View Full Version : Indroctrinate U

09-30-2007, 04:33 PM
I've been hearing about this movie..

Inside Indoctrinate U
Speech codes. Censorship. Enforced political conformity. Hostility to diversity of opinion. Sensitivity training. We usually associate such things with the worst excesses of fascism and communism, not with the American universities that nurtured the free speech movement. But American higher education bears a disturbing resemblance to the totalitarian societies that are anathema to our nation's ideal of liberty. Evan Coyne Maloney's documentary film, Indoctrinate U, reveals the breathtaking institutional intolerance you won't read about in the glossy marketing brochures of Harvard, Berkeley, Michigan, Yale, and hundreds of other American colleges and universities.


While talking with students in the quad at Columbia, Evan was approached by two police officers who demanded a permit before allowing us to continue filming. So we paid a visit to the office that grants such permission to willing sycophants, and the whole experience left us wondering whether filming at Columbia was any easier than filming in, say, Venezuela.

Read the rest on this movie and watch a trailer at..

10-01-2007, 09:34 PM

You and Coulter steph. I believe her column this week is on this bull shit.

10-01-2007, 09:40 PM

You and Coulter steph. I believe her column this week is on this bull shit.

Did you watch the clip with the article??

10-01-2007, 09:42 PM
Steph ranks up there with Ann as far as women I admire go.


10-01-2007, 09:45 PM
Steph ranks up there with Ann as far as women I admire go.


Aww shucks..

feelings mutual:cheers2:

10-02-2007, 02:31 PM
The movie puts a sterotype on all universities...

Now, can I imagine that its hard for a conservative to speak their views at Columbia? In some cases, yes.

But would you like to tell me its not hard for a liberal to speak their views at Texas A&M or Regent University?

10-02-2007, 04:12 PM
Censorship. Enforced political conformity. Hostility to diversity of opinion. Sensitivity training. We usually associate such things with the worst excesses of fascism and communism, not with...

Sounds alot like liberalism to me. :laugh2:

10-02-2007, 04:16 PM
Sounds alot like liberalism to me. :laugh2:

And the Democrat Party...:cheers2:

10-02-2007, 04:28 PM
Education is the problem?

Wow you know you are on the wrong side of history when you have to beat up on Higher education to make your side look good.

If your point of view is so correct then it why would the best educated people in the country not see it?

Your ideas like war is the best answer and deplomacy is for wimps are what keeps your views from prospering and it is not the fault of the people who see through your bankrupt ideas that you can get no traction.

send your kids to these conservative colleges and you have no worries

10-03-2007, 04:54 AM
I really wanna see this film

I've been hearing about this movie..

Inside Indoctrinate U
Speech codes. Censorship. Enforced political conformity. Hostility to diversity of opinion. Sensitivity training. We usually associate such things with the worst excesses of fascism and communism, not with the American universities that nurtured the free speech movement. But American higher education bears a disturbing resemblance to the totalitarian societies that are anathema to our nation's ideal of liberty. Evan Coyne Maloney's documentary film, Indoctrinate U, reveals the breathtaking institutional intolerance you won't read about in the glossy marketing brochures of Harvard, Berkeley, Michigan, Yale, and hundreds of other American colleges and universities.


While talking with students in the quad at Columbia, Evan was approached by two police officers who demanded a permit before allowing us to continue filming. So we paid a visit to the office that grants such permission to willing sycophants, and the whole experience left us wondering whether filming at Columbia was any easier than filming in, say, Venezuela.

Read the rest on this movie and watch a trailer at..