View Full Version : 5 takeaways from Fauci’s heated House hearing

06-03-2024, 05:38 PM
5 takeaways from Fauci’s heated House hearing (thehill.com) (https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4701274-anthony-fauci-hearing-takeaways/)

06-03-2024, 09:42 PM
A vile man who stated in an interview that making people uncomfortable in their daily lives (lockdowns) would quickly change their mind about being anti vax.

06-04-2024, 06:42 AM
5 takeaways from Fauci’s heated House hearing (thehill.com) (https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4701274-anthony-fauci-hearing-takeaways/)
From the Hill Article
One particular issue that was frequently revisited during the hearing was the guidance to stay 6 feet apart to reduce transmission of the virus. During his closed-door interview, Fauci said the 6-feet guidance “sort of just appeared” — a remark that drew the ire of GOP members.

“It actually came from the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]. The CDC was responsible for those kinds of guidelines for schools, not me,” Fauci said. “It had little to do with me, since I didn’t make the recommendation. And my saying there was no science behind it means there was no clinical trial that proved that. That’s just one of the things that got a little distorted.”

He also refuted accusations that he had sought to cover or downplay a potential lab-leak theory on the origins of the pandemic.

“Two participants have testified before this subcommittee that I did not try to steer the discussion in any direction,” Fauci said.

He called claims that he sought to influence or bribe scientists investigating COVID “simply preposterous,” adding he gave “no input” on a published paper exploring the potential origins of COVID that learned towards a natural origins theory.

He read off old emails in which he discussed with colleagues the need for further investigation.

“It is inconceivable that anyone who reads this email could conclude that I was trying to cover up the possibility of a lab leak. I have always kept an open mind to the different possibilities,” he said.

the Hill, like a lot of MSM, hasn't told "the rest of the story"

Fauci is a lying scumbag. The receipts are public record. He doesn't need a congressional hearing he needs a real one.
Lab leak theory and Fauci's part

and more

+He was all over the Map with his "scientific advice".
No should wear a mask, it does no good .... everyone should wear a mask maybe 2.

Natural immunity is the best thing ... everyone should get the vax it's the best!

Other countries may shut down but this is America, and its not necessary ... slow the curb for 2 weeks. .... we need to keep things shut-down.

I see no need to close schools ... closing school for safety is a good idea.

When people are vaccinated they are not going to get infected ... well the vax will not protect you from infection but it will protect you from dying mostly.

One Thing is true though, he's not the only one who should shoulder the blame.
There's a little seen military advisor who was also instrumental in how the crap show played out. As well as other players.

06-05-2024, 10:16 AM
LAB Leak Lies & more at hearings... and more.
worth watching


Censorship from Gov't, pressuring Social media to especially focus on the TRUE content/info that went against the Gov't Narrative. because THAT was cause more problems for them.

natural immunity... vax doesn't stop transmission... 98+% will recover... mask don't work... vaccines not tested... looks like it's engineered... lockdowns will hurt more than help... 6 ft is BS...

trust the science

06-05-2024, 11:23 AM
Thank goodness MTG was there for the Deep State to provide a distraction.

06-05-2024, 05:08 PM
Thank goodness MTG was there for the Deep State to provide a distraction.

Distraction from what? Did you have any idea of what you wanted to see come out of the hearing fj?

06-05-2024, 06:15 PM
Distraction from what? Did you have any idea of what you wanted to see come out of the hearing fj?

There's been so many allegations of this and that; it came from China, Fauci funded gain of function, 6 feet this, social distance that. Where's the smoking gun? They've had years to get their run at Fauci with documents, proof, etc. A big disappointment. Her big win was screeching about not calling him "doctor." The Deep State is laughing at her.

06-06-2024, 08:30 AM
There's been so many allegations of this and that; it came from China, Fauci funded gain of function, 6 feet this, social distance that. Where's the smoking gun? They've had years to get their run at Fauci with documents, proof, etc. A big disappointment. Her big win was screeching about not calling him "doctor." The Deep State is laughing at her.

I don't care if DS is laughing at her. What I care about is the exposure.. no matter how it's exposed.

