View Full Version : Religious War by the Numbers

08-24-2023, 03:11 PM
This is why full history has to be taught.
I used to think religion caused MORE wars and murders than everything else. but it seems that's just another anti-religious lie to try and squelch religious influence. Let's not buy or promote leftist BS.



Religious War by the Numbers
...Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod’s three-volume Encyclopedia of Wars includes an analysis of 1,763 wars covering the worldwide span of human history. It has become an influential reference in the popular sphere, often cited by persons seeking to define specific wars as religious or otherwise.[16] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn16) In their lengthy index entry on “religious wars, Phillips and Axelrod do not explain their classification methodology. They only provide clues in their limited commentary on the concept of religious wars in their introduction, where they seem to suggest that religion was often used as a sort of cover for premodern wars that resulted from more mundane causes, including territorial, ethnic, and economic concerns.[17] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn17) Yet each war they list in the index under the category “religious wars” contains clear references to its religious nature or features, providing an apparent justification for its classification as such.[18] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn18)What, then, did Phillips and Axelrod find? Interestingly, of 1,763 wars they list only 121 entries fall under the heading “religious wars.” In one case, two wars are considered in a single entry (“Sixth and Seventh Wars of Religion”), bringing their total to 122.[19] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn19) Thus, only 6.9 percent of the wars they considered are classified as religious wars.[20] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn20) One presumes they see the remaining 93.1 percent as primarily wars that took shape due to other factors, such as geopolitics, economic rivalry, and ethnic divisions. One may certainly quibble over the omission of some wars from Phillips and Axelrod’s list, but it would take a lot of quibbling to get to the point where religious wars represent the majority (882 out of 1,763) of the wars they count and consider...

The fact is FEW have been lost to the SO-CALLED "Christian Religion" as compared to the hundreds of millions from secular totalitarianisms and just these 3 , Hitler/Stalin/Mao killed hundreds of millions.
Include PolPot, Robespierre, and other secular socialist, fascist regimes it's more. and they never leave a legacy of freedom.

While Christian activity and thinking are the FOUNDATION of the freedoms we want to restore in the U.S.. That we're living on the fumes of.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-24-2023, 03:39 PM
This is why full history has to be taught.
I used to think religion caused MORE wars and murders than everything else. but it seems that's just another anti-religious lie to try and squelch religious influence. Let's not buy or promote leftist BS.



Religious War by the Numbers
...Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod’s three-volume Encyclopedia of Wars includes an analysis of 1,763 wars covering the worldwide span of human history. It has become an influential reference in the popular sphere, often cited by persons seeking to define specific wars as religious or otherwise.[16] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn16) In their lengthy index entry on “religious wars, Phillips and Axelrod do not explain their classification methodology. They only provide clues in their limited commentary on the concept of religious wars in their introduction, where they seem to suggest that religion was often used as a sort of cover for premodern wars that resulted from more mundane causes, including territorial, ethnic, and economic concerns.[17] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn17) Yet each war they list in the index under the category “religious wars” contains clear references to its religious nature or features, providing an apparent justification for its classification as such.[18] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn18)What, then, did Phillips and Axelrod find? Interestingly, of 1,763 wars they list only 121 entries fall under the heading “religious wars.” In one case, two wars are considered in a single entry (“Sixth and Seventh Wars of Religion”), bringing their total to 122.[19] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn19) Thus, only 6.9 percent of the wars they considered are classified as religious wars.[20] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn20) One presumes they see the remaining 93.1 percent as primarily wars that took shape due to other factors, such as geopolitics, economic rivalry, and ethnic divisions. One may certainly quibble over the omission of some wars from Phillips and Axelrod’s list, but it would take a lot of quibbling to get to the point where religious wars represent the majority (882 out of 1,763) of the wars they count and consider...

The fact is FEW have been lost to the SO-CALLED "Christian Religion" as compared to the hundreds of millions from secular totalitarianisms and just these 3 , Hitler/Stalin/Mao killed hundreds of millions.
Include PolPot, Robespierre, and other secular socialist, fascist regimes it's more. and they never leave a legacy of freedom.

While Christian activity and thinking are the FOUNDATION of the freedoms we want to restore in the U.S.. That we're living on the fumes of.

Just what we already knew, the socialist/leftist/liberal/dem combine is indeed a bunch of lying ass hypocrites.
Who doesn't know that fact
They are people that for the greater part have no morals , no honor, no integrity.
As we like to call them and it fits so very well, lying ffking hypocrites. I rest my case. --Tyr

08-24-2023, 04:19 PM
This is why full history has to be taught.
I used to think religion caused MORE wars and murders than everything else. but it seems that's just another anti-religious lie to try and squelch religious influence. Let's not buy or promote leftist BS.



Religious War by the Numbers
...Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod’s three-volume Encyclopedia of Wars includes an analysis of 1,763 wars covering the worldwide span of human history. It has become an influential reference in the popular sphere, often cited by persons seeking to define specific wars as religious or otherwise.[16] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn16) In their lengthy index entry on “religious wars, Phillips and Axelrod do not explain their classification methodology. They only provide clues in their limited commentary on the concept of religious wars in their introduction, where they seem to suggest that religion was often used as a sort of cover for premodern wars that resulted from more mundane causes, including territorial, ethnic, and economic concerns.[17] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn17) Yet each war they list in the index under the category “religious wars” contains clear references to its religious nature or features, providing an apparent justification for its classification as such.[18] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn18)What, then, did Phillips and Axelrod find? Interestingly, of 1,763 wars they list only 121 entries fall under the heading “religious wars.” In one case, two wars are considered in a single entry (“Sixth and Seventh Wars of Religion”), bringing their total to 122.[19] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn19) Thus, only 6.9 percent of the wars they considered are classified as religious wars.[20] (https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/#_ftn20) One presumes they see the remaining 93.1 percent as primarily wars that took shape due to other factors, such as geopolitics, economic rivalry, and ethnic divisions. One may certainly quibble over the omission of some wars from Phillips and Axelrod’s list, but it would take a lot of quibbling to get to the point where religious wars represent the majority (882 out of 1,763) of the wars they count and consider...

The fact is FEW have been lost to the SO-CALLED "Christian Religion" as compared to the hundreds of millions from secular totalitarianisms and just these 3 , Hitler/Stalin/Mao killed hundreds of millions.
Include PolPot, Robespierre, and other secular socialist, fascist regimes it's more. and they never leave a legacy of freedom.

While Christian activity and thinking are the FOUNDATION of the freedoms we want to restore in the U.S.. That we're living on the fumes of.An argument that throws out everything but "officially-recognized (by some official recognizer:rolleyes:) religious wars" is hardly credible with me.

The pro-religious lie is no better than the anti-religious one. Both are lies.

08-24-2023, 05:24 PM
An argument that throws out everything but "officially-recognized (by some official recognizer:rolleyes:) religious wars" is hardly credible with me.
if that what the review of history did you'd be right.
But it doesn't.
why are you misrepresenting the facts about it?

Why are you assuming it's the writer is a christian?
Why are you assuming the writer, as an assumed christian, is lying?

seems your own bias is showing.
Personally, I've got no problem with the truth no matter which way it falls, but you've given ZERO reasons or backup for any of your negative assertions.

reality is what it is. none of us are obliged to always like it.

08-24-2023, 05:48 PM
if that what the review of history did you'd be right.
But it doesn't.
why are you misrepresenting the facts about it?

Why are you assuming it's the writer is a christian?
Why are you assuming the writer, as an assumed christian, is lying?

seems your own bias is showing.
Personally, I've got no problem with the truth no matter which way it falls, but you've given ZERO reasons or backup for any of your negative assertions.

reality is what it is. none of us are obliged to always like it.

I am not misrepresenting facts. The number of people murdered/killed over religion is not limited to only officially-recognized "wars of religion". THAT is cherry-picking numbers in the extreme. Which, would be the reason the cherry-picked facts are a misrepresentation of truth.

And yes, I just gave you (again) the reasons to back up my assertion.

I have no fear of truth. I despise propaganda. Especially propaganda so obvious it insult's one's intelligence. Do you think the parameters could have been limited any further? What are all the deaths for religious reasons not attributed to declared and identified "wars of religion" attributed to?

