View Full Version : some part the modern Marine Corps? training? other?

11-01-2023, 08:02 AM
Not sure where this came from or why, just curious, what are your thought here?


11-01-2023, 04:48 PM
Not sure where this came from or why, just curious, what are your thought here?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hQUTM4DkNIIt's called BS. I'll tear it to pieces when I have more time.

11-01-2023, 06:57 PM
The one thing I agree with this guy on is an instructor should not have been filming it much less putting it on social media. For someone who talks like an expert, he spends more time dogging the recruits than giving any context.

The person that tells the Drill Sergeant he thinks he dropped his grenade is Army. Marines have drill Instructors, not Drill Sergeants. Not sure where that clip comes from.

The recruits fumbling around with their weapons are at Wpns Co, Wpns Bn at Edson Range, Camp Pendleton, CA. Recognize the place. They are fumbling with their weapons because they are recruits. Why the PMIs are off screwing around in the background beats me. What I can tell you is those recruits will stand there for hours, and days, repeating that drill for time over and over and over and over until they can do it blindfolded and asleep.

By the time they finish boot camp and go to infantry training, they're still dumb. but look nothing like this video. Whoever took it probably thinks they're some kind of cute or smartass but what they are is a dick. That has to be a violation and I hope somebody's head ends up on a platter over it.