View Full Version : Ms. Greene Just Illustrates Why She Should Be Expelled From Congress

06-03-2024, 11:07 AM
Unbelievable behavior in Oversight Committee. She undoes all the points made by other members, gives Dems the upper hand.

06-03-2024, 12:36 PM
yaaaayyyyy.... Georgiaaaaa..... :(

06-03-2024, 05:19 PM
Unbelievable behavior in Oversight Committee. She undoes all the points made by other members, gives Dems the upper hand.General statement? Or is there supposed to be a link to a story?

If it's a general statement, she's as batshit crazy as anyone in the Squad. It's going some when even a quack like Boebert distances herself.

06-03-2024, 05:28 PM
General statement? Or is there supposed to be a link to a story?

If it's a general statement, she's as batshit crazy as anyone in the Squad. It's going some when even a quack like Boebert distances herself.

Her behavior in committee meeting, deplorable. I don't know if any articles yet, I'm at work. Saw it this morning.

06-03-2024, 05:41 PM
Don't see the reason for reprimand myself. "Mr" is a perfectly acceptable title. Should reprimand her for being stupid.

GOP coronavirus panel chair reprimands Greene for refusing to call Fauci doctor (thehill.com) (https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4700580-greene-fauci-doctor-reprimand/)

06-03-2024, 07:19 PM
Don't see the reason for reprimand myself. "Mr" is a perfectly acceptable title. Should reprimand her for being stupid.

GOP coronavirus panel chair reprimands Greene for refusing to call Fauci doctor (thehill.com) (https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4700580-greene-fauci-doctor-reprimand/)

Well, he was invited/told to be there. Questioning is fine, tough questions should be the norm. Disrespecting, attempting to humiliate; which of course does not occur when one is acting as an ass; not acceptable. Imo.

06-04-2024, 07:22 AM
Well, he was invited/told to be there. Questioning is fine, tough questions should be the norm. Disrespecting, attempting to humiliate; which of course does not occur when one is acting as an ass; not acceptable. Imo.
I get that, sort of, but not really.

If someone is convinced by the evidence available that the person they are talking to is greatly responsible for,
ruining businesses,
tanking the economy,
getting millions fired,
handicapping students mental health and education for decades to come,
promoting a vaccine that's been basically useless & has killed or handicapped unknown 10s of thousands,
actively blocked the truth about safer alternative options,
AND helped fund the creation of the virus that killed millions and started the whole mess.

Is it really a strange that some people might not want to treat him with "due" respect and proper decorum?

We should be angry at Greene for "acting an ass" for Not giving Fauci proper respect? really?
In my mind it's like if a doctor is a serial killer, being upset at the prosecution for not calling him doctor.
sorry no, I don't understand that.

More upset at Greene harsh words? that's what we get from this hearing? She needs to be expelled from congress? H3ll no.
Seems to me her words are mild treatment for the harm he's helped caused.

Everyone can have their own opinion, but I don't see how Greene's words are so horrible in comparison to the Shadow of the death Facui brought into room.

06-04-2024, 08:07 AM
I get that, sort of, but not really.

If someone is convinced by the evidence available that the person they are talking to is greatly responsible for,
ruining businesses,
tanking the economy,
getting millions fired,
handicapping students mental health and education for decades to come,
promoting a vaccine that's been basically useless & has killed or handicapped unknown 10s of thousands,
actively blocked the truth about safer alternative options,
AND helped fund the creation of the virus that killed millions and started the whole mess.

Is it really a strange that some people might not want to treat him with "due" respect and proper decorum?

We should be angry at Greene for "acting an ass" for Not giving Fauci proper respect? really?
In my mind it's like if a doctor is a serial killer, being upset at the prosecution for not calling him doctor.
sorry no, I don't understand that.

More upset at Greene harsh words? that's what we get from this hearing? She needs to be expelled from congress? H3ll no.
Seems to me her words are mild treatment for the harm he's helped caused.

Everyone can have their own opinion, but I don't see how Greene's words are so horrible in comparison to the Shadow of the death Facui brought into room.

In a Congressional Room, just like in a court room. The person 'called' 'invited' 'required to be there,' should be treated fairly and with due respect. You know, civilly. I am on the precipice of voting for someone I truly believe is not good for the country, a vile person. That I've watched people that are supposed to be representative of the people of the US, of which I am one, acting like asses or jakals if you will, disgusts me. Because they are stomping on the system, you know, the contract between the people and those they allow to represent them-the social contract.

Yeah, principles do matter. To me, at least. Either side. I'm all for punishing-in courts and at the ballot box. Just don't need to be an ass to do so.

06-04-2024, 09:23 AM
In a Congressional Room, just like in a court room. The person 'called' 'invited' 'required to be there,' should be treated fairly and with due respect. You know, civilly. I am on the precipice of voting for someone I truly believe is not good for the country, a vile person. That I've watched people that are supposed to be representative of the people of the US, of which I am one, acting like asses or jakals if you will, disgusts me. Because they are stomping on the system, you know, the contract between the people and those they allow to represent them-the social contract.

Yeah, principles do matter. To me, at least. Either side. I'm all for punishing-in courts and at the ballot box. Just don't need to be an ass to do so.

If that's what upsets you more in this hearing, ok.
The fact that some people have the self control to ONLY call him names is good enough in my book, with this level or horror,
Being polite has it's place to be sure, but it's NOT something someone needs to be EXPELLED from congress for lacking , especially when dealing with some who's effectively a bureaucratic mass murderer of the people of the US.

When a father beats the crap out of someone who sexually assaults their child, do you understand the sentiment?
Even if you think he should have been polite and escorted him to the police station... respectfully.

"DR" Nassar sexual assaulted young girls athletes. No one died. If someone failed to call him "DR" in court would that be too much for the court to bear? should a lawyer loose their license over it?

06-04-2024, 09:47 AM
If that's what upsets you more in this hearing, ok.
The fact that some people have the self control to ONLY call him names is good enough in my book, with this level or horror,
Being polite has it's place to be sure, but it's NOT something someone needs to be EXPELLED from congress for lacking , especially when dealing with some who's effectively a bureaucratic mass murderer of the people of the US.

When a father beats the crap out of someone who sexually assaults their child, do you understand the sentiment?
Even if you think he should have been polite and escorted him to the police station... respectfully.

"DR" Nassar sexual assaulted young girls athletes. No one died. If someone failed to call him "DR" in court would that be too much for the court to bear? should a lawyer loose their license over it?

We are not going to agree here. Our values are just different.

06-04-2024, 09:58 AM
We are not going to agree here. Our values are just different.
So just to be clear, you think she should be expelled from congress for what she said.. or failed to say.

06-04-2024, 10:34 AM
So just to be clear, you think she should be expelled from congress for what she said.. or failed to say.

Her behavior, disrespect to both the 'guest' and her colleagues. She totally told all to pound sand, party of no matter. She's just a self-serving person.

06-04-2024, 11:16 AM
Her behavior, disrespect to both the 'guest' and her colleagues. She totally told all to pound sand, party of no matter. She's just a self-serving person.


my last here.. I think Facui was subpoenaed to testify before the committee.
so I suppose one could call him a "guest", but he's technically more like a witness.
a hostile lying, murderous witness.

06-04-2024, 11:19 AM

my last here.. I think Facui was subpoenaed to testify before the committee.
so I suppose one could call him a "guest", but he's technically more like a witness.
a hostile lying, murderous witness.

Whatever regarding how he got there. I do not like Fauci, I do not like Trump, actually I am hard pressed to name a politician or related company I like. Can't do it right now. Nevertheless, it's the process that should play out, not their personal animosities or desires to be center of attention.

06-04-2024, 11:21 AM
Her behavior, disrespect to both the 'guest' and her colleagues. She totally told all to pound sand, party of no matter. She's just a self-serving person.

Yes, she made it about her and precluded it being about him.

06-04-2024, 11:23 AM
Yes, she made it about her and precluded it being about him.
Yup, like I posted in OP, she gave up all the points previously made. She's awful.

