View Full Version : Norway DROPS All Restrictions And Chooses To LIVE With Covid

09-30-2021, 11:26 PM
Norway and a few other countries
End all gov't restrictions , NO vax mandates, No children with mask.
LIVE With Covid...
no passports, no blocking groups...
what a concept

Kim Iversen makes the case that the U.S. should learn to live with COVID-19 as an ever-present endemic disease.


10-01-2021, 04:17 AM
Believe Sweden almost matched them on Wednesday .

Fabulous news, though it puzzles me how these smaller countries appear to evade the Deep State tentacles .

Will a new variant and / or new sets of rigged figures appear in the next few weeks which gives fools apparent proof of the error of their ways ?

Wait and see, though I sense huge cracks continuing to build in this Planscamdemic .

Or , have DS something new in terms of a disease or delivery method ready to be launched ?

Example , a saliva test delivering nanoparticles would lull huge numbers with a follow - up oral vaccine (pill) .

Or , just switch all effort from Covid to an even worse version of an existing killer flu vaccine . Ideally in pill form .

Abbey Marie
10-01-2021, 10:53 AM
Or DIE with Covid.


Merck is working on a Covid pill. I think we will get past this in the relatively near future, anyway.

10-01-2021, 11:14 AM
Or DIE with Covid.


Merck is working on a Covid pill. I think we will get past this in the relatively near future, anyway.

They have all been busily working on a pill as it will be worth trillions if the Sheeple fall for it .

Somewhat difficult to die from Covid when well over 99.00% do not . And statistically almost zero die when you look at under 75s and rule out those with comorbidities .

Covid is essentially SARS 1 ( flu) with a few strands of HIV cut in .Another respiratory disease with a common flu set of outcomes yet treatable by several preventatives

Abbey Marie
10-01-2021, 11:23 AM
They have all been busily working on a pill as it will be worth trillions if the Sheeple fall for it .

Somewhat difficult to die from Covid when well over 99.00% do not . And statistically almost zero die when you look at under 75s and rule out those with comorbidities .

Covid is essentially SARS 1 ( flu) with a few strands of HIV cut in .Another respiratory disease with a common flu set of outcomes yet treatable by several preventatives

Thanks to vaccines, yes, the percentage who survive is very high.

10-01-2021, 11:42 AM
Thanks to vaccines, yes, the percentage who survive is very high.

That is where we differ 100% .

I and many internationally respected specialists forecast many millions ,perhaps hundreds of millions, will die directly from killer shots this winter .From science based reason.

Only time can now show which outlook is more accurate . Being a rational and science based soul, I believe the outcome is certain and therefore guaranteed .

Tragically .

10-01-2021, 11:45 AM
Or DIE with Covid.

Amazing thing.
most people, 99.x%, manage to survive covid , even without a vaccine.

Folks over 60, over weight, with preexisting conditions have a worst time.
IF they choose to vaccinate or mask or lock down they can.
Even though None of those are close to 99% effective or without risk either.

Merck is working on a Covid pill. I think we will get past this in the relatively near future, anyway.
Yes Merck's new drug is an antiviral drug
like ivermectin. wow what a coincidence.
Merck's seems to treat covid at a rate of saving lives by as much as 50%
Ivermectin is about 62% or higher.
Merck's may have a side effect of dna mutation.
Ivermectin side effects...NOT mutations.

BTW Merk also made Ivermectin when it 1st came out.
But now it's generic.
And people have been using it to treat Covid WHEN ALLOWED.

what's wrong with this picture?

Abbey Marie
10-01-2021, 11:46 AM
That is where we differ 100% .

I and many internationally respected specialists forecast many millions ,perhaps hundreds of millions, will die directly from killer shots this winter .From science based reason.

Only time can now show which outlook is more accurate . Being a rational and science based soul, I believe the outcome is certain and therefore guaranteed .

Tragically .

Differ we do. As you say, time will tell. As for me, I will be getting my third (booster) shot in a couple of months’ time. Russ can let you know if it kills me.

10-01-2021, 12:10 PM
Norway and a few other countries
End all gov't restrictions , NO vax mandates, No children with mask.
LIVE With Covid...
no passports, no blocking groups...
what a concept

Kim Iversen makes the case that the U.S. should learn to live with COVID-19 as an ever-present endemic disease.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ItkYhFiGBIAwesome idea. Bet they came up with the very same solution during Plagues I & II. I'm all for it. Save the planet ... by getting off it :)

10-01-2021, 12:19 PM
That is where we differ 100% .

