelings are hurt or who has a headache, or who is or who isn't "playing by the rules" or who's not a "team player", who's an embarrassment.

TRUMP is a huge Embarrassment.
But somehow he managed to get some decent stuff done and managed to block some crap.
GOOD JOB embarrassment.

BIDEN is an embarrassment.
But whoever is running the country is getting crap moved down the line to more horror.

At this point I have ZERO problem with politicians being difficult, uncouth, ornery or even completely irrational from time to time.
The country has got some issues that need action & some legislative ruckus or or headaches or embarrassment or lack of co-operation is fine if it's LEGAL and it's FAR better than violence.

Not sure how some people can talk about a possible "civil war" but have a major problem with some cantankerous behavior from politicians that are at least attempting to move the ball in the direction many of them say they want the country to move back to.

Sometimes we can't have a piece of Cake AND a balloon too.

06-13-2024, 07:52 AM
As a people myself,
All I want is political action, legislative policy that goes in the right direction.
I don't really care who's feelings are hurt or who has a headache, or who is or who isn't "playing by the rules" or who's not a "team player", who's an embarrassment.

TRUMP is a huge Embarrassment.
But somehow he managed to get some decent stuff done and managed to block some crap.
GOOD JOB embarrassment.

BIDEN is an embarrassment.
But whoever is running the country is getting crap moved down the line to more horror.

At this point I have ZERO problem with politicians being difficult, uncouth, ornery or even completely irrational from time to time.
The country has got some issues that need action & some legislative ruckus or or headaches or embarrassment or lack of co-operation is fine if it's LEGAL and it's FAR better than violence.

Not sure how some people can talk about a possible "civil war" but have a major problem with some cantankerous behavior from politicians that are at least attempting to move the ball in the direction many of them say they want the country to move back to.

Sometimes we can't have a piece of Cake AND a balloon too.

Blah, blah, blah. There are other vote for trump in spite of his narcissistic yammerings threads. I care about the motivations of people who crave chaos. Who embrace attention seeking whores. What's the end game if they're all the same?

06-13-2024, 08:48 AM
Greene, Gaetz, the kook that is an exhibitionist while getting high, are all embarrassments and attention whores. The saving grace is the left has so many more and even more deranged than the weirdos on the right:


ACLU Sues Biden Over Border RestrictionsJAZZ SHAW 9:20 AM | June 13, 2024

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta
As we have covered here repeatedly, President Joe Biden's widely touted executive action that would supposedly curb the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border has done basically nothing, with migrant encounter numbers holding steady and even increasing in some sectors. However, even hinting that he might do something about the crisis he created was clearly a bridge too far for some people. A group of immigrant advocacy groups led by the ACLU filed a lawsuit yesterday, laughably comparing Biden's actions to those of Trump and demanding that he fully reopen the border. The group is demanding unlimited availability of asylum claims for all who arrive at the border. This amounts to one more headache that Biden didn't need as he struggles to raise his approval numbers with people who are clearly fed up with the border crisis. (Associated Press)

A coalition of immigrant advocacy groups sued the Biden administration on Wednesday over President Joe Biden’s recent directive that effectively halts asylum claims at the southern border, saying it differs little from a similar move during the Trump administration that was blocked by the courts.

The lawsuit — filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and others on behalf of Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center and RAICES — is the first test of the legality of Biden’s sweeping crackdown on the border, which came after months of internal White House deliberations and is designed in part to deflect political attacks against the president on his handling of immigration.

“By enacting an asylum ban that is legally indistinguishable from the Trump ban we successfully blocked, we were left with no choice but to file this lawsuit,” said Lee Gelernt, an attorney for the ACLU.

The ACLU's demands will obviously be extremely unpopular with the public, but the entire question is probably academic. If Biden's order were being enforced (it's not at all clear that it is), it should have gone into effect immediately. The number of border encounters was far over the limit from the moment he signed it. In theory, asylum wouldn't be offered again until the number of encounters dropped to less than 1,500 per day for a period of seven days. But we haven't seen numbers that low since July of 2020 at the height of the pandemic.

Of course, Joe Biden also claimed that he expected to see "record numbers of deportation" when he signed the executive order. That never happened either. Just this week we learned that nearly all of the illegal migrants encountered in the San Diego sector were released into the country anyway, regardless of their asylum claim status. The supposed "crackdown" was a work of fiction, but the ACLU is suing the Biden administration anyway.

