View Full Version : Keep the Vaxxed off the road

11-23-2021, 05:45 AM
As accidents mount and irrationality takes over and mental stability evaporates -----

Keep the Vaxxed off the road? (https://tapnewswire.com/2021/11/vaxxed-off-the-road/) Mon 9:51 pm +00:00, 22 Nov 2021 (https://tapnewswire.com/2021/11/vaxxed-off-the-road/)

UK Citizen 2021 (https://t.me/UKcitizen2021)
Forwarded from UK Freedom Project (https://t.me/ukfreedomproject/192)
New information from the DVLA regarding conditions that can affect your driving licence status.
Blood clots
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Heart attack
Myocardial infarctionhttps://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/dvla-warns-1000-fine-you-25412434
Check A-Z conditions on the UK Gov website:

All the above are prominent adverse reactions to the killer shots .

Now that the Vaxxed have impure blood and breathe toxic spike proteins everywhere , the unvaxxed require certain protections as these grotesque vaxx consequences become

more frequent .

This will soon become the nearest to a pandemic we have seen --- the rise of the Vaxxed Zombies .

11-23-2021, 11:13 AM
How about treating the impure blood with leeches? If it was good enough for a King (George III), it's good enough for the descendants of his subjects.

11-23-2021, 11:18 AM
The vaccine isn't always useless. If you get the jab, you won't need a vasectomy.

11-23-2021, 11:49 AM
Another problem with bad blood is that it can cause you to "make promises you can't keep at the wink of an eye".


11-24-2021, 05:25 AM
How about treating the impure blood with leeches? If it was good enough for a King (George III), it's good enough for the descendants of his subjects.

In case you do not know , it is popularly thought that George 111 suffered from porphyria , and I quote from The Lancet :-

In 1969 it was proposed that the episodic madness suffered by King George III (1738–1820) resulted from an acute hereditary porphyria, variegate porphyria, caused by deficiency of protoporphyrinogen oxidase. The diagnosis was based on the historical archive and a contentious claim that living members of the House of Hanover were affected with the condition. A re-examination of the medical evidence and the appearance of new historical material have suggested that porphyria did indeed exist in the Royal Houses of Europe. We report the analysis of hair obtained from George III. Although no genomic DNA could be obtained, metal analysis revealed high concentrations of arsenic. Since arsenic interferes with haem metabolism, it might have contributed to the King's unusually severe and prolonged bouts of illness. We have identified sources of arsenic in the context of the medication George III received from physicians.

They used leeches for almost anything and everything in those times .

The Vaxxed impure blood has been known about for some time and the number of Vaxxed with thousands of microscopic blood clots is a simple fact as shown by the D-dimer blood

test .

They are dying in droves already as a direct result and in the next few months many millions more will suffer from a variety of autoimmune diseases-- be they badly injured ,

maimed for life or just simply drop dead .

P.S. Incidentally that is why they are pushing Herpes and Shingles treatments , with respective Death Shots -- because of the direct consequence from Covid Killer Shots .