View Full Version : Anti-vaxxers are using the same tactics as cults do to attract followers on social me

09-30-2021, 06:33 PM
Y'all oughtn't to be doing this kind of stuff :smoke:

In 1974, I was recruited into a cult. Known as the Unification Church, but often referred to as the Moonies, the group was — and still is — a far-right cult founded by the Korean cult leader Sun Myung Moon. The Moonies believe that Moon was greater than Jesus and is God's "Messiah." His teachings, followers have said, supersede conscience, the Bible, laws and universal human rights.

Thankfully, after two-and-a-half years, I was deprogrammed and realized my mind had been hacked. With the help of ex-members and my family, I was able to break away. Looking back, though, I see that the fear tactics that Moon used to recruit and keep me in the cult are the same ones that leaders of the anti-vaccination ideology are using today to attract and retain followers via social media and other outlets.

While there are many mind control techniques that destructive cults use, emotional control is one of their most powerful weapons for keeping people dependent and obedient. Known as phobia indoctrination, it exposes a person to a series of persistent, irrational fears that initiate a closed cycle of fearful images, thoughts and feelings. The goal is to cause people to fear thingsthat are actually harmless in reality. The cue can be internal or external, such as a thought, image, word, smell, feeling or behavior. This stimulus causes a person to generate negative feelings (often doom).

For instance, when I was 19 years old, I was indoctrinated to believe that I couldn't trust my own thinking because unseen Satanic forces were affecting my mind. Moon did this by taking me and other cult members to see "The Exorcist," a movie about a little girl who gets possessed by the devil. He was able to implant a phobia — a persistent irrational fear — by repeatedly telling us that God made the movie and that it was a prophecy of what would happen to us if we left the group. That phobia — the fear of being possessed by the devil — is one of the primary things that tethered me so deeply into the cult and prevented me from leaving.

Anti-vaccination groups are doing the same thing today. Everyone is susceptible to mind control when under great stress and disorientation, and these groups use social media to bombard their targets with messages that sow doubt, fear and confusion about the Covid-19 vaccine. As a result, a significant portion of the US population is refusing to get vaccinated and putting themselves at risk of being hospitalized or dying from Covid-19.
Helping people to overcome these fears is the only way to end this pandemic.
Here are three specific ways anti-vaccination groups use deception to influence the public:
Withholding vital information

There is a difference between fears and phobias. Legitimate fears are good — they help keep us from danger. Phobias, however, are powerful fears of something bad happening that are irrational, very small or nonexistent. For example, some people are phobic of elevators or of leaving their homes. Telling someone that elevator accidents happen each year, without telling them how many elevator trips are successful, deceives them into believing that elevators are dangerousAnti-vax influencers (https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/07/tech/facebook-instagram-covid-vaccine/index.html) tout anecdotes of adverse reactions (https://252f2edd-1c8b-49f5-9bb2-cb57bb47e4ba.filesusr.com/ugd/f4d9b9_b7cedc0553604720b7137f8663366ee5.pdf) without mentioning how rare (https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/01/health/covid-vaccine-side-effects/index.html) they are. These anecdotes are a form of phobia indoctrination. Anti-vaxxers withhold information about the vaccines, causing people to fear that by getting vaccinated, they would be putting themselves at a high risk of severe side effects. The reality is that instances of serious negative physical reactions to the vaccine are very rare.
It's important for people to think critically about the actual risks of Covid vs. the risk of the Covid vaccine, and not just succumb to irrational fear. Unvaccinated people (https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/10/health/us-coronavirus-friday/index.html) are at a much higher risk of dying from the virus, and doctors overwhelmingly agree that getting vaccinated is by far the safest, best choice.
Rather than trusting anti-vax influencers, people with concerns about the safety of the vaccine should be looking at the facts and trusting the experts.
Distorting information
Anti-vax groups distort information by misinterpreting data and casting doubt on the scientific process. For instance, many anti-vax influencers claim that the vaccine (https://252f2edd-1c8b-49f5-9bb2-cb57bb47e4ba.filesusr.com/ugd/f4d9b9_b7cedc0553604720b7137f8663366ee5.pdf) is dangerous because it is new and was rapidly developed. But in reality, Covid-19 vaccines make use of technology (https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/01/health/mrna-vaccines-covid-future/index.html) that has been extensively studied for decades, and the vaccine had to go through usual rigorous testing for emergency approval.
Anti-vax campaigns to distort information remind me of the way fears were implanted in me when I was a Moonie. I was programmed to hate democracy and believe that it was Satanic. After deprogramming, I realized that the Moonies had used corrupt brainwashing tactics on me to support their anti-democratic political agenda.
Outright lying
Anti-vaccination social media campaigns spew outright lies to sow doubt and confusion about the vaccination process.
Last year, an anti-vax propaganda film went viral. The film falsely claimed that the Covid vaccine is a money-making scheme for a group of elites, who are hiding evidence that the vaccine causes medical harm. It likely successfully implanted vaccine phobias for many who watched it.

