View Full Version : US becoming a third world country

08-28-2021, 08:26 AM
The U.S. Is Becoming A Third World Country Right Before Our Eyeshttps://assets.zerohedge.com/s3fs-public/styles/thumbnail/public/pictures/qqqqtttrrr.png?itok=GLmZhbIMBY QUOTH THE RAVEN

(Authored by Quoth the Raven at http://quoththeraven.substack.com (http://quoththeraven.substack.com/))
It’s easy to laugh off the notion of somebody calling the United States a Third World country. It sounds like one of those hyperbolic expressions used as political rhetoric, which is probably what makes it easy to dismiss without thinking about it.

After recently taking a step back and objectively visiting several major cities on both the east and west coast of the country, in combination with reviewing our perverted idea of economics and monetary policy in this country, it’s becoming more and more difficult to laugh off these claims as complete nonsense with each passing day.
See full article with tissues close by .

Of course I was jeered when expressing the same perception, particularly by the older types here still imagining they lived in the Warner Bros version of WW2 . But hey ho , the lucky ones are those that are very ugly but never see a mirror . Or something .

The point is that discerning Americans ( excuse near Oxymoron ) should be truly concerned if this is increasingly a common or usual perception .

Some would suggest ( we do ) and with the strongest possible support that power is moving rapidly to China and Russia and away from the US .

An effective or literal take over by the Chinese is at hand . Unless a blond saviour is seen coming over the hill with super powers .

Around September 11 possibly ?

08-28-2021, 08:43 AM
I agree with the OP with the caveat we can reverse that by putting away Trumpism and moving forward into the 21st century

08-28-2021, 09:32 AM
I agree with the OP with the caveat we can reverse that by putting away Trumpism and moving forward into the 21st century

Although I never mentioned Mr Trump by name , I suppose he could be a possibility .

But more critically , who else can you imagine with even the hint of a likely chance of succeeding ?

I suggest you forget 'Trumpism" because in power terms it is rather a 'one man operation' . Better to see Mr T as the front man for a more viable and preferable faction of the

Deep State .

The one tied more closely to Jewish bloodlines than the Third Reich inspired Cabal that has tied itself to the CCP in the short term .

Just my impression .

08-28-2021, 12:49 PM
Some lovely sources as of late that I never used before. :)