View Full Version : Those who quit their jobs if they have to receive the vax

09-28-2021, 03:30 PM
Here is an interesting take by Pitts.

https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/243299968_10224364643996715_7472941641663947239_n. jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=j8Of6mEhO_IAX-wP9ab&tn=uSnMmjZcps77ZeCk&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.xx&oh=91132d7c1539f3dcb81005fcee7334ac&oe=615966C8

09-28-2021, 03:42 PM
A truly reprehensible person. One who doesn't deserve to live in this country to begin with considering his mindset.

09-28-2021, 04:05 PM
I wonder if Leonard has a CDL?

Mr. P
09-28-2021, 05:48 PM
Aside from the intended divisiveness of this condescending idiot...

Isn't there a copy-right issue here?

Just sayin

09-28-2021, 06:29 PM
Aside from the intended divisiveness of this condescending idiot...

Isn't there a copy-right issue here?

Just sayin

There may be. But idiots, and deranged TDS victims of their own shadow really have no idea what such a question would mean anyway.
It actually proves to us all..."It is impossible to have an Intelligent conversation with ANY LIBERAL HATER who has no Intelligence."
And they will keep on trying in order to Prove THIS...Whether Doing It, Saying It, Repeating It, or Insisting It's what an IDIOT does...over, and over, and over again.


09-28-2021, 07:05 PM
Aside from the intended divisiveness of this condescending idiot...

Isn't there a copy-right issue here?

Just sayin
I am going to say no. We'll run it past jimnyc to be safe.

It has always been my understanding a source has to be provided to avoid copyright infringement. At the bottom there is the author's name and the leftwingnut rag he wrote the article for. I don't think there has to be an actual link. Just proper credit.

09-28-2021, 07:26 PM
Here is an interesting take by Pitts.

I think most of your posts have the hidden agenda of just racking up the "piss off"s. :laugh:

But... to the op-ed. I wonder if he has the same opinion for people who don't really work for their own betterment or who sit on unemployment fully able to work?

09-28-2021, 07:35 PM
Just another hack journalist obliged to push the Deep State narrative .

Only a few more weeks before the Vaxxed will be shivering in real fear when the penny finally drops .

Already over 150 000 have died in the US directly from the killer shots .

Soon no excuse explanations will be left to use .

Then you will see hyper anger and violence at a berserk level .

09-28-2021, 07:44 PM
Already over 150 000 have died in the US directly from the killer shots .

Wow, you'd think that would be in the news. :rolleyes:

09-29-2021, 07:48 AM
Vaccine Macht Frei (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?54361-My-visit-to-Dachau-Death-Camp-just-northwest-of-Munich)