View Full Version : Trump / Desantis poll of the site

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07-05-2023, 07:55 AM
Do you want Desantis Or Trump?

07-05-2023, 11:29 AM
let's hear from the desantis cucks,

I know you're in here.

let's talk about this betrayer.

07-05-2023, 11:34 AM
Why are desantis supporters slightly ashamed?

07-05-2023, 12:35 PM
^Wow, that's rather aggressive for someone who is potentially on the same side as other posters here. Nevertheless I can't speak for anyone else but the only one on the list that is completely and utterly unacceptable to me is trump. He has proven himself to be nothing more than a (R)ambling buffoon who sinks to the level of a narcissistic man child who is unable to move beyond petty grievances. He was a useful tool for those in Washington who actually knew how to move conservative issues forward in spite of his ham-handed occupation of an office. Your opinion may vary but it's probably not grounded in reality which is why he was beaten by a (D)oddering fool; legitimately I might add.

07-05-2023, 02:05 PM
I don't want either one of them, they both suck. But I'd take DeSantis over Trump any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

That being said, neither one will get my vote come November 5, 2024. If the choices boil down to Trump or DeSantis vs Captain Brain Dead,I'll be seeking my candidate outside of the two major parties.

07-05-2023, 02:05 PM
^Wow, that's rather aggressive for someone who is potentially on the same side as other posters here. Nevertheless I can't speak for anyone else but the only one on the list that is completely and utterly unacceptable to me is trump. He has proven himself to be nothing more than a (R)ambling buffoon who sinks to the level of a narcissistic man child who is unable to move beyond petty grievances. He was a useful tool for those in Washington who actually knew how to move conservative issues forward in spite of his ham-handed occupation of an office. Your opinion may vary but it's probably not grounded in reality which is why he was beaten by a (D)oddering fool; legitimately I might add.


07-05-2023, 05:31 PM
^Wow, that's rather aggressive for someone who is potentially on the same side as other posters here. Nevertheless I can't speak for anyone else but the only one on the list that is completely and utterly unacceptable to me is trump. He has proven himself to be nothing more than a (R)ambling buffoon who sinks to the level of a narcissistic man child who is unable to move beyond petty grievances. He was a useful tool for those in Washington who actually knew how to move conservative issues forward in spite of his ham-handed occupation of an office. Your opinion may vary but it's probably not grounded in reality which is why he was beaten by a (D)oddering fool; legitimately I might add.

biden cheated heinously.

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump’s conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction. After Election Day, they monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the result. “The untold story of the election is the thousands of people of both parties who accomplished the triumph of American democracy at its very foundation,” says Norm Eisen, a prominent lawyer and former Obama Administration official who recruited Republicans and Democrats to the board of the Voter Protection Program.


07-05-2023, 05:42 PM
biden cheated heinously.

They ran the 2020 election much better than trump's team. That is trump's fault. For all his vaunted "hire the best people" BS when it came down to it, he was out of his league. Failure started at the top and he's a Loser because of it. trump won 1 election cycle; ONE. He's been failing ever since.

07-05-2023, 05:47 PM
why are there no desantis votes?

desantis voters are ashamed of their inability to support the real hero, trump.

they've sold out in some way.

07-05-2023, 05:49 PM
They ran the 2020 election much better than trump's team. That is trump's fault. For all his vaunted "hire the best people" BS when it came down to it, he was out of his league. Failure started at the top and he's a Loser because of it. trump won 1 election cycle; ONE. He's been failing ever since.

unconstitutional rule changes were used to skirt security and massive fraud occurred.

courts could have ruled correctly, but alas, they did the wrong thing and went the corruption route.

so many judges are on the level masonic globalist traitors to humanity.

07-05-2023, 05:55 PM
why are there no desantis votes?

desantis voters are ashamed of their inability to support the real hero, trump.

they've sold out in some way.

trump whines like a Loser. he can't even acknowledge the successes of Desantis in FL.


unconstitutional rule changes were used to skirt security and massive fraud occurred.

courts could have ruled correctly, but alas, they did the wrong thing and went the corruption route.

so many judges are on the level masonic globalist traitors to humanity.

So reality is not exactly on the table for you is it? Besides, trump attempted to call out any chicanery after the election because he spent the election cycle debating debating like a moron. I think this picture is from his 1st debate prep.

http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBYWFRgVFhYZGRgaHBocHBoYHBgcGhoYGhgaGhgaGB ocIS4lHB4rIRoYJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDs0Py40NTEBDAwMEA8Q HxISHzQrJSw0NDQ0NjQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0ND Q0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NP/AABEIAKgBLAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgMEAAIHAQj/xAA8EAACAQIFAQUGAwcEAgMAAAABAgADEQQFEiExQQYiUWFxEz KBkaHBQlKxBxRikrLR4SNywvAVgiQzU//EABoBAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDBAEABQb/xAAnEQACAgICAgMAAgIDAAAAAAAAAQIRAyESMUFRBCIyE2EFcR SBsf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AS/YhSLczdm8t/GU8NiTfvGENQ5uIiTtl7wuDogewHeMgpV1BJ6SLHV9RsJEH2hR lSoP/AInJX5COIqoVkuDUUqTOB4wW7C0nx2OAo6Qf mE1dEc4OEnGQAxNUuxY9TPcNUKsCJCTPVMYJHXBUy6g3hFShsp O4i7gMzAAttLy1dR1Xksu9lcGq0FMYy20xNzi2s2MMYusx239Y GrU9jCgxkI8kwYZizGmLyJQQJboI4ByroR YTpNHE7C/hOfZJS1VkHnedDxNEWUREnsozVpCh2n3rC3WVaODVtibGMWa5a CyMCL E9TBJza5gSlR0aoV8RlxBsDKOKwrJe8exRS99O/zlbHZQtYWDFD42uJymakk7EYDa0ptzG3E9kqyC6aXH8J3 RixiaJVrEWPUHmOjJPoHM00mjbCPpdTzYgzpWAzQPhmcKoYAix 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UacP2zwyqBpPyMBns0hxhw4Y6bXv4eV4JzvLRRrNTG4HWZUYq0 6CcpPthHNCGBAIO3iJVy1w2lD0MyZJZLQxscMPiUGldQtsORDY oI42KbeJH95kyMhFWLIGwi KfzD 8V8VXFNyLi3kRMmTskVQ7E3ZDUzAcD9YQyekr31MAT5iZMi4ra DzSfEJLliM3vr/MsmGVKi7ODf Jf7zJkp4RJY9gdgFcgkeW44kbMCeR8xMmSWWpOi MnQm5xTHtn494yHBYh6Lh0NiPkR1BmTJYknHZE/wBMZamfi4rJYE2Dp bzH8Q8ZKM VG1pYq/vJfcHxE8mRSghv8jA2PqozsybA7285VJ63nsyUIU wtllUaOR7zfaX9Y8R8xMmTz5/pn13w5v CP kUcwq92wI5ECs3eMyZKcH5PC/wAs7z/9EdY9fhJcHi0QHUCftPJkZI81dlrD179bW4Ph4GNGDxjMgYsgu Nxcc9ZkyKmlSHYG7ZYOKQ7e0BJ6X/zNKhRO 7rYcKpux8L24nsyDFIPLJoW8wx5qNc7KOF 5lFmmTIuXZ6OJ8caoru 8mwu7CZMhR7FZJPiy5iXB6iWcozF8Nq0AWYb32mTJRH8s8kr4a uVrCqbEhtRjNS7Xt7XWy9wrbTcc M9mTZJaOB2AzJUxZr/AIW5uYRx GwdZzULm585kyBNVFHH/9k=

No judge is going to change the rules after votes are cast.

07-05-2023, 06:00 PM
Do you have anything to add as to WHY trump should be supported over, well, anybody else?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-05-2023, 06:31 PM
Wow, seems the bad ogre Mr. Trump is some kind of mad beast, eh?
This is too funny..----Tyr

07-05-2023, 06:38 PM
Wow, seems the bad ogre Mr. Trump is some kind of mad beast, eh?
This is too funny..----Tyr

Nah, he's just a buffoonish ogre. The unfortunate comedy is in those who think he should be considered a serious candidate. The mind is boggled.

07-05-2023, 06:40 PM

unconstitutional rule changes were used to skirt security and massive fraud occurred.

courts could have ruled correctly, but alas, they did the wrong thing and went the corruption route.

so many judges are on the level masonic globalist traitors to humanity.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F51%2F1 3%2Fea%2F5113ea98ebaf5a3a6a53c508ddbcbc43.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=05c1fc9962bd650ee5c4cb434d0a2a1bef7501ff999b9e 52b869ba4e42a6735d&ipo=images

07-06-2023, 03:06 AM
I don't want either one of them, they both suck. But I'd take DeSantis over Trump any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

That being said, neither one will get my vote come November 5, 2024. If the choices boil down to Trump or DeSantis vs Captain Brain Dead,I'll be seeking my candidate outside of the two major parties.
so you want desantis, why are you ashamed to say it ?

why do you want that ingrate betrayer ned flanders?

07-06-2023, 03:09 AM

I ain't got no time for psychological romance.

Let's get to straight fucken.

07-06-2023, 03:11 AM
Skyrizi straightened out my dick.

07-06-2023, 03:24 AM
trump whines like a Loser. he can't even acknowledge the successes of Desantis in FL.

So reality is not exactly on the table for you is it? Besides, trump attempted to call out any chicanery after the election because he spent the election cycle debating debating like a moron. I think this picture is from his 1st debate prep.

http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBYWFRgVFhYZGRgaHBocHBoYHBgcGhoYGhgaGhgaGB ocIS4lHB4rIRoYJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDs0Py40NTEBDAwMEA8Q HxISHzQrJSw0NDQ0NjQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0ND Q0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NP/AABEIAKgBLAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgMEAAIHAQj/xAA8EAACAQIFAQUGAwcEAgMAAAABAgADEQQFEiExQQYiUWFxEz KBkaHBQlKxBxRikrLR4SNywvAVgiQzU//EABoBAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDBAEABQb/xAAnEQACAgICAgMAAgIDAAAAAAAAAQIRAyESMUFRBCIyE2EFcR SBsf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AS/YhSLczdm8t/GU8NiTfvGENQ5uIiTtl7wuDogewHeMgpV1BJ6SLHV9RsJEH2hR lSoP/AInJX5COIqoVkuDUUqTOB4wW7C0nx2OAo6Qf mE1dEc4OEnGQAxNUuxY9TPcNUKsCJCTPVMYJHXBUy6g3hFShsp O4i7gMzAAttLy1dR1Xksu9lcGq0FMYy20xNzi2s2MMYusx239Y GrU9jCgxkI8kwYZizGmLyJQQJboI4ByroR YTpNHE7C/hOfZJS1VkHnedDxNEWUREnsozVpCh2n3rC3WVaODVtibGMWa5a CyMCL E9TBJza5gSlR0aoV8RlxBsDKOKwrJe8exRS99O/zlbHZQtYWDFD42uJymakk7EYDa0ptzG3E9kqyC6aXH8J3 RixiaJVrEWPUHmOjJPoHM00mjbCPpdTzYgzpWAzQPhmcKoYAix 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ExJCgnaFsFjl8RNcZKWhakmthzIqYaq1y1ha2 0I52jtUQICR1 UHZRiACfOM1LEqVBI3lEorVktnNu1Luo0uSFLWseIsig34QT6T oHb8h0UBOt7 YgTL1GkCwk3JJsfjha2Kz024sb k3/dX/ACmOD4debCVqhF k7 QN4kvIMpYkoNjvCeCxgdbnmKFbFG 0J4OtpHrC/LEtWg5XrgT2i4ZPOBxV1NaXss71UJfadk6NxySbbJMQzFSOkiy rKWfvM1l/WNuKwaBCAJQwzgC0GS4pDI/d6KdXKVUXVr sD4xGBsI1VCIKxGF1EHznRfI2cOIY7LDTS3vKHb3MWSmiIxHtC dXmqgbelyPlGLLqdkURH/aBXviEToqX Lsb/wBIleJVEk8i0oHWFMkwgeoAeBv/AIgoQx2crgVNJNr8QptqLoOKTkrH2lTVQABaUcwyWnU95O9 Zdj/AJl2jUv8pOrTzlOSdpnpcItUIWZZA9MFl76jn8wHp1 EDqZ1N0Bi7mfZ6mzFw2gm5I/CT126GVY896kTZMHmIny3lFbRiKL/AJalM/AOt5FjcPocrqDW6iQqbbym7RN0xmqJZmHgzD5MR9pqnE9Wpqu3 izH5sT954Fnly7Z91id44v8ApDp2Vq//AA6m9ijuR/IrfczkiG4HpOk9nK2nDYxeqoXv4Bkdf E5qux9Zfh/J8h/kI8fkSX9/wDpji 8jdpKG RkFYG8bZERsdpFQbaXKGEd7hbfEyZclqLtYn/aCYLewlGT6RRJmyX6bS8csqrvoa3iQZFpm9nU0WEm95WoNZrdD LciyLjKj6D4mVZYWma17stgbS32epgk6ukqybBNZtusZhybpkn z/iKnOHfkbFqhGUwnX7TUqQAY3vFXEVwqamPEV6lRqj7XJPEPK26 iuzx4Rs6Hj 0uHrIVJA8IBUat0aEMl7MoqB61iebHgTfNcOEYMi2QjpxE5Mbj tvZRimr4lEhiu5Mi9iJuXbwlmhhHcarQYxb6HtpC7Vy9G3AmlU aVEt4lSg9ZAoBQEzZP2KZNleGZm2G5jLhsk0OtUta3I8byPIcN oTWRuYQxFUzuVxE0S5hiha3jArUj719pZzBSyi3SVqD920CTbo pwJUevdyLNJsO4XYmR0xbpaVlGp5i10NyJNbGTDY8WsTFrtxh9 YSuo3QaWPil9r hv8AzSw7W2k2HqakZW3BFiD1B5EdDJKL30eels56Hm6OQbjkQr mOQMhJp95fy/iHl5iDly6te2hr e36yhSTQThJeBr7PZzrGhj3h9YzJUvOS1mZHtfSyHkHqPOP3Zv NRXpWNvaKLHz87SXLjp2irDkv6sPaybgGx6ShSxaVteHqLpdeV J5HR0PhNa1YsNae8mxXxA5U BkGbUvbItekbVKe42325U/2gRQ6TFTNMC1F2Rt qt4iVFMYM0zqniMOA6laq/r1t5RbQ2PrLoSbW0QzUb0MmAe6L/3rJ7yllZ7g9W/WWpBNfZn2nxpXhi/6QSwFfTQxg/NQ/RtP/OI9UbRkrV9NOoPzpo bo3/GLbne0swbifM/5aNfIb9pHgO08NJn93cjb4TXVbaW8NSbRr2Ivx1 UZJ Tz0rCWS5JUJ1FlQfM/IbRtw1HQLa7/KLWW1EPvFtQ4AOxENUVp/lPxMkyN2V4ePHQScg 9v8pTq4GieaaG/Xr9DNi4HF5DUrQIyknoOUV5F3O8tCHUnF PD0g8xhzlxoufD77Rbd7wskuVWU/A qfo99oJge0pud5vr4gIqc07TJsQ1wVZpUw9ZkIYciEvZKoJ5JE b yWIo10KGkL0xubc7S2DW2z56cUpNJ6FKt2mrOuknbyhAdsGNPQ 6AgC19vvNs3ahVxCU0TTZ9L22vvvGat2Sw1wopnccgnwnVFxv2 AlXQkYfO11DWp0 UacP2zwyqBpPyMBns0hxhw4Y6bXv4eV4JzvLRRrNTG4HWZUYq0 6CcpPthHNCGBAIO3iJVy1w2lD0MyZJZLQxscMPiUGldQtsORDY oI42KbeJH95kyMhFWLIGwi KfzD 8V8VXFNyLi3kRMmTskVQ7E3ZDUzAcD9YQyekr31MAT5iZMi4ra DzSfEJLliM3vr/MsmGVKi7ODf Jf7zJkp4RJY9gdgFcgkeW44kbMCeR8xMmSWWpOi MnQm5xTHtn494yHBYh6Lh0NiPkR1BmTJYknHZE/wBMZamfi4rJYE2Dp bzH8Q8ZKM VG1pYq/vJfcHxE8mRSghv8jA2PqozsybA7285VJ63nsyUIU wtllUaOR7zfaX9Y8R8xMmTz5/pn13w5v CP kUcwq92wI5ECs3eMyZKcH5PC/wAs7z/9EdY9fhJcHi0QHUCftPJkZI81dlrD179bW4Ph4GNGDxjMgYsgu Nxcc9ZkyKmlSHYG7ZYOKQ7e0BJ6X/zNKhRO 7rYcKpux8L24nsyDFIPLJoW8wx5qNc7KOF 5lFmmTIuXZ6OJ8caoru 8mwu7CZMhR7FZJPiy5iXB6iWcozF8Nq0AWYb32mTJRH8s8kr4a uVrCqbEhtRjNS7Xt7XWy9wrbTcc M9mTZJaOB2AzJUxZr/AIW5uYRx GwdZzULm585kyBNVFHH/9k=

No judge is going to change the rules after votes are cast.

Im doubling down on the corrupt masonic judiciary concept.

"we just happened to be taking down bldg 7 that day."

no. i mean. debris damage. i mean. well .......

07-06-2023, 03:30 AM
how will crypto fare during the E.M.P. ?

lol @ libertarian crypto tards.

07-06-2023, 07:12 AM
how will crypto fare during the E.M.P. ?

lol @ libertarian crypto tards.

I was entertaining the idea that your account had been hacked based on your posts declining in quality over your history here over the past few months. Upon further review I see that raccoon on meth is pretty much your baseline.

07-06-2023, 07:24 AM
I was entertaining the idea that your account had been hacked based on your posts declining in quality over your history here over the past few months. Upon further review I see that raccoon on meth is pretty much your baseline.
sorry you bought crypto.

07-06-2023, 07:29 AM
sorry you bought crypto.

I didn't buy crypto. My opinion is that it's essentially based on the greater fool theory which has me wondering when you'll jump in. Did you answer the question of "why trump" yet?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-06-2023, 09:04 AM
Nah, he's just a buffoonish ogre. The unfortunate comedy is in those who think he should be considered a serious candidate. The mind is boggled.
''haha". yes I know if you were attacked the way he has been you'd be the model of decorum and dignity when == fighting == back!
Yep, sure you would... :rolleyes:--Tyr

07-06-2023, 10:54 AM
''haha". yes I know if you were attacked the way he has been you'd be the model of decorum and dignity when == fighting == back!
Yep, sure you would... :rolleyes:--Tyr

He's been a buffoon for decades. The sad thing is that he knows nothing else even after being elected to the highest office in the world. And amazingly he could have been reelected if only he had shown any hint of personal growth by the being only 92.2% the bigoted doof of 2016 trump. Instead he went the other way and increased his doof level but those levels are now off the charts post November 2020.

And I handle being attacked with great aplomb. ;)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-06-2023, 11:05 AM
He's been a buffoon for decades. The sad thing is that he knows nothing else even after being elected to the highest office in the world. And amazingly he could have been reelected if only he had shown any hint of personal growth by the being only 92.2% the bigoted doof of 2016 trump. Instead he went the other way and increased his doof level but those levels are now off the charts post November 2020.

And I handle being attacked with great aplomb. ;)

Please correct your typo ., aplomp?
++++ abomb
or so you say. ;)--Tyr

07-06-2023, 11:14 AM
Please correct your typo ., aplomp?
++++ abomb
or so you say. ;)--Tyr

Aplomb is correct. My record bears it out. If only trump could rise above it all, he'd be in his second term rather than wallowing.

Black Diamond
07-06-2023, 11:23 AM

07-06-2023, 01:51 PM
I didn't buy crypto. My opinion is that it's essentially based on the greater fool theory which has me wondering when you'll jump in. Did you answer the question of "why trump" yet?
he's the first contender to even discuss the stupidity of globalist zealotry and sending all the jobs away for short term corporate gain and long term national plunder by the chinese.

globalism = chinese mercantilism in a de facto sense.

07-06-2023, 01:54 PM
libertarians are globalist traitors, by and large.

07-06-2023, 02:22 PM
so you want desantis, why are you ashamed to say it ?

why do you want that ingrate betrayer ned flanders?

Perhaps you skipped the second sentence...

I wouldn't vote for either of them. Nor will I vote for Biden. They are all three heaping piles of dung.

07-06-2023, 02:31 PM
he's the first contender to even discuss the stupidity of globalist zealotry and sending all the jobs away for short term corporate gain and long term national plunder by the chinese.

globalism = chinese mercantilism in a de facto sense.

Free trade is good. His protectionism might be his biggest non-buffoonish failure.

libertarians are globalist traitors, by and large.

Which libertarians are being discussed right now? :slap:

07-06-2023, 03:10 PM
Free trade is good. His protectionism might be his biggest non-buffoonish failure.

Which libertarians are being discussed right now? :slap:

globalism is fucking retarded for everyone else but multinational corporations and banksters.

Im discussling the libertarians who have gone fucking stupid about globalization and internationalist fascism.

07-06-2023, 04:31 PM
globalism is fucking retarded for everyone else but multinational corporations and banksters.

Im discussling the libertarians who have gone fucking stupid about globalization and internationalist fascism.

Personally I like comparative advantage, not working in sweat shops, working in the knowledge sector, etc. The US manufactures now more than it ever has, just with less people.

I thought this thread was about trump and DeSantis. I don't recall any libertarians embracing fascism. Fascism is of the left and libertarians are not.

07-06-2023, 06:14 PM
So the point to all this: AHZ is a Trump supporter so he's attacking DeSantis? The usual Trump mentality "if you aren't for me you're the enemy" and "scorched Earth" applies :rolleyes:

I've mentioned this before: Trump is so blind to himself he's attacking people on the right he's going to need support from to have any chance of winning. All such trash as this does is divide and alienate conservatives.

I liked DeSantis a LOT more before he started behaving like Trump. His heavy-handed BS is going to backfire even as it did on Trump.

But just to clear the air for the noob: The one person I will not vote for is Trump. I'm pretty sure FJ covered most of the reasons why above. His winning will just be the final blow to what's left of what has become an absolute joke of a political party.

07-06-2023, 06:42 PM
Personally I like comparative advantage, not working in sweat shops, working in the knowledge sector, etc. The US manufactures now more than it ever has, just with less people.

I thought this thread was about trump and DeSantis. I don't recall any libertarians embracing fascism. Fascism is of the left and libertarians are not.
comparative advantage is a defunct idiot theory.

everyone can't be a knowledge worked.

outsourcing as much as possible just sucks money out of the economy.

don't be so shortsigted.

incentivizing overseas slavery in any way degrades free men everywhere.

protectionism is good.

how smart is it to be overdependant on imports from a geopolitical adversarty?

its not smart at all.

it's incredibly stupid.

trump 2024.

07-06-2023, 07:00 PM
Trump sucks. Fact.

Biden sucks even more. Fact.

Both suck, yes both statements can be true. In fact, they are facts.

07-06-2023, 07:30 PM
Trump sucks. Fact.

Biden sucks even more. Fact.

Both suck, yes both statements can be true. In fact, they are facts.If Donald Trump truly wanted what was best for this Nation and its people, he would bow out. He is what is wrong with the Republican party, and conservative/independent independent voters. Any minimal good he could possibly achieve as President is buried beneath the harm he has done and is doing. He is the Democrats best hope or 2024 because he can easily be beaten by a front united vs the one he has divided.

A true leader does not remain silent while countless followers get thrown in jail/prison for acting in his name when one word from him could have stopped Jan 6th. While wordsmiths can legaleeze his way out of actual responsibility, he was the leader of the pack nevertheless.

The country does not need a repeat of the chaos his presence caused 2016-2020 inside and outside the Republican party. If the party recovers, it won't be recognizable to most of us.

07-07-2023, 05:19 AM
comparative advantage is a defunct idiot theory.

everyone can't be a knowledge worked.

outsourcing as much as possible just sucks money out of the economy.

don't be so shortsigted.

incentivizing overseas slavery in any way degrades free men everywhere.

protectionism is good.

how smart is it to be overdependant on imports from a geopolitical adversarty?

its not smart at all.

it's incredibly stupid.

trump 2024.

Lines of idiotic text does not a rational argument make. Protectionists are populists; meaning not exactly deep thinkers.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-07-2023, 07:41 AM
comparative advantage is a defunct idiot theory.

everyone can't be a knowledge worked.

outsourcing as much as possible just sucks money out of the economy.

don't be so shortsigted.

incentivizing overseas slavery in any way degrades free men everywhere.

protectionism is good.

how smart is it to be overdependant on imports from a geopolitical adversarty?

its not smart at all.

it's incredibly stupid.

trump 2024.

As government gets rid of our economic independence by moving us ever deeper into the global economy we lose freedoms.
Yes, it is just that simple. The plan seems to be one world government. One should see that for what it would truly be, imho. -Tyr-Tyr

07-07-2023, 08:09 AM
Trump sucks. Fact.

Biden sucks even more. Fact.

Both suck, yes both statements can be true. In fact, they are facts.

Trump is your daddy.


07-07-2023, 08:13 AM
As government gets rid of our economic independence by moving us ever deeper into the global economy we lose freedoms.
Yes, it is just that simple. The plan seems to be one world government. One should see that for what it would truly be, imho. -Tyr-Tyr


sadly our elites are selling the country down the river. subjugating us to a future where we will own nothing.

see klaus schwab and the W.E.F.

libertarians can never criticize the w.e.f. either.

they're high on globalist turd fumes.

07-07-2023, 08:37 AM
Lines of idiotic text does not a rational argument make. Protectionists are populists; meaning not exactly deep thinkers.
they're all clear sentences.

choose one to argue against.

tell me which one you don't understand.

I'm here to help you learn and unlearn.

populism is good.

theres nothing stupid about defending onesself against nihilistic nazi oligarchs with genocide plans.

07-07-2023, 09:00 AM
As government gets rid of our economic independence by moving us ever deeper into the global economy we lose freedoms.
Yes, it is just that simple. The plan seems to be one world government. One should see that for what it would truly be, imho. -Tyr-Tyr

Protectionism is losing freedoms. Government is not smart enough to be granted that much power.

they're all clear sentences.

choose one to argue against.

tell me which one you don't understand.

I'm here to help you learn and unlearn.

populism is good.

theres nothing stupid about defending onesself against nihilistic nazi oligarchs with genocide plans.

I understand those arguments which is how I know that you are wrong. Nevertheless there are threads on each and every one of those. This one seems to be about trump and DeSantis. Perhaps if you knew the ins and outs of paragraphs...

07-07-2023, 09:06 AM
Protectionism is losing freedoms. Government is not smart enough to be granted that much power.

I understand those arguments which is how I know that you are wrong. Nevertheless there are threads on each and every one of those. This one seems to be about trump and DeSantis. Perhaps if you knew the ins and outs of paragraphs...

your freedom is significantly reduced when you have no job because it has been outsourced.

you ignore reality with your globalist tropes.

all your globalist arguments are only from the multinational corporate p.o.v.

yoy're basically an internationalist fascist.

07-07-2023, 09:18 AM
your freedom is significantly reduced when you have no job because it has been outsourced.

you ignore reality with your globalist tropes.

all your globalist arguments are only from the multinational corporate p.o.v.

yoy're basically an internationalist fascist.

Hmm. I have a job. You have a job, presumably. Most, all?, on this site have jobs. The unemployment rate in this country is 3.7% so the majority of those who want a job have a job. Protectionist countries are 3rd world S*holes. Free trade countries, including this one, are prosperous. I don't have arguments, I have facts and reality supporting my positions. :)

Do you work to be that ignorant? Because abject stupidity takes effort.

Here's a fun thread.

Populism; Good or Bad (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?72272-Populism-Good-or-Bad)

07-07-2023, 09:23 AM
Hmm. I have a job. You have a job, presumably. Most, all?, on this site have jobs. The unemployment rate in this country is 3.7% so the majority of those who want a job have a job. Protectionist countries are 3rd world S*holes. Free trade countries, including this one, are prosperous. I don't have arguments, I have facts and reality supporting my positions. :)

Do you work to be that ignorant? Because abject stupidity takes effort.

Here's a fun thread.

Populism; Good or Bad (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?72272-Populism-Good-or-Bad)

so as long as you're good that's all that matters i guess.

third world shitholes are ravaged by multinational corporations who destroy them for resources.

populism is good.

i guess you haven't been to detroit.

07-07-2023, 09:54 AM
so as long as you're good that's all that matters i guess.

third world shitholes are ravaged by multinational corporations who destroy them for resources.

populism is good.

i guess you haven't been to detroit.

I, and most of the rest of the country, are good. You, apparently, are unemployed and angry at the world. Third world S*holes are run by despotic dictators who have no respect for the people or their natural resources. I've been to Detroit. Some news for you; not done in by free trade.

That last part might explain who you're supporting though. :thinking5:

07-07-2023, 11:56 AM
I, and most of the rest of the country, are good. You, apparently, are unemployed and angry at the world. Third world S*holes are run by despotic dictators who have no respect for the people or their natural resources. I've been to Detroit. Some news for you; not done in by free trade.

That last part might explain who you're supporting though. :thinking5:

those despotic dictators are cia puppets.

grow up.

the world is tired of your lies.

07-07-2023, 11:58 AM
Nighttrain, boogey man.

why do you like ingrate traitor Ron Desantis?

07-07-2023, 12:30 PM
those despotic dictators are cia puppets.

grow up.

the world is tired of your lies.


you make a good populist.

thats not a compliment.

just because it sounded like words in your head doesn't mean it stands the test of time until someone reads it.

you're a useful tool for the globalists.

with deep thinkers like you they can just point at the idiot screaming about globalists.

07-07-2023, 12:35 PM

you make a good populist.

thats not a compliment.

just because it sounded like words in your head doesn't mean it stands the test of time until someone reads it.

you're a useful tool for the globalists.

with deep thinkers like you they can just point at the idiot screaming about globalists.

globalist zealotry is shortsighted, and destroys lives and birfurcates the nation.

comparative advantage is a retarded monkey concept.

07-07-2023, 12:38 PM
Being the best at oppression and human slavery is not a legitimate comparative advantage.

being a "consumer nation", i.e. the best at wreckless spending, is also a destructive and shortsighted comparative "advantage".

07-07-2023, 12:43 PM
globalist zealotry is shortsighted, and destroys lives and birfurcates the nation.

comparative advantage is a retarded monkey concept.

Being the best at oppression and human slavery is not a legitimate comparative advantage.

being a "consumer nation", i.e. the best at wreckless spending, is also a destructive and shortsighted comparative "advantage".

In for the economic studies upon which you base your opinions. :)

We tried it your way. :cough: 1930s :cough:

07-07-2023, 12:44 PM
In for the economic studies upon which you base your opinions. :)

We tried it your way. :cough: 1930s :cough:

these truths are fucking obvious.

why is it smart to depend on a geopolitical foe like china?

tell me plainly socrates.

why is it smart to send all the jobs away over short term profits?

because you don't care? is that your ideology?

07-07-2023, 01:04 PM
Nighttrain, boogey man.

why do you like ingrate traitor Ron Desantis?

Jesus, dude, take a pill. If we were a bunch of commies around here, I could understand the full-bore rhetoric.. but we're a conservative board.

There was no greater Trump fan than I was. But I'm being realistic - fully half the country hates him, right or wrong, that's the reality. He was a superb president.

But his competitive nature, his desire to win clouds his judgment and makes enemies of those that at the very least would ordinarily tolerate him, if not make astute allies and partners.

I don't want another scenario where most voters are pulling the lever based on who they dislike more. That's a bullshit way to vote and I'm not confident that Trump will win against the senile buffoon, election rigging or not.

DeSantis is my pick of the GOP primary, but I'll vote for whoever wins the primary. He has a MUCH greater appeal to independents and moderates, and I'll clue you in to something : those voters are crucial to win the general.

07-07-2023, 01:52 PM
these truths are fucking obvious.

why is it smart to depend on a geopolitical foe like china?

tell me plainly socrates.

why is it smart to send all the jobs away over short term profits?

because you don't care? is that your ideology?

My idology is liberty. Thankfully that tends to be the optimal outcome and I've not seen any indication that the opposite is true; see Great Depression. But your assumptions are generally incorrect. I don't depend on geopolitical foes. I advocate for free trade. I don't send jobs away. I prefer higher, capital intensive wages over lower, labor intensive wages. Case in point; the majority of the profit, by a lot, for an iPhone is in the design and development, not the manufacturing. I've said for a long time that the US has had a crappy corporate tax policy that has hindered our manufacturing base more than it should have but that has been turning around the past few years; Thank you McConnell, trump, etc.

It's funny you bring up Socrates. He of the Socratic Method is far different than you yelling over anyone who disagrees with you. You should open your eyes to reality.

Black Diamond
07-07-2023, 02:19 PM

07-07-2023, 02:39 PM
Jesus, dude, take a pill. If we were a bunch of commies around here, I could understand the full-bore rhetoric.. but we're a conservative board.

There was no greater Trump fan than I was. But I'm being realistic - fully half the country hates him, right or wrong, that's the reality. He was a superb president.

But his competitive nature, his desire to win clouds his judgment and makes enemies of those that at the very least would ordinarily tolerate him, if not make astute allies and partners.

I don't want another scenario where most voters are pulling the lever based on who they dislike more. That's a bullshit way to vote and I'm not confident that Trump will win against the senile buffoon, election rigging or not.

DeSantis is my pick of the GOP primary, but I'll vote for whoever wins the primary. He has a MUCH greater appeal to independents and moderates, and I'll clue you in to something : those voters are crucial to win the general.

he is beloved by most.

you desantis sellouts are dumb af.

do you even look at the numbers or polling.

trump is winning.

YOU'RE the divisive holdouts for a wrong-headed dream.

07-07-2023, 02:41 PM
My idology is liberty. Thankfully that tends to be the optimal outcome and I've not seen any indication that the opposite is true; see Great Depression. But your assumptions are generally incorrect. I don't depend on geopolitical foes. I advocate for free trade. I don't send jobs away. I prefer higher, capital intensive wages over lower, labor intensive wages. Case in point; the majority of the profit, by a lot, for an iPhone is in the design and development, not the manufacturing. I've said for a long time that the US has had a crappy corporate tax policy that has hindered our manufacturing base more than it should have but that has been turning around the past few years; Thank you McConnell, trump, etc.

It's funny you bring up Socrates. He of the Socratic Method is far different than you yelling over anyone who disagrees with you. You should open your eyes to reality.

and your ideology is globalist stupidity?

is it smart or stupid to allow chinese companies to publicly trade without having to adhere to basic accounting rules and standards?

smart or stupid. a lot is on the line for you right now.

and you do advocate for dependance on geopolitical foes.

07-07-2023, 03:01 PM
Globalism is choosing to employ slaves from nations with no human rights and use them to replace free individuals around the globe.

international trade could be awesome, but not when fruits of human slavery are allowed on the free market.

Tariffs are the solution.

07-07-2023, 03:07 PM
and your ideology is globalist stupidity?

is it smart or stupid to allow chinese companies to publicly trade without having to adhere to basic accounting rules and standards?

smart or stupid. a lot is on the line for you right now.

and you do advocate for dependance on geopolitical foes.

You're not good with the reading comprehension either. But as I said before, you're a good little populist; Not very smart but able to parrot simple-minded phrases.

To your question...

https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/16/business/china-stock-us-delisting-averted-audit-access-intl-hnk/index.html#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20had%20i ncreased,years%2C%20they%20would%20be%20delisted.

07-07-2023, 03:09 PM
Globalism is choosing to employ slaves from nations with no human rights and use them to replace free individuals around the globe.

international trade could be awesome, but not when fruits of human slavery are allowed on the free market.

Tariffs are the solution.

Messr.s Smoot, Hawley, and Hoover thought so too. Why don't you believe in liberty? Why do you believe in the power of government fiat?

07-07-2023, 03:20 PM
You're not good with the reading comprehension either. But as I said before, you're a good little populist; Not very smart but able to parrot simple-minded phrases.

To your question...

https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/16/business/china-stock-us-delisting-averted-audit-access-intl-hnk/index.html#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20had%20i ncreased,years%2C%20they%20would%20be%20delisted.


is it smart or stupid to allow chinese companies to trade publicly without adhering to standard accounting practices?

answer the question.

07-07-2023, 03:33 PM
he is beloved by most.

you desantis sellouts are dumb af.

do you even look at the numbers or polling.

trump is winning.

YOU'RE the divisive holdouts for a wrong-headed dream.

What? Start reviewing what you post before smashing the reply button.

So you're telling me that I should vote for whoever everyone else votes for?

Are you aware that's exactly how the moonbat commies vote, with no thinking or deep thought behind their vote? "The Democrat is ahead in polling, so that's why I will vote for this clown! Hyuk!"

I will vote for the person who I think is best suited for the job, combined with who I think will win the general election.

I'm dumb as fuck? You, sir, have taken that distinct quality with that inane and stupid take.


07-07-2023, 03:43 PM

is it smart or stupid to allow chinese companies to trade publicly without adhering to standard accounting practices?

answer the question.

They should conform to the requirements of the exchanges on which they are listed. Why do you hate liberty?

07-07-2023, 03:58 PM
What? Start reviewing what you post before smashing the reply button.

So you're telling me that I should vote for whoever everyone else votes for?

Are you aware that's exactly how the moonbat commies vote, with no thinking or deep thought behind their vote? "The Democrat is ahead in polling, so that's why I will vote for this clown! Hyuk!"

I will vote for the person who I think is best suited for the job, combined with who I think will win the general election.

I'm dumb as fuck? You, sir, have taken that distinct quality with that inane and stupid take.


im saying holding onto desantis despite popularity makes you the reluctant holdouts averse to "electability".

07-07-2023, 05:14 PM
im saying holding onto desantis despite popularity makes you the reluctant holdouts averse to "electability".

What part about voting for whoever wins the primary don't you get?

07-07-2023, 05:24 PM
Trump sucks. Fact.

Biden sucks even more. Fact.

Both suck, yes both statements can be true. In fact, they are facts.

so you are a desantoid, is this true?

why not vote?

07-07-2023, 05:26 PM
What part about voting for whoever wins the primary don't you get?

so you will vote for trump?

07-07-2023, 05:29 PM
They should conform to the requirements of the exchanges on which they are listed. Why do you hate liberty?

and the fact we allowed the contrary to occur is what, smart or stupid?

07-07-2023, 05:32 PM
he is beloved by most.

you desantis sellouts are dumb af.

do you even look at the numbers or polling.

trump is winning.

YOU'RE the divisive holdouts for a wrong-headed dream.

Here's an idea:

There is no reason for a lack of civility and I can and will square away that little issue for your candy ass if you can't manage on your own.

07-07-2023, 05:35 PM
so you will vote for trump?


Read my words. Again.

Then read it all again. Concentrate. Focus. I know you can get there if you only try.

All I can say is we're doomed with Biden for another 4 years if you're what we have out there on the interwebs winning hearts and minds. I'm a huge Trump supporter but I have to say, interacting with you here in this thread has left a bad taste in my mouth. Christ!

07-07-2023, 07:15 PM
so you are a desantoid, is this true?

why not vote?

I already made clear what I'll do if choice is as appears.

07-07-2023, 08:01 PM
and the fact we allowed the contrary to occur is what, smart or stupid?

Sorry. I'm not seeing it as either or. Why do you hate liberty? You sound like a "fair trader." Of course that's just another word for protectionist which is itself another word for fan of big government.

07-08-2023, 12:42 AM
I'm an Independent.

I'm not voting for either Trump or DeSantis in the primary.

I'm voting for RFK, Jr.

However, so far, I'm pretty sure I'll vote for the republican candidate in the general election.

Mr. P
07-08-2023, 01:36 AM
Trolls are so entertaining !

07-08-2023, 05:06 AM
Here's an idea:

There is no reason for a lack of civility and I can and will square away that little issue for your candy ass if you can't manage on your own.

Im tired of your globalist shit fucks.

bring it on.

07-08-2023, 05:07 AM
I'm an Independent.

I'm not voting for either Trump or DeSantis in the primary.

I'm voting for RFK, Jr.

However, so far, I'm pretty sure I'll vote for the republican candidate in the general election.

Trump / RFK would be a great ticket.

07-08-2023, 05:08 AM
massive tariffs are the key to a bright american future.

07-08-2023, 06:20 AM
sorry gunny for my insolence.

im getting it under control.

07-08-2023, 09:53 AM
massive tariffs are the key to a bright american future.

Messr.s Smoot, Hawley, and Hoover thought so too.

In for the economic studies upon which you base your opinions. :)


07-08-2023, 10:07 AM
my opinion is based the obvious ongoing destruction of vast swaths of the nation due to globalist idiocy, which you ignorantly support.

07-08-2023, 10:11 AM
Im tired of your globalist shit fucks.

bring it on.You aren't very bright, are you? Best you got is a bunch of not only ignorant, but stupid, cliche labels for people that don't fall in lockstep with your univision? The premise of your poll begins with a red herring and doesn't get any brighter from there.

Grow up. If you're tired of us "fucks" go somewhere else. Or you can contribute. Choice is yours. You are more than welcome here, but we have a standard. You joined this board, it didn't join you.

07-08-2023, 10:34 AM
my opinion is based the obvious ongoing destruction of vast swaths of the nation due to globalist idiocy, which you ignorantly support.

Then you have no clue. There are copious threads here where free trade has been successfully defended... if I do say so myself. ;)

07-08-2023, 10:38 AM
You aren't very bright, are you? Best you got is a bunch of not only ignorant, but stupid, cliche labels for people that don't fall in lockstep with your univision? The premise of your poll begins with a red herring and doesn't get any brighter from there.

Grow up. If you're tired of us "fucks" go somewhere else. Or you can contribute. Choice is yours. You are more than welcome here, but we have a standard. You joined this board, it didn't join you.

globalist short-sighted imbecile is logically accurate. it's not a smear.

or you could tell me why it's smart to send all the jobs away.

07-08-2023, 10:44 AM
Then you have no clue. There are copious threads here where free trade has been successfully defended... if I do say so myself. ;)

I doubt it.

successful is in the eye of the beholder.

constricting your realm of caring to multinational corporate profits only is not a win.

you're losing......

your soul.

07-08-2023, 10:53 AM
I doubt it.

successful is in the eye of the beholder.

constricting your realm of caring to multinational corporate profits only is not a win.

you're losing......

your soul.


07-08-2023, 10:56 AM

so why is it smart to send all the jobs away, chucklenutz?

07-08-2023, 11:27 AM
so why is it smart to send all the jobs away, chucklenutz?

Facts not in evicence.

07-08-2023, 11:36 AM
Facts not in evicence.

How Outsourcing Jobs Affects the U.S. Economy - The Balance (https://www.thebalancemoney.com/how-outsourcing-jobs-affects-the-u-s-economy-3306279)
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/www.thebalancemoney.com.ico (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jobs%20lost%20to%20outsourcing%20and%20immigrat ion+site:www.thebalancemoney.com)https://www.thebalancemoney.com › how-outsourcing-jobs-affects-the-u-s-economy-3306279 (https://www.thebalancemoney.com/how-outsourcing-jobs-affects-the-u-s-economy-3306279)

Jun 16, 2022Key Takeaways Job outsourcing can help American companies compete by keeping prices low, but it has a negative effect on U.S. employment. America has lost jobs to China, Mexico, India, and other countries with lower wage standards.

Research finds the domestic outsourcing of jobs leads to declining U.S ... (https://equitablegrowth.org/research-finds-the-domestic-outsourcing-of-jobs-leads-to-declining-u-s-job-quality-and-lower-wages/)
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/equitablegrowth.org.ico (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jobs%20lost%20to%20outsourcing%20and%20immigrat ion+site:equitablegrowth.org)https://equitablegrowth.org › research-finds-the-domestic-outsourcing-of-jobs-leads-to-declining-u-s-job-quality-and-lower-wages (https://equitablegrowth.org/research-finds-the-domestic-outsourcing-of-jobs-leads-to-declining-u-s-job-quality-and-lower-wages/)

The domestic outsourcing of jobs in the United States is fast becoming a dominant explanation for the destruction of the social contract of work, a historic concept in which norms of fairness and solidarity between firms and their employees played a major role in wage setting and workplace standards for some U.S. workers—though of course many others such as African American workers were ...

Bureau of Labor Statistics grossly underestimates U.S. jobs lost to ... (https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2004/10/bureau-labor-statistics-grossly-underestimates-us-jobs-lost-outsourcing-report)
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/news.cornell.edu.ico (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jobs%20lost%20to%20outsourcing%20and%20immigrat ion+site:news.cornell.edu)https://news.cornell.edu › stories › 2004 › 10 › bureau-labor-statistics-grossly-underestimates-us-jobs-lost-outsourcing-report (https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2004/10/bureau-labor-statistics-grossly-underestimates-us-jobs-lost-outsourcing-report)

The U.S. Midwest lost the most jobs to outsourcing (18,968 ) from January through March 2004. Other U.S. regions that lost a lot of jobs were the Southeast (8,604) and Northeast (7,223). The states hardest hit were Illinois (7,555 jobs lost) and Michigan (5,283 jobs lost).

40+ Vital Outsourcing Statistics [2023]: How Many Jobs Lost To ... - Zippia (https://www.zippia.com/advice/outsourcing-statistics/)
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/www.zippia.com.ico (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jobs%20lost%20to%20outsourcing%20and%20immigrat ion+site:www.zippia.com)https://www.zippia.com › advice › outsourcing-statistics (https://www.zippia.com/advice/outsourcing-statistics/)

Feb 15, 2023Roughly 300,000 U.S. jobs are outsourced each year. The global outsourcing market is valued at $92.5 billion, with the U.S. market bringing in $62 billion of the total international revenue. 66% of businesses in the United States outsource at least one department. 59% of businesses cite cost as the biggest reason for outsourcing.

Tech Layoffs in U.S. Send Foreign Workers Scrambling to Find New Jobs (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/09/us/tech-immigrant-workers-visas.html)
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/www.nytimes.com.ico (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jobs%20lost%20to%20outsourcing%20and%20immigrat ion+site:www.nytimes.com)https://www.nytimes.com › 2022 › 12 › 09 › us › tech-immigrant-workers-visas.html (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/09/us/tech-immigrant-workers-visas.html)

Dec 9, 2022Between 2000 and 2019, the number of tech workers in the United States jumped by 44 percent, to 10.8 million from 7.5 million. For their programming, coding and other skills, many receive...

Illegal Aliens Taking U.S. Jobs - Federation for American Immigration ... (https://www.fairus.org/issue/workforce-economy/illegal-aliens-taking-us-jobs)
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/www.fairus.org.ico (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jobs%20lost%20to%20outsourcing%20and%20immigrat ion+site:www.fairus.org)https://www.fairus.org › issue › workforce-economy › illegal-aliens-taking-us-jobs (https://www.fairus.org/issue/workforce-economy/illegal-aliens-taking-us-jobs)

2 days agoFAIR's estimate of the illegal alien population in 2017 was approximately 12.5 million, of which we estimated at least 7 million in the U.S. work force. This number has almost certainly gone up since the U.S. unemployment has fallen and, according to our research, the illegal alien population has risen to approximately 14.3 million as of 2019.

PDF NAFTA's Legacy: Lost Jobs, Lower Wages, Increased Inequality - Citizen (https://www.citizen.org/wp-content/uploads/nafta_factsheet_deficit_jobs_wages_feb_2018_final. pdf)
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/www.citizen.org.ico (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jobs%20lost%20to%20outsourcing%20and%20immigrat ion+site:www.citizen.org)https://www.citizen.org › wp-content › uploads › nafta_factsheet_deficit_jobs_wages_feb_2018_final. pdf (https://www.citizen.org/wp-content/uploads/nafta_factsheet_deficit_jobs_wages_feb_2018_final. pdf)

More than 950,000 specific U.S. jobs have been certified by the U.S. Labor Department as lost to NAFTA outsourcing and import floods under just one narrow program.

How Outsourcing, Immigration, and Trade Have Destroyed American Jobs ... (https://www.hiddendominion.com/outsourcing-immigration-trade-destroyed-american-jobs/)
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/ip3/www.hiddendominion.com.ico (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jobs%20lost%20to%20outsourcing%20and%20immigrat ion+site:www.hiddendominion.com)https://www.hiddendominion.com › outsourcing-immigration-trade-destroyed-american-jobs (https://www.hiddendominion.com/outsourcing-immigration-trade-destroyed-american-jobs/)

Outsourcing, immigration, and foreign imports have all had a significant (negative) impact on American job prospects. Native workers, mostly low skilled, have had to handle the burden of these policies. Despite this, many proponents of immigration still cling to the idea that high skilled immigrants boost wages in cities for native-born workers.


07-09-2023, 10:56 AM
Cucks? I bet you are a riot at a party.

Mr. Trump is a ticket to a sure loss. Like it or not, and I don't, Mr. Trump is a target of the DC establishment and the media. The man is a mouthy child who has never had an unspoken thought and it is his biggest weakness.

Was he treated horrifically by the filth in our media and the establishment? Yes.

Is he the savior of the American way of life? Hardly.

Should we do everything possible to see that no other person is treated to the abuse heaped upon him, earned or not? Yes.

Mr. DeSantis is not Trump. He can control his words and he can practice a level of decorum that Mr. Trump seems unwilling to even consider. The media is already working to make the case that he is unelectable, don't buy it.

let's hear from the desantis cucks,

I know you're in here.

let's talk about this betrayer.

07-09-2023, 10:58 AM
Cucks? I bet you are a riot at a party.

Mr. Trump is a ticket to a sure loss. Like it or not, and I don't, Mr. Trump is a target of the DC establishment and the media. The man is a mouthy child who has never had an unspoken thought and it is his biggest weakness.

Was he treated horrifically by the filth in our media and the establishment? Yes.

Is he the savior of the American way of life? Hardly.

Should we do everything possible to see that no other person is treated to the abuse heaped upon him, earned or not? Yes.

Mr. DeSantis is not Trump. He can control his words and he can practice a level of decorum that Mr. Trump seems unwilling to even consider. The media is already working to make the case that he is unelectable, don't buy it.

yes. that's the fake never trumper narrative.

evidently you don't pay attention to polls of any kind.

07-09-2023, 11:06 AM
Never Trumper? When you make idiot assertions like this it is quite hard to take you seriously.

yes. that's the fake never trumper narrative.

evidently you don't pay attention to polls of any kind.

07-09-2023, 11:18 AM
Never Trumper? When you make idiot assertions like this it is quite hard to take you seriously.

desantis is an ingrate.

faux outrage about trumps mysterious "decorum" problem is for fags.

Trump is a brilliant communicator, a truthteller, and a national treasure.

07-09-2023, 11:42 AM
You are a complete stereotype of what the communists claim a Trump supporter would be. Seems we have a likely paid Biden operative in our midst.

desantis is an ingrate.

faux outrage about trumps mysterious "decorum" problem is for fags.

Trump is a brilliant communicator, a truthteller, and a national treasure.

07-09-2023, 12:19 PM
You are a complete stereotype of what the communists claim a Trump supporter would be. Seems we have a likely paid Biden operative in our midst.

ok, secret never trumper globalist traitor china suckup.

07-09-2023, 12:36 PM
You are a complete stereotype of what the communists claim a Trump supporter would be. Seems we have a likely paid Biden operative in our midst.

Agree. This guy is a moonbat posing as a Trump supporter.

07-09-2023, 12:46 PM
Agree. This guy is a moonbat posing as a Trump supporter.

because all real trump supporters support desantis and globalism?

Black Diamond
07-09-2023, 01:40 PM
Agree. This guy is a moonbat posing as a Trump supporter.

From Houston?

07-09-2023, 01:59 PM
because all real trump supporters support desantis and globalism?Perhaps you should rethink who you are insulting for no reason. The majority of this board voted for Trump. I voted for him twice.

Donald Trump himself -- not the lefwtingnut MSM nor the Dems nor any other left tard -- took Donald Trump's name off the list. Trump's behavior since he declared victory before the polls were closed on the 2020 election has been completely unacceptable, and he has doubled down on that unacceptability daily since. That's just personal, minus all the real, strategic reasons he should not be running and/or the Republicans should grow some balls and not let him.

Lost to all this flat-out bullshit is the Nation and its people and what is best for US. Not Trump's ego. Not those dirtbags occupying the government. This is about US.

There is nothing gained but pretty much a guaranteed worse Dem President in 2028 if Trump is reelected and we get to re-live the 2016-2020 circus the left will double down on. There's no point to a lame duck President from Day One whose primary mission is stumbling around through a bureaucracy he has proven he doesn't understand seeking political revenge.

There's nothing gained by a lame duck President stumbling around, ruling by Executive Order because half the party won't support him, and have those EOs suffer the same fate they did in 2020.

He is under investigation for real, punishable crimes against this Nation. When he's convicted in the 11th hour what does the party do? It won't help any of us, that's the one thing that's sure.

Since the 2020 election Trump has behaved like a spoiled child that had his rattle taken away. It's all about him. His interference made a shambles of the Mid terms. There's a brain dead puppet in the WH and an even worse one now in the Senate because of his meddling.

The temporary, minimal crap he can accomplish for a couple of years isn't worth the damage and loss he has caused.

Ron DeSantis and whoever the Hell else is running, the Dems/MSM have nothing to do with any of the above. The Dems are in power, stumbling around backwards f-ing sh*t up with a puppet at their head because of Donald Trump.

Since you asked.

07-09-2023, 02:10 PM
Perhaps you should rethink who you are insulting for no reason. The majority of this board voted for Trump. I voted for him twice.

Donald Trump himself -- not the lefwtingnut MSM nor the Dems nor any other left tard -- took Donald Trump's name off the list. Trump's behavior since he declared victory before the polls were closed on the 2020 election has been completely unacceptable, and he has doubled down on that unacceptability daily since. That's just personal, minus all the real, strategic reasons he should not be running and/or the Republicans should grow some balls and not let him.

Lost to all this flat-out bullshit is the Nation and its people and what is best for US. Not Trump's ego. Not those dirtbags occupying the government. This is about US.

There is nothing gained but pretty much a guaranteed worse Dem President in 2028 if Trump is reelected and we get to re-live the 2016-2020 circus the left will double down on. There's no point to a lame duck President from Day One whose primary mission is stumbling around through a bureaucracy he has proven he doesn't understand seeking political revenge.

There's nothing gained by a lame duck President stumbling around, ruling by Executive Order because half the party won't support him, and have those EOs suffer the same fate they did in 2020.

He is under investigation for real, punishable crimes against this Nation. When he's convicted in the 11th hour what does the party do? It won't help any of us, that's the one thing that's sure.

Since the 2020 election Trump has behaved like a spoiled child that had his rattle taken away. It's all about him. His interference made a shambles of the Mid terms. There's a brain dead puppet in the WH and an even worse one now in the Senate because of his meddling.

The temporary, minimal crap he can accomplish for a couple of years isn't worth the damage and loss he has caused.

Ron DeSantis and whoever the Hell else is running, the Dems/MSM have nothing to do with any of the above. The Dems are in power, stumbling around backwards f-ing sh*t up with a puppet at their head because of Donald Trump.

Since you asked.

his behavior is fine for someone who clearly got cheated.

your reasoning is unsound.

if desantoids united behind trump things could get done

but you people are deep staters.

07-09-2023, 02:20 PM
trump whines like a Loser. he can't even acknowledge the successes of Desantis in FL.