I and many internationally respected specialists forecast many millions ,perhaps hundreds of millions, will die directly from killer shots this winter .From science based reason.

Only time can now show which outlook is more accurate . Being a rational and science based soul, I believe the outcome is certain and therefore guaranteed .

Tragically .

And when you're wrong???

10-01-2021, 12:20 PM
And when you're wrong???"I and many internationally respected specialists ...."


10-01-2021, 12:26 PM
Awesome idea. Bet they came up with the very same solution during Plagues I & II. I'm all for it. Save the planet ... by getting off it :)

Gov't prescribed Medical treatment "solutions" haven't and aren't going to save us.
(where's my herd immunity? and our 'back to normal' after vaccines?)

And somehow I suspect many people will
Still Choose to get vaccinated
Still Choose to wear mask
Still Choose to social distance
Still Choose to self isolate themselves and their families.
Still choose to harass and discriminate against those who don't
And some will choose (IF ALLOWED) alternative medical and protective options.

No need for a top down club fisted hand of the govt to coerce and mandate people into "health".
Covid is out there, it's not going away until it wants too. to say otherwise is a lie.

Abbey Marie
10-01-2021, 12:31 PM
I doubt anyone here wants government coercion. I don’t like it, and if anti-vaxxers stopped at that argument, I think there’d be a lot of unity. It’s all the other stuff that rankles. And by stuff I mean the conspiracy theories, the fear-mongering towards those who choose to get vaccinated, the hard push for other meds, etc.

10-01-2021, 12:45 PM
Gov't prescribed Medical treatment "solutions" haven't and aren't going to save us.
(where's my herd immunity? and our 'back to normal' after vaccines?)

And somehow I suspect many people will
Still Choose to get vaccinated
Still Choose to wear mask
Still Choose to social distance
Still Choose to self isolate themselves and their families.
Still choose to harass and discriminate against those who don't
And some will choose (IF ALLOWED) alternative medical and protective options.

No need for a top down club fisted hand of the govt to coerce and mandate people into "health".
Covid is out there, it's not going away until it wants too. to say otherwise is a lie.

You state that as if it is an all-inclusive. You're this or that. My whole point in the thread about cults that I guess I didn't state:

I'm not anti-vax. I'm not pro-vax. In as far as making other's decisions for them go. I think the BS from the pro-vax crowd is every bit the equal of the BS from the anti-vax crowd and what I AM is anti-BS. On one hand an idiot wants to throw darts at un-vaxxed people, and the other, un-vaxxed people want to tell everyone who is vaxxed they're stupid and going to die for being vaxxed.

Just a bunch of f-ing bullies, the lot of you. I don't need a damned one of you telling me what to think or do. You're demanding your "Rights" at the expense of mine and that's a damned good way to get squashed. Y'all think you're so damned tough, but I ain't taking no shit off anyone, I don't give a damn what cuckoo's nest y'all flew in from.

The fact is, the government is going to force you to get vaccinated at some point, whether or not you like it, and you have to choose whether or not it's the battle you want to fight. Because taking on the government WILL BE your last battle.

I intend to make mine worth something more than a dumbass vaccine among the many I've had in my life. Decision's yours, but don't preach to me and try and validate your decision by putting mine down. I didn't ask anybody's permission when I made it so now you know whose opinion matters on the topic.

EDIT: Nothing personal Rev. Just a point that applies universally from where I stand.

10-01-2021, 01:37 PM
I doubt anyone here wants government coercion. I don’t like it, and if anti-vaxxers stopped at that argument, I think there’d be a lot of unity. It’s all the other stuff that rankles. And by stuff I mean the conspiracy theories, the fear-mongering towards those who choose to get vaccinated, the hard push for other meds, etc.

I wish we could stop that argument , if Biden didn't make all biz with over 100 to vax or test or NO JOB.
I wish we could stop that argument, Governors and local officials would back off, if I could fly to Hawaii or go to large event without a Vax.

Even Gunny say they are going to FORCE everyone to vax and that those of us that refuse will loose. becasue gov't is a bully that gets it's way. i wish the proVaxxed crowd would back us up on the gov't AND Biz coercion end.