06-06-2024, 08:59 AM
I don't care if DS is laughing at her. What I care about is the exposure.. no matter how it's exposed.

Then you've lost.

06-06-2024, 11:13 AM
Then you've lost.

Yep, "I will not acknowledge reality, because I'm a fighter!" (Ed. Or an publicity seeking whore, which some of us see.)

06-06-2024, 01:19 PM
Yep, "I will not acknowledge reality, because I'm a fighter!" (Ed. Or an publicity seeking whore, which some of us see.)
How do you make this connection? I'm a fighter so I don't see realty? What reality am I not seeing here Kath?

BTW ... who do you support that isn't a publicity seeking whore? They're all publicity seekers. That's how they get their votes.

06-06-2024, 01:33 PM
How do you make this connection? I'm a fighter so I don't see realty? What reality am I not seeing here Kath?

BTW ... who do you support that isn't a publicity seeking whore? They're all publicity seekers. That's how they get their votes.

Is it your belief that Congress is made up of 535 publicity seekers on the order of MTG?

06-06-2024, 02:08 PM
Is it your belief that Congress is made up of 535 publicity seekers on the order of MTG?

Pretty much.

Black Diamond
06-06-2024, 02:18 PM
After Pelosi's speech tearing stunt, the Dems should have nothing to say about greene or anyone elses antics. She set a precedent and was never held accountable.

06-06-2024, 02:54 PM
Pretty much.

Well that's a ridiculous position and one without faith in our underlying governmental structure or hope for the future.

06-06-2024, 02:55 PM
After Pelosi's speech tearing stunt, the Dems should have nothing to say about greene or anyone elses antics. She set a precedent and was never held accountable.

But against trump so all is washed clean.

Black Diamond
06-06-2024, 03:16 PM
But against trump so all is washed clean.

That's why you're seeing people get more and more agitated and angry.

06-06-2024, 04:44 PM
Fauci was a useful tool. Without looking, can anyone name his replacement? Didn't think so.

I'm fine with them throwing him in a deep, dark hole. Not going to change a thing.

06-06-2024, 05:19 PM
Well that's a ridiculous position and one without faith in our underlying governmental structure or hope for the future.


Black Diamond
06-06-2024, 06:11 PM

Black Diamond
06-06-2024, 06:13 PM
Well that's a ridiculous position and one without faith in our underlying governmental structure or hope for the future.

Why would anyone have faith in either of those?

06-06-2024, 07:13 PM
Why would anyone have faith in either of those?

Ever read, "Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes?

Black Diamond
06-06-2024, 07:19 PM
Ever read, "Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes?

No but i will do it

06-06-2024, 07:48 PM
No but i will do it

Do. Once started it's not that difficult, but a little 'old English.' Gives the reasons Hobbes was glad to see the exit of Dark Ages and why he welcomed strong government. Truth is, the Founders truly used much of his work, tempered by other political writers.

06-07-2024, 06:44 AM
(if the main thing some folks can (want too) think of MTG here's my last 2 cents)

Pelosi ripping papers, MTG not using the word "DR", A congressman shouting "You Lie!"...

I'm still not sure where some folks got the idea that congress is always some hallowed place like church, or an elementary school class, where no one can or should ever say or do things "out of order" or outside of proper decorum. Or that some words are completely intolerable acts.
There's a LONG history of outburst and strait up Violence, including fist fights, canings, group brawls, and drawing of pistols by congressmen in the course of duties.
One historian in the article says that the cold war brought more peace to the chambers than any time before.
The idea that Congress must always be orderly & respectful like a wedding or court is frankly BS.
the supreme court should be like court. But congress should generally able to express themselves. Mainly in a well mannered and orderly way within the rules THEY made up, but to imagine that it's supposed to operate like some victorian ballroom dance event where everyone stays well in their places makes no sense.

06-07-2024, 06:55 AM
Fauci was a useful tool. Without looking, can anyone name his replacement? Didn't think so.
I'm fine with them throwing him in a deep, dark hole. Not going to change a thing.

Hopefully he's just the beginning.

And as far as Change goes, how many here are going to be the 1st line up to take the next NEW shots the gov't recommends for the horrible new FILL IN THE BLANK virus that's going to kill us all?

