View Full Version : Corrupt FBI Lied About Hillary-Supplied Information

05-24-2022, 12:54 PM
This has me pissed off. She's basically been nailed dead to rights several times over now for lying and trying to setup Trump. Now her own people speaking about it. But will she be charged appropriately, or at all? Likely never.

And the FBI just as much, and all involved. But also more reason for them to sweep this whole thing up.


Corrupt FBI Lied About Hillary-Supplied Information Claiming It Came from DOJ and Not Hillary

The DOJ’s John Durham dropped another bombshell yesterday in the Michael Sussmann case.

We knew that Hillary was behind the fake Russia-collusion story. Last week her Campaign Manager, Robby Mook, said under oath that Hillary gave the approval to push the Alfa Bank story that they all knew was garbage.

Yesterday it was reported in the courtroom by John Durham’s team that the FBI knowingly passed along the faulty information from the Hillary campaign to fellow workers claiming it was from the DOJ while hiding the fact that it came from the Hillary gang.

Bonchie at Red State reports:

Sussmann is charged with lying to the FBI, something he allegedly did when he hid who he was working for while sharing the now-debunked Alfa-Bank story. That disinformation campaign, which was meant to falsely assert Donald Trump was colluding with the Russians during the 2016 election, has now been directly tied to Hillary Clinton during the trial after it was revealed that she approved its dissemination.

But apparently, Sussmann and Hillary Clinton by proxy weren’t the only ones lying. According to documents presented by Durham, the FBI lied about the Alfa Bank smear’s provenance, telling agents it had come from the DOJ. In reality, Sussmann had brought it directly to the FBI, with the leadership being aware of its origins as badly done political opposition research.

Bonchie continues:

To pull back the layers here, it appears the FBI purposely misrepresented the situation by using a false DOJ referral to make it seem as if the Alfa Bank had come from an anonymous third party. In reality, it came from Hillary Clinton, and the FBI was well aware of who had told them the information and his connections to her campaign.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/corrupt-fbi-lied-hillary-supplied-information-claiming-came-doj-not-hillary/

05-25-2022, 08:00 AM
sorry Jim but i have to say it. just for the record man. then i'll leave it alone.. for good... you have my word.

ok Jim, 99% of the FBI are good...
I'm not sure why you feel like you have to post bad things about the FBI & law enforcement...
Where are the good stories?...
Plus Why would they do it? and someone would have have talked...
Is the whole FBI involved?!...
look, Of course there are 1 or 2 'bad apples' here or there, just like in any organization. But you sound like you hate them all...
Do you want to Defund the FBI or something?!...
Have you ever done the FBI's job? Been on a ride along, had to make the decisions they've had to make?...
But somehow you know how they should be doing their jobs though?...

PLUS, i don't like your biased source.
so I can justifiably ignore everything in the article and everything else you say.

had to get that out of my system dude.

... but seriously.
Yes, you're exactly right in all that you posted above.
Portions of the FBI, and the whole of the Hillary camp and Hillary systematically lied to congress and the media and it looks like NO ONE will pay a price for it.

Also note the FBI lies & actions in the Gov Whitmore Kidnapping plot.
And the Jan6 Riot.
And the many "terrorist plots"... domestic and otherwise.
there's a long history of FBI lies and cover ups.
Often it seems geared toward consolidating it's power/position (since Hoover BTW) in this case it seems partisan...to the establishment Ds

But of course that's Not to say that the FBI hasn't done some good over the decades too.

05-25-2022, 11:56 AM
sorry Jim but i have to say it. just for the record man. then i'll leave it alone.. for good... you have my word.

ok Jim, 99% of the FBI are good...
I'm not sure why you feel like you have to post bad things about the FBI & law enforcement...
Where are the good stories?...
Plus Why would they do it? and someone would have have talked...
Is the whole FBI involved?!...
look, Of course there are 1 or 2 'bad apples' here or there, just like in any organization. But you sound like you hate them all...
Do you want to Defund the FBI or something?!...
Have you ever done the FBI's job? Been on a ride along, had to make the decisions they've had to make?...
But somehow you know how they should be doing their jobs though?...

PLUS, i don't like your biased source.
so I can justifiably ignore everything in the article and everything else you say.

had to get that out of my system dude.

... but seriously.
Yes, you're exactly right in all that you posted above.
Portions of the FBI, and the whole of the Hillary camp and Hillary systematically lied to congress and the media and it looks like NO ONE will pay a price for it.

Also note the FBI lies & actions in the Gov Whitmore Kidnapping plot.
And the Jan6 Riot.
And the many "terrorist plots"... domestic and otherwise.
there's a long history of FBI lies and cover ups.
Often it seems geared toward consolidating it's power/position (since Hoover BTW) in this case it seems partisan...to the establishment Ds

But of course that's Not to say that the FBI hasn't done some good over the decades too.

Ahh hell, part of it is even deserved towards me for my own things said in the past and thinking/assuming/believing our intel agencies and military were a cut above and bad apples fewer and further between & larger acts such as we saw with this one wouldn't happen. I was wrong in many ways. :(

The FBI acted no differently than a political agency and for whatever reason getting involved in a particular side. Not sure if for plain power or for $$ or both. Up to and including leaders, and folks like Clapper. Then Hillary we assumed we knew about and were right. But to that proportion and actually trying to setup a running/sitting president of the USA? And then with zero consequences when busted? And barely a word and certainly no outrage in our media?

And now it appears even our health or health system is politically involved, and we have seen a stream of endless lies involving such.

Then we see some within our own party work against the party, and many others do jack shit about things.

I'm just so frustrated and pissed off, and also have lost faith in so damn much. :( :(