In contrast seems to me All the pro vax side is worried about is hurt feelings from some over the top Anti-vaxers sayin mean things. that's it right?
I mean look, the pro vax they're all vaccinated. they are protected. They won't catch it (not true), they won't spread it (not true), they don't need mask (oops they do), they don't have to social distance (well yes ya do), they don't die ( ok but not as much:rolleyes:), and there are NO Side effects (CNN and Faucui said so) no side effects EVER (don't ask just believe).

the only thing the pro-vaxxed side needs, and gets to have, are GOV'T VACCINE CARDS.
So they can do all the things Unvaxxed people are NOT allowed to do.

I mean I'm sorry just seems to me the unvaxxed "antivaxxers" are the one's with the far worse end of the stick Abby.
I pray there are NO long term effects negative effects. but already there are MORE deaths from the vax than from any other vaccines.
But people should have a Choice as to whether or not to take the risk. And have ALL the info availble to make that choice.
I never elected any politicians or my fearful neighbors to play doctor.

10-01-2021, 01:57 PM
Differ we do. As you say, time will tell. As for me, I will be getting my third (booster) shot in a couple of months’ time. Russ can let you know if it kills me.

If you are not pulling our proverbials , give a little more time to checking out all the available evidence .

And be fully aware of treatment protocols , because the experts who have got everything right so far see the death pattern for vaxxed people as :-
20% within two to five years for one shot
65% within two to five for a double shot
90% plus for two shots plus a booster over the same period .

Just to reduce symptom intensity of your next flu infection .As we privately say , " For fucks sake --- " .

10-01-2021, 02:05 PM
Boosters: how to kill more people with impunity

And what is the secret ingredient in the Pfizer vaccine?

Abbey Marie
10-01-2021, 02:05 PM
If you are not pulling our proverbials , give a little more time to checking out all the available evidence .

And be fully aware of treatment protocols , because the experts who have got everything right so far see the death pattern for vaxxed people as :-
20% within two to five years for one shot
65% within two to five for a double shot
90% plus for two shots plus a booster over the same period .

Just to reduce symptom intensity of your next flu infection .As we privately say , " For fucks sake --- " .

Prognosticating what will happen in 2-5 years is crystal ball territory.

10-01-2021, 02:10 PM
Prognosticating what will happen in 2-5 years is crystal ball territory.

No different from looking at an aggressive terminal Cancer and giving an death estimate . Often to a week .

Ditto all diseases plus any well researched non medical matter .

10-01-2021, 02:13 PM

Boosters: how to kill more people with impunity

And what is the secret ingredient in the Pfizer vaccine?

by Jon Rappoport

(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here (https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012oqYBt0rfjVB6CZ1HbgnDg2Hp875qa9fZlZPWR qQ_CQrKjiBxX8r6geoeYtsW6FvU9fJeW9Limf7aWjWKzSjnpRd W3HxGy9j0GxJYhLxc0Tt4K-S94BcoERPumsdeN2K8uw0WmNeVgZe-hY3jbfTxLigXeKc5FrBrTozaWEdJgUUapG89N3jeWcXt5jg4HZ b&c=vmhTh8POnE1q1JiAeRSSNGL8k3ferqG2CFSNwEN4uduG1uDQ _h-AQQ==&ch=Z0-gKNMIxEoirz8r8deKznflTFtXjuKL6GhIT0KBIPXwHU8dCvqVc g==).)


Out of a jumble of announcements from the CDC and the FDA, a few decisions are emerging:

The US government will recommend COVID booster shots for people 65 and older; people between 50 and 64 who have underlying medical conditions; and, as the Daily Mail reports, “people who live in institutional settings that increase their risk of exposure, such as prisons or homeless shelters, as well as health care workers, teachers and grocery store employees.”

People 65 and older already tend to have health conditions. Worse, most of them have been receiving medical treatment for years in the form of toxic drugs. Jabbing them with a shot which has already caused enormous numbers of injuries and deaths is a recipe for disaster.

I would call it targeting.

“---Let’s take the weakest people and hit them with a booster(s) on top of the other two shots they’ve already had.”

And to expand the destruction, people between 50 and 64 WITH UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS should also take the booster.

Note: Hitting these two groups with boosters has a further payoff for the government. When the vaccine recipients die or sustain severe injuries, the blame can be put on “their underlying conditions,” (or “the virus”).

Medically speaking, the overall guiding principle here is: the vaccine isn’t working by any reasonable standard, and it’s causing devastating effects, so let’s force more of it on people.

The news media are collaborators. They provide the elementary one-two punch: “The pandemic continues to spread; the only answer is the vaccine.”