If the people change and simply say NO to the gov't, then it does not matter who or what the head of of the NIH or CDC says.
They are NOT our doctors.
Never were.

But people tend to like the gov't to tell them what to do, and many like to go along with the popular "experts" and the popular crowd.
So we'll see.

06-07-2024, 07:57 AM

That's a sad way to live. And it's also a POV with no positive outcome. And I forgot it should have been 536 attention seeking whores. It seems the only outcome of all of that is a strongman at the top.

Why would anyone have faith in either of those?

They have served us well and superior to the alternative.

06-07-2024, 08:00 AM
(if the main thing some folks can (want too) think of MTG here's my last 2 cents)

Pelosi ripping papers, MTG not using the word "DR", A congressman shouting "You Lie!"...

The problem here is she's a distraction and has no idea how to get things done which is great if chaos is your desired outcome.

Please tell me how this... is a positive.


There could have been so much "gotcha" to come out of the hearings if they actually had the "gotcha."

06-07-2024, 08:34 AM
The problem here is she's a distraction and has no idea how to get things done which is great if chaos is your desired outcome.

There could have been so much "gotcha" to come out of the hearings if they actually had the "gotcha."
There WERE a lot a lot of gotcha to come out of the hearings but it seems you've fixated on the MTG 5 minutes.



06-07-2024, 08:51 AM
There WERE a lot a lot of gotcha to come out of the hearings but it seems you've fixated on the MTG 5 minutes.

I'm fixated on the outcome. None so far.

06-07-2024, 12:27 PM
I'm fixated on the outcome. None so far.
see no evil... in Facui at least.


Former CDC Director Robert Redfield on ascertainment bias and the wet market hypothesis:

"When I called George Gao, who was the head of the Chinese CDC, my counterpart, on New Year's Eve in 2019,
George told me he had 27 cases of a new respiratory illness that wasn't flu and SARS.
I asked him what his case definition was and he said, 'Bob, it's people with an undefined respiratory illness that's not SARS and not flu that came from the wet market'. And I said 'Well, George, then by definition everybody came from the wet market. Why are you trying to do this?' [...]
So I asked him to go out and look outside of the wet market, which he did. And about two to three days later, he called me and he said 'Bob, we have hundreds of cases and it has nothing to do with the wet market.' So the wet market was a roost. Which again, I feel that again, there's culpability there and not being transparent about the thing."

06-07-2024, 01:07 PM
see no evil... in Facui at least.

Beg pardon?

06-07-2024, 01:23 PM
Beg pardon?
It's become the same with right and left-must be in 100% agreement or you are a 'hater' or a 'wimp' or 'without the bigger knowledge' or a 'RINO' and/or anything else and combo of any.

Black Diamond
06-07-2024, 01:43 PM
see no evil... in Facui at least.


Former CDC Director Robert Redfield on ascertainment bias and the wet market hypothesis:

"When I called George Gao, who was the head of the Chinese CDC, my counterpart, on New Year's Eve in 2019,
George told me he had 27 cases of a new respiratory illness that wasn't flu and SARS.
I asked him what his case definition was and he said, 'Bob, it's people with an undefined respiratory illness that's not SARS and not flu that came from the wet market'. And I said 'Well, George, then by definition everybody came from the wet market. Why are you trying to do this?' [...]
So I asked him to go out and look outside of the wet market, which he did. And about two to three days later, he called me and he said 'Bob, we have hundreds of cases and it has nothing to do with the wet market.' So the wet market was a roost. Which again, I feel that again, there's culpability there and not being transparent about the thing."

Are you saying FJ thinks there is nothing wrong with fauci

06-07-2024, 04:45 PM
Hopefully he's just the beginning.

And as far as Change goes, how many here are going to be the 1st line up to take the next NEW shots the gov't recommends for the horrible new FILL IN THE BLANK virus that's going to kill us all?

If the people change and simply say NO to the gov't, then it does not matter who or what the head of of the NIH or CDC says.
They are NOT our doctors.
Never were.

But people tend to like the gov't to tell them what to do, and many like to go along with the popular "experts" and the popular crowd.
So we'll see.

Are you afraid of everything?

