View Full Version : The Important Things

03-18-2022, 01:38 AM
You've probably seen the poll of what some would do if the US were invaded as was Ukraine.


Truth is, none know something like that unless/until it comes to pass.

There are things though worth thinking about:


03-18-2022, 07:59 AM
You've probably seen the poll of what some would do if the US were invaded as was Ukraine.


Truth is, none know something like that unless/until it comes to pass.

There are things though worth thinking about:

https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/things-worth-fighting-forJust my opinion -- I think each article is worthy of a thread in its own right. Both excellent articles and pretty much nail it. Bearing in mind, the first article is a poll, and the question hypothetical.

The first is about what I would expect, and forms what my current answer to the question is: Half the people in this country are NOT worth fighting for. What these entitled, spoiled babies with no sense of value actually have earned and deserve is to live in places like Russia, China, Iran. If you won't "fight" (in whatever way one is capable) for what you have, you don't deserve it. They'd rather be live sheep than actually have to take a stand.

I DO blame our government and the media for setting that narrative in their minds. Everything here is bad, according to them. Everything that made us what we are. Take all the bad, ignore the good and endlessly hammer home how much we suck. The young are brainwashed.

We older folks look at Ukraine and think "that was us". Once upon a time and not so long ago that we can't remember. In a certain way, we admire Ukraine even while it's getting the shit blown out of it while a bunch of grannies fuss about it over tea and knitting at the UN/NATO/EU. Talking time is over. To this point, as a people, Ukrainians have stood up and fought the Redcoat commies trying to come into their land and tell them what they're going to do. No more debates. No more what iffery. No leftwingnut MSM telling them what to do and/or how to think. President Zelenskiy offers you a rifle. That's more than we'd get here.

Unfortunately, those parasites that don't deserve to live here have ensured they attached themselves to vital organs so you can't separate them from those that do without losing everyone. Those that will fight and deserve to be here and have earned the right will always protect therefore have to suffer the parasites along with the ideals that made this country and the people that embody them.

In a way, the 50% that won't fight and/or would flee have it right: No, the country "they" live in isn't worth fighting for but it is "they" that has made it that way. Without them and their bureaucratic and media masters that think for them, the US would be a great place to live.