Anybody can grasp that message and nod his head in agreement. The fact that the message is wrong and false on every level is irrelevant to its success.

However, the MANDATES are a different story. Governments believe they can push whole populations against the wall and keep them there year after year after year.

But fascism reaches a breaking point.

Rebellion is now building across the world.


Recently, the ICAN organization (Informed Consent Action Network) announced a disturbing fact about the Pfizer COVID vaccine:

“The FDA assured the public that it will provide transparency for any COVID-19 vaccine it approves. That promise would surely include letting the public know what is in the vial being injected into the arms of millions of people. Nonetheless, the FDA has chosen to hide from the public an ingredient that constitutes more than 20% of the undiluted vial of each Pfizer vaccine!”

“Upon licensure of the Pfizer vaccine, the FDA authorized a fact sheet to be given to the public, which includes a list of ingredients in the vaccine. Amazingly, this list doesn’t mention a secret ingredient. What is the secret ingredient? Nobody knows other than Pfizer and the FDA. In the technical documentation that is not intended for general public distribution, the FDA disclosed that this secret ingredient constitutes about 22% of the undiluted vial (0.45 mL of 2 mL) but completely redacted the name of the secret ingredient.”

“ICAN’s attorneys immediately contacted the FDA and asked for the redaction to be lifted. However, the FDA refused to do so without a formal demand. Therefore, ICAN, through its attorneys, submitted a formal demand to the FDA to disclose the identity of the secret ingredient.”

Conclusion: Without the disclosure of every ingredient in the vaccine, INFORMED CONSENT IS IMPOSSIBLE. A person told to take the shot could refuse on the grounds that he can’t obtain sufficient information in order to provide his consent.

And on what grounds could the vaccine be legal in the first place? If informed consent is the law, then withholding the possibility of it by concealing a vaccine ingredient would automatically render the vaccine illegitimate.

We’re not talking about a cook in a deli who says he has a secret blend of spices he adds to the brisket. This is a genetic injection intended for the whole planet.

Abbey Marie
10-01-2021, 02:16 PM
No different from looking at an aggressive terminal Cancer and giving an death estimate . Often to a week .

Ditto all diseases plus any well researched non medical matter .

Cancer survival rates are based on many many decades of actual cancer cases with long-tested treatments.
Far different from pure speculation about a vaccine that anti-vaxxers themselves complain vigorously is “uncharted territory “.

Abbey Marie
10-01-2021, 02:28 PM
The numbers just don’t support the conclusion that the vaccines aren’t working. They are doing as intended- keeping people out of the ICU and alive. It is my understanding that they were never expected to prevent transmission of COVID.

Having said that, Governor Newsom apparently just mandated vaccines for California students up through high school. This is not cool, and does support Rev’s predictions about where this is all headed.

And does anyone know why two members of the CDC panel voted against the boosters? Two possibilities come to mind:
1. They are unsure of the safety of the vaccines, OR
2. They want to save more vaccines for third-world nations.

Two very different reasons. I’d like to know the truth.

10-01-2021, 02:51 PM
I wish we could stop that argument , if Biden didn't make all biz with over 100 to vax or test or NO JOB.
I wish we could stop that argument, Governors and local officials would back off, if I could fly to Hawaii or go to large event without a Vax.

Even Gunny say they are going to FORCE everyone to vax and that those of us that refuse will loose. becasue gov't is a bully that gets it's way. i wish the proVaxxed crowd would back us up on the gov't AND Biz coercion end.

In contrast seems to me All the pro vax side is worried about is hurt feelings from some over the top Anti-vaxers sayin mean things. that's it right?
I mean look, the pro vax they're all vaccinated. they are protected. They won't catch it (not true), they won't spread it (not true), they don't need mask (oops they do), they don't have to social distance (well yes ya do), they don't die ( ok but not as much:rolleyes:), and there are NO Side effects (CNN and Faucui said so) no side effects EVER (don't ask just believe).

the only thing the pro-vaxxed side needs, and gets to have, are GOV'T VACCINE CARDS.
So they can do all the things Unvaxxed people are NOT allowed to do.