06-04-2024, 11:57 AM
Yes, she made it about her and precluded it being about him.
point of order
People can choose who to focus on whatever they like in any situation. Some folks are bothered & distracted by things that to others aren't that relevant.
Also too often, the media & those officials in opposition to reality like to play up distractions as the main issue at hand, to derail focus on needed corrections and to derail the people doing that work.

06-04-2024, 12:04 PM
point of order
People can choose who to focus on whatever they like in any situation. Some folks are bothered & distracted by things that to others aren't that relevant.
Also too often, the media & those officials in opposition to reality like to play up distractions as the main issue at hand, to derail focus on needed corrections and to derail the people doing that work.

Many things we can blame the media, my post wasn't that. I posted as the twit was blathering live at a Congressional hearing, being repeatedly reprimanded, to no avail. Self serving ninny.

06-04-2024, 12:09 PM
point of order
People can choose who to focus on whatever they like in any situation. Some folks are bothered & distracted by things that to others aren't that relevant.
Also too often, the media & those officials in opposition to reality like to play up distractions as the main issue at hand, to derail focus on needed corrections and to derail the people doing that work.

Correct. Bottom line? She was a distraction to her purported cause. Unless her purported cause is herself... which I won't argue the counter to that.

06-04-2024, 03:55 PM
Well, he was invited/told to be there. Questioning is fine, tough questions should be the norm. Disrespecting, attempting to humiliate; which of course does not occur when one is acting as an ass; not acceptable. Imo.

Agreed. Decorum. The media is playing fast and loose with the "she said's" and "why's". Using a coffee stir as a sieve, the comment "she wouldn't call him doctor" is no biggee to me. How she went about it is unacceptable behavior before Congress as far as I'm concerned. That sort of behavior used to be the Reid's and Pelosi's, not the Republicans.

06-04-2024, 04:44 PM
Agreed. Decorum. The media is playing fast and loose with the "she said's" and "why's". Using a coffee stir as a sieve, the comment "she wouldn't call him doctor" is no biggee to me. How she went about it is unacceptable behavior before Congress as far as I'm concerned. That sort of behavior used to be the Reid's and Pelosi's, not the Republicans.

Yep, honestly she could have avoided any name. Now afterwards she could have said something like, "I don't feel comfortable calling him doctor..." enough said

06-08-2024, 12:38 PM
Yep, honestly she could have avoided any name. Now afterwards she could have said something like, "I don't feel comfortable calling him doctor..." enough saidGovernment's behavior in general is concerning. It's not just MTG. She's just "another one" of all of them. AND, those who support them, individually or collectively.

"His/Her uncivilized behavior/lack of decorum is okay because I agree with what she is saying". No it's not. If *I*, one of the least diplomatic people I know, can observe proper decorum based on circumstance/setting, none of these allegedly-highly educated, ill-mannered louts have an excuse.

These people are supposed to be diplomats and statesmen representing the people and the States in the US Government for the purpose of conducting business for ALL. Yet they open dialogue with open contempt and disrespect for one another based on the party they represent rather than who they are and what they are trying to accomplish. Recent accomplishments reflect.

None of this clusterf*ck represents me in any way, shape nor form. It certainly does not represent the ideas of the Founding Fathers.

06-08-2024, 12:42 PM
Government's behavior in general is concerning. It's not just MTG. She's just "another one" of all of them. AND, those who support them, individually or collectively.

"His/Her uncivilized behavior/lack of decorum is okay because I agree with what she is saying". No it's not. If *I*, one of the least diplomatic people I know, can observe proper decorum based on circumstance/setting, none of these allegedly-highly educated, ill-mannered louts have an excuse.

These people are supposed to be diplomats and statesmen representing the people and the States in the US Government for the purpose of conducting business for ALL. Yet they open dialogue with open contempt and disrespect for one another based on the party they represent rather than who they are and what they are trying to accomplish. Recent accomplishments reflect.

None of this clusterf*ck represents me in any way, shape nor form. It certainly does not represent the ideas of the Founding Fathers.

Yep, basically what I was saying. They are there to represent us, actually 'our better nature' selves. You and I can say all we like, "Let's go Brandon!" However, if I had to meet the man face to face, I'd be respectful. OTOH, IF I could serve on a jury with him as defendant and the case was proven, no problem-even glee in putting him away.