06-07-2024, 05:14 PM
But people tend to like the gov't to tell them what to do, and many like to go along with the popular "experts" and the popular crowd.
So we'll see.

I think you overstate that a bit. Do you watch any TV with commercials? People want to take pills and people want to get shots... for about anything. It is far easier for them to do that than it is to undertake meaningful steps. Why did "Pfizer" come up with X pill? Because people want a pill to address X. They're the same people who perk up when a commercial comes on and the first question is "injured?" or "in debt?" or think an extended auto warranty is a good idea.

Society is where it is because that is what society demands.

06-07-2024, 05:36 PM
Are you afraid of everything?
Not afraid of not helping Ukraine... or Israel.
Not Afraid of Covid.

06-07-2024, 05:54 PM
Are you saying FJ thinks there is nothing wrong with fauci

Beg pardon?

It's become the same with right and left-must be in 100% agreement or you are a 'hater' or a 'wimp' or 'without the bigger knowledge' or a 'RINO' and/or anything else and combo of any.

I'm fixated on the outcome. None so far.

my point was that is seems that every time i mentioned a Facui issue, FJ tosses out a complaint or snarky comment about MTG.
AS IF the items just mentioned about Facui are not worth discussing BY COMPARISON to MTG.

5 take aways with Fauci's hearing are:
1.MTG:rolleyes: !!!
5.um Fauci ? ok he may have done something, i dont like um, but I won't comment on it but MTG!!!!

therefore i said
Fauci "see no evil"

maybe it's me.
At this point i've derailed myself being confused and distracted by others (in my opinion) Undo HIGH concern about MTG.

Black Diamond
06-07-2024, 06:08 PM

06-07-2024, 06:12 PM
my point was that is seems that every time i mentioned a Facui issue, FJ tosses out a complaint or snarky comment about MTG.
AS IF the items just mentioned about Facui are not worth discussing BY COMPARISON to MTG.

5 take aways with Fauci's hearing are:
1.MTG:rolleyes: !!!
5.um Fauci ? ok he may have done something, i dont like um, but I won't comment on it but MTG!!!!

therefore i said
Fauci "see no evil"

maybe it's me.
At this point i've derailed myself being confused and distracted by others (in my opinion) Undo HIGH concern about MTG.

You also don't get why Trump, Gaetz, etc. are beyond my cup of acceptable. While Trump may well get my vote, it's not because of him or name calling, but the Democrats threatening our country because they think Trump is deserving of MTG type of behavior-writ large.

06-07-2024, 07:16 PM
You also don't get why Trump, Gaetz, etc. are beyond my cup of acceptable. While Trump may well get my vote, it's not because of him or name calling, but the Democrats threatening our country because they think Trump is deserving of MTG type of behavior-writ large.

I understand why people wouldn't vote for Trump or MTG etc..
kicking them out though... well anywho.. i'll leave it..

06-08-2024, 09:16 AM
my point was that is seems that every time i mentioned a Facui issue, FJ tosses out a complaint or snarky comment about MTG.
AS IF the items just mentioned about Facui are not worth discussing BY COMPARISON to MTG.

5 take aways with Fauci's hearing are:
1.MTG:rolleyes: !!!
5.um Fauci ? ok he may have done something, i dont like um, but I won't comment on it but MTG!!!!

therefore i said
Fauci "see no evil"

maybe it's me.
At this point i've derailed myself being confused and distracted by others (in my opinion) Undo HIGH concern about MTG.

I brought her up once because she's the current chief buffoonette. And then we had a conversation about the overall takeaway. If you want someone to parrot your "Fauci sucks" mantra over and over with repetitive laundry list complaints then I'm not your guy. You've got a gal for that.

Is he a problem? Damn right he is if he goes around the levers of government and abuses his position.

Is she a problem? Damn right she is if she doesn't know how to use the power of her office and position as oversight.

The question here isn't does Fauci suck. The question is what changes can be made because of this? And that answer is based on how people react and are seen by the public. That's what you don't seem to understand.

06-08-2024, 09:23 AM

Seriously. I'm wondering what your end game is?