I mean I'm sorry just seems to me the unvaxxed "antivaxxers" are the one's with the far worse end of the stick Abby.
I pray there are NO long term effects negative effects. but already there are MORE deaths from the vax than from any other vaccines.
But people should have a Choice as to whether or not to take the risk. And have ALL the info availble to make that choice.
I never elected any politicians or my fearly neighbors to play doctor.I didn't elect a lot of people to do a lot of things they're doing, Rev. That means nothing. You perceive antivaxxers as getting the short end, but don't mention it is a consequence of YOUR choice? What you want is choice without consequence. That's what I keep hearing. I/Me. All about me. Screw y'all. I'm asymptomatic so y'all can just die if I unknowingly spread the shit all over the place. I have no responsibility to the community I suck off the services/infrastructure of.

What about MY parents? And everyone else's parents and granparents? In their 80s with underlying medical issues? You're a death sentence. Oh they can stay home? Sure. Lock THEM down. Long as you aren't inconvenienced for the sake fo the community.

SO, want to know why I can understand but don't back your argument? It's nothing but individual selfishness at the expense of the many.

Abbey Marie
10-01-2021, 02:56 PM
I didn't elect a lot of people to do a lot of things they're doing, Rev. That means nothing. You perceive antivaxxers as getting the short end, but don't mention it is a consequence of YOUR choice? What you want is choice without consequence. That's what I keep hearing. I/Me. All about me. Screw y'all. I'm asymptomatic so y'all can just die if I unknowingly spread the shit all over the place. I have no responsibility to the community I suck off the services/infrastructure of.

What about MY parents? And everyone else's parents and granparents? In their 80s with underlying medical issues? You're a death sentence. Oh they can stay home? Sure. Lock THEM down. Long as you aren't inconvenienced for the sake fo the community.

SO, want to know why I can understand but don't back your argument? It's nothing but individual selfishness at the expense of the many.

Well, that was right to the point, wasn’t it? Gunny is in the building.


10-01-2021, 05:10 PM
I didn't elect a lot of people to do a lot of things they're doing, Rev. That means nothing. You perceive antivaxxers as getting the short end, but don't mention it is a consequence of YOUR choice? What you want is choice without consequence. That's what I keep hearing. I/Me. All about me. Screw y'all. I'm asymptomatic so y'all can just die if I unknowingly spread the shit all over the place. I have no responsibility to the community I suck off the services/infrastructure of.

What about MY parents? And everyone else's parents and granparents? In their 80s with underlying medical issues? You're a death sentence. Oh they can stay home? Sure. Lock THEM down. Long as you aren't inconvenienced for the sake fo the community.

SO, want to know why I can understand but don't back your argument? It's nothing but individual selfishness at the expense of the many.


Look, even Dr Fauci has admitted that the asymptomatic are NOT driving the spread. That asymptomatic people have never driven the spread of infectious diseases.
So your post seems to assume a couple of things that are false,
1st that I and the rest of the unvaxxed are spreading the virus by just being alive. And therefore should SUFFER CONSEQUENCES somehow.
And Or, that simply being unvaxxed means we all probably HAVE the virus! which is FALSE.
Plus many unvaxxed already had covid (sine 99% + recover) and already have natural antibodies and are extremely unlikely to catch it again (or spread it)
So what kind of consequences should they have to endure for the sake of the community? I'm just at lost as to what you're expecting specifically.

Also you comment does not take into account the fact that the vaccinated ARE spreading the virus as well, the Alpha and the Delta strains.

Also it does not take into account the facts that most of the other mitigation measures ..."CONSEQUENCES"... are of little to NO value. (mask)
And some like "social distancing" and national "lockdowns" have never been honestly tested and frankly seem to fail.
So similar to the TSA at airports they are basically Covid Prevention Theater.

Bottom line your assumptions are FALSE, our decision is not at the expense of the many.

The rational medical approach has always been to quarantine the sick, and to reasonably protect the most vulnerable.
And treat all the sick with the best meds available, being open to various treatment and administered with full informed consent.

But Maybe i'm misreading you.
What consequences should the HEALTHY have to face?
Loss of Jobs because your grandma (whose getting a pension or taken care of by family every month BTW) MIGHT come to my place of biz or the same grocery store and MIGHT get close enough while wearing her mask, but it MIGHT not work, and her vaccine MIGHT not work either, so she gets the virus, that I MIGHT have IF i'm an asymptomatic carrier?

I'm not sure what consequences healthy unvaccinated people should have to face to prevent that scenario or similar.
What inconveniences should we endure (and for how long) that will guarantee your parents complete or assumed safety?
Or live up to your standard of pain for the community?