The very idea that deaths because of religion is limited solely to historically documented and labeled "wars of religion" is ridiculous.

08-24-2023, 06:01 PM
I am not misrepresenting facts. The number of people murdered/killed over religion is not limited to only officially-recognized "wars of religion". THAT is cherry-picking numbers in the extreme. Which, would be the reason the cherry-picked facts are a misrepresentation of truth.

And yes, I just gave you (again) the reasons to back up my assertion.

I have no fear of truth. I despise propaganda. Especially propaganda so obvious it insult's one's intelligence. Do you think the parameters could have been limited any further? What are all the deaths for religious reasons not attributed to declared and identified "wars of religion" attributed to?

The very idea that deaths because of religion is limited solely to historically documented and labeled "wars of religion" is ridiculous.
no one said it was limited to that.
but going by that we see just there that's hundreds of millions who have been killed by the secular totaltarain regimes.
those numbers alone STILL outweigh the numbers killed in the name of Christian religion for it's full 2000+ years in all ways we can think of.

frankly i wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. alone hasn't killed more people (some justifiable so yes) in it's 200 years than however you want to count Christain killings.
If you want to count ALL the ways a gov't kills.
Via wars is the 1st major one... starting with Native Americans, then executions, LEO shootings, experimentation, assassination. others i'm sure.

08-25-2023, 02:40 AM
atheists clearly devalue human life more than the faithful.

death cultists hate religion because it often carries morality, but they prefer religion over pure morality, because religions can be corrupted in the world by perverting the initially moral teachings.

genocidal population reduction enthusiasts hate morality because morality says killing everyone for made up climate lies is wrong.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-25-2023, 06:58 AM
atheists clearly devalue human life more than the faithful.

death cultists hate religion because it often carries morality, but they prefer religion over pure morality, because religions can be corrupted in the world by perverting the initially moral teachings.

genocidal population reduction enthusiasts hate morality because morality says killing everyone for made up climate lies is wrong.

Those statements are all true.
Ever notice how many of those kind of lost people, hate Christianity but give a pass to the other top two religions in the world= Islam and Judaism?????
No logic, no consistency in thought , eh??--Tyr

08-25-2023, 09:30 AM
Those statements are all true.
Ever notice how many of those kind of lost people, hate Christianity but give a pass to the other top two religions in the world= Islam and Judaism?????
No logic, no consistency in thought , eh??--Tyr


I think they're jealous of the disctinct genius of the golden rule. a real haiku when it comes to moral treatise and organizational harmony.

08-25-2023, 06:06 PM
no one said it was limited to that.
but going by that we see just there that's hundreds of millions who have been killed by the secular totaltarain regimes.
those numbers alone STILL outweigh the numbers killed in the name of Christian religion for it's full 2000+ years in all ways we can think of.

frankly i wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. alone hasn't killed more people (some justifiable so yes) in it's 200 years than however you want to count Christain killings.
If you want to count ALL the ways a gov't kills.
Via wars is the 1st major one... starting with Native Americans, then executions, LEO shootings, experimentation, assassination. others i'm sure.Further limiting it to "numbers killed in the name of Christian religion"?

How about just "religion" without all the caveats?

And of course let's take a swipe at the US:rolleyes:

08-25-2023, 09:27 PM
Further limiting it to "numbers killed in the name of Christian religion"?

How about just "religion" without all the caveats?

And of course let's take a swipe at the US:rolleyes:

You know I've only been talking about Christianity.
BTW, How many religious motived murders ...of all kinds... have happen in the U.S. the past year or so, so far gunny.
We know which religion is the likely culprit there.. if any. (and even then it may be the FBI that set them up!)

Look, how about you don't lump all religions together when you know I'm focused on Christianity.
And I won't lump all Marines in with U.S. Park Rangers & the TSA as tasked with protecting the country.:poke:

09-18-2023, 04:16 AM
Further limiting it to "numbers killed in the name of Christian religion"?

How about just "religion" without all the caveats?

And of course let's take a swipe at the US:rolleyes:

because there is great variation between them.

there is an agenda behind wanting to paint with too broad a brush.

that agenda is demoralization of mankind by attacking ALL religions, and promoting scientism and fascism, although neither of those are actually moral systems.