View Full Version : Austria Imposes COVID-19 Lockdown That Applies Only to the Unvaccinated

11-18-2021, 10:08 AM
Austria Imposes COVID-19 Lockdown That Applies Only to the Unvaccinated


Austria is expected to impose lockdown restrictions on millions of unvaccinated people in the coming days.

Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg told a press conference Friday that his government wanted to give the “green light” to such measures by Sunday, Austria Press Agency reported. Lawmakers will meet over the weekend to discuss the move, according to the news agency.

The chancellor rejected the notion of a nationwide lockdown being applied to all of Austria’s citizens, telling reporters on Friday that the two-thirds of the population who had accepted the immunization would not be forced to show “solidarity” with the unvaccinated. However, he did caution that there may be some tightening of other restrictions.

As of Monday, everyone in Austria who is 12 or older and has not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be confined to their homes. The move comes as the country is dealing with a record surge in infections that is straining hospitals. At a time when Europe has once again become the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, Austria is experiencing one of the highest infection rates in the continent. It also has one of the lowest vaccination rates in western Europe as only around 65 percent of its population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

The move appears to make Austria one of the first countries to impose a national lockdown strictly on the unvaccinated. It was part of a plan outlined in September that said those who are unvaccinated would be forced to stay at home once 30 percent of ICU beds are occupied by COVID-19 patients. “We are not taking this step lightly but it is necessary,” Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said. The measure will initially be in place for 10 days. As the government unveiled the new restrictions, a crowd gathered in Vienna to protest the measures....


but it could never happen here I'm sure.:smoke::(

the slate article tries to paint the picture that Austria's unvacinated are the problem but a quick look at this chart show that European countries (of similar size) are having the same spike (or Worse) despite vaccination rates.


11-18-2021, 12:03 PM
Even the vaccinated will be in a "papers, please" situation.