View Full Version : J6 rally is in fact supporting insurgents and criminals not political prisoners

09-18-2021, 01:27 PM
A few misguided goof balls are crying tears for the criminals charged in the insurgency.

Here is the list of charges below. They are criminals not political prisoners.


09-18-2021, 01:50 PM
I'm fine with busting criminals for crimes they committed.

Most of the crimes I saw listed are stupid, and certainly aren't applied to the left when they're burning down cities and taking over government buildings. The usual hypocrisy from the left :rolleyes:

09-18-2021, 02:19 PM
I'm fine with busting criminals for crimes they committed.

Most of the crimes I saw listed are stupid, and certainly aren't applied to the left when they're burning down cities and taking over government buildings. The usual hypocrisy from the left :rolleyes:

one can easily argue blm and antifa were criminals but will have trouble making a case for insurgency

we will have to see what the DC courts make of the J6 goofballs

09-18-2021, 03:26 PM
one can easily argue blm and antifa were criminals but will have trouble making a case for insurgency

we will have to see what the DC courts make of the J6 goofballsThat you can make a case for insurgency is laughable as Hell. Antifa/BLM taking over a Federal government building as opposed to not even managing that by a bunch of dummies? I would ask who bought the beer but we know who you'd blame what with your Trump obsession :rolleyes:

They get prosecuted the same, as the asme crimes, for the same reasons, or they don't. THAT is fair and equal justice. Otherwise, this is just the Dems making a mockery of the law in BOTH cases.

Surf Fishing Guru
09-18-2021, 08:26 PM

Can these Fedbois be any more obvious?


09-18-2021, 08:41 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by JakeStarkey http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=990282#post990282)
one can easily argue blm and antifa were criminals but will have trouble making a case for insurgency

we will have to see what the DC courts make of the J6 goofballs

Gunny That you can make a case for insurgency is laughable as Hell. Antifa/BLM taking over a Federal government building as opposed to not even managing that by a bunch of dummies? I would ask who bought the beer but we know who you'd blame what with your Trump obsession :rolleyes:

They get prosecuted the same, as the asme crimes, for the same reasons, or they don't. THAT is fair and equal justice. Otherwise, this is just the Dems making a mockery of the law in BOTH cases.

Well, that's your opinion, not accurate at all, I believe. We will see what the courts do.

Surf Fishing Guru
09-18-2021, 09:37 PM


09-19-2021, 02:48 PM
one can easily argue blm and antifa were criminals but will have trouble making a case for insurgency

we will have to see what the DC courts make of the J6 goofballs

Insurgency? Ridiculous. That would apply to a miniscule percentage of those that were there and that's being generous. A good case to be made for the worst planned insurgency ever is far more believable apart from the media narrative. Most people were caught up in the crowd. If that same standard were held to BLM the courts would be packed with defendants.

09-19-2021, 03:02 PM
Insurgency? Ridiculous. That would apply to a miniscule percentage of those that were there and that's being generous. A good case to be made for the worst planned insurgency ever is far more believable apart from the media narrative. Most people were caught up in the crowd. If that same standard were held to BLM the courts would be packed with defendants.I want to know who the person is that has confessed to organizing and planning this "insurgency"? the Biden Administration?

I could see comparing the skill level with the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Meaning there was no brain making any decisions.

09-19-2021, 05:56 PM
Does the releasing of thousands of Felons, Rapists, Murderers, Child molesters, Thieves, Liars, and Drug Dealers, Antifa and BLM rioters By DEMOCRATS count as SUPPORTING YOUR INSURGENTS TOO?

09-19-2021, 08:00 PM
The above is an assertion of thousands being released by the Democrats.

Provide the evidence.

Then show this "whataboutism" has anything to do with the creep insurgents -- what a dumbass group (but they are far right Trumptarians, yes, so there you go) being charged.

09-19-2021, 08:09 PM
The above is an assertion of thousands being released by the Democrats.

Provide the evidence.

Then show this "whataboutism" has anything to do with the creep insurgents -- what a dumbass group (but they are far right Trumptarians, yes, so there you go) being charged.

https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/10/21/us/21virus-sanquentin/merlin_174409332_077875b9-1ff1-4fb4-93e0-e16898829446-mobileMasterAt3x.jpghttps://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-08-09/covid-19-california-releases-violent-crime-murder-prisonershttps://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/34da20c/2147483647/strip/true/crop/3000x2000+0+0/resize/840x560!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Ff7%2F74%2F45105b8041 ff9dfe4da22496cec2%2Fla-photos-1staff-578680-a-chino-1-rcg.JPG

09-19-2021, 08:26 PM
So, as we all knew already, you have no evidence except your screaming meemies.

09-19-2021, 10:21 PM
So, as we all knew already, you have no evidence except your screaming meemies.

You ARE NOT NOW...nor have you ever been one of My SCREAMING MEEMIES. They have much more intelligence than you, and ONLY YOU ARE THE ONE who knew it already.

09-20-2021, 08:40 AM
The above PissOff has no evidence.

What a loser.:laugh2:

09-20-2021, 11:46 AM
The above PissOff has no evidence.

What a loser.:laugh2:


09-20-2021, 11:57 AM
Yup, the J6 supporters have no evidence of anything other than those arrested are far right or conservatarian thugs and criminals.