06-10-2024, 09:41 AM
another Fauci take-away

Dr. Paul Marik – Fauci Knew Remdesivir was Deadly – Submitted False Study – Modified Endpoint to FDA
"Hospitals were paid an extra 20% if they added another deadly drug to the Covid Protocol. That drug being a drug that was tested once and Fauci knew without a shadow of doubt that the drug caused kidney and liver failure but he thought it would be great for the elderly who were the majority going to the hospitals.
That drug was Remdesivir.
Fauci participated in scientific misconduct when in the middle of quick trial of Remdesivir, he changed the Primary Endpoint and invented a bogus endpoint called “Time to Recovery” which they said was “statistically significant” and based on this fraud study.
Remdesivir was approved by the FDA on October 20, 2020 from this fraudulent study and the FDA also was aware that this drug was previously shelved because it killed in previous trials. You see corruption and intentional plots by all parties involved."


06-10-2024, 05:42 PM
Some folks take away from the hearing

The entire "Fauci grilling" is a classic psychological manipulation known as "cooling the mark out"
Fauci is not going to jail, and he does not have to return any of the money
We are the mark, and they are "cooling the mark out"
👉GOFFMAN E. On cooling the mark out; some aspects of adaptation to failure. Psychiatry. 1952 Nov;15(4):451-63. doi: 10.1080/00332747.1952.11022896. PMID: 13014214. "


1. ["Cooling the mark out" is a term coined by sociologist Erving Goffman in his 1952 paper "On Cooling the Mark Out: Some Aspects of Adaptation to Failure". The term refers to a process where an individual who has been deceived or wronged is pacified to prevent them from seeking redress, retaliation, or recovery of losses. The 'mark' is the victim of a con or scam, and 'cooling out' is the process of calming them down and dissuading them from taking action .

2. In the context of the "Fauci grilling", the user seems to be suggesting that the public questioning and criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci is a form of "cooling the mark out". The implication is that the public (the 'mark') is being pacified by the spectacle of Fauci being held accountable, but without any real consequences for him (i.e., he's not going to jail,) .

3. The user's reference to Erving Goffman's work suggests they are viewing the situation through a sociological lens, interpreting the "Fauci grilling" as a form of social manipulation designed to placate the public and prevent them from seeking further action or accountability .

06-10-2024, 10:01 PM
Some folks take away from the hearing

The entire "Fauci grilling" is a classic psychological manipulation known as "cooling the mark out"
Fauci is not going to jail, and he does not have to return any of the money
We are the mark, and they are "cooling the mark out"
👉GOFFMAN E. On cooling the mark out; some aspects of adaptation to failure. Psychiatry. 1952 Nov;15(4):451-63. doi: 10.1080/00332747.1952.11022896. PMID: 13014214. "


1. ["Cooling the mark out" is a term coined by sociologist Erving Goffman in his 1952 paper "On Cooling the Mark Out: Some Aspects of Adaptation to Failure". The term refers to a process where an individual who has been deceived or wronged is pacified to prevent them from seeking redress, retaliation, or recovery of losses. The 'mark' is the victim of a con or scam, and 'cooling out' is the process of calming them down and dissuading them from taking action .

2. In the context of the "Fauci grilling", the user seems to be suggesting that the public questioning and criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci is a form of "cooling the mark out". The implication is that the public (the 'mark') is being pacified by the spectacle of Fauci being held accountable, but without any real consequences for him (i.e., he's not going to jail,) .

3. The user's reference to Erving Goffman's work suggests they are viewing the situation through a sociological lens, interpreting the "Fauci grilling" as a form of social manipulation designed to placate the public and prevent them from seeking further action or accountability .

Yep! That's a good take on the hearing.

06-14-2024, 11:41 AM
The Things that generally WEREn't Brought up at the hearing that should have been.

