View Full Version : The "Operation Warp Speed Vaccines" narrative is a bold faced lie.

Hot Dogger
12-10-2021, 03:05 AM
All of the so called "Operation Warp Speed Vaccines" were developed years if not decades ago at USAMRIID and tested on Medical Research Volunteers, I know because I was one of them. The vaccine companies are merely the manufacturers, that's why the FDA wants 55 years secrecy for FOIA requests, to cover up the NWO's crimes.

USAMRIID was in the media shortly before Operation COVID commenced, closed supposedly because of problems at their wastewater treatment plant on the Monocacy River in Thurmont. However, it was known 35 years ago that the Monocacy watershed including the Chesapeake Bay had been poisoned by that plant. My duty section, Building Engineers, was responsible for its operation.

So why no mention by the MSM or White House of USAMRIID and the MRV Program? After all, those are our nation's front line biowarfare defense initiatives. Why is because USAMRIID has been attacking We the People with diseases and disease toxins for decades, this most usually in the form of disease protocol vector studies and subsequent vaccines.

Operation COVID is a total program of depopulation and eugenic on a global scale wherein the vaccines are the weapon.