The Supreme Court really needs to take a fresh look at this entire question. Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act declares that the President of the United States may limit the entry of certain migrants into the country if it is believed that their entry is "detrimental to the national interest." That's a fairly vague definition that should give the President a great deal of leeway. How in the world could 10 million foreigners of dubious origin, including at least 1.6 million "gotaways" roaming the country not be seen as being detrimental to the national interest? It's obviously been "detrimental" to the many people, including children, who have been assaulted, raped, and even killed by some of these migrants. Would the current Supreme Court dare to disagree with that?

I'm not implying that Joe Biden will actually do anything about this. But it would still be vital to have a ruling on the question sooner rather than later because if Donald Trump returns to office, he will almost certainly put that policy fully into effect on day one. It would be reassuring to know that the court will have his back on this question. In the meantime, the rest of us will have to white-knuckle our way through until November and pray that things will turn around.

06-13-2024, 04:37 PM
Greene, Gaetz, the kook that is an exhibitionist while getting high, are all embarrassments and attention whores. The saving grace is the left has so many more and even more deranged than the weirdos on the right:

https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2024/06/13/aclu-sues-biden-over-border-restrictions-n3790177The one constant in this Nation: regardless party or topic, somebody's going to sue:rolleyes:

09-21-2024, 05:03 PM
Greene causing a stir in the hallowed halls back in Jan exposing Hunter Biden's Sexual freelancers payments after he didn't show up for the congressional subpoena.
the democratic house members clutching their pearls & upset by the "shocking!" "Jerry Springer show!" like censored displays of Hunters records IN CONGRESS.
My word! Oh My!

the guy screaming the loudest about it should probably have his phone & bank records checked.
He doth protest too much.

Probably would never been a video clip for millions to see if he'd just kept his mouth shut.


09-21-2024, 06:55 PM
Greene causing a stir in the hallowed halls back in Jan exposing Hunter Biden's Sexual freelancers payments after he didn't show up for the congressional subpoena.
the democratic house members clutching their pearls & upset by the "shocking!" "Jerry Springer show!" like censored displays of Hunters records IN CONGRESS.
My word! Oh My!

the guy screaming the loudest about it should probably have his phone & bank records checked.
He doth protest too much.

Probably would never been a video clip for millions to see if he'd just kept his mouth shut.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXyyXQHp3EsDoesn't matter. Her intentions could be at times as pure as the driven snow. Her presentations always look more like yellow snow. Not to mention she repeatedly falls on "the American people want" which is usually followed by something stupid or nonsensical and if YOU like her, you're the only person I know that does. She's an embarrassment to the right and one of several, perfect propaganda tools for the left.

09-21-2024, 07:07 PM
Doesn't matter. Her intentions could be at times as pure as the driven snow. Her presentations always look more like yellow snow. Not to mention she repeatedly falls on "the American people want" which is usually followed by something stupid or nonsensical and if YOU like her, you're the only person I know that does. She's an embarrassment to the right and one of several, perfect propaganda tools for the left.

And you know at least one person in the state of Georgia. :eek: But yes, the show distracts from the substance.

09-21-2024, 07:18 PM
And you know at least one person in the state of Georgia. :eek: But yes, the show distracts from the substance.

My father does. He still pals around with them, Newt being one. They went to school together. My extended paternal family is from all over the AL-GA line from Huntsville to Columbus. Matter of fact, they currently hold down most of the property in the church cemetery in New Market, AL :)

09-21-2024, 08:13 PM
My father does. He still pals around with them, Newt being one. They went to school together. My extended paternal family is from all over the AL-GA line from Huntsville to Columbus. Matter of fact, they currently hold down most of the property in the church cemetery in New Market, AL :)

Jim's brother is in GA I'm pretty sure.

09-22-2024, 06:43 AM
Jim's brother is in GA I'm pretty sure.

As far as I know he still is.

09-22-2024, 11:15 AM
As far as I know he still is.So the hilarious part to that stand up I posted is when she was talking about the two women in T Maxx. Was like listening to my Grandmaw and her friend Katherine. Now wouldn't you know both of their names were Katherine. Good thing they addressed each other as darlin', ma'am, and such. Ain't this some weather? You set down and let me get you some tea after walking all the way down the hill.

Then the conversation shifted to what I was allowed to have being as tea was loaded with caffeine. Solution to all that caffeine and sugar? A warm, 6 oz bottle of Coke:laugh: