View Full Version : Op-Ed: U.S. facing huge military recruiting crisis

01-18-2023, 11:34 AM
Like anything else, given the luxury of hindsight, I wouldn't consider joining the military now. In support of current government? Not likely. Eighteen years old hardly have that luxury.

Then again, McDonald's didn't pay $15+ dollars an hour back in the day for unskilled labor to flip burgers on the floor :rolleyes:


01-18-2023, 03:33 PM
Like anything else, given the luxury of hindsight, I wouldn't consider joining the military now. In support of current government? Not likely. Eighteen years old hardly have that luxury.

Then again, McDonald's didn't pay $15+ dollars an hour back in the day for unskilled labor to flip burgers on the floor :rolleyes:


Different times indeed:


01-19-2023, 08:44 AM
Different times indeed:

https://www.businessinsider.com/mcdonalds-subway-chipotle-add-tech-robots-ai-to-speed-up-orders-2022-12"To combat the brutal labor shortage". IMO, another slippery slope that eventually will lead to more unemployment/dependency on the State. The State couldn't hope for much more.

Also just my opinion: it has been my observation that the lazy left and the spoiled brats that make it up are trying their damnedest to completely cut out the "start up" jobs where one has to bust ass to make a dime. Where you get your first, brutal experience of real World economics and learn how to deal. They want to either live off the State = taxpayers or start out as corporate CEO. They want no part of climbing the ladder and earning what they are worth (that last being a whole 'nother topic).

Can toss work ethic in the round file along with morals, manners and standards:rolleyes: