View Full Version : Vaccine bombshells

03-05-2022, 05:38 AM
All the conspiracies about mRNA, Moderna and Pfizer’s vaccine adverse reactions are being proven. It does affect your DNA and Moderna had patent on vax before virus was released.

Imagine the blowback that's coming. Start a war and maybe everyone will forget about the virus and vaccine.


10-28-2023, 08:54 PM

10-28-2023, 09:05 PM
Vaccination and disease transmission

University of Chicago study finds NO significant difference in the amount of Virus breathed out between VACCINATED or UNVACCINATED people.
SO there was NO extra protection for GRANMA with or without vaccines.

Those crazy conspiracy stupid selfish non team-player Anti-Vaxers win the lottery AGAIN... how can this keep happening... could only be luck.


10-28-2023, 09:28 PM
And now they want to be given " a little grace and forgiveness". Fuck them!

10-28-2023, 09:34 PM
Dr Phillip Buckhaults testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad Hoc Committee

He and his lab sequence DNA for a living.
To see what DNA is in any samples presented to them.
To see what changes to DNA can cause cancer.

He found thousands of pieces of DNA in the vaccines that we were told was just RNA (as In MRNA)
the problem is the stray bits of DNA can attach to any vaccinated persons DNA.
And make changes.
And stay with people throughout their lives.
And throughout their offsprings lives for generations.

He's "pro-Vax" in general but that's was when he thought the Vax had no DNA. Because RNA is Short lived and falls apart, while DNA bits are forever.
At this point he says theres no way of telling what damage it might have but it's likely that some people will get cancers because that's what the kind of changes pieces of DNA can do. So it needs to be studied NOW.

He's not an immunologist but he suspects it might have effects on the immune system as well. And may be part of the "sudden deaths"

HOW did it get there?
He says what people were given was NOT what was in the vax trials.
the trial vaccines were made in a lab WITHOUT the particles of DNA.
But when they went to market their was NO WAY to ramp up the production process using the same lab technics so they had to use cheaper mass produced "plasmoid base", then chop up the plasmoid's DNA after it made what the VAX needed but they couldnot/didnot remove the plasmoid's DNA pieces.
Which now float around in the VAX serum... and people's bodies.


10-28-2023, 09:38 PM
Dr Phillip Buckhaults testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad Hoc Committee

He and his lab sequence DNA for a living.
To see what DNA is in any samples presented to them.
To see what changes to DNA can cause cancer.

He found thousands of pieces of DNA in the vaccines what we told was just RNA (as In MRNA)
the problem is the stray bits of DNA can attach to any vaccinated persons DNA.
And make changes.
And stay with people throughout their lives.
And throughout their offsprings lives for generations.

He's "pro-Vax" in general but that's was when he thought the Vax had no DNA.
At this point he says theres no way of telling what damage it might have but it's likely that some people will get cancers becasue that's what the kind of changes can do. So it needs to be studied NOW.

He's not an immunologist but he suspects it might have effects on the immune system as well.

HOW did it get there?
He says what people were given was NOT what was in the trials.
the trial vaccines were made WITHOUT the particles of DNA.
But when they went to market their was NO WAY to ramp up the production process using the same lab technics so they had to use a cheaper "plasmoid base" in the vats then chop up the plasmoid's DNA after it made what the VAX needed but they couldnot/didnot remove the plasmoid's DNA pieces.
Which now float around in the VAX serum... and people's bodies.

I'm hearing Turbo cancers... cancer on steroids.

But I'm also hearing that Fenbendazole is being used to fight cancer.

It's dog wormer.

I have many friends who been on it for 4+ years after being given 2-4 months left.

Not sure how it will work if they also got vaccinated.

10-28-2023, 09:42 PM

https://cdn.amgreatness.com/app/uploads/2022/03/https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_58f06f 91-82b0-4c86-a558-e27ee2238ad4_1600x1500-768x720.jpeg


10-28-2023, 09:44 PM

https://cdn.amgreatness.com/app/uploads/2022/03/https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_58f06f 91-82b0-4c86-a558-e27ee2238ad4_1600x1500-768x720.jpeg


This was the first question I asked my doctor after vax came out. MRNA in the vax? No thanks.

10-28-2023, 09:44 PM
I'm hearing Turbo cancers... cancer on steroids.

But I'm also hearing that Fenbendazole is being used to fight cancer.

It's dog wormer.

I have many friends who been on it for 4+ years after being given 2-4 months left.