So reality is not exactly on the table for you is it? Besides, trump attempted to call out any chicanery after the election because he spent the election cycle debating debating like a moron. I think this picture is from his 1st debate prep.

http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBYWFRgVFhYZGRgaHBocHBoYHBgcGhoYGhgaGhgaGB ocIS4lHB4rIRoYJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDs0Py40NTEBDAwMEA8Q HxISHzQrJSw0NDQ0NjQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0ND Q0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NP/AABEIAKgBLAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgMEAAIHAQj/xAA8EAACAQIFAQUGAwcEAgMAAAABAgADEQQFEiExQQYiUWFxEz KBkaHBQlKxBxRikrLR4SNywvAVgiQzU//EABoBAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDBAEABQb/xAAnEQACAgICAgMAAgIDAAAAAAAAAQIRAyESMUFRBCIyE2EFcR SBsf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AS/YhSLczdm8t/GU8NiTfvGENQ5uIiTtl7wuDogewHeMgpV1BJ6SLHV9RsJEH2hR lSoP/AInJX5COIqoVkuDUUqTOB4wW7C0nx2OAo6Qf mE1dEc4OEnGQAxNUuxY9TPcNUKsCJCTPVMYJHXBUy6g3hFShsp O4i7gMzAAttLy1dR1Xksu9lcGq0FMYy20xNzi2s2MMYusx239Y GrU9jCgxkI8kwYZizGmLyJQQJboI4ByroR YTpNHE7C/hOfZJS1VkHnedDxNEWUREnsozVpCh2n3rC3WVaODVtibGMWa5a CyMCL E9TBJza5gSlR0aoV8RlxBsDKOKwrJe8exRS99O/zlbHZQtYWDFD42uJymakk7EYDa0ptzG3E9kqyC6aXH8J3 RixiaJVrEWPUHmOjJPoHM00mjbCPpdTzYgzpWAzQPhmcKoYAix 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IamDdKR2HTVsXPrtb4R7yCor4emVYatCqdIt30sGFhwb2O3jOb 1al67t0Lv8ixtGLsFitFZqJ8/mouCPVL/KTQlto9j5PxlHCpL0dFRyRYr3jsQOo6kfCcBxY77jwZvoxn0Ot MET57x4/wBWp/vqf1mURPGZVKzZRPCJgG8Mw2E2DEbjb0mrcSPVOOHXIMaHpd4i 4JU/Dj9ZJjX3FtzFrsi96zKd1ZC3oVI/uYzPhe8CDt4SHJGpOiiCbjZgwFRxfXaefurINzcGXqOIN7WkGN qE3Fou2McFWi5hRZJhNjAj9oPYgKy3lVs/NQ91bCG/ZO3ugjXroH35mmIxNxtBWOa4v1lygn mPSIaKYSdUVw2xgLENZ4dYbQfX0jmHF0xckG8qqBkEtOd4t4LM EQ7HbwhL/ywO4ItH3fRPJbKtfEWUX8ICx1VnN BCtBdZAaT4jJAR3TabBK2MnJ1QAooTwCYc7P5c9apoU2I5vCWA y3SAtvjL/Z2noxLWHTj4x0o1HlfrQhS2EW7JuRuwgmt zp2Ysan0jX/AOfbXo9k2r7Xl3McyNNFbRcm23rB10NlNvsUE7AsB/8AZ9BCWD7Jsi6S9/hCeHzslwjppB63/WWKWZaqpTTsB73jAcY jlOS6Bo7ND80oVOxIZixqHfptGDA5kXeolvc u14NwXabVVem66QnDdDO4r0c8kn2Ds77OilharBydKX oH3nNwI59o 071aT0dOkM4HmUU6vqQv1idH44qMdAuTfZHV8ZKgkdXiSpDMMm CekTyEcZOrfsyxF8I6/wD51HHqHVW/W85VH79l1fbFJ/Cjj4agf MCfRsOxXVbk ZP1Mu4LGmjWp4kAn2bd9Ryye64HmASRIfZ8H4zctoOq23PxXf6 2nnRdTs xy4VPC4vyjsWGcMFdGDKwDKb7MhFwQZwTHj/AFanp/WZ1/JT 7VmwRPcIathSeqE3ejfxQm4H5T5TkGPa9Sof43/rM9CJ8cyuJ4J7MhGHrcSuovf5bfWTudpXRrA s1mDB2SVQ7t IKFA8id/qBGR2J4vEvs6 mstjsbqf1 0dq1WwkWbUizDuFGivpXfmRtiRplDF4wg7i4MqVMaTsBaLoNyp A7tC1yDKmXV gjIuS 0W/WT9ksoFKu4dQV2tf4xsVaolkmnbBuFu7bw7Updyw8I80cLQI2V fpJWwlIcqo UVLC/YyOZJdHKq7kbWgjHm52E61nQoUqTOVXYeU5LWxWti1rXMyMadX YMsnLSKD0SLm0r2Pn9YQd7RlyfO6KUwtSmCwJ3t06SmCT80LK FwrBhqFoQqSDDMztrY/CWis5pR0jnLk7JMNUNoXyNV9qGtvaA0NpcwGMCvq4AECWkDV9D JjqOmsKtxYC0E5nmJ9Zpjs3DLF3FYosedp0pW7DUfYQXGG4ud5 OMxKta9jAJqX38JLUcsASeIBtDrkiBdTk3Z flYTU9nkcNdjdm1bc8g2g3IGZlJB2humWXctYDk XWUQtxFN7OfdtUVMSUX8KJx4kat/OxEXVYE2lvNq3tK1Spe p2IPiCTp lpTIv69I6jjzEDa83QyRsJVZCwpuR4hTaQoZxpKZ5ME9EI49tG/8AZnVti2To9KoPiCjD6AxREO9iK2jHUD4syn/3Rl/UiBLo2PZuq90eg/SY6akIm68WmIZ5j7Pu4q4L/R0R8K2KwOHqUzavTVKlJvCqigMh/hbvKfUeE4zinLO7kWLszEeBZiSP1nZ xNa2GQHi9QehDt9rTjFRrk ZJ e8vxy0fE/IjxySXpsjmEzUHpNWMaIPGeRpx8TPSZEh2nHG6OysGXkG49RHF MwFRFIFrjfyPWJwe0MZbikCEHpcj49InNG436H4ZVLj7J6 KJYjwmA2AJ8ZUVgST4yXGv3Bp3Mm9D8mHJHtDPgsVsJeVlbmKu ExJCgnaFsFjl8RNcZKWhakmthzIqYaq1y1ha2 0I52jtUQICR1 UHZRiACfOM1LEqVBI3lEorVktnNu1Luo0uSFLWseIsig34QT6T oHb8h0UBOt7 YgTL1GkCwk3JJsfjha2Kz024sb k3/dX/ACmOD4debCVqhF k7 QN4kvIMpYkoNjvCeCxgdbnmKFbFG 0J4OtpHrC/LEtWg5XrgT2i4ZPOBxV1NaXss71UJfadk6NxySbbJMQzFSOkiy rKWfvM1l/WNuKwaBCAJQwzgC0GS4pDI/d6KdXKVUXVr sD4xGBsI1VCIKxGF1EHznRfI2cOIY7LDTS3vKHb3MWSmiIxHtC dXmqgbelyPlGLLqdkURH/aBXviEToqX Lsb/wBIleJVEk8i0oHWFMkwgeoAeBv/AIgoQx2crgVNJNr8QptqLoOKTkrH2lTVQABaUcwyWnU95O9 Zdj/AJl2jUv8pOrTzlOSdpnpcItUIWZZA9MFl76jn8wHp1 EDqZ1N0Bi7mfZ6mzFw2gm5I/CT126GVY896kTZMHmIny3lFbRiKL/AJalM/AOt5FjcPocrqDW6iQqbbym7RN0xmqJZmHgzD5MR9pqnE9Wpqu3 izH5sT954Fnly7Z91id44v8ApDp2Vq//AA6m9ijuR/IrfczkiG4HpOk9nK2nDYxeqoXv4Bkdf E5qux9Zfh/J8h/kI8fkSX9/wDpji 8jdpKG RkFYG8bZERsdpFQbaXKGEd7hbfEyZclqLtYn/aCYLewlGT6RRJmyX6bS8csqrvoa3iQZFpm9nU0WEm95WoNZrdD LciyLjKj6D4mVZYWma17stgbS32epgk6ukqybBNZtusZhybpkn z/iKnOHfkbFqhGUwnX7TUqQAY3vFXEVwqamPEV6lRqj7XJPEPK26 iuzx4Rs6Hj 0uHrIVJA8IBUat0aEMl7MoqB61iebHgTfNcOEYMi2QjpxE5Mbj tvZRimr4lEhiu5Mi9iJuXbwlmhhHcarQYxb6HtpC7Vy9G3AmlU aVEt4lSg9ZAoBQEzZP2KZNleGZm2G5jLhsk0OtUta3I8byPIcN oTWRuYQxFUzuVxE0S5hiha3jArUj719pZzBSyi3SVqD920CTbo pwJUevdyLNJsO4XYmR0xbpaVlGp5i10NyJNbGTDY8WsTFrtxh9 YSuo3QaWPil9r hv8AzSw7W2k2HqakZW3BFiD1B5EdDJKL30eels56Hm6OQbjkQr mOQMhJp95fy/iHl5iDly6te2hr e36yhSTQThJeBr7PZzrGhj3h9YzJUvOS1mZHtfSyHkHqPOP3Zv NRXpWNvaKLHz87SXLjp2irDkv6sPaybgGx6ShSxaVteHqLpdeV J5HR0PhNa1YsNae8mxXxA5U BkGbUvbItekbVKe42325U/2gRQ6TFTNMC1F2Rt qt4iVFMYM0zqniMOA6laq/r1t5RbQ2PrLoSbW0QzUb0MmAe6L/3rJ7yllZ7g9W/WWpBNfZn2nxpXhi/6QSwFfTQxg/NQ/RtP/OI9UbRkrV9NOoPzpo bo3/GLbne0swbifM/5aNfIb9pHgO08NJn93cjb4TXVbaW8NSbRr2Ivx1 UZJ Tz0rCWS5JUJ1FlQfM/IbRtw1HQLa7/KLWW1EPvFtQ4AOxENUVp/lPxMkyN2V4ePHQScg 9v8pTq4GieaaG/Xr9DNi4HF5DUrQIyknoOUV5F3O8tCHUnF PD0g8xhzlxoufD77Rbd7wskuVWU/A qfo99oJge0pud5vr4gIqc07TJsQ1wVZpUw9ZkIYciEvZKoJ5JE b yWIo10KGkL0xubc7S2DW2z56cUpNJ6FKt2mrOuknbyhAdsGNPQ 6AgC19vvNs3ahVxCU0TTZ9L22vvvGat2Sw1wopnccgnwnVFxv2 AlXQkYfO11DWp0 UacP2zwyqBpPyMBns0hxhw4Y6bXv4eV4JzvLRRrNTG4HWZUYq0 6CcpPthHNCGBAIO3iJVy1w2lD0MyZJZLQxscMPiUGldQtsORDY oI42KbeJH95kyMhFWLIGwi KfzD 8V8VXFNyLi3kRMmTskVQ7E3ZDUzAcD9YQyekr31MAT5iZMi4ra DzSfEJLliM3vr/MsmGVKi7ODf Jf7zJkp4RJY9gdgFcgkeW44kbMCeR8xMmSWWpOi MnQm5xTHtn494yHBYh6Lh0NiPkR1BmTJYknHZE/wBMZamfi4rJYE2Dp bzH8Q8ZKM VG1pYq/vJfcHxE8mRSghv8jA2PqozsybA7285VJ63nsyUIU wtllUaOR7zfaX9Y8R8xMmTz5/pn13w5v CP kUcwq92wI5ECs3eMyZKcH5PC/wAs7z/9EdY9fhJcHi0QHUCftPJkZI81dlrD179bW4Ph4GNGDxjMgYsgu Nxcc9ZkyKmlSHYG7ZYOKQ7e0BJ6X/zNKhRO 7rYcKpux8L24nsyDFIPLJoW8wx5qNc7KOF 5lFmmTIuXZ6OJ8caoru 8mwu7CZMhR7FZJPiy5iXB6iWcozF8Nq0AWYb32mTJRH8s8kr4a uVrCqbEhtRjNS7Xt7XWy9wrbTcc M9mTZJaOB2AzJUxZr/AIW5uYRx GwdZzULm585kyBNVFHH/9k=

No judge is going to change the rules after votes are cast.

judiciary failure is no reason to lie about stolen elections.

07-09-2023, 04:12 PM
From Houston?

Suspected that but she's not that smart.

Another Texan but not her.

07-09-2023, 07:57 PM
his behavior is fine for someone who clearly got cheated.

your reasoning is unsound.

if desantoids united behind trump things could get done

but you people are deep staters.Thanks for confirming your argument consists solely of cliche labels and insults.

I suspected I was going to get some lame trash for a response. You are not the only Trump supporter on this board. The others at least have stated, legit reasons for supporting him. While not agreeing, I can understand why, and respect that.

You are THE poster child for every reason "why not".

07-09-2023, 09:13 PM
How far down the cut and paste response list did you have to have someone read to you to find that one?

his behavior is fine for someone who clearly got cheated.

your reasoning is unsound.

if desantoids united behind trump things could get done

but you people are deep staters.

07-10-2023, 01:04 AM
Thanks for confirming your argument consists solely of cliche labels and insults.

I suspected I was going to get some lame trash for a response. You are not the only Trump supporter on this board. The others at least have stated, legit reasons for supporting him. While not agreeing, I can understand why, and respect that.

You are THE poster child for every reason "why not".

that was not confirmed at all.

globalists hate trump because he's anti-globalist.

be honest, neocon traitor to humanity.

trashy enough for you, trash-face?

maybe you can tell me why its smart to send all the jobs away.

comparative advantage is a retard mongoloid concept.

Is the ability to turn your citizens into slaves for export production a legitimate comparative advantage?

is "consuming" a legitimate comparative advantage?

globalist zealotry creates one dimensional dysfunctional societies, by design.

desantis is a deep state ingrate.

go ahead, clutch your pearls about trumps "boorishness". lol.

07-10-2023, 03:14 AM
all you desantoids sound like dems from 2016.

retardation station.

07-10-2023, 03:15 AM
How far down the cut and paste response list did you have to have someone read to you to find that one?

all these sentences are hand-made, uniquely crafted, one of a kind witticisms designed for your pleasure.

You're welcome.

07-10-2023, 10:14 AM

07-10-2023, 01:43 PM

because all real trump supporters actually support desantis now.

07-10-2023, 07:35 PM
because all real trump supporters actually support desantis now.Stay up late thinking that one up, didja?:rolleyes:

07-11-2023, 04:17 AM
Stay up late thinking that one up, didja?:rolleyes:

because desantis is the answer to our prayers.

07-11-2023, 09:50 AM
because desantis is the answer to our prayers.Really ought to see someone about your infatuation with DeSantis. The only thing that's got me stumped about your simple ass is where you came up with the plan to use your red herring, DeSantis, as if it's a trigger. He doesn't have a fan club here that I've seen.

Besides the fact your boy is obviously afraid of him :)

07-11-2023, 04:44 PM
Really ought to see someone about your infatuation with DeSantis. The only thing that's got me stumped about your simple ass is where you came up with the plan to use your red herring, DeSantis, as if it's a trigger. He doesn't have a fan club here that I've seen.