I will say this, if the gov't wanted to mandate testing every 2 to 4 weeks and make it free and ubiquitous like the vaxs, I'd do that.
It's not an experimental drug, it's not collecting bacteria and co2 on my nose and mouth, and even though it's my understanding that the test are less than accurate.
it's not that intrusive and it could be used to actually track the virus. Unlike the other SHOTGUN blast or NUKE style responses that assumes everyone's a walking virus.

Also even if you were completely right, you're response to understand but NOT to back the freedom of others because you assume their motives are primarily selfish is kinda petty.
And assumes that i don't have elderly family with preexisting conditions. If I truly thought ANY of the measures promoted were extremely effective and safe, and that not doing so put others lives in eminent danger I'd be on board WITHOUT the gov't telling me jack.
So yeah, thanks for assuming the worst of my motives Gunny.

10-01-2021, 06:16 PM

Look, even Dr Fauci has admitted that the asymptomatic are NOT driving the spread. That asymptomatic people have never driven the spread of infectious diseases.
So your post seems to assume a couple of things that are false,
1st that I and the rest of the unvaxxed are spreading the virus by just being alive. And therefore should SUFFER CONSEQUENCES somehow.
And Or, that simply being unvaxxed means we all probably HAVE the virus! which is FALSE.
Plus many unvaxxed already had covid (sine 99% + recover) and already have natural antibodies and are extremely unlikely to catch it again (or spread it)
So what kind of consequences should they have to endure for the sake of the community? I'm just at lost as to what you're expecting specifically.

Also you comment does not take into account the fact that the vaccinated ARE spreading the virus as well, the Alpha and the Delta strains.

Also it does not take into account the facts that most of the other mitigation measures ..."CONSEQUENCES"... are of little to NO value. (mask)
And some like "social distancing" and national "lockdowns" have never been honestly tested and frankly seem to fail.
So similar to the TSA at airports they are basically Covid Prevention Theater.

Bottom line your assumptions are FALSE, our decision is not at the expense of the many.

The rational medical approach has always been to quarantine the sick, and to reasonably protect the most vulnerable.
And treat all the sick with the best meds available, being open to various treatment and administered with full informed consent.

But Maybe i'm misreading you.
What consequences should the HEALTHY have to face?
Loss of Jobs because your grandma (whose getting a pension or taken care of by family every month BTW) MIGHT come to my place of biz or the same grocery store and MIGHT get close enough while wearing her mask, but it MIGHT not work, and her vaccine MIGHT not work either, so she gets the virus, that I MIGHT have IF i'm an asymptomatic carrier?

I'm not sure what consequences healthy unvaccinated people should have to face to prevent that scenario or similar.
What inconveniences should we endure (and for how long) that will guarantee your parents complete or assumed safety?
Or live up to your standard of pain for the community?

I will say this, if the gov't wanted to mandate testing every 2 to 4 weeks and make it free and ubiquitous like the vaxs, I'd do that.
It's not an experimental drug, it's not collecting bacteria and co2 on my nose and mouth, and even though it's my understanding that the test are less than accurate.
it's not that intrusive and it could be used to actually track the virus. Unlike the other SHOTGUN blast or NUKE style responses that assumes everyone's a walking virus.

Also even if you were completely right, you're response to understand but NOT to back the freedom of others because you assume their motives are primarily selfish is kinda petty.
And assumes that i don't have elderly family with preexisting conditions. If I truly thought ANY of the measures promoted were extremely effective and safe, and that not doing so put others lives in eminent danger I'd be on board WITHOUT the gov't telling me jack.
So yeah, thanks for assuming the worst of my motives Gunny.You know what I liked most about the Marine Corps? There wasn't all this civilian (il)logic involved. Y'all understand nothing about Man's responsibility to Man, among other things. No understanding of society/community. The word "team" is something you watch on sports but have no concept of either.

Just all about me. But you'll post a thread wondering what's wrong with society:rolleyes:

I'm not assuming you're being anything. You are telling me you're being selfish with your own words. You as an individual are more important than the team. The team damned well better be here for you, but you aren't here for it.

When the individual doesn't support the team, the team breaks down. When the team breaks down, the machine breaks down. When the machine breaks down EVERYBODY loses. People get killed. All for one selfish person.

