View Full Version : the Dems have to stop stealing elections

09-21-2021, 12:14 PM
Don't you agree?

https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/242298272_10224414784851090_1998017468407436209_n. jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=8qtzZ8YpqAoAX_D7HpV&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.xx&oh=6a3cd1790eadca65f50f96c5397806d2&oe=617117F9

Surf Fishing Guru
09-21-2021, 06:43 PM
Don't you agree?

I know I agree with the saying . . . "Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."

09-21-2021, 07:11 PM
That is why our voting and counting places have observers from both parties, have certifications, can have audits, and if people want to do fraudits they and still find the vote is secure.

Surf Fishing Guru
09-21-2021, 08:48 PM
That is why our voting and counting places have observers from both parties, have certifications, can have audits, and if people want to do fraudits they and still find the vote is secure.


I lived in Philadelphia for 31 years (1984-2015), I am a union building trades member since 1979, in a union that is very politically active. I know how democrats operate, I've been an integral part of some of the crookedest political shit you can imagine for the singular purpose of getting Democrats elected to local, state and federal offices.

Look up the Bill Stinson state senate situation back in 1993, yeah, fun times! Nothing has changed except that the crooked shit they could get written into the election code is no longer "illegal". . . State legislature be damned!

When they do the illegal shit now they just make sure they have friendly cops outside to made sure no Republican watchers are around. Keeping poll watchers out of polling places and keeping count watchers out of the tally rooms is a time honored tradition, all so the Dem's can cheat and city election officials and municipal judges are cogs in that wheel.

2020 was beyond belief with what went on with mail-in ballots down at the Convention Center.