Not sure how it will work if they also got vaccinated.

It's tragic.

It should be headline news.

11-08-2023, 10:37 AM

11-08-2023, 10:43 AM
The vaccine purchase agreement between South Africa and Pfizer has been released.


04-02-2024, 03:59 PM
Secret Recording Catches Pfizer Scientist Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud

...the part that crazy bathroom sink experts, internet "doctors", conspiracy theorist ...and people who quoted the history of vaccine processes were saying out loud.... and being blacklisted, censored and ridiculed for.

These recordings capture internal discussions among Pfizer’s top vaccine researchers expressing grave concerns over the vaccines’ safety, efficacy, and the rush to market due to the pandemic emergency.

According to Zero Hedge, the leaked footage includes an October 6, 2021 conversation with Kanwal Gill, a principal scientist at Pfizer, discussing the ethical implications of rolling out experimental booster injections.

“Do we know that, just thinking ethically, is it okay to give people another experimental injection? Are we sure it’s going to be safe and effective? Are we just rolling these out because we want to roll them out for money?” asked Leslie.

Gill responds by acknowledging the real-time nature of the data being collected and the historical challenges faced by mRNA vaccines, which had never previously reached clinical trials due to side effects.
“This is real-time data that we are generating. We don’t even know when we started vaccinating people. We had no idea how it’s going to look like,” said Gill.
“MRNA vaccines have been there for 50 years, but nothing made to clinical. Why? Because mRNA vaccines have been known to have side effects,” she added.

“Moderna has been working on it for ten years. This is not a new thing. But why it did not reach trial was because of all these side effects. Pfizer and Moderna used the emergency and the pandemic to kind of get through it now. But even the CDC model never gets FDA,” Gill admitted.

Below is the video posted by Liam Cosgrove of Zero Hedge:

Gill also candidly admits that unlike the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, whose side effects were promptly identified, the mRNA and lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) used in Pfizer’s vaccine are “very sneaky,” implying that significant complications may not yet have surfaced.

“Only Johnson Johnson’s side effect came out quickly, that there was a clot, that clot that was happening with Johnson Johnson’s. But other than that, mRNA and LNP are very sneaky. I think we are not still seeing a lot of like huge complications,” Kanwal said.

Gill further highlights the unconventional trajectory of Pfizer’s vaccine development, noting that the process skipped the traditional phases of clinical trials, jumping directly to phase three. This accelerated approach, while expediting the vaccine’s availability, bypasses years of observation and data collection typical of vaccine development.
“It takes 10 year for a vaccine to come out. It takes years of observations...phase 1, phase 2, phase 3... we are doing everything at the same time."
"Even Pfizer CEO and even [BioNTech CEO] won’t have answers... it’s also becoming a money game.”

WATCH:--at link

“I have whistleblown against Pfizer and the media for crimes against humanity. I am a Pfizer scientist and investigative journalist whistleblower of Project Veritas and O’Keefe Media Group. I have produced this documentary PROJECT WHISTLEBLOWER to get my story out there and so that my words are not twisted or tangled. It is in two parts, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. It is has been a long and unprecedented road that I have been on, resulting in the release of my documentary film called Project Whistleblower. The film can be found if you follow the links to my website https://justintegrity.net,” according to Leslie’s GiveSendGo campaign.

04-18-2024, 09:54 PM
U.K. Parliamentarian speaks to a a near empty chamber.
He list the various issues about the mistakes, Covid, the Vaccine, excess deaths and cover-ups
worth a listen.


04-20-2024, 06:52 AM

2010: Channel 4 News - Swine Flu:
“One of the greatest medical scandals of the century….The Council of Europe’s health chief has accused major pharmaceutical firms of organizing a campaign of panic and unduly influencing World Health Organization decisions.”


04-20-2024, 09:29 PM
For some reason the video was removed


on rumble

Dr Phillip Buckhaults testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad Hoc Committee

He and his lab sequence DNA for a living.
To see what DNA is in any samples presented to them.
To see what changes to DNA can cause cancer.

He found thousands of pieces of DNA in the vaccines that we were told was just RNA (as In MRNA)
the problem is the stray bits of DNA can attach to any vaccinated persons DNA.
And make changes.
And stay with people throughout their lives.
And throughout their offsprings lives for generations.

He's "pro-Vax" in general but that's was when he thought the Vax had no DNA. Because RNA is Short lived and falls apart, while DNA bits are forever.
At this point he says theres no way of telling what damage it might have but it's likely that some people will get cancers because that's what the kind of changes pieces of DNA can do. So it needs to be studied NOW.

He's not an immunologist but he suspects it might have effects on the immune system as well. And may be part of the "sudden deaths"

HOW did it get there?
He says what people were given was NOT what was in the vax trials.
the trial vaccines were made in a lab WITHOUT the particles of DNA.
But when they went to market their was NO WAY to ramp up the production process using the same lab technics so they had to use cheaper mass produced "plasmoid base", then chop up the plasmoid's DNA after it made what the VAX needed but they couldnot/didnot remove the plasmoid's DNA pieces.
Which now float around in the VAX serum... and people's bodies.


05-11-2024, 08:57 PM

05-12-2024, 11:11 AM
How is something that happened three years ago a bombshell? And how does Astrazeneca withdrawing its vaccine for use in the EU 4 days ago relate to the 2021 "bombshell"?

05-12-2024, 11:20 AM
How is something that happened three years ago a bombshell? And how does Astrazeneca withdrawing its vaccine for use in the EU 4 days ago relate to the 2021 "bombshell"?

Just keeping everyone informed of anything to do with how bad pharma is.

05-12-2024, 12:31 PM
Thanks for the reminder. :shakesfistatBigPharma:

05-12-2024, 06:05 PM
Thanks for the reminder. :shakesfistatBigPharma:

Just keeping everyone informed of anything to do with how bad pharma is.

How is something that happened three years ago a bombshell? And how does Astrazeneca withdrawing its vaccine for use in the EU 4 days ago relate to the 2021 "bombshell"?

Ok well i guess I'm wrong for bringing it up. and need to be corrected in my thread placement.
But BIG PHARMA can give people blood clots and some folks here have not a negative word to say about them.
Other than in sarcasm directed at people who point out the fact that BIG PHARMA have harmed & killed people with their useless product.
Of course I'm the one that needs correction, for talking about it.:cool:

I guess maybe people shouldn't mention or try to warn others of vaccine products that give people blood clots. (and more + death)
I'm sure no one we care about will every have any of those RARE problems so it's not even worth mentioning I guess.
my bad.

05-12-2024, 06:58 PM
Ok well i guess I'm wrong for bringing it up. and need to be corrected in my thread placement.
But BIG PHARMA can give people blood clots and some folks here have not a negative word to say about them.
Other than in sarcasm directed at people who point out the fact that BIG PHARMA have harmed & killed people with their useless product.
Of course I'm the one that needs correction, for talking about it.:cool:

I guess maybe people shouldn't mention or try to warn others of vaccine products that give people blood clots. (and more + death)
I'm sure no one we care about will every have any of those RARE problems so it's not even worth mentioning I guess.
my bad.

You seem a little defensive. You posted something that was a) dated and b) with information that doesn't seem to line up.

05-17-2024, 03:43 AM
this old news too. Just for reference.




05-20-2024, 08:45 PM
more old news

Navy Medical officer reveals Covid Vaccine related HEART ISSUES skyrocketing in active duty Naval pilots according to military records system's previous 5 year avg.

•Myocarditis rises 151%
•Pulmonary heart disease up 62%
•Ischemic heart disease up 69%
•Heart Failure increased a whopping 973%


Nothing to see here.

05-21-2024, 12:40 AM
more old news

Navy Medical officer reveals Covid Vaccine related HEART ISSUES skyrocketing in active duty Naval pilots according to military records system's previous 5 year avg.

•Myocarditis rises 151%
•Pulmonary heart disease up 62%
•Ischemic heart disease up 69%
•Heart Failure increased a whopping 973%


Nothing to see here.

I posted about this way back but was called conspiracy theorist.

05-22-2024, 12:56 PM
Is the data posted for review?

Black Diamond
05-22-2024, 01:40 PM
Is the data posted for review?

Review by whom?

05-22-2024, 03:30 PM
Review by whom?

You know... people.

Black Diamond
05-22-2024, 04:55 PM
You know... people.

So this would be one thing that hasn't been taken over by AI.

05-23-2024, 07:21 AM
So this would be one thing that hasn't been taken over by AI.

Maybe this sort of thing should be taken over by AI. :poke:

05-23-2024, 10:42 PM
A.I. is just GIGO

Black Diamond
05-24-2024, 04:44 PM
Maybe this sort of thing should be taken over by AI. :poke:

Probably more reliable source than fauci or ten penny.