When people are not properly informed, deciding whether or not to get vaccinated can be a scary decision. People are constantly exposed to lies about the vaccines online, including false claims (https://252f2edd-1c8b-49f5-9bb2-cb57bb47e4ba.filesusr.com/ugd/f4d9b9_b7cedc0553604720b7137f8663366ee5.pdf) that they alter DNA or lead to infertility.

Of course, we know that billions of doses (https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2021/health/global-covid-vaccinations/) have been administered worldwide. That is a huge sample size, and the absence of any widespread serious side effects speaks to the vaccine's safety.
Phobias are common, but curable. If we do not take the time to analyze the data and actual risk, and if we allow ourselves to trust people and sources that are untrustworthy, we can go down a rabbit hole of paranoia and end up in real danger. Helping people overcome these fears is the only way to end this pandemic.


09-30-2021, 09:50 PM
ummm, But isn't it really the PRO vax side doing what's described and more?
Using every major and minor outlet available.

daily/hourly news/hype about how we should all FEAR FEAR FEAR covid now and always. FEAR!
daily/hourly news/hype about the ONLY solution, our ONLY salvation, being getting the vax. OR WE'LL ALL DIE! FEAR!
daily/hourly news/hype from the ONLY "real" experts we should listen too. TRUST THEM WITHOUT QUESTION they have the TRUTH and love you!
Everyone else, no matter the credentials, is a LIAR who will get you and everyone killed! FEAR THEM!

the Pro vax side is lying about issues, in this case including safe medications that have been on the market for decades, inferring they'll Kill YOU and they are Only for Animals.
They forced people with Zero wrong with them into Isolation, LOCK DOWN, another tactic of some cults.
They are giving out directives one day that change the next day, ("You don't need mask" "everyone MUST mask!!" OR ELSE! Herd immunity at 60% no 70% no 80% do i hear never?) and expect you NOT to question... ever... just OBEY the rules today and forget or deny the holy rules and holy pronouncements of the past.
They are telling us to 'stay with the group and our leaders' or else you'll be mocked, pressured, shunned, censored, blackballed, Not granted the privileges other GOOD-obedient masked and vaxed members are allowed to have. And finally FORCED to comply or else you won't be able to get an education or have a job to feed your family.

Seems pretty clear to me who's acting more like the cults I've heard about.

10-01-2021, 03:25 AM
ummm, But isn't it really the PRO vax side doing what's described and more?
Using every major and minor outlet available. etc

Absolutely .

And probably the majority are not anti Vaxxers .

Just smart people who will have nothing to do with an experimental gene therapy treatment that is not safety cleared and now is analysed as a bio weapon which maims and

kills .

Makes those who are double vaxxed look ignorant or stupid , or both .And in big trouble .

Abbey Marie
10-01-2021, 10:34 AM
The key word for me in the OP is “anecdotes”, regardless where you stand on Covid vaccinations.

Are the stories told about vax reactions consistent and prevalent, or anecdotal?
Are the statistics about who is being hospitalized and/or dying consistent and prevalent, or anecdotal?
Who is using nformation to lie to us? Because somebody ​must be lying.

10-01-2021, 10:37 AM
ummm, But isn't it really the PRO vax side doing what's described and more?
Using every major and minor outlet available.

daily/hourly news/hype about how we should all FEAR FEAR FEAR covid now and always. FEAR!
daily/hourly news/hype about the ONLY solution, our ONLY salvation, being getting the vax. OR WE'LL ALL DIE! FEAR!
daily/hourly news/hype from the ONLY "real" experts we should listen too. TRUST THEM WITHOUT QUESTION they have the TRUTH and love you!
Everyone else, no matter the credentials, is a LIAR who will get you and everyone killed! FEAR THEM!

the Pro vax side is lying about issues, in this case including safe medications that have been on the market for decades, inferring they'll Kill YOU and they are Only for Animals.
They forced people with Zero wrong with them into Isolation, LOCK DOWN, another tactic of some cults.
They are giving out directives one day that change the next day, ("You don't need mask" "everyone MUST mask!!" OR ELSE! Herd immunity at 60% no 70% no 80% do i hear never?) and expect you NOT to question... ever... just OBEY the rules today and forget or deny the holy rules and holy pronouncements of the past.
They are telling us to 'stay with the group and our leaders' or else you'll be mocked, pressured, shunned, censored, blackballed, Not granted the privileges other GOOD-obedient masked and vaxed members are allowed to have. And finally FORCED to comply or else you won't be able to get an education or have a job to feed your family.

Seems pretty clear to me who's acting more like the cults I've heard about.I'm guessing the "Good Humor plane" zipped right on over your head :rolleyes:

If you want to be serious, no, you are incorrect. On this board alone there is more bullshit about what-all's wrong with the vaccine and everybody's going to die, and blah, blah, blah. All I have seen the majority of vaccinated people do is defend themselves against insults and inferences to our lack of intelligence. Y'all try to squash every word with a deluge of bullshit. And in case you think I'm the only one that's tired of the shit, you're wrong about that too.

Pull your panties out of your ass. You're the one pimping fear. I think the OP is as big a joke as some of the anti-vax shit I've seen.

10-01-2021, 11:31 PM
ookkk, you meant it as a joke.
no worries.
but it is an Editorial from the CNN biz page... not the Babylon Bee... or the Onion.
sorry I missed your intent.

And sadly the intent of the writer is serious and i suspect many of his readers took it seriously.
My reply wasn't out of line... and it makes better sense than the OpEd.
So seems to me we should to respond crazy BS like this... especially since it's a regular tactic of the left (and right) to discredit opinions they don't like this way.
Articles and "reports" that claim being "Conservative" or "Liberal" or "Religious" or "Conspiracist" or "white male" or "Trump Supporters", "Bernie supporters" etc etc are clearly linked with some form of Mental illness or Cult mindset, so says Dr. XYZ and study ABC from the university of BSU.

10-01-2021, 11:40 PM
Here's a chart that shows how nations use coercion on POWs,
not sure which sides the actions align best


10-02-2021, 02:44 AM
Here's a chart that shows how nations use coercion on POWs,
not sure which sides the actions align best

Neat chart .

Not seen that excellent consolidation presented so well and concisely before .

10-02-2021, 08:15 AM
Neat chart .
Not seen that excellent consolidation presented so well and concisely before .

Yep it's a tool that's been around for a while.

Abusers use a variety of techniques in order to coerce others into behaving the way they want. In 1956 the psychologist Albert Biderman developed a framework for understanding the methods foreign armies used to extract false confessions from prisoners of war. Psychologists now believe that abusers in many different situations use the same methods to achieve control over their victims. For example, victims of domestic violence or childhood abuse often report having experienced similar treatment. These methods include:

Monopolization of perception
Induced exhaustion / debilitation
Occasional indulgences
Demonstrating ‘omnipotence’ and ‘omniscience’
Enforcing trivial demands

the sections that jumps out at me are

"Enforcing of trivial demands" ,
some versions of the chart talk about how the abuser's "demands are often trivial, contradictory and non-achievable. To reinforce who has control"
mask wear... don't wear mask... wear mask... except in restaurants you don't have to... no mask... no service...
I don't know how many times a few of my friends have said "what's the big deal just wear the mask" . translation it's trivial demand.
And I've been harassed by strangers in the cult and over zealous employees yelling and threatening and then being complimentary if i comply with BS.
Hey! you're not 6 foot away! ...but cashiers at every store is standing next to you as you hand them money.
No gatherings of more than 12 people unless it's a protest then 100 people are A-OK!
Churches have to shut down, even in parking lots when you stay in the car. But Liquor Stores are WiDE OPEN for Biz Baby!

"Occasional indulgences"
"If you get the vaccine you won't have to wear the mask. oops SORRY... we didn't mean that you still have to wear the mask OR YOU"LL DIE!! or KILL SOMEONE!!! do you want to KILL SOMEONE ELSE??!!!
You're SELFISH if you don't COMPLY!!
If you get the vaccine you'll get free Pancakes or Doughnuts or a CHECK or fill-in-the-blank-
And you'll be allowed back to school or work or to See Grandma!

"THREATS" "outlines abusers expectations and consequences for non-compliance."
"we've been patient with you..." but now we're going to drop the hammer No VAX No Job!
That Equals no food or home for some of us.

But it's for the good of the cult... I mean community... so submit or else.

"Monopolization of perception"
this one is the most obvious. one source describes part of it as,
the Abuser "Eliminates information that is not in agreement with the abuser's message."
the BALLED FACE censorship and blacklisting of alternative voices around this issues is staggering. the USSR and the old Soviet Block are models here. CNN is Pravda with willing and enthusiastic party members proclaiming the propaganda and gleefully denouncing subversives.
And they use "science" as veil for doing it. Science which By DEFAULT is an OPEN investigation into cause and effects. Where MORE information is BETTER. But no, only the "Official" sources are ALLOWED to speak. (even if they change the narrative week to week)
Only the Anointed versions of the holy science is allowed expression, all else is heresy and must be BURNED from the sacred interwebs and the minds of the people. By the way, somehow they can make a holy purge of facebook youtube twitters instagram etc of Covid heretics and unsanctioned covid heresy. But somehow they can't see, find or get rid of Child Porm or known pedos and sex offenders on the same platforms.