View Full Version : I'm not alone in my no Covid Vaccine for me

01-11-2022, 09:23 PM
Found an article that closely mirrors my mindset about covid vaccines but articulates it better than I can.


This is the last couple of paragraphs.

I hesitate, though, even to cite studies to support my argument, because in online Covid-world anyone can dig up counterfactual data or some other study (however shoddy or underpowered) to dispute any assertion about vaccine efficacy. As Cory Zue wrote in a long blog post last week (https://www.coryzue.com/writing/coming-clean/), one of the problems with our Covid discourse right now is that science and data about the vaccines are “being used to affirm our previously-held beliefs, rather than help us see truth.”
And the truth is, every one of us has to make our own decision about the Covid vaccine, about what’s right for us and our families, assessing the risks and rewards for ourselves.
But whatever one believes about the vaccine, it’s getting hard now to maintain the position that the “way out” of the pandemic is through mass vaccination. In fact, mass vaccination might even prolong the pandemic, depending on how future variants react to fully-vaxxed immune systems that have had multiple booster shots in a relatively short timeframe.
If you want to get a vaccine and multiple booster shots, go ahead. That’s your decision. But I’ll never do it, especially now that I’ve had Covid. There are tens of millions of Americans like me, and we’re never going to change our minds. That’s something the rest of the country, at this point, is just going to have to accept.

01-11-2022, 10:01 PM
Found an article that closely mirrors my mindset about covid vaccines but articulates it better than I can.


This is the last couple of paragraphs.

You and I talk about our choices online and in person. I've no problem with your choices or my roommate's choices regarding vaccinations or not. For the very same reasons I'm against mandates.

I've protected myself to the degrees I'm willing to go. I'm not, nor have I in the past been driven by fear. Like anyone above a certain age I have a couple higher risk factors, hypertension and smoking. There may be a correlation there, but moving on.
I've worked with the public since the get go, I still am. I've had friends, family, and co-workers have this during all 3 phases. Some got very sick, one at work died. Most were just "sick" for a bit longer than average flu. The one who died was very unhealthy prior to being felled-which we've learned is typical.

I choose not to argue/debate someone's health choices, maybe I would if I felt they were incompetent, but I for one wouldn't presume a judgment of that sort from a board. My comment a few days ago was not aimed at anyone, it was my feelings on the topic for a long while now. I'm sick of covid. Here, on TV, from local, state, and federal leaders. We've all made our choices. We have taken the vaccine or not. We'll get boosters or not. If our health is already dicey, we'll choose to go out or not.

I love many of the discussions here in the past too, I've spent plenty of hours debating with or against yourself, Rev, fj, Gunny and others. Those were on politics and ideas. It's the politicians who've somehow truly managed the politicalization of a f'ing virus and now it seems like so many feel compelled to change what should be health care choices into a battle between right and wrong.

To my way of thinking there are so many issues of import today from economics to school closures, CRT, China, Russia, NK missles...

All have been brought up even in the past few days, but it always comes down to arguing covid.

01-12-2022, 03:10 PM
