View Full Version : Trump Verdict Reached

05-30-2024, 04:09 PM

Guilty on all counts.

This has been a travesty.

05-30-2024, 04:24 PM
It's Crazy.
3rd world dictator crap.
Prosecute the opponent.

05-30-2024, 05:13 PM
It's Crazy.
3rd world dictator crap.
Prosecute the opponent.
:beer: I like it best when we are in agreement!

05-30-2024, 05:46 PM
Now AGs in other states can convene Grand Juries to indict all the former president's with crimes they've committed.

Black Diamond
05-30-2024, 05:54 PM
Now AGs in other states can convene Grand Juries to indict all the former president's with crimes they've committed.

Should happen but won't

05-30-2024, 06:38 PM
I thought I was angry with Pelosi ripping up SOTU Address back when. Now I am beyond mad, but feel like crying at what continues to happen to our once great country:


Trump found guilty in America’s first-ever Stalinist trialThe prestige of American justice has suffered a serious attack of scrofula

May 30, 2024 | 6:07 pm
donald trump guilty
Written By:

Roger Kimball

“What happens now?” That was the question flooding my inbox and what used to be called the Twittersphere. Why? Because shortly after 5:00 p.m. on May 30, Anno Domini 2024, the verdict in America’s first-ever Stalinist trial came down: Trump was guilty on all counts in the so-called “hush money trial” in New York.

I always say “so-called” hush money trial because it was really designed to be a “hush Trump” trial. Rather, a “hush Trump” inquisition.

So now the proximate legal fate of Donald Trump, former and very possibly future president of the United States, is settled. What happens next? Trump appeals, but that case is not heard until after the election.

What happens next? Well, as Ann Coulter and many others instantly observed, Trump now wins in a landslide.

As I write, the media is positively atwitter, though the experts are divided on whether their chattering is more like a murmuration of starlings, an exultation of skylarks, a commotion of coots, a trembling of finches, or a murder of crows. No one I know is describing the breath-bated O.J.-Simpson-like circus of a trial as a parliament of rooks.

In The Gondoliers, Gilbert and Sullivan offered a sage admonition that the jury as well as the media might have profited by.

In a contemplative fashion,
And a tranquil frame of mind,
Free from every kind of passion,
Some solution let us find.

Let us grasp the situation,
Solve the complicated plot —
Quiet, calm deliberation
Disentangles every knot.

That’s not what has been happening. Frenzy has been the order of the day, not contemplation, not quiet, calm deliberation. Perhaps, now that verdict in The People v. Donald Trump has been rendered, there will be some respite, probably more akin to what the French, in a somewhat different context, call “la petite mort” than the gemlike, clarifying stillness that follows a violent storm.

Do you ever wonder what it was like to live through the fall of the Roman Republic? It took about a century. A sharp rise in street violence in the 130s and 120s BC was a warning sign, but even more ominous—we see this now with the wisdom of hindsight — was the slow draining of public confidence in the governing apparatus of the state. That confidence is the currency that purchases the golden talisman of legitimacy: a big, abstract word that suddenly impinges like a hammer when the streams that feed it fail.

It can be difficult to get one’s bearings in that situation. You look around and, despite the revolution in public sentiment, most of the familiar social paraphernalia persist. See: there are the congressmen and the buildings the occupy. They were in session just last week. The president of the United States was talking, sort of, about… well, we can leave that for another day. But still, there are policemen, the IRS, lawyers — lots of lawyers — schools and colleges, courts and judges.

The difference is that none of these people or entities enjoys the level of public confidence — the measure, again, of legitimacy — they enjoyed even a decade ago. Here’s the dirty little secret: no matter what happened to Trump in lower Manhattan — whether or not he was convicted or walked — the prestige of American justice has suffered a serious attack of scrofula.

Almost every serious legal commentator, pro-Trump, anti-Trump, or Trump agnostic—has weighed in with hand-wringing commentary about the unprecedented, overtly biased behavior of Justice Juan Merchan. Trump skeptics from Jonathan Turley to Andrew McCarthy and Alan Dershowitz have written about the case with a mixture of astonishment and alarm. Trump supporters like Mike Davis and Julie Kelly have kept up a drumbeat of criticism. Only anti-Trump fanatics like the egregious Andrew Weismann, the brains or at least the Semtex behind Robert Mueller’s two-year $40 million Russian Collusion Delusion can look upon the witch hunt against Trump with equanimity. Asked about Merchan, Weismann confessed to having a “man crush” on the jurist because of his overt hostility to Trump.