Dr. Fauci, Dr. Walensky, Dr. Vivek Murthy (the U.S. Surgeon General), and more than a dozen White House staffers were CC’d on emails confirming in February through April 2021 that minors were suffering heart damage from the mRNA COVID injections. Rather than disclosing this fact to Americans, the teams CC’d coordinated a 17-page ‘script’ to present publicly, and which is completely redacted, and Dr. Walensky continued to urge parents to arrange mRNA vaccination for minors, including young adults, describing such vaccination as “safe and effective.”
The US Food and Drug Administration tried to hide Pfizer’s ages 16+ clinical trial documents for 75 years from the public.
Pfizer and the FDA knew that the company’s mRNA COVID vaccine did not prevent contraction or transmission of COVID-19, yet both told the unsuspecting public that it was 95% effective at those two things. Pfizer’s language was “vaccine failure” and “failure of efficacy.” One of the most common ”adverse events” in the Pfizer documents is “COVID.”
The FDA told Americans that Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 treatments are ‘vaccines,’ when, in fact, they are gene therapy products. In the summer of 2020, the FDA communicated directly to Moderna that its COVID product was gene therapy. No one informed the public that they were being injected with a gene therapy product, not a ‘vaccine.’
When submitting its clinical trial data to the FDA for emergency use authorization consideration, Pfizer left out the data showing several additional deaths in vaccinated trial participants. The company made it look as if there were more deaths in the unvaccinated placebo cohort than in the vaccinated cohort when, in fact, the opposite was true. Had Pfizer submitted accurate data to the FDA, it would have been very challenging for the FDA to justify granting emergency use authorization to the novel drug.
By March 12, 2021, Pfizer researchers vaccinated almost the entire placebo (non-vaccinated) cohort from the trial, though Pfizer had previously committed to following both the vaccinated and placebo cohorts for two years. Immediately after receiving the Emergency Use Authorization, Pfizer lobbied the FDA to allow them to vaccinate the unvaccinated cohort for “humanitarian” reasons. Vaccinating the placebo group ended the ability to pursue safety studies over time.
Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC all told the public that the injected COVID-19 drug stayed in the deltoid muscle while knowing that Pfizer’s own biodistribution study from the clinical trial showed that the vaccine’s ingredients quickly distribute throughout the body and accumulate in almost all human organs. Additionally, it crosses all membranes in the body, including the blood-brain barrier, the blood-testis barrier, and the placental barrier.
Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC knew by early 2021 that the injections damaged the hearts of young people — and yet waited months to inform the public.
In the first 90 days of Pfizer’s COVID shot being publicly available, sixty-one people died of stroke — half of the stroke adverse events being within a couple of days after injection.
In the first 90 days of Pfizer’s COVID shot being publicly available , five people died of liver damage with, again, many of the liver damage adverse events sustained shortly after the injection.
Neurological events, cardiac events (including myocarditis and pericarditis, which the White House actively suppressed), strokes, brain hemorrhages, and blood clots, lung clots and leg clots at massive scale.
The mRNA vaccine is an attack on human reproduction. It causes harms to sperm count, testes, sperm motility; to ovaries, menstrual cycles, placentas; to mothers’ ability to carry their babies safely to term. Menstrual harms include women bleeding every day, having two periods a month, having no periods at all, hemorrhaging and passing tissue, starting to bleed again in menopause after menopause. About three-fourths of known adverse events affect women, many of which are reproductive disorders.
Pfizer defined “exposure” to the mRNA vaccine as including skin-to-skin contact, inhalation and sexual contact. The public was not informed of the risk of such vaccine ‘shedding.’
In the first three months of Pfizer’s vaccine being publicly available, 1,233 post-vaccination deaths were reported to Pfizer Worldwide Safety. Once again, the public was not informed and — even worse — the drug was left on the market to kill and injure so many others.
Pfizer mated vaccinated female rats and “untreated” male rats and then examined those males, females, and their offspring for vaccine-related “toxicity.” Based on just forty-four rats (and no humans), Pfizer declared no negative outcomes for “…mating performance, fertility, or any ovarian or uterine parameters…nor on embryo-fetal or postnatal survival, growth, or development,” the implication being that its COVID vaccine was safe in pregnancy and did not harm babies. Yet, the evidence seen in pregnant humans did not support such a conclusion. In one section of the documents, over 80 percent of the pregnancies followed resulted in miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. In another section of the documents, two newborn babies died, and Pfizer described the cause of death as “maternal exposure” to the vaccine.
Pfizer knew that vaccine materials entered vaccinated moms’ breast milk and poisoned babies. Some women’s breast milk turned “blue-green.” Pfizer produced a report with a chart of sick babies, made ill from breastfeeding from vaccinated moms, with symptoms ranging from fever to edema (swollen flesh) to hives to vomiting. One baby had convulsions, was taken to the ER, and died there of multi-organ system failure.
On Feb 28, 2021, Pfizer produced a “Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review” showing that after mothers’ vaccination with its vaccine:

