View Full Version : The Rumor Mill Hogwash RE: Hypersonic Missiles

10-30-2022, 06:09 PM
I constantly see articles in the MSM (hand-picked and provided by Google :rolleyes:) regarding "OMG! China and Russia Have Hypersonic Missiles!".

So does the US and the technology is not new. Where the US is lagging is in maneuverability of the missiles once in flight. Maneuvering something moving at hypersonic speed is not a small conversation. By default there has to be a time lag if steered by a human.

The question becomes "what" to defend. A hypersonic missile fired at a task force with a preset target that does not aim for that target until the last second is a problem.

Supposedly we are behind on the counter tech. No actual way of knowing. At least until Biden blurts it out :rolleyes:

10-30-2022, 07:14 PM
Believe me or not. I have First Hand, personal knowledge from a retired Marine Col. who shall remain nameless. FYI...When our military has any new weapon, or system. They automatically devise, and test how to destroy Our Own weapons. Therefore. If an enemy wishes to TRY. I personally feel pretty confident. They Will Fail, and Fail Big.
(By the way. The retired Marine Col has been working for a Government Weapons Corp since he retired 8 years ago).
I may be old. But I am by no means OUT OF TOUCH, and have no threats of becoming a POTATO like SLEEPY JOE anytime soon.)

10-30-2022, 07:22 PM
Believe me or not. I have First Hand, personal knowledge from a retired Marine Col. who shall remain nameless. FYI...When our military has any new weapon, or system. They automatically devise, and test how to destroy Our Own weapons. Therefore. If an enemy wishes to TRY. I personally feel pretty confident. They Will Fail, and Fail Big.
(By the way. The retired Marine Col has been working for a Government Weapons Corp since he retired 8 years ago).
I may be old. But I am by no means OUT OF TOUCH, and have no threats of becoming a POTATO like SLEEPY JOE anytime soon.)

I wasn't going that far out on a limb :) I doubt we're behind at all. I think it's more wishful thinking on the parts of our enemies/MSM, both foreign AND domestic.