In our system, the judge is meant to be distinct from the prosecutor. Merchan effectively erased that distinction. The Babylon Bee only slightly exaggerated when it said: “Judge Instructs Jurors They Need Not Believe Trump Is Guilty To Convict Him.” That was meant to be satire. But as the Federalist’s Sean Davis commented, “This is both satire and also exactly what the corrupt New York judge has told jurors.” Immediately after the verdict the Bee weighed in with “Donald Trump found guilty of being Donald Trump.” I can’t improve on that.

What isn’t satire but should be is the fact that notwithstanding the pullulating skein of legal maneuvering on the part of the hermaphroditic half-prosecutor, half-judge amalgam that simultaneously presided over and prosecuted the case, no actual crime was ever specified. That is, the jury was instructed to deliberate, to strive for unanimity, but according to Justice Merchan, a distributed unanimity (I bequeath this neologism to the world) would be enough.

Here’s what it means. Justice Merchan told the jurors that they did not have to agree on what the crime in question was. The case started with a possible misdemeanor charge that, through the alchemy of partisan animus, was ginned up to felony status. Since the underlying tort was like the Wizard of Oz, though, Justice Merchan said it would be just fine if they disagreed about what the crime was just so long as they agreed that there was a crime. Four might say it was this, four might say it was that, four might say it was some tertium quid. Just so long as they agreed that Trump was guilty, guilty, guilty — ex, as if were, officio — that was good enough for government work.

It can be interesting to spend some time picking among the ruins of a once-great civilization. The ruins can be physical, as in they are, for example, in ancient Egypt or ancient Rome. But they can also be as it were metaphysical, as they are whenever a society somehow outlasts is animating vitalities.

The United States was built on the ideal of equality before the law. The very words now ring with a mournful quaintness. Who still believes them? As we troll through the vacated monuments of our civilization, we’ll often be reminded of David Hume’s observation that it is seldom that freedom is lost all at once.

05-30-2024, 07:09 PM
Must read. Didn't vote for Trump either time. Agrees with Hillary about media helped Trump defeat her. Gave $300K today. Long explanation.

https://x.com/shaunmmaguire/status/1796293774794268747?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1796293774794268747%7Ctwgr% 5E51e1f09e2e29acee408fb07607edb1c3b74d870d%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Furl %3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fshaunmmaguire%2Fsta tus%2F1796293774794268747

05-30-2024, 07:21 PM
Must read. Didn't vote for Trump either time. Agrees with Hillary about media helped Trump defeat her. Gave $300K today. Long explanation.

https://x.com/shaunmmaguire/status/1796293774794268747?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1796293774794268747%7Ctwgr% 5E51e1f09e2e29acee408fb07607edb1c3b74d870d%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fpublish.twitter.com%2F%3Furl %3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fshaunmmaguire%2Fsta tus%2F1796293774794268747

Great article. Hope everyone here takes the time to read it.

05-30-2024, 07:30 PM
Why I feel like weeping. Anyone who has known me over the years, know my normal mantra would be 'take the high road.' It's beyond that, though I DO believe that the reaction should be more 'high road' in the sense there are and have been many cases that should have been brought, but weren't because they didn't want to use their powers against opposition. Well, no more. :


The Most Dangerous Day in the History of Our Country in Our Lifetimes"I can play the game; just tell me the rules."

MAY 30, 2024
As the world now knows, former President Trump was convicted today of 34 criminal charges. It was a shameless political verdict shaped by an unscrupulous prosecutor, aided by a corrupt and incompetent judge, and rendered by a jury that supposedly considered six weeks of testimony and 55 pages of complex jury instructions, and then deliberated for one day.

These are small minds, who do not give a flying fig leaf for the good of the Country. They and those gleefully cheering the result do not care about the damage that they have done to the nation. Some, although not all, doubtlessly lack both the intellect and a knowledge of history and human nature to recognize the fuse they have lit. And the fact that some are well known public figures does not mean that the foregoing does not apply to them. It applies to government officials of every stripe – congressional representatives, attorneys general and prosecutors, lying CIA and FBI grandees, and to the platoon of pygmies in that New York courtroom.

I weep for my Country. Not because one man was convicted, but because this New York judge, jury and prosecutors have flung this Country into a downward spiral from which we may never recover. I hope that I am wrong, but I fear that I am not.

One of my former law partners, a world class trial lawyer, when faced with an adversary who wanted to engage in unprofessional “hardball” litigation tactics would say, “I can play the game; just tell me the rules.” The Democrats have made the rules, and their opponents will have little choice but to play the game.

This is not a game that can or will be played by one side only. The rules are now set. When Republicans have the chance, they will play the game. Many, perhaps most, will think that a response is mandatory and that “taking the high road” is no longer an option. Instead, it would be regarded by the “progressive” left — that is to say those now in charge of the Democratic party — as weakness if they roll over and fail to respond. This is an existential threat to the stability of our political system and nation. That risk makes this the most dangerous day in the history of the Country, at least in our lifetimes.

Henceforth, weaponization of the justice system against a political opponent will be the norm. Political grudges will be resolved by political opponents in cherry-picked courtrooms where conviction is most likely. All this confirms that when controlled by scoundrels, our judicial system is becoming more like what we expect in places like China, Cuba or Venezuela, where political opponents are routinely imprisoned or worse.

Regardless of what you think of former President Trump – and I have criticized him sharply in the past both privately and in public – you, too, should fear for our Country.

Where do we go from here beyond a never-ending fight where the latest victors attempt to bankrupt and imprison their adversaries? Solving that problem has just become exponentially more difficult.

05-30-2024, 07:37 PM
The remedy for this lawfare BS is to elect Trump in November.

05-30-2024, 09:55 PM
Why I feel like weeping. Anyone who has known me over the years, know my normal mantra would be 'take the high road.' It's beyond that, though I DO believe that the reaction should be more 'high road' in the sense there are and have been many cases that should have been brought, but weren't because they didn't want to use their powers against opposition. Well, no more. :


the article writer is correct. everybody is gonna see this as an excuse to do it openly.
The thing is the precedent has been set long ago, and used plenty recently, it's just been pulled out for the a former president today.
So now more can see it more clearly... and think it's a problem.
Corrupt court situations have flown under the radar for decades as long as the people convicted for political reasons were generally disliked & Or small enough not to matter.

CIA boost they can put anyone in jail

Alex Jones told to pay 960 million dollars in damages... to shut him up. Canary in the coal mine.

the judge in that case was as hard left as they come and relished the job. But people didn't LIKE what he said, so he gets the biggest judgement for hurt feelings I've heard of, ever.
But somehow still none of the Epstein P3do Johns have yet to be even PICKED UP for any crime.
the justice system has LONG had issues, this time it's just pointing at a bigger target, (like it did with censorship) and making the practice even MORE obvious and likely to happen to others.

It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.
The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents.
James Madison
equal justice has got to mean equal justice to the best of our ability, crap has to be called out NO MATTER WHO it happens to.
If people wouldn't have pretended for so long that this kind of political and unjust prosecution doesn't really happen "in AMERICA!", then it'd happen less.

We could make a thread 50 pages deep with cases from around the country.
sorry, this has got me going.
Not to the point of tears, but i do get it.
Around 2004-5 is when i really saw what I think you see a bit more clearly now.
And it is painful, just know that it did not happen when Trump showed up. the system that made this happen has been in place and working for decades.

05-31-2024, 12:55 PM
the article writer is correct. everybody is gonna see this as an excuse to do it openly.
The thing is the precedent has been set long ago, and used plenty recently, it's just been pulled out for the a former president today.
So now more can see it more clearly... and think it's a problem.
Corrupt court situations have flown under the radar for decades as long as the people convicted for political reasons were generally disliked & Or small enough not to matter.

CIA boost they can put anyone in jail

Alex Jones told to pay 960 million dollars in damages... to shut him up. Canary in the coal mine.

the judge in that case was as hard left as they come and relished the job. But people didn't LIKE what he said, so he gets the biggest judgement for hurt feelings I've heard of, ever.
But somehow still none of the Epstein P3do Johns have yet to be even PICKED UP for any crime.
the justice system has LONG had issues, this time it's just pointing at a bigger target, (like it did with censorship) and making the practice even MORE obvious and likely to happen to others.

It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.
The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents.
James Madison
equal justice has got to mean equal justice to the best of our ability, crap has to be called out NO MATTER WHO it happens to.
If people wouldn't have pretended for so long that this kind of political and unjust prosecution doesn't really happen "in AMERICA!", then it'd happen less.

We could make a thread 50 pages deep with cases from around the country.
sorry, this has got me going.
Not to the point of tears, but i do get it.
Around 2004-5 is when i really saw what I think you see a bit more clearly now.
And it is painful, just know that it did not happen when Trump showed up. the system that made this happen has been in place and working for decades.

This case is the epitome of Trump saying "they're coming after you but I'm in the way." He is putting himself in the crosshairs to get precedents set.

Because of all his prosecutions we can now go after the corruption in the past presidencies. And the current one.

He made them fight for his taxes. He made them change whether the VP can send electors back. He made them look at classified document handling. He has exposed how biased the system is to outsiders and conservatives.

A very brave and strong individual.

05-31-2024, 01:41 PM

05-31-2024, 02:55 PM
This case is the epitome of Trump saying "they're coming after you but I'm in the way." He is putting himself in the crosshairs to get precedents set.

Because of all his prosecutions we can now go after the corruption in the past presidencies. And the current one.

He made them fight for his taxes. He made them change whether the VP can send electors back. He made them look at classified document handling. He has exposed how biased the system is to outsiders and conservatives.

A very brave and strong individual.

That is utterly ridiculous. He's a petty man child who can't stand when someone tells him no and that started back when he was donating to the swamp. Unfortunately he has legions of sycophants who suck down his every utterance.

05-31-2024, 02:59 PM
That is utterly ridiculous. He's a petty man child who can't stand when someone tells him no and that started back when he was donating to the swamp. Unfortunately he has legions of sycophants who suck down his every utterance.

Therein is my problem, the utter deification going on about this guy. Headache keeps growing.

Black Diamond
05-31-2024, 03:45 PM
That is utterly ridiculous. He's a petty man child who can't stand when someone tells him no and that started back when he was donating to the swamp. Unfortunately he has legions of sycophants who suck down his every utterance.

They came for the man children but i wasn't a man child.

05-31-2024, 04:03 PM
They came for the man children but i wasn't a man child.

Not my words, just can't help myself, but they could come of sycophants. :beer:

Face it, if the dems can figure out how, they will.

05-31-2024, 04:44 PM
They came for the man children but i wasn't a man child.

That's a step to far good sir.

Black Diamond
05-31-2024, 04:51 PM
That's a step to far good sir.

For now.

05-31-2024, 07:54 PM
This case is the epitome of Trump saying "they're coming after you but I'm in the way." He is putting himself in the crosshairs to get precedents set.

Because of all his prosecutions we can now go after the corruption in the past presidencies. And the current one.

He made them fight for his taxes. He made them change whether the VP can send electors back. He made them look at classified document handling. He has exposed how biased the system is to outsiders and conservatives.

A very brave and strong individual.

He's got stones.
And he is in the way of some of what they want to do to us all.

I'm not sure if he's exactly aware of the scope.
& I'm not sure where he's going to land on any given day.
He didn't do anyone any favors with "warp speed" or that goblin Faucui whispering in his ear.
But he's better than nothing and it is entertaining to see the left (and some on the right) so upset and actually trying every trick in the book and failing.

Praying for the best for the country, God uses unlikely figures to get his work done.
"in God we Trust"

05-31-2024, 09:00 PM
That is utterly ridiculous. He's a petty man child who can't stand when someone tells him no and that started back when he was donating to the swamp. Unfortunately he has legions of sycophants who suck down his every utterance.

I can't believe you let him live rent free in your head. Your description of him as a man child says a lot about your own self esteem.

It's amazing how the DS is so afraid of a "man child" they are aiming to burn it all down.

Read the article Kath posted. I think you'll relate to it quite a bit. Get over yourself.

06-01-2024, 07:11 AM
I can't believe you let him live rent free in your head. Your description of him as a man child says a lot about your own self esteem.

It's amazing how the DS is so afraid of a "man child" they are aiming to burn it all down.

Read the article Kath posted. I think you'll relate to it quite a bit. Get over yourself.

Oh please. Knowing exactly what he is isn't him living in my head. Those on the extreme ends who are carrying his water or those trying to destroy him spend far more brain capital than I'm spending on his life.

And I do read what she posts. Because they're not videos. ;)

06-01-2024, 03:49 PM
Oh please. Knowing exactly what he is isn't him living in my head. Those on the extreme ends who are carrying his water or those trying to destroy him spend far more brain capital than I'm spending on his life.

And I do read what she posts. Because they're not videos. ;)

Well ... are you ready to donate to Trump after reading the article? After all, the author sounds like he believed a lot of the same things you believe about Trump.

