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View Full Version : New Thread, New Series- From A Time In A Past Life, As A Young Poet

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2021, 09:46 AM
Ok, first post.
Explanation of this thread and my offerings/ramblings/poems, gripes/woes and sorrows born too damn often in my wild days of youth..
Today- First poem - the idea to find this old poem- edit it a bit and post it came to me while I was listening to SiruisXM, the Tom Petty radio station
while driving my darling wife to work early this morn. The song was titled-- Spike..



Which brought to this strange and ever wondering mind. About --bad-- especially so -- bad women...
Of which, sad to have to say I've had far, far more than my youthful and massively cursed share!

Now hold on-- I have to bring it from paper onto this electronic /digital world...

Somehow, I Survived Another One

How well I remember that saddest hour
Wicked world and fate show their powers
Life sent such sorrows by dark hands of Fate
Begged I mercy, world said- "too damn late".

As past time cried out, "was all your fault".
Oft in youth, in clever traps we are caught.

How well I recall in that little town
Those haters laughed as you tore me down
But I swore there would be another day
As in poetic ink, truth would hold sway.

As past time cried out, "was all your fault".
Oft in youth, in clever traps we are caught.

O' how well this old heart discerns that truth
That we oft trip and fall in tender youth
And yet live to see justice may prevail
As ensuing years brought you purest hell.

As past time cried out, "was all your fault".
Oft in youth, in clever traps we are caught.

R.J. Lindley,
First composed in 1979, edited
Again in 1983, 1996 and edited
today, 9-07- 2021



A few more words about this poem, my life and my writings..
True story and a drop-dead gorgeous, ravishing vixen that I hooked up
with and found out the hard way that such fantastic beauty -almost always
comes with a heavy cost. Skipping all the gruesome details- I say that she
did her best to try to utterly and viciously destroy me. But my bloodline
is not easily conquered and decimated. In my youth, I too was capable of
being a fearsome beast, when wronged…

Since that time, the decades have revealed so much. She failed to destroy me.
But she then went on to marry three times from age 21 to age 35 , divorce and
destroy three former husbands and die at the young age of 39…
Which brings to mind this-- surviving such evil is the best revenge.
And later seeing how that true evil brought its own destruction- to the very
vessel that it used- at least to me is- sweet poetic justice. Fault me if you will, but
This old dog- has seen too much, been burnt badly too damn many times.
And somehow has lived to tell and to write about it.... RJL

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2021, 10:48 AM
This thread will be added too as time flies on by. Not that my life has been anything special but....
it damn sure has not ever been boring-especially since the tender young age of 17. And that my
friends was 50 years ago this year. As I have written but never published/shown anywhere a couple dozen or more poems
about the mischief, idiotic youthful things I did and my attitude back then that truly believed that I'd not ever live to see 29...
Which in itself, explains a damn lot.
As old notes so oft contained curses and curse words they will for the most part not be included.
After all, the new old me -- ""aint that hell raising young lad anymore"".
Even tho' oft the memory and spirit is willing but the aged flesh is too weak.---Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-07-2021, 02:39 PM
Ok, my muse hit me- said "lazy dog shut up and write."
Unless it is me that your sorry carcass wants to fight....
I sat down and the belligerent muse started me off
Inked words flowed forth and this time she didn't huff and scoff...--Tyr

Hold That Thought, World Is Crooked, Love Is Naught.

Hey Spike, what the hell did she-devil do
You ain't the same something different about you
Collar cracked and your big feet are bare
And damn, you've lost that cold-set killer stare
Tis true, life came and your heart is jaded
She ran away and your dreams are faded.

Hold that thought, world is crooked, love is naught.
Into that vicious web you are now caught.

Spike now you feel so blind, hell in your mind
You feel dead and your soul is in a bind
Finally saw her in her devil shoes
Her last message said, "hope you get your dues"
You are mad as hell and her trail is cold
Sorrows came and you believed lies she told.

Hold that thought, world is crooked, love is naught.
Into that vicious dark web you were caught.

Now Spike, I not say that I told ya so
Heart was crushed, what a damn heavy blow
Crazy, you go to sleep dreaming of her
She laughed out loud calling you a cur
Now broke, you realize she was just that way
Caught in that damn web you just had to pay.

Hold that thought, world is crooked, love is naught.
Into that vicious web you are still caught.

Robert J. Lindley, 9-07-2021
Tribute To Petty and - "Spike".



naught - pronoun

\ ˈnȯt , ˈnät \
variants: or less commonly nought
Definition of naught (Entry 1 of 2)
Their efforts came to naught.
It was all for naught.
naught noun
variants: or less commonly nought
Definition of naught (Entry 2 of 2)
2: the arithmetical symbol 0 : ZERO, CIPHER

Learn to pronounce
pronoun ARCHAIC

nothing at all

the digit 0; zero.
What do you mean by the term naught?
1 : nothingness, nonexistence. 2 : the arithmetical symbol 0 : zero, cipher.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-10-2021, 07:22 AM
Ah But Honey- Such Sweet Lies That Were Told

It was a meandering dirty road,
Ah but honey- such sweet lies that were told
About the gold castle upon the hill
And how love always gives sensual thrills
Nary a word about hideous beast
Hiding, awaiting its promised feast
But such you knew, covered with a smile
Hiding so well, your venom and dark guile.

I hear sad tales of your sorrowing woes.
That do not mention your grievous struck blows.

I see, youthful lad with an eager heart
On that winding road, with its cool start
Sailing on seas of romantic delights
Long before the dark truth- endless fights
O' yes, your beauty such a stunning gift
And those ravenous nights - sexual gifts
Even in that dark- pleasures abundant
Do I cry more, such being redundant?

I hear sad tales of your sorrowing woes.
That do not mention your grievous struck blows.

Life in its blazing glory, onward flows
Into that mysterious cloud it goes
You, once a goddess so far out of reach
Long before what evil world was to teach.

R.J. Lindley,
First composed in 1979,
Edited 9-09-2021

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2021

11-06-2021, 07:31 PM
Great poetry, Robert! Thanks for sharing this.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-20-2022, 09:10 AM
I think I may have seen a modern-day Spike late this past summer.
A bit older but just as ff'ed up as ever
Dog collar faded, jeans torn and a sad, sad look on his face.
Seems his sister did one of those trace your ancestry thing.
And poor, poor Spike found out who his real daddy is.
None other than that man of a thousand faces and a thousand past occupations-
the greatest hero ever, the o'biden....
I guess the strain of that magnificent reality was just too much for Spike.
He wasn't singing his usual tune and had called a taxi.
I heard him say to the cab driver, buddy just take me on to Hell.
I've sank just about as low as I can go.....
On second thought man, just take me to the nearest bar, I'm gonna get myself plastered.
Now that I found out that my dad is that POS, that sorry, lying bastard. -- :mad: --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-20-2022, 04:25 PM
I will try to restrain myself from doing more of these Jim.
The humor part is alright, but I get a guilty conscience because it is just so damn easy to come up with them

As the worthless vermin on that side of the fence are prime fodder for thousands of them...- :laugh:

That this one came in just right for a "Spike" encompassing one was too just far too much for me to pass up.
I am sure that Tom Petty wouldn't mind at all. :beer:---Tyr