10-01-2021, 07:02 PM

Boosters: how to kill more people with impunity

And what is the secret ingredient in the Pfizer vaccine?

by Jon Rappoport

(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here (https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012oqYBt0rfjVB6CZ1HbgnDg2Hp875qa9fZlZPWR qQ_CQrKjiBxX8r6geoeYtsW6FvU9fJeW9Limf7aWjWKzSjnpRd W3HxGy9j0GxJYhLxc0Tt4K-S94BcoERPumsdeN2K8uw0WmNeVgZe-hY3jbfTxLigXeKc5FrBrTozaWEdJgUUapG89N3jeWcXt5jg4HZ b&c=vmhTh8POnE1q1JiAeRSSNGL8k3ferqG2CFSNwEN4uduG1uDQ _h-AQQ==&ch=Z0-gKNMIxEoirz8r8deKznflTFtXjuKL6GhIT0KBIPXwHU8dCvqVc g==).)


Out of a jumble of announcements from the CDC and the FDA, a few decisions are emerging:

The US government will recommend COVID booster shots for people 65 and older; people between 50 and 64 who have underlying medical conditions; and, as the Daily Mail reports, “people who live in institutional settings that increase their risk of exposure, such as prisons or homeless shelters, as well as health care workers, teachers and grocery store employees.”

People 65 and older already tend to have health conditions. Worse, most of them have been receiving medical treatment for years in the form of toxic drugs. Jabbing them with a shot which has already caused enormous numbers of injuries and deaths is a recipe for disaster.

I would call it targeting.

“---Let’s take the weakest people and hit them with a booster(s) on top of the other two shots they’ve already had.”

And to expand the destruction, people between 50 and 64 WITH UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS should also take the booster.

Note: Hitting these two groups with boosters has a further payoff for the government. When the vaccine recipients die or sustain severe injuries, the blame can be put on “their underlying conditions,” (or “the virus”).

Medically speaking, the overall guiding principle here is: the vaccine isn’t working by any reasonable standard, and it’s causing devastating effects, so let’s force more of it on people.

The news media are collaborators. They provide the elementary one-two punch: “The pandemic continues to spread; the only answer is the vaccine.”

Anybody can grasp that message and nod his head in agreement. The fact that the message is wrong and false on every level is irrelevant to its success.

However, the MANDATES are a different story. Governments believe they can push whole populations against the wall and keep them there year after year after year.

But fascism reaches a breaking point.

Rebellion is now building across the world.


Recently, the ICAN organization (Informed Consent Action Network) announced a disturbing fact about the Pfizer COVID vaccine:

“The FDA assured the public that it will provide transparency for any COVID-19 vaccine it approves. That promise would surely include letting the public know what is in the vial being injected into the arms of millions of people. Nonetheless, the FDA has chosen to hide from the public an ingredient that constitutes more than 20% of the undiluted vial of each Pfizer vaccine!”

“Upon licensure of the Pfizer vaccine, the FDA authorized a fact sheet to be given to the public, which includes a list of ingredients in the vaccine. Amazingly, this list doesn’t mention a secret ingredient. What is the secret ingredient? Nobody knows other than Pfizer and the FDA. In the technical documentation that is not intended for general public distribution, the FDA disclosed that this secret ingredient constitutes about 22% of the undiluted vial (0.45 mL of 2 mL) but completely redacted the name of the secret ingredient.”

“ICAN’s attorneys immediately contacted the FDA and asked for the redaction to be lifted. However, the FDA refused to do so without a formal demand. Therefore, ICAN, through its attorneys, submitted a formal demand to the FDA to disclose the identity of the secret ingredient.”

Conclusion: Without the disclosure of every ingredient in the vaccine, INFORMED CONSENT IS IMPOSSIBLE. A person told to take the shot could refuse on the grounds that he can’t obtain sufficient information in order to provide his consent.

And on what grounds could the vaccine be legal in the first place? If informed consent is the law, then withholding the possibility of it by concealing a vaccine ingredient would automatically render the vaccine illegitimate.

We’re not talking about a cook in a deli who says he has a secret blend of spices he adds to the brisket. This is a genetic injection intended for the whole planet.

Links to this stuff? The only link doesn't lead to this story.

10-01-2021, 07:04 PM
That is where we differ 100% .

I and many internationally respected specialists forecast many millions ,perhaps hundreds of millions, will die directly from killer shots this winter .From science based reason.

Only time can now show which outlook is more accurate . Being a rational and science based soul, I believe the outcome is certain and therefore guaranteed .

Tragically .

"many international respected specialists forecast millions, if not hundreds of millions, will die...."

Care to back that up with links to these folks? And this science based reason that points out this amount of deaths to expect this winter?