06-01-2024, 04:17 PM
Well ... are you ready to donate to Trump after reading the article? After all, the author sounds like he believed a lot of the same things you believe about Trump.

You're going to have to be more specific. I didn't vote for hillary, I did vote for the buffoon in 2020, and I don't exonerate him completely now. He brings way to many things on himself and then whines about his treatment.

06-01-2024, 07:47 PM
You're going to have to be more specific. I didn't vote for hillary, I did vote for the buffoon in 2020, and I don't exonerate him completely now. He brings way to many things on himself and then whines about his treatment.

More specific? Are you going to donate or not. Pretty specific question.

06-01-2024, 07:48 PM
More specific? Are you going to donate or not. Pretty specific question.

Of course not. I was looking for specifics on how we believed the same things.

06-01-2024, 07:53 PM
Of course not. I was looking for specifics on how we believed the same things.

Here .. you can read it and figure it out.


06-01-2024, 09:04 PM
Here .. you can read it and figure it out.

https://amgreatness.com/2024/05/30/sequoia-capital-partner-donates-300k-to-trump-in-wake-of-weaponized-verdict/Donate MONEY to Trump?:lmao:

06-02-2024, 12:02 PM
Here .. you can read it and figure it out.


Yup, that's what I read. Your comment about our possible shared beliefs is still unclear. I agree with some things he said and I disagree with some things he said. It is possible for someone to shake my head at the crap thrown his way as well as shake my head at the utter obsequiousness lavished upon him. He is undeserving of both my vote and my dollars.

06-02-2024, 12:08 PM
Yup, that's what I read. Your comment about our possible shared beliefs is still unclear. I agree with some things he said and I disagree with some things he said. It is possible for someone to shake my head at the crap thrown his way as well as shake my head at the utter obsequiousness lavished upon him. He is undeserving of both my vote and my dollars.

I think the bottom line is, can you vote against Trump, when the left is bound and determined to undermine the basic tenents of the existence of the country? I don't know for certain yet.

I think many who support Trump are also out to undermine those same tenents.

06-02-2024, 12:15 PM
I think the bottom line is, can you vote against Trump, when the left is bound and determined to undermine the basic tenents of the existence of the country? I don't know for certain yet.

I think many who support Trump are also out to undermine those same tenents.

You nailed it. I might have the luxury of my convictions knowing that trump will carry GA. Not sure you have the same luxury in AZ.

06-02-2024, 12:30 PM
You nailed it. I might have the luxury of my convictions knowing that trump will carry GA. Not sure you have the same luxury in AZ.

Saw Kari Lake talking, reminded me how bad those folks are.

06-02-2024, 12:59 PM
Saw Kari Lake talking, reminded me how bad those folks are.


06-02-2024, 03:06 PM
Saw Kari Lake talking, reminded me how bad those folks are.That's the issue with me. What the left/State of NY at its behest is doing is wrong in every way. Oddly enough, 50% believe it is a just trial and verdict according to ABC, for whatever ABC is worth.

None of it changes Trump's behavior since the 2020 election one little bit.

We're not talking legal system justice voting for Trump. We're talking frontier "justice" -- the end justifies the means in some sideways attempt to right the wrong. I don't see that it does.

The only "good" Trump represents is a reprieve from the leftwingnut onslaught against everything this country once stood for and is getting EO'd out of existence as we speak. Nothing more.

06-02-2024, 07:37 PM
Saw Kari Lake talking, reminded me how bad those folks are.
what did she say specifically that you didn't agree with?
Or that you thought was so bad?

06-02-2024, 07:50 PM
what did she say specifically that you didn't agree with?
Or that you thought was so bad?

Bad mouthing those who differ with her. She's very much like Green, which is not good imo. You are welcome to them.

06-02-2024, 08:48 PM
Bad mouthing those who differ with her. She's very much like Green, which is not good imo. You are welcome to them.

So if she were just nicer about it all she'd be ok then?

06-02-2024, 09:47 PM
So if she were just nicer about it all she'd be ok then?

She's not ok, not in my opinion, which as of this minute anyways, I'm still entitled to.

06-02-2024, 10:35 PM
Rev ... Kari Lake pissed off the McCain republicans which is why some people in arizona don't like her. Plus, she believes 100% that 2020 election was fraudulent as well as the 2022 election.

Just believing there was election fraud in 2020 will make people dislike you and quit talking to you.