Adverse events occurred in over 54 percent of cases of “maternal exposure” to vaccine and included 53 reports of “spontaneous abortion (51)/ abortion (1)/ abortion missed (1)” following vaccination.
Premature labor and delivery cases occurred, as well as two newborn deaths.
Some newborns suffered severe respiratory distress or ‘illness’ after exposure via breast milk.

“Substantial” birth rate drops happened across thirteen countries: countries in Europe, as well as Britain, Australia, and Taiwan, within nine months of public vaccine rollout.
Spike protein and inflammation from the vaccine remained still present in heart tissue one year after receipt of the mRNA COVID vaccine.
Infants and children under twelve received Pfizer’s vaccine seven months before a pediatric vaccine approval resulting in:

Facial paralysis.
Kidney injury or failure.

There was an over 3.7-fold increase in the number of deaths due to cardiovascular events in vaccinated clinical trial subjects compared to placebo subjects. Again, the FDA did not inform the public of this known risk.
The vaccine Pfizer rolled out to the public was different f the formulation used on the vast majority, over 97%, of 46,331 clinical trial participants. Pfizer and the FDA failed to tell the public that they would be taking a vaccine tested on a tiny subset of clinical trial subjects, just 252 individuals. They also failed to disclose that Pfizer’s vaccine was contaminated with unsafe levels of DNA plasmids as well as the SV40 promoter enhancer sequence.
Histopathologic analyses (the staining of tissues to show disease states) show clear evidence of vaccine-induced, autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs; spike protein-caused erosion of the blood vessels, heart, and lymphatic vessels; amyloids in multiple tissues; unusual, aggressive cancers; and atypical “clot” formations.
Following vaccination, younger patients began presenting with cancers; tumors were bigger and grew more aggressively and faster than cancers had prior to mass inoculation of populations; co-temporal onset (the onset more than one cancer at the same time) of cancers became more common—a situation that was typically very unusual before the mRNA vaccines’ rollout. Benign tumors’ growth accelerated.
Autoimmunity cases reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) increased 24-fold from 2020 to 2021, and annual autoimmunity-related fatalities increased 37x in the same time period.
In Pfizer’s October 2021 emergency use authorization data and documents submission to the FDA for its vaccine for children ages five to eleven, Pfizer investigators speculated in writing that subclinical damages would manifest in patients in the long term, implying that continued doses with subclinical damages would eventually manifest as clinical damages.
In trial studies, Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccine damaged mammals’ reproduction—resulting in 22 percent fewer pregnancies; skeletal malformations; and nursing problems.
There were hundreds of possible vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) cases in the first three months of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine rollout. Public health spokespeople minimized their severity by calling them “breakthrough COVID cases.”


08-12-2024, 11:19 AM
FAUCI IN 2021: “When people are vaccinated, they are not going to get infected.”

FAUCI NOW: “I got infected about two weeks ago. It was my third Covid-19 infection, and I had been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times.”

08-12-2024, 11:22 AM
FAUCI IN 2021: “When people are vaccinated, they are not going to get infected.”

FAUCI NOW: “I got infected about two weeks ago. It was my third Covid-19 infection, and I had been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times.”

Totally agree with then and now. What was known in 2021, is very different from the reality we lived through to get to late 2024. Like our current Democrat nominees, I don't fault them or Fauci for what they didn't know, I blame them for the direct lies and attempt to deceive the citizens of the US in a myriad of related and known ways.

Got to blame the people too, those who do not adjust their thinking.

One doesn't always 'know' everything and even in good intentions can say false things. The bottom line is coming out and making the corrections even more loudly than the falsehoods.

08-12-2024, 11:40 AM
Totally agree with then and now. What was known in 2021, is very different from the reality we lived through to get to late 2024. Like our current Democrat nominees, I don't fault them or Fauci for what they didn't know, I blame them for the direct lies and attempt to deceive the citizens of the US in a myriad of related and known ways.