Besides the fact your boy is obviously afraid of him :)

desantis is trying to pivot to the culture war.

that's a distraction from what we really need.

massive tariffs.

that's very rational.

07-11-2023, 05:35 PM
desantis is trying to pivot to the culture war.

that's a distraction from what we really need.

massive tariffs.

that's very rational.I've never figured out why some people are infatuated with vinyl records. All we had when I was a kid. One scratch and you were stuck listening to the same line over and over. You could nudge the needle and it'd skip forward a bit and you could listen to a different same old line over and over.

Some things never change.

07-11-2023, 06:45 PM
judiciary failure is no reason to lie about stolen elections.

Wasn't stolen. He's a buffoon who doesn't know how to campaign and govern. But I do note when I and others point out his failings as below...

The man is a mouthy child who has never had an unspoken thought...

You're unable to counter the truth of it. Rather you act like he does which honestly, explains a lot.

07-11-2023, 06:49 PM

Wow, you googled something. It doesn't counter my claim though. And I don't believe I posted that there wouldn't be job losses. I claimed comparative advantage. Below is how it worked for the US.

Further, of those 53 million new jobs some 62% of them were in higher paying occupations than those "high paying good jobs" in manufacturing we lost. Yes, really, 33 million higher paying jobs came along to replace those 7 million lost. Which does, when you look at those numbers properly, seem like rather a good deal.


07-12-2023, 07:37 AM
I've never figured out why some people are infatuated with vinyl records. All we had when I was a kid. One scratch and you were stuck listening to the same line over and over. You could nudge the needle and it'd skip forward a bit and you could listen to a different same old line over and over.

Some things never change.

Thanks for the irrelevant misty-eyed reverie, gramps.

07-12-2023, 07:41 AM
Wasn't stolen. He's a buffoon who doesn't know how to campaign and govern. But I do note when I and others point out his failings as below...

You're unable to counter the truth of it. Rather you act like he does which honestly, explains a lot.

it was stolen.

judiciaries had cause to recognize the valid complaints of election security measures changed unconstitutionally.

but they're corrupt.

just because courts get it wrong doesn't mean reality changes.

did you know that?

07-12-2023, 03:44 PM
it was stolen.

judiciaries had cause to recognize the valid complaints of election security measures changed unconstitutionally.

but they're corrupt.

just because courts get it wrong doesn't mean reality changes.

did you know that?

trump hired crappy lawyers. So much for his hiring good people.

07-12-2023, 04:00 PM
trump hired crappy lawyers. So much for his hiring good people.I'm sure I missed someone, but did Trump hire anyone that panned out in his favor? That wasn't named Trump?

That he was out of his league in DC became obvious real quick.

07-12-2023, 04:07 PM
I'm sure I missed someone, but did Trump hire anyone that panned out in his favor? That wasn't named Trump?

That he was out of his league in DC became obvious real quick.

Even Ivanka has walked away from his politics. . .

07-12-2023, 04:22 PM
trump hired crappy lawyers. So much for his hiring good people.

you desantoids are a distinction without a difference.

all your criticisms of trump are petty and irrational.

you're a globalist sleeper cell inside the right.

07-12-2023, 04:29 PM
Even Ivanka has walked away from his politics. . .

oh really? which part of his politics is she upset with?

you have no clue.

you're just making up phrases that seem popular and meaningful, but are not.

07-12-2023, 04:47 PM
Even Ivanka has walked away from his politics. . .

One of the first things I noticed was his own DoJ was not supporting him. Then again, he was going to "Clean the Swamp". Looks to me like the Swamp is having its way with him.

Most noticeable to me having worked there is he had no idea what he was talking about, nor getting into. He walked into an entrenched system as an outsider threatening to tear it down. We're living with the result of that. A brain dead puppet for a President with the system itself running the show, and doubling down on everyone and everything that dared oppose it.

A system as entrenched as the US Federal bureaucracy with fall only from within, or overwhelming military force of which Trump is neither. He was just enough to stir the hornet's nest and piss them off.

Worse, he's shown zero sign of not thinking he's going to go right back at it the same way:rolleyes: That's for the American people? We've suffered for 3 years for his antics that amounted to torn up EO's the first day of the Puppet's reign.

Should he win by some miracle, he'll be shut down even more his lame duck tour, and probably impeached when they convict him. Can't really hope he's going to pick a good running mate. Going back full circle, his decision making when it comes to people sucks.

07-12-2023, 05:03 PM
One of the first things I noticed was his own DoJ was not supporting him. Then again, he was going to "Clean the Swamp". Looks to me like the Swamp is having its way with him.

Most noticeable to me having worked there is he had no idea what he was talking about, nor getting into. He walked into an entrenched system as an outsider threatening to tear it down. We're living with the result of that. A brain dead puppet for a President with the system itself running the show, and doubling down on everyone and everything that dared oppose it.

A system as entrenched as the US Federal bureaucracy with fall only from within, or overwhelming military force of which Trump is neither. He was just enough to stir the hornet's nest and piss them off.

Worse, he's shown zero sign of not thinking he's going to go right back at it the same way:rolleyes: That's for the American people? We've suffered for 3 years for his antics that amounted to torn up EO's the first day of the Puppet's reign.

Should he win by some miracle, he'll be shut down even more his lame duck tour, and probably impeached when they convict him. Can't really hope he's going to pick a good running mate. Going back full circle, his decision making when it comes to people sucks.

and you're a pro-corruption status quo zealot with a sack full of nothing sauce.

where's the beef?

07-12-2023, 05:14 PM
and you're a pro-corruption status quo zealot with a sack full of nothing sauce.

where's the beef?If and when you ever get anything about me, or anyone else on this board for that matter, correct, you'll have taken your first baby step. OR ... if you'd bother reading ... :rolleyes:

One does not have to like one damned thing about what's going on in DC to have enough sense to not jump on a broken-down jalopy running on 3 cylinders for a frontal assault on a fortress.

I'll wait for a sound plan that upholds the law, with a real leader who wants what's best for this Nation and its people.

07-12-2023, 05:27 PM
If and when you ever get anything about me, or anyone else on this board for that matter, correct, you'll have taken your first baby step. OR ... if you'd bother reading ... :rolleyes:

One does not have to like one damned thing about what's going on in DC to have enough sense to not jump on a broken-down jalopy running on 3 cylinders for a frontal assault on a fortress.

I'll wait for a sound plan that upholds the law, with a real leader who wants what's best for this Nation and its people.

reigning in globalist stupidity is job #1.

you're lost in neocon psychobabble.

Mr. P
07-12-2023, 06:07 PM
reigning in globalist stupidity is job #1.

you're lost in neocon psychobabble.

https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fc521e5c c-e1cc-4c68-b699-d5e78ed13152_812x960.jpeg?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

07-12-2023, 06:08 PM
reigning in globalist stupidity is job #1.

you're lost in neocon psychobabble.Should I point out how the math works here, junior? My combat boots were around before you. Theoretically that would make YOU the neocon, if you were a conservative. Since you're just a populist behaving like a leftwingnut, I can't spare you that as it would elevate your standing as being someone.

You can't really be this damned dumb :laugh:

07-12-2023, 06:23 PM
Should I point out how the math works here, junior? My combat boots were around before you. Theoretically that would make YOU the neocon, if you were a conservative. Since you're just a populist behaving like a leftwingnut, I can't spare you that as it would elevate your standing as being someone.

You can't really be this damned dumb :laugh:

neocon means globalist dimwit.

07-12-2023, 10:32 PM
This fella's cheese has slid off his cracker...

neocon means globalist dimwit.

07-13-2023, 07:38 AM
This fella's cheese has slid off his cracker...

do you think we should have at least reciprocal tariffs against countries who tariff us?

or would that be "not free trade"?

answer the question. redeem yourself.

07-13-2023, 07:40 AM
One of the first things I noticed was his own DoJ was not supporting him. Then again, he was going to "Clean the Swamp". Looks to me like the Swamp is having its way with him.

Most noticeable to me having worked there is he had no idea what he was talking about, nor getting into. He walked into an entrenched system as an outsider threatening to tear it down. We're living with the result of that. A brain dead puppet for a President with the system itself running the show, and doubling down on everyone and everything that dared oppose it.

A system as entrenched as the US Federal bureaucracy with fall only from within, or overwhelming military force of which Trump is neither. He was just enough to stir the hornet's nest and piss them off.

Worse, he's shown zero sign of not thinking he's going to go right back at it the same way:rolleyes: That's for the American people? We've suffered for 3 years for his antics that amounted to torn up EO's the first day of the Puppet's reign.

Should he win by some miracle, he'll be shut down even more his lame duck tour, and probably impeached when they convict him. Can't really hope he's going to pick a good running mate. Going back full circle, his decision making when it comes to people sucks.

corrupt deep state fucktoids fear the light.

07-13-2023, 07:44 AM
https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fc521e5c c-e1cc-4c68-b699-d5e78ed13152_812x960.jpeg?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

criticisms of globalist stupidity seem to stand up to scrutiny in my opinion.

07-13-2023, 12:54 PM
neocon means globalist dimwit.


Not surprising though that you don't know the meaning of one word when you don't know the meaning of the word you used to describe it. Do they not teach reading, comprehension and vocabulary anymore?

07-13-2023, 02:35 PM

Not surprising though that you don't know the meaning of one word when you don't know the meaning of the word you used to describe it. Do they not teach reading, comprehension and vocabulary anymore?

elucidate both, if you have time.

i'm willing to learn.

Mr. P
07-13-2023, 08:19 PM

Not surprising though that you don't know the meaning of one word when you don't know the meaning of the word you used to describe it. Do they not teach reading, comprehension and vocabulary anymore?

The first thing that came to mind when I read its post.


07-13-2023, 08:54 PM
Have you ever heard of logical fallacy? I think you might want to do some reading.


do you think we should have at least reciprocal tariffs against countries who tariff us?

or would that be "not free trade"?

answer the question. redeem yourself.

07-14-2023, 06:00 AM

Not surprising though that you don't know the meaning of one word when you don't know the meaning of the word you used to describe it. Do they not teach reading, comprehension and vocabulary anymore?

neocon generally includes globalist idiocy.

or you can tell me it does not.

youre failing your side of the argument and then throwing insults.

please characterize what you think neocon means.

I argued with neocons about their globalism before trump came around.

they were mostly secret never trumpers who are now desantoids.

07-14-2023, 07:21 AM
you desantoids are a distinction without a difference.

all your criticisms of trump are petty and irrational.

you're a globalist sleeper cell inside the right.

What's it like to be a member of the stupidest generation? Uneducation morons like yourself will be studied for generations. It's one thing to vote for trump over hillary. It's another thing to vote to reelect him over the (D)oddering fool. It's quite another to support a man-child whose personality has been exposed for what it is.

07-14-2023, 07:50 AM
What's it like to be a member of the stupidest generation? Uneducation morons like yourself will be studied for generations. It's one thing to vote for trump over hillary. It's another thing to vote to reelect him over the (D)oddering fool. It's quite another to support a man-child whose personality has been exposed for what it is.

intelligence is more of an individual trait.

globalism is stupid.

you still never explained why its smart to send all the jobs away for short term profits for corporations.

you can't explain how it's smart, because it's actually very stupid.

07-14-2023, 07:54 AM
intelligence is more of an individual trait.

globalism is stupid.

you still never explained why its smart to send all the jobs away for short term profits for corporations.

you can't explain how it's smart, because it's actually very stupid.

I actually did. You're unable to read.

07-14-2023, 07:57 AM
I actually did. You're unable to read.

You mumbled some shit about comparative advantage, that's just a phrase that still doesn't make it smart to send all the jobs away.

cheap goods mean shit when you have no income because your jobs was sent away.

07-14-2023, 08:02 AM
You mumbled some shit about comparative advantage, that's just a phrase that still doesn't make it smart to send all the jobs away.

cheap goods mean shit when you have no income because your jobs was sent away.

That's what happens when you rely on your "fabulous" memory that ignores things you don't understand.

07-14-2023, 08:04 AM
That's what happens when you rely on your "fabulous" memory that ignores things you don't understand.

Im happy to hear your version of the recap.

07-14-2023, 08:07 AM
Im happy to hear your version of the recap.

No point. You ignore what you don't agree with and proves you wrong.

07-14-2023, 08:10 AM
No point. You ignore what you don't agree with and proves you wrong.

comparative advantage mutterings don't prove me wrong.

07-14-2023, 08:12 AM
comparative advantage mutterings don't prove me wrong.

No, facts do. The ones you ignore.

07-14-2023, 08:21 AM
No, facts do. The ones you ignore.

you just conveniently ignore all the downsides of globalism stupidity.

07-14-2023, 08:41 AM
you just conveniently ignore all the downsides of globalism stupidity.

Uh huh.

07-14-2023, 08:47 AM
Uh huh.


the upside goes to a small percent of people.

the rest of the nation is harmed in many dimensions, from the economic, to the military.

07-14-2023, 02:04 PM

the upside goes to a small percent of people.

the rest of the nation is harmed in many dimensions, from the economic, to the military.

No. You say words but you have no understanding.

07-14-2023, 03:30 PM
No. You say words but you have no understanding.


the jobs losses and dependance on hostile adversaries are proving disastrous.

you being in denial doesn't change the reality.

07-14-2023, 05:38 PM

the jobs losses and dependance on hostile adversaries are proving disastrous.

you being in denial doesn't change the reality.

I quote facts, you quote not facts. Round and round we go.

07-14-2023, 05:57 PM
I quote facts, you quote not facts. Round and round we go.


07-14-2023, 10:23 PM
The guy makes things up, refuses to answer questions, makes assertions akin to shouting SQUIRREL, and then demands you answer his semi-literate rambling....

Definitely round and round.

I quote facts, you quote not facts. Round and round we go.

07-15-2023, 05:38 AM
I quote facts, you quote not facts. Round and round we go.

what facts are you referencing?

the massive job losses and dependance on hostile adversaries?

those are facts you ignore.

ignorance is not facts.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-15-2023, 07:34 AM
That's what happens when you rely on your "fabulous" memory that ignores things you don't understand.

cheap goods mean shit when you have no income because your jobs was sent away.