10-01-2021, 08:23 PM
"many international respected specialists forecast millions, if not hundreds of millions, will die...."

Care to back that up with links to these folks? And this science based reason that points out this amount of deaths to expect this winter?

You cut the actual funny part out, Jimbob.

"I and many internationally respected specialists ..."

Still funny :laugh:

10-01-2021, 08:49 PM
You know what I liked most about the Marine Corps? There wasn't all this civilian (il)logic involved. Y'all understand nothing about Man's responsibility to Man, among other things. No understanding of society/community. The word "team" is something you watch on sports but have no concept of either.

Just all about me. But you'll post a thread wondering what's wrong with society:rolleyes:

I'm not assuming you're being anything. You are telling me you're being selfish with your own words. You as an individual are more important than the team. The team damned well better be here for you, but you aren't here for it.

When the individual doesn't support the team, the team breaks down. When the team breaks down, the machine breaks down. When the machine breaks down EVERYBODY loses. People get killed. All for one selfish person.

When a few members of a team in the marines are sure the leader is leading the team into dangerous territory for a battle for no d@mn good reason.
But those members are convinced there's a clearer pathway to more advantage and a more likely win of the upcoming battle, backed up with pretty decent evidence. But no one's listening.
I suppose the team just sucks it up and does things the stupid way and makes the best of it because the leaders says so.
So as to not mess with team cohesion and the like. They all might die, but they'll die together... as a team, Oorah.
Great for the military... I guess.

But us crazy selfish civilians want our family's to live and tell them the clearer path to the best of our knowledge AND try to convince others of the community... team... of the same.
If the community team thinks otherwise. OK fine, thanks for the opportunity to dialogue... GOD Speed to you. You go your way we'll go ours.
That seems like freedom to me. Loving my neighbor doesn't mean i join them in doing things in a way i'm convinces will lead to more problems for us all.
If in your mind that's seen as selfishness, so be it.
But what you describe as a "team", to my mind is not "team" or teamwork, but dictatorship and blind loyalty.

But Hey, will you be a team player if they ask you turn in all your weapons? Don't you care about your Grandma? Are you going to selfishly keep your weapons and not take any consequences for having them available? Someone could steal them an DIE. But i guess that's fine as Long as you aren't inconvenienced for the sake of the community.
It's for the safety of the community Gunny. Dr Faucii, Biden, the CDC, CNN and even Trump says so. So you'll give up all your weapons without a comment or resistance right?
I doubt it. So I'm not buying the "take one for the team" line here man.

Gunny, i think we agree in on the principal, you just don't agree with my POV about the Covid issue.
Which is fine, God Speed.
And what's the thing they use to say "it's a free country"

10-01-2021, 09:17 PM
Prognosticating what will happen in 2-5 years is crystal ball territory.

It's easy to get there when you start the trip in crazy town.

And does anyone know why two members of the CDC panel voted against the boosters? Two possibilities come to mind:
1. They are unsure of the safety of the vaccines, OR
2. They want to save more vaccines for third-world nations.

Two very different reasons. I’d like to know the truth.

I think they just didn't see the benefit of boosters for the general population.

10-01-2021, 11:16 PM
... 'I'm asymptomatic so y'all can just die if I unknowingly spread the shit all over the place. I have no responsibility to the community I suck off the services/infrastructure of.'
What about MY parents? And everyone else's parents and granparents? In their 80s with underlying medical issues? You're a death sentence. Oh they can stay home? Sure. Lock THEM down. Long as you aren't inconvenienced for the sake fo the community.

Scientific studies showing that asymptomatic spread isn’t a thing


University of Florida researchers find no asymptomatic or presymptomatic spread (https://alachuachronicle.com/university-of-florida-researchers-find-no-asymptomatic-spread/)
The study, conducted by the UF Department of Biostatistics, found that the secondary attack rate for asymptomatic index cases was not statistically different from zero.

So it seem your parents are safe from me and all the other "not team players" asymptomatic unvaccinated. we are NOT "a death sentence."
If i have symtoms I'll stay home (HAVE stayed home for 2 weeks with a cold JUST in case it might have been covid.)

Based on the facts available to the team, I'll do what's seems best for my family and your parents.

BTW I suspect most people over 75 with conditions are retired with pensions and social security, checks medicare and/or someone taking care of their financial needs. So Why exactly can't they stay home and stay safe... for the team? I still need to work everyday to put food on the table and my kid needs to go to school. Are older people selfish or something?