Got to blame the people too, those who do not adjust their thinking.

One doesn't always 'know' everything and even in good intentions can say false things. The bottom line is coming out and making the corrections even more loudly than the falsehoods.

Fauci did not "KNOW" anything about the vaccine not allowing infection. there was NOT enough data for him to "KNOW" that in 2021. in fact just the opposite.
He was lying, at best he was HOPING that was the case.
But as a Dr he knows there's NO SUCH thing as a vaccine that blocks infections, at best they protect from MAJOR negative outcomes from infections. The immune system takes the new infections out because it's seen it's like before in the form of the vaccine.

Plus he knows that in general vaccines don't work for everyone.

ALSO he, (unlike the public) was able to review the study docs that Pfizer wanted covered up for 75 years. In those docs it showed that it didn't block infection and other vax research said they NEVER tested to see if it blocked transmission.
(because they were "operating at the speed of science")
So yes we can fault him Kath.

He was lying
Just like he was lying about Mask.
and admitted as much.

08-12-2024, 12:01 PM
Fauci did not "KNOW" anything about the vaccine not allowing infection. there was NOT enough data for him to "KNOW" that in 2021. in fact just the opposite.
He was lying, at best he was HOPING that was the case.
But as a Dr he knows there's NO SUCH thing as a vaccine that blocks infections, at best they protect from MAJOR negative outcomes from infections. The immune system takes the new infections out because it's seen it's like before in the form of the vaccine.

Plus he knows that in general vaccines don't work for everyone.

ALSO he, (unlike the public) was able to review the study docs that Pfizer wanted covered up for 75 years. In those docs it showed that it didn't block infection and other vax research said they NEVER tested to see if it blocked transmission.
(because they were "operating at the speed of science")
So yes we can fault him Kath.

He was lying
Just like he was lying about Mask.
and admitted as much.

Yes, I know all that, as I did at the time. How Ling have they been looking for cold vaccines? Also true, meds can mitigate symptoms. When symptoms are held down, less complications ensue and interventions may work. I get that.

I knew it was coming, I educate myself and my personal interests gave me insight.

Others were panicking. It's also government job to try and control that. I see those earlier statements in that type of context, 2021 is starting to draw it out, but will give some leeway to Trump and even early Biden administration.

08-12-2024, 01:54 PM
IMO Lying about health issues doesn't help anyone.
And feeds mistrust of the medical authorities for those who see the lies at the time (like myself) and later for those who discover the lies over time.

08-12-2024, 03:33 PM
IMO Lying about health issues doesn't help anyone.
And feeds mistrust of the medical authorities for those who see the lies at the time (like myself) and later for those who discover the lies over time.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. Not everyone is that educated or rational.

08-12-2024, 03:45 PM
Yes, I know all that, as I did at the time. How Ling have they been looking for cold vaccines? Also true, meds can mitigate symptoms. When symptoms are held down, less complications ensue and interventions may work. I get that.

I knew it was coming, I educate myself and my personal interests gave me insight.

Others were panicking. It's also government job to try and control that. I see those earlier statements in that type of context, 2021 is starting to draw it out, but will give some leeway to Trump and even early Biden administration.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. Not everyone is that educated or rational.

None of this matters when the lynch mob is determined somebody's got to hang after it's ridden so long and hard in the heat and dust. Gotta be a payoff :rolleyes:

08-12-2024, 03:47 PM
You're certainly entitled to your opinion. Not everyone is that educated or rational.

Here's a bit more of my opinion & facts. free no charge.
& IMO lying to appease those who are prone to panic doesn't seem to be a good plan.
On the facts side the govt OVERSTATED the dangers, deaths and pushed the fears on a daily basis.
And its been discovered they meant to drive the fears higher (they lied again) "for the greater good".

So they are saying on one side of their mouths that they were trying to ease panic ....by one set of lies
but on the other side of their mouths it's discovered they were promoting fears to drive general compliance & vaccine uptake ....with another set of lies.

Sorry but, I dont see how that's a generally reasonable, understandable or forgivable policy.