View Full Version : Biden's Total incompetence

09-19-2021, 04:59 AM
New York Times reporter

Brooks on Biden’s Approval Numbers: ‘The Underlying Issue Is Incompetence’ Like Jimmy Carter


On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said that the “underlying issue” in President Joe Biden’s underwater approval rating is Jimmy Carter-esque “incompetence.”

Brooks said that coronavirus is one issue bringing down Biden’s approval numbers, even though that’s not really President Biden’s fault.

He continued, “I think the border’s a strong one. I think pulling out of Afghanistan the way they did, not the pullout itself, but the way it was done. I think a lot of Americans were embarrassed and felt a little ashamed. But the underlying issue is Jimmy Carter. The underlying issue is incompetence. I thought these guys were the pros. I thought they were the experts. But in case after case, they don’t seem to be as professional as I thought they were.”

Brooks later discussed the nuclear submarine deal with Australia and stated that while it’s a good deal, “why not call France? … We didn’t call our allies before the Afghan pullout.”

09-19-2021, 07:24 AM
Carter was a awful president, but he was at least aware.

Biden is being used as a walking meat puppet controlled by some of the most unsavory socialists this country has ever produced. He should have been tucked away somewhere safely with 24 hour nursing care years ago.

He can't even speak from his teleprompter effectively, and when he spirals out of control his feed is cut.

"Now I'm supposed to turn and walk away."

"I'm not supposed to answer any questions."

We have a bunch of unelected aides and his "doctor" wife running the country - it's no wonder that everything is going to hell so quickly.

8 months in, and the wheels are coming off. And God help us all when Cackling KamKam takes over.

Still, as bad as it is, this whole episode will be instructional to what happens when you let the moonbats take the wheel.

What has this unified government accomplished? Nada.

09-19-2021, 07:32 AM