View Full Version : CDC advisers recommend adding COVID-19 shots to regular immunization schedule

10-20-2022, 04:27 PM
I'm so over this BS.


10-20-2022, 05:54 PM

10-20-2022, 05:55 PM

10-21-2022, 10:06 PM

thank God.

10-21-2022, 10:07 PM
I'm so over this BS.


It's evil.

10-22-2022, 12:29 PM
It's evil.Maybe. "In a perfect World", the mission of the US Government is to protect the people. That is the role of government otherwise it has no reason to be. COVID-19 is/was a pandemic. It is real and affected and still is affecting the World.

I have a couple of issues. The first being I have less trust in the US Government now than at any point in my life. I don't trust it to do what's best for the people; rather, it does what is best for itself. It is shameful that BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE politicized this issue leaving at least me and I'm sure most not believing ANYONE on either side.

Second, I was appalled/amazed/dumbfounded at the pussy-ass reaction of the American people. On international public display, running around like toddlers crying/demanding "mommy" (government) protect them and tell everyone what to do and how to act. Ridiculous. People have lost that much survival instinct? It being brainwashed out of us is another topic. Yet we are "the Superpower" that's supposed to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies? Timeout while we hide in the basement until the flu goes away :rolleyes:

The one thing good to come out of any of this is it sure got more than some to show their true colors. It would be even better if that fact they did woke more people up to who's doing what.

11-01-2022, 09:26 AM
Maybe. "In a perfect World", the mission of the US Government is to protect the people. That is the role of government otherwise it has no reason to be. COVID-19 is/was a pandemic. It is real and affected and still is affecting the World.

I have a couple of issues. The first being I have less trust in the US Government now than at any point in my life. I don't trust it to do what's best for the people; rather, it does what is best for itself. It is shameful that BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE politicized this issue leaving at least me and I'm sure most not believing ANYONE on either side.

Second, I was appalled/amazed/dumbfounded at the pussy-ass reaction of the American people. On international public display, running around like toddlers crying/demanding "mommy" (government) protect them and tell everyone what to do and how to act. Ridiculous. People have lost that much survival instinct? It being brainwashed out of us is another topic. Yet we are "the Superpower" that's supposed to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies? Timeout while we hide in the basement until the flu goes away :rolleyes:

The one thing good to come out of any of this is it sure got more than some to show their true colors. It would be even better if that fact they did woke more people up to who's doing what.

I get it sorta.

But Gunny help me out, what did the side that said
•the virus was man made
•the virus is not as big a threat as advertised
•there are alternative treatments & policies
•that lockdowns were not the way to go and harmful
•that the mask are basically useless
•that vaccines could prove to be extremely dangerous.
•that vaccine mandates were wrong

What were they so wrong about that you think they should not have been believed and were AS BAD as the other side?
I'm not understanding why you think that "BOTH sides" should not have been trusted.
was it the WAY they/we expressed it? or what?

11-01-2022, 05:55 PM
Hope, not gonna go there. I have taken my last COVID-19 shot. I did my part, they need to leave me alone now.

I'm so over this BS.


11-02-2022, 04:59 PM
Hope, not gonna go there. I have taken my last COVID-19 shot. I did my part, they need to leave me alone now.

Agreed. Same here.

But they have to push the vaccine they created to justify price while the other side has to "prove" whatever is is that they're tying to prove :rolleyes:

Time to move on. I got voting to do :)

11-08-2022, 05:28 AM
Court Orders CDC to Release Data Showing 18 Million Vaccine Injuries in America


More than 18 million people were injured so badly by their first COVID shot from Pfizer or Moderna that they had to go to the hospital. That’s according to the CDC’s own internal data, which a court just ordered the federal agency to release to a watchdog group.

Instead of alerting the public to the incredible dangers of these shots and completely shutting down Joe Biden’s mass vaccination mandates, the CDC covered up the info until it was forced to release. Everyone in a position of authority at the CDC should be fired for this. What good is a “public health” agency if it fails to alert the public that 8% of vaccine recipients are being hospitalized?...

11-08-2022, 10:01 AM
^I'm pretty sure that's not true.