View Full Version : CNN analyst blames Republicans' COVID posture for ongoing school closures

02-06-2022, 07:04 PM
I must have missed the bolded portion. She first calls the Republican ad an ad and untruthful, then goes right into leftwingnut, CNN lies.

Just can't fix stupid :smoke:

CNN political analyst and Politico White House correspondent Laura Barrón-López claimed a recent political ad attacking hypocritical mask policies pushed by celebrities (https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/emmy-viewers-call-out-celebs-not-wearing-masks-social-distancing) and politicians (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/eric-swalwell-spotted-maskless-mandate-free-florida) as "not truthful or honest."
During Sunday’s "Inside Politics" highlighted an ad put out by N2 America, a right-leaning group that focuses on suburban Americans, criticized Democrats and teacher unions for pushing mandatory mask policies in schools.
The ad shows kids watching adults in sporting events and celebrities at an award show maskless, later contrasted with pictures of kids at school in masks.

Host Abby Phillips discussed the growing resentment parents have felt regarding masking mandates with Barrón-López.
"More parents now say in polls, that they would rather their kid be in a consistent, educational setting. Yes, most schools are open, but not have the disruptions of the pandemic, than they are worried about their kid getting COVID. And, you know, you’re a parent, every parent has to make those choices," Phillips said before playing N2's ad.
Phillips acknowledged parents’ frustrations by referencing the recent scandals surrounding Democrats like Governor Gavin Newsom (https://www.foxnews.com/category/person/gavin-newsom) and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (https://www.foxnews.com/person/g/eric-garcetti) who were photographed without masks (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/newsom-breed-garcetti-rams-49ers-game-maskless-california-mandate) during a football game.

Barrón-López, however, pushed back against the ad, claiming that it wasn’t "truthful or honest" about Republican policies towards masks.
"I mean, look, that’s a political ad, so it’s not going to be truthful or honest or any of those things. What’s also happening here, is that Republicans for the majority of this pandemic have told their base, have told people in their states, don’t wear masks, don’t get vaccinated. We may even give you incentives to not get vaccinated, you know, you die, okay. Like, that’s the way they’ve treated this pandemic," Barrón-López said. "And that’s contributed to the fact that their children can’t go back to school. That kids can’t go back to school because people are deciding that they don’t want to get vaccinated and care about other people."
She added "That’s a part of this whole thing, that if you had asked any of us 10 or 12 years ago, that that’s the way that this country would have handled a pandemic, I don’t think we would have said that, which is that it would have been become such a culture war under public health, but that’s what the administration is also facing."
cont @ link:https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-analyst-political-ad-masks-schools-not-truthful-or-honest

02-06-2022, 07:32 PM
Well, it is CNN, the network that was certain that Michael Avenatti was presidential material and pushed the fraudulent Russian collusion and Steele dossier stories for years.

I am shocked that CNN can keep the doors open. They are known liars and every other week there seems to be some new sex scandal. Before long the only one left will be Brian Stelter and that makes my brain hurt.

02-06-2022, 07:34 PM
Well, it is CNN, the network that was certain that Michael Avenatti was presidential material and pushed the fraudulent Russian collusion and Steele dossier stories for years.

I am shocked that CNN can keep the doors open. They are known liars and every other week there seems to be some new sex scandal. Before long the only one left will be Brian Stelter and that makes my brain hurt.Only thing I can come up with is that half of Americans that put Biden in the WH? They keep CNN's doors open.

02-06-2022, 08:15 PM
I am thinking a good number of those folks are being lost to the farther left MSNBC. CNN is on life support in the nightly ratings and after they lost Zucker took another ratings hit.

Only thing I can come up with is that half of Americans that put Biden in the WH? They keep CNN's doors open.

02-07-2022, 08:47 AM
I am thinking a good number of those folks are being lost to the farther left MSNBC. CNN is on life support in the nightly ratings and after they lost Zucker took another ratings hit.I can't imagine anyone watching MSNBC. The aforementioned people who put Biden in office prove they exist, but my brain rejects MSNBC. The once or twice I've looked at MSNBC I haven't gotten past the 2 minute mark before I needed some brain bleach.

It always comes back to free speech and what was that antiquated word you used? Civics. Where does one's duty to community/society begin and freedom to lie, doing the community a disservice begin? I suggest in courtrooms filled with crooked lawyers abusing words to twist the common sense and intent from the law, and justices ruling by politics rather than law.