Spot on truth.
Globalism is only good for USA if it wanTs to be a dictatorship== which dem party is all for, imho. -Tyr

07-15-2023, 07:55 AM
Spot on truth.
Globalism is only good for USA if it wanTs to be a dictatorship== which dem party is all for, imho. -Tyr
yes we need to turn towards our own jobs and own productions and our own needs.

especially with the brics currency, it's time to turn inward and leave internationalist fascism to others.

it's time to not let the mercantilism of others subsume our people.

07-15-2023, 08:23 AM
The guy makes things up, refuses to answer questions, makes assertions akin to shouting SQUIRREL, and then demands you answer his semi-literate rambling....

Definitely round and round.


you dummies can't explain how sending all the jobs away for short term corporate profit is smart.

there's no round and round.

your ideology fails on one tough question you just choose to ignore and diminish.

07-15-2023, 11:09 AM
what facts are you referencing?

the massive job losses and dependance on hostile adversaries?

those are facts you ignore.

ignorance is not facts.

The ones that you ignore that prove you wrong.

Spot on truth.
Globalism is only good for USA if it wanTs to be a dictatorship== which dem party is all for, imho. -Tyr

As per usual he is wrong because he takes the big government side that tries to tell you that they know better than liberty (I detect a theme). Globalism, as in free trade, is good for the US and others who engage in it. Globalism, as in boogyman for closet protectionists, is a collection of self-important eggheads.

07-15-2023, 12:28 PM
The ones that you ignore that prove you wrong.

As per usual he is wrong because he takes the big government side that tries to tell you that they know better than liberty (I detect a theme). Globalism, as in free trade, is good for the US and others who engage in it. Globalism, as in boogyman for closet protectionists, is a collection of self-important eggheads.

Globalism has multiple impacts, not all of them good.

often it depends on one's point of view.

For instance a person who's job is performed more cheaply overseas is not happy to see his domestic position eliminated.

and it's not even just for "low skill workers" it's all skill levels now.

I know, like pence, that's not your concern.

pense, didnt think. et tu ne pense pas?

Im not for big government. Im for tariffs and putting the nation in general ahead of short term focused outsourcing conducted in slave states, thus incentivizing slavery and extinguishing freedom.

07-15-2023, 01:04 PM
Globalism has multiple impacts, not all of them good.

often it depends on one's point of view.

For instance a person who's job is performed more cheaply overseas is not happy to see his domestic position eliminated.

and it's not even just for "low skill workers" it's all skill levels now.

I know, like pence, that's not your concern.

pense, didnt think. et tu ne pense pas?

Im not for big government. Im for tariffs and putting the nation in general ahead of short term focused outsourcing conducted in slave states, thus incentivizing slavery and extinguishing freedom.

A. Who is disputing?

B. You're contradicting yourself.

07-15-2023, 02:18 PM
A. Who is disputing?

B. You're contradicting yourself.

who is disputing what?

tariffs are not big government.

they have been staples of all trade in the modern era.

you reject them even in a reciprocal fashion, because you seek to destroy american with globalist dum dum sauce.

you're a china agent even unbeknownst to yourself.

the most secret agent, a useful idiot.

sending all the jobs away doesnt make sense and you can't make it make sense.

all you have is a refusal of empathy, and that makes you evil.

07-15-2023, 02:30 PM
who is disputing what?

tariffs are not big government.

they have been staples of all trade in the modern era.

you reject them even in a reciprocal fashion, because you seek to destroy american with globalist dum dum sauce.

you're a china agent even unbeknownst to yourself.

the most secret agent, a useful idiot.

sending all the jobs away doesnt make sense and you can't make it make sense.

all you have is a refusal of empathy, and that makes you evil.

You're not particularly good at this. No populist is. You say things that you think sound good but ultimately are destructive. Nobody said that everyone keeps their job. And tariffs are big government. They are government action.

Your assumptions and premises are false and stupid which is the downfall of any argument you make. The downfall of any populist argument because it has no real basis in reality.

07-15-2023, 02:32 PM
You're not particularly good at this. No populist is. You say things that you think sound good but ultimately are destructive. Nobody said that everyone keeps their job. And tariffs are big government. They are government action.

Your assumptions and premises are false and stupid which is the downfall of any argument you make. The downfall of any populist argument because it has no real basis in reality.

Yep, so many thinking they are 'conservatives or the 'real conservatives' are big spending big government folks. They don't have a clue.

07-15-2023, 02:39 PM
You're not particularly good at this. No populist is. You say things that you think sound good but ultimately are destructive. Nobody said that everyone keeps their job. And tariffs are big government. They are government action.

Your assumptions and premises are false and stupid which is the downfall of any argument you make. The downfall of any populist argument because it has no real basis in reality.


you don't give a fuck.

it's not your concern. like pense. you like pence don't you?

that's not a compelling argument.

which of my premises are false and or stupid?

make an argument.

Black Diamond
07-15-2023, 03:01 PM

you don't give a fuck.

it's not your concern. like pense. you like pence don't you?

that's not a compelling argument.

which of my premises are false and or stupid?

make an argument.

You are not helping yourself. Maybe you're really a leftist stooge like the token trump supporters on CNN: the ones who aren't trump supporters at all but play into the leftist narrative by acting stupid.

07-15-2023, 03:07 PM
You are not helping yourself. Maybe you're really a leftist stooge like the token trump supporters on CNN: the ones who aren't trump supporters at all but play into the leftist narrative by acting stupid.

I'm helping all of america.

globalism has become destructive and idiotic in our nation.

it's traitorous to deny it.

07-15-2023, 03:42 PM
You are not helping yourself. Maybe you're really a leftist stooge like the token trump supporters on CNN: the ones who aren't trump supporters at all but play into the leftist narrative by acting stupid.

You make a good point. I was going to ask if he had a job on the View. Nothing but rhetoric, and labels for any and everyone that doesn't cow tow to him. He uses "globalist" like leftwingtards use "racist". Just a label to silence you or get you to agree with him.

And if this is what the Republican Party is becoming? Glad I've already been distancing myself from it and people like this. They don't represent e, nor any other intelligent person I know.

07-15-2023, 05:21 PM

you don't give a fuck.

it's not your concern. like pense. you like pence don't you?

that's not a compelling argument.

which of my premises are false and or stupid?

make an argument.So anyone who doesn't agree with you wants both DeSantis and Pence for President, and is a globalist? Just to make sure I'm keeping up :laugh:

You've got a label for everything. Just like the woke left. There is no substance to your insults/labels.

I find people like you amusing at times. Just for my edification, where did you come up the plan to insult and label and accuse everyone into agreeing in lockstep with your untenable stances?

07-16-2023, 07:55 AM
You make a good point. I was going to ask if he had a job on the View. Nothing but rhetoric, and labels for any and everyone that doesn't cow tow to him. He uses "globalist" like leftwingtards use "racist". Just a label to silence you or get you to agree with him.

And if this is what the Republican Party is becoming? Glad I've already been distancing myself from it and people like this. They don't represent e, nor any other intelligent person I know.

how is it smart to send all the jobs away?

and how is that question rhetorical?

07-16-2023, 08:58 AM
So anyone who doesn't agree with you wants both DeSantis and Pence for President, and is a globalist? Just to make sure I'm keeping up :laugh:

You've got a label for everything. Just like the woke left. There is no substance to your insults/labels.

I find people like you amusing at times. Just for my edification, where did you come up the plan to insult and label and accuse everyone into agreeing in lockstep with your untenable stances?

desantis supporters and globalist are desantis supporters and globalists.

words mean things.

nobody can explain how its smart to send all the jobs away.

why is keeping jobs an untenable stance?

because globalization stupidity is inevitable?

saying things are inevitable is a sign of being brainwashed and purveying brainwash to others.

metasticization of the big lie.

07-16-2023, 11:14 AM

you don't give a fuck.

it's not your concern. like pense. you like pence don't you?

that's not a compelling argument.

which of my premises are false and or stupid?

make an argument.

THEY ALL ARE. Case in point.

how is it smart to send all the jobs away?

and how is that question rhetorical?

Nobody is sending all the jobs away or even proposing too. I've been making arguments for multiple pages now and you just repeat the same garbage. No wonder you like trump, he's not smart and nowhere close to a deep thinker. You're getting played by a narcissist.

07-16-2023, 12:32 PM
THEY ALL ARE. Case in point.

Nobody is sending all the jobs away or even proposing too. I've been making arguments for multiple pages now and you just repeat the same garbage. No wonder you like trump, he's not smart and nowhere close to a deep thinker. You're getting played by a narcissist.

they seek to send as many as possible away, to slaves, to cut costs.

and they say it's smart.

it's actually dumb.

07-17-2023, 08:15 AM
they seek to send as many as possible away, to slaves, to cut costs.

and they say it's smart.

it's actually dumb.

You've got nothing. Your brain is monkeys mashing keyboards hoping that something resembling intelligence comes out. Similar to a schlocky NYC RE developer.

07-17-2023, 09:37 AM
You've got nothing. Your brain is monkeys mashing keyboards hoping that something resembling intelligence comes out. Similar to a schlocky NYC RE developer.

07-17-2023, 10:58 AM
You've got nothing. Your brain is monkeys mashing keyboards hoping that something resembling intelligence comes out. Similar to a schlocky NYC RE developer.

so it's your position that outsourcing jobs to a place where there is cheaper labor isn't happening or what?

of course not. that would be assinine.

it appears it is you who's got nothing.

it's like i always say,"globalism is dum dum sauce".

07-17-2023, 11:22 AM
Oh my!


Former Trump Donors Are Opening Wallets for DeSantis, GOP Rivals
At least $4 million went to other campaigns from those who previously backed the former president
Jack Gillum


Despite the fundraising advantage, the new figures indicate that Trump’s support to return to the White House isn’t cinched among Republicans.

The Trump campaign did see donations jump this spring in the days following the former president’s indictments by New York and federal grand juries. His legal troubles, including federal charges that he allegedly mishandled classified documents, have both energized his core supporters and turned off others.


07-17-2023, 11:25 AM
Oh my!


fake news.

07-17-2023, 03:07 PM
so it's your position that outsourcing jobs to a place where there is cheaper labor isn't happening or what?

of course not. that would be assinine.

it appears it is you who's got nothing.

it's like i always say,"globalism is dum dum sauce".

After 12 pages you're still asking questions as to what my position is? Of course you are because ignoring economic truths is your way of attempting to stay relevant. You're not very good at this.

07-17-2023, 04:25 PM
After 12 pages you're still asking questions as to what my position is? Of course you are because ignoring economic truths is your way of attempting to stay relevant. You're not very good at this.
you have not successfully explained how its smart to send all the jobs away.

07-17-2023, 05:14 PM
Oh my!

Saw the same thing in the Hill. Can't find the article anymore.

07-17-2023, 05:19 PM
you have not successfully explained how its smart to send all the jobs away.Please show me where fj posted "it's smart to send jobs away".

On the other hand, and political as much as economic, if I was a business owner with the Dems hijacking my profits to fund their stupidity/handouts, taking my business out of their grasp sound like a really damned good idea.

I love listening to you people who don't have a dog beyond your mouths in the fight trying to shame those that have something to lose. Not. Business cannot survive without profit.

07-17-2023, 05:25 PM
Please show me where fj posted "it's smart to send jobs away".

On the other hand, and political as much as economic, if I was a business owner with the Dems hijacking my profits to fund their stupidity/handouts, taking my business out of their grasp sound like a really damned good idea.

I love listening to you people who don't have a dog beyond your mouths in the fight trying to shame those that have something to lose. Not. Business cannot survive without profit.

does he agree with outsourcing and offshoring?

ask him.

07-17-2023, 05:32 PM
does he agree with outsourcing and offshoring?

ask him.I have. He explained his position. I don't recall whether or not I agreed with him, but I accepted his explanation without going on page after page and bleeding into other threads.

I suspect he explained his position to you in this thread. Probably more than once. It's not still a question because you don't like the answer.

07-17-2023, 05:44 PM
I have. He explained his position. I don't recall whether or not I agreed with him, but I accepted his explanation without going on page after page and bleeding into other threads.

I suspect he explained his position to you in this thread. Probably more than once. It's not still a question because you don't like the answer.

i believe he has failed to explain why it's smart to send jobs away.

Im sorry you have lower standards.

07-17-2023, 06:51 PM
i believe he has failed to explain why it's smart to send jobs away.

Im sorry you have lower standards.Again, would he not have to first state it is smart to send jobs away?

You aren't very good at this, despite where you think your standards lie :laugh:

07-17-2023, 07:38 PM
Again, would he not have to first state it is smart to send jobs away?

You aren't very good at this, despite where you think your standards lie :laugh:
he attempted several times to explain why it's smart to do so.

wouldn't that imply he thinks it's smart? why attempt to justify it if you don't agree with it?

he talks about comparative advantage.

i just think his explanation / justification are single minded and myopic.

Mr. P
07-17-2023, 08:02 PM
i believe he has failed to explain why it's smart to send jobs away.

Im sorry you have lower standards.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid% 3DOIP.OKLuPav7OToFoFnvdMIp1AHaFD%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=8fbbd6071c66d5e4635ee286ada6f230d78400c24f4745 5009147708ea569514&ipo=images

07-18-2023, 03:01 AM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid% 3DOIP.OKLuPav7OToFoFnvdMIp1AHaFD%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=8fbbd6071c66d5e4635ee286ada6f230d78400c24f4745 5009147708ea569514&ipo=images

You want some?

07-18-2023, 08:36 AM
you have not successfully explained how its smart to send all the jobs away.

I already rejected your premise.

07-18-2023, 08:46 AM
does he agree with outsourcing and offshoring?

ask him.


Harvard Trade and Investment Professor Robert Lawrence did a deep dive on the Trump-branded merchandise advertised on Trump.com and found that products made in the U.S. are the exception and not the rule.
Most of the Trump neckties, shirts and suits are made in China, Bangladesh, or simply say “imported.” And virtually all of his daughter Ivanka Trump (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/entertainment/models/ivanka-trump.htm)’s extensive clothing and accessory line for women is made outside the U.S., with many items manufactured in China.

Why would he endorse Perdue in GA for Senate if your standard applied?

“Yeah, I spent most of my career doing that,” Perdue said, according to the 186-page transcript of his sworn testimony.


07-18-2023, 08:58 AM
I already rejected your premise.

so you're against outsourcing and offshoring for cheaper labor.

good. i have convinced you. i consider this a win.

go our team.

07-18-2023, 09:00 AM
so you're against outsourcing and offshoring for cheaper labor.

good. i have convinced you. i consider this a win.

go our team.

:laugh: Why do you disagree with trump and perdue?

07-18-2023, 09:02 AM
:laugh: Why do you disagree with trump and perdue?

trump is for tariffs.

07-18-2023, 09:05 AM
trump is for tariffs.

And outsourcing it appears. I guess he wants to send all the jobs away.

07-18-2023, 09:10 AM
And outsourcing it appears. I guess he wants to send all the jobs away.

not all. he acknowledges that keeping capacities and jobs is important.

unlike you.

do you believe in any tariffs at all?

you're zero tariff, as per globalist purity stupiddumbness.

07-18-2023, 09:15 AM
not all. he acknowledges that keeping capacities and jobs is important.

unlike you.

do you believe in any tariffs at all?

you're zero tariff, as per globalist purity stupiddumbness.

Wow, that's quite an admission. So even trump doesn't agree with your premise.

07-18-2023, 09:21 AM
Wow, that's quite an admission. So even trump doesn't agree with your premise.

he agrees its excessive.

he talks about the rust belt as a negative, whereas globalist fucktoids call it "creative destruction" or some other dumb shit.

07-18-2023, 09:24 AM
he agrees its excessive.

he talks about the rust belt as a negative, whereas globalist fucktoids call it "creative destruction" or some other dumb shit.

How can you be that much of a fanboi when your boi doesn't even agree with you? And that's not creative destruction. Basic economics is not your bailiwick.

07-18-2023, 09:53 AM
How can you be that much of a fanboi when your boi doesn't even agree with you? And that's not creative destruction. Basic economics is not your bailiwick.

he mostly agrees.

he did to tariffs.

loving america is something you don't.

your globalist religion is just chinese mercantilism for suckers.

07-18-2023, 10:01 AM
he mostly agrees.

he did to tariffs.

loving america is something you don't.

your globalist religion is just chinese mercantilism for suckers.

So he would be forced to reject your premise as well. On that, and almost only that, trump and I would likely agree. I imagine that if we were to utilize his percentage of outsourced apparel in 2016, don't forget perdue's record, as the basis for whether he agrees with you or not... he would likely very much disagree.

07-18-2023, 10:03 AM
So he would be forced to reject your premise as well. On that, and almost only that, trump and I would likely agree. I imagine that if we were to utilize his percentage of outsourced apparel in 2016, don't forget perdue's record, as the basis for whether he agrees with you or not... he would likely very much disagree.

no. he's not forced to reject anything.

this an elaborate construction you've developed, but with no sense to it whatsoever.

trump is anti-globalist enough.. this line of bickering must not be beneath you, though i wish it was.

07-18-2023, 10:08 AM
no. he's not forced to reject anything.

this an elaborate construction you've developed, but with no sense to it whatsoever.

trump is anti-globalist enough.. this line of bickering must not be beneath you, though i wish it was.

My only amusement now is the vacuousness of your position.

I love this link when I did a spell check.

Vacuousness is a quality of being mindless or unintelligent. You get a kick out of reality TV shows, but your intellectual sister scoffs at their vacuousness.
https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/vacuousness#:~:text=Vacuousness%20is%20a%20quality %20of,of%20being%20vacuous%20is%20vacuousness.

You to a T. :laugh:

07-18-2023, 10:14 AM
My only amusement now is the vacuousness of your position.

I love this link when I did a spell check.

https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/vacuousness#:~:text=Vacuousness%20is%20a%20quality %20of,of%20being%20vacuous%20is%20vacuousness.

You to a T. :laugh:

sending jobs away for short term corporate profits is overall destructive to the economy, ruining many lives and jobs for the sake of profit.

you ignore everything besides the corporate profit, being a supply side tool box.

that's my position.

07-18-2023, 10:15 AM
sending jobs away for short term corporate profits is overall destructive to the economy, ruining many lives and jobs for the sake of profit.

you ignore everything besides the corporate profit, being a supply side tool box.

that's my position.

It's amazing how you still support trump. His actions suggest America is not his first and foremost.

07-18-2023, 10:20 AM
It's amazing how you still support trump.

I never said I wasn't amazing.

His actions suggest America is not his first and foremost.

no they don't.

07-18-2023, 10:23 AM
I never said I wasn't amazing.

no they don't.

Did the link misrepresent trump?

07-18-2023, 10:25 AM
Did the link misrepresent trump?

I didn't read it.

can you sum it up.

how does it indicate trump is not america first?

sum it up in a nice concise sentence. i don't have all day to sort through your garbage.

07-18-2023, 10:42 AM
I didn't read it.

can you sum it up.

how does it indicate trump is not america first?

sum it up in a nice concise sentence. i don't have all day to sort through your garbage.

I guess that's the problem. You admit to being deaf, dumb, and blind (in respect to links proferred). You're probably not particularly good at pinball though.

07-18-2023, 10:45 AM
I guess that's the problem. You admit to being deaf, dumb, and blind (in respect to links proferred). You're probably not particularly good at pinball though.

see me.

hear me.

touch me.

feel me.

07-18-2023, 10:47 AM
see me.

hear me.

touch me.

feel me.

Good on ya. You got that reference. Now give the metaphor a try.

07-18-2023, 10:49 AM
Good on ya. You got that reference. Now give the metaphor a try.

doesn't seem germaine.

07-18-2023, 11:46 AM
I guess that's the problem. You admit to being deaf, dumb, and blind (in respect to links proferred). You're probably not particularly good at pinball though.You had to stand in line to get on the pinball machines after Tommy came out :laugh:

Mr. P
07-18-2023, 04:08 PM
You want some?

Some of what ?

07-18-2023, 04:21 PM
Some of what ?

some of this can of whoop-ass?

it's a 32oz.

07-18-2023, 07:41 PM
some of this can of whoop-ass?

it's a 32oz.You already pissed off Kathianne today. Now Mr. P? Why don't you try growing up? Your entertainment value is running pretty thin and you are not posting in good faith and have no manners.

For someone who seems to like it here, you got an odd way of showing it.

Mr. P
07-18-2023, 08:51 PM
some of this can of whoop-ass?

it's a 32oz.


07-22-2023, 06:45 AM
You already pissed off Kathianne today. Now Mr. P? Why don't you try growing up? Your entertainment value is running pretty thin and you are not posting in good faith and have no manners.

For someone who seems to like it here, you got an odd way of showing it.

why don't you get over yourserlf?

mr. p enjoyed my good natured banter.


07-23-2023, 09:07 AM
why don't you get over yourserlf?

mr. p enjoyed my good natured banter.

thanks.Oh, so you think Mr. P is laughing with you? :laugh:

I am quite over myself or you would've been gone last week.

I confess that you do have me baffled though. If my math loose math is correct, you behaved exactly the same some 15 years ago. Then, I had you figured for some immature kid on Mommy and Daddy's computer trying to get attention from the grown ups.

Once you ad the 15 or so years, I'd say your conduct is rather unbecoming your age. Just sayin'

07-23-2023, 09:58 AM
Oh, so you think Mr. P is laughing with you? :laugh:

I am quite over myself or you would've been gone last week.

I confess that you do have me baffled though. If my loose math is correct, you behaved exactly the same some 15 years ago. Then, I had you figured for some immature kid on Mommy and Daddy's computer trying to get attention from the grown ups.

Once you ad the 15 or so years, I'd say your conduct is rather unbecoming your age. Just sayin'
neocon fascism is not maturity.

I did learn that, long ago

07-23-2023, 10:06 AM
neocon fascism is not maturity.

I did learn that, long ago Apparently not. You are the poster boy for "neocon fascism".

07-23-2023, 10:49 AM
Apparently not. You are the poster boy for "neocon fascism".
neocon fascism is corporatist and globalist.

im the opposite of those.

I strongly believe in protectionism. neocons are globalist warmongers to fault.

These are the big issues of our time.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-23-2023, 11:35 AM
neocon fascism is corporatist and globalist.

im the opposite of those.

I strongly believe in protectionism. neocons are globalist warmongers to fault.

These are the big issues of our time.

Seems to me some-- labels-- are not being applied properly. ""neocons are globalist warmongers to fault.""
Just sayin...--Tyr

07-23-2023, 11:38 AM
Seems to me some-- labels-- are not being applied properly. ""neocons are globalist warmongers to fault.""
Just sayin...--Tyr

i did mean to a fault.

But i still think neocons are globalist warmongers as a core feature set.

07-23-2023, 12:28 PM
neocon fascism is corporatist and globalist.

im the opposite of those.

I strongly believe in protectionism. neocons are globalist warmongers to fault.

These are the big issues of our time.

You could start with your creating your own definitions for words already defined, then applying them to your pet peeves. None of the terms you use possess the definitions you ascribe to them.

Last I checked, only the woke need to create their own language from one that already exists in order to promote confusion.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-23-2023, 02:01 PM
i did mean to a fault.

But i still think neocons are globalist warmongers as a core feature set.

What is a == neocon?
What is a war monger?
What is a fascist?

07-23-2023, 02:39 PM
You could start with your creating your own definitions for words already defined, then applying them to your pet peeves. None of the terms you use possess the definitions you ascribe to them.

Last I checked, only the woke need to create their own language from one that already exists in order to promote confusion.

yes. globalists often resort to word games and trying to define conversations out of existence.


07-23-2023, 02:43 PM
What is a == neocon?
What is a war monger?
What is a fascist?

neocon is a newer political variant loosely from the american right that are not necessarily small government or america first

war monger is one who always wants war, seemingly.

a fascist is one who believes it's basically correct for the goverment policy to be controlled by large corporations.

07-23-2023, 08:44 PM
neocon is a newer political variant loosely from the american right that are not necessarily small government or america first

war monger is one who always wants war, seemingly.

a fascist is one who believes it's basically correct for the goverment policy to be controlled by large corporations.

To me neocon is pretty much a perjorative term these days and people will use it to demonize any position on the right. I'd say a correcter ;) definition would be conservative, strong military, interventionist foreign policy.

And you have fascist completely backwards. Fascism is the control of the private sector for the benefit of the state; and generally socialist.

You're just stringing words together.

07-24-2023, 04:27 AM
To me neocon is pretty much a perjorative term these days and people will use it to demonize any position on the right. I'd say a correcter ;) definition would be conservative, strong military, interventionist foreign policy.

And you have fascist completely backwards. Fascism is the control of the private sector for the benefit of the state; and generally socialist.

You're just stringing words together.

Your definition is insufficient.

bushes are neocons, trump is not.

nobody would call trump a neocon. and if they did you would consider them ignorant.

fascism is the union of state and corporate power, generally favoring the corporatation and utilizing "free market" sloganeeering and "trickle down" fantasy.

what do you want to call it when military contractors control war policy and big pharma controls healthcare?

07-24-2023, 12:41 PM
yes. globalists often resort to word games and trying to define conversations out of existence.

check.I speak and communicate in American-English. Nobody has ever accused me of having to guess what I'm thinking.

Fact, logic and truth don't need word games such as yours.

07-24-2023, 01:24 PM
I speak and communicate in American-English. Nobody has ever accused me of having to guess what I'm thinking.

Fact, logic and truth don't need word games such as yours.

so maybe you can explain why it's smart to send all the jobs away. use your words.

07-24-2023, 01:33 PM
so maybe you can explain why it's smart to send all the jobs away. use your words.My words: I never said it is/was smart to "send all the jobs away" (your words without context/validation). I feel no need to defend and/or explain something I have never stated.

07-24-2023, 02:05 PM
My words: I never said it is/was smart to "send all the jobs away" (your words without context/validation). I feel no need to defend and/or explain something I have never stated.
go on the record then.

is it smart to send all the jobs away?

07-24-2023, 03:02 PM
Your definition is insufficient.

bushes are neocons, trump is not.

nobody would call trump a neocon. and if they did you would consider them ignorant.

fascism is the union of state and corporate power, generally favoring the corporatation and utilizing "free market" sloganeeering and "trickle down" fantasy.

what do you want to call it when military contractors control war policy and big pharma controls healthcare?

I didn't call trump a neocon. You call everyone you don't agree with anything that you can come up with, neocon is just a current perjorative term that came across your screen. You still don't understand fascism.

Mr. P
07-24-2023, 03:42 PM
go on the record then.

is it smart to send all the jobs away?

You ARE such a DUMB ASS TROLL ! What part of the English language DO you understand?

Why do you seem to need someone to "explain" to you constantly?

07-24-2023, 03:53 PM
I didn't call trump a neocon. You call everyone you don't agree with anything that you can come up with, neocon is just a current perjorative term that came across your screen. You still don't understand fascism.


to me neocon means a couple specific things:. globalism in trade (to the detriment of working americans)

and war mongerism.

so that's generally what im always talking about.

i'd say establishment republicans are weak in these two areas.

can you not handle the truth?

07-24-2023, 03:56 PM
You all forget I was RtWngAvngr.

i was the worst globalist anti-human. now i'm doing penance and fixing it.

i was a wrong liar for many years.

07-24-2023, 04:01 PM
go on the record then.

is it smart to send all the jobs away?The question means nothing without context.

07-24-2023, 04:01 PM
to me neocon means...

Thanks for proving my point.

To me neocon is ...

It's just a word that people throw out with no agreed upon definition or only loosely so. And those who throw it out use it in perjorative fashion because they're not creative and unable to discuss larger issues.

07-24-2023, 04:05 PM

to me neocon means a couple specific things:. globalism in trade (to the detriment of working americans)

and war mongerism.

so that's generally what im always talking about.

i'd say establishment republicans are weak in these two areas.

can you not handle the truth?

That you created your own definition for what is universally accepted as an insult? How many times and how many people have to tell you?

07-24-2023, 04:46 PM
The question means nothing without context.
so you're asserting there's a situation where sending all the jobs away is smart?

is that true?

07-24-2023, 05:26 PM
so you're asserting there's a situation where sending all the jobs away is smart?

is that true?I am capable of thinking outside your myopic box. That statement says nothing to me without context.

07-24-2023, 05:52 PM
I am capable of thinking outside your myopic box. That statement says nothing to me without context.

I get it.

you're open-minded about sending all the jobs away.

07-24-2023, 06:09 PM
I get it.

you're open-minded about sending all the jobs away.I don't take bait.

07-24-2023, 06:38 PM
I don't take bait.

what's the bait?

you can't have a rational conversation about the wisdome of sending all the jobs away for short term cost cutting.