View Full Version : Dear Republican Trump haters – What did you get for your trade?

08-17-2021, 06:06 PM
For the first year or 2 I enjoyed his lack of political correctness, but admitted that he may need a proofreader. From there on I agreed he needed one full time as he simply wasn't going to change. Not even sure that idea would have worked.

That said, I look at the comparisons now and there isn't one. At least with Biden, I would take Trump and all of his twitter crap every day of the week.

This does make me wonder about how many may have voted Biden to get rid of all of the drama coming from Trump. If so, that would be a big mistake IMO.


Dear Republican Trump haters – What did you get for your trade?

Trump's good policies have been replaced by policies antithetical to prosperity, freedom and security

A little less than a year ago, a significant number of independent and Republican voters decided to trade bad tweets for bad policy. Today, your Twitter feed is void of President Trump's tweets. But the price was high.

Gone are the good policies that drove the Trump economy and made the world a safer place. In their place are policies antithetical to prosperity, freedom and security.

You traded energy efficiency for dependency on the Middle East. Whereas a year ago you enjoyed inexpensive gas, high paying energy jobs, and fewer incentives to entangle ourselves in Middle Eastern politics, today President Biden is begging OPEC to produce more oil. Apparently, his climate agenda can handle more oil production as long as Americans aren't the ones profiting from it.

You traded an energy pipeline out of Canada for a crime pipeline out of Mexico. Instead of creating jobs for skilled American workers, Biden is creating opportunities for cartels, traffickers and COVID-positive migrants. By the end of 2021, according to New Mexico Rep. Yvette Herrell, the number of undocumented and illegal migrants welcomed across our borders by the Biden administration will be equivalent to the population of her whole state – about 2 million people.

Trump said no to federally funding abortion. You traded for Biden, who wants your taxes to pay for abortion, and your tax dollars are being sent around the world to fund abortion in other countries.

You traded rising wages for rising prices. Inflation is up sharply - 5.4% from a year ago, swallowing any wage gains produced by a tight labor market. In just the first eight months of the new administration, we are all paying more for food, gas, housing and vehicles.

Rest - https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/republican-trump-haters-get-trade-jason-chaffetz

08-17-2021, 06:43 PM
Yet another Trump supporter preaching the basic tenets of Trump policy in a bid to gain support from the legion of Trump disciples. If you are a Trump follower, this makes sense to you. If you are opposed to Trump policy, you are a heathen liberal who hates the country. Partisan politics as we know it. Trump good, Biden bad.

08-17-2021, 07:14 PM
Yet another Trump supporter preaching the basic tenets of Trump policy in a bid to gain support from the legion of Trump disciples. If you are a Trump follower, this makes sense to you. If you are opposed to Trump policy, you are a heathen liberal who hates the country. Partisan politics as we know it. Trump good, Biden bad.

Feel better? Truth must hurt to elicit such a feeble attempt at sarcasm.

08-17-2021, 09:20 PM
Yet another Trump supporter preaching the basic tenets of Trump policy in a bid to gain support from the legion of Trump disciples. If you are a Trump follower, this makes sense to you. If you are opposed to Trump policy, you are a heathen liberal who hates the country. Partisan politics as we know it. Trump good, Biden bad.

Nothing partisan here. Maybe yeah some from the writer. But I would have to be more brain dead than Joe to prefer his shuffling self over bambastic Trump and his antics. Still no choice.

08-17-2021, 09:31 PM
Yet another Trump supporter preaching the basic tenets of Trump policy in a bid to gain support from the legion of Trump disciples. If you are a Trump follower, this makes sense to you. If you are opposed to Trump policy, you are a heathen liberal who hates the country. Partisan politics as we know it. Trump good, Biden bad.
Which trump policies do you oppose and which Biden policies do you support?

Simple questions

And, please tell us why you prefer the mess Biden has created and was it worth it just to get rid of mean tweets.

08-17-2021, 09:52 PM
Making trump's buffoonery someone else's fault.

08-17-2021, 10:07 PM
Much of what's happening now was in motion while Trump was still President. As a cynical Republican, I like how things are turning out. The Democrats with bare minimum majorities are showing that they can't govern. The economy was showing cracks even before COVID. The Democrats are taking all the heat and next year will lose the House and have a 50-50 chance of losing the Senate. I feel pretty good about how things are turning out.

08-17-2021, 10:20 PM
Yet another Trump supporter preaching the basic tenets of Trump policy in a bid to gain support from the legion of Trump disciples. If you are a Trump follower, this makes sense to you. If you are opposed to Trump policy, you are a heathen liberal who hates the country. Partisan politics as we know it. Trump good, Biden bad.

You are always right. All we have to do is listen to you, and you'll tell us you are.

Instead of telling us again how much you hated Trump. Why don't you try telling us how great your vote for BIDEN was, and how successful everything Biden has done...just makes you so Happy, and thankful for the future you have to look forward to???
I won't ask you to be Honest. That would be BENEATH everything you say here.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-17-2021, 10:58 PM
Here is the sad truth- liberal women did not give a damn about the important things that kept this nation moving forward, prospering and safe.
ALL THEY- cared about was getting rid of the rude man! And doing so at ANY COST...
Another glaring example of their infinite level or arrogance stupidity and self-delusions of superiority.
Now few hundred million people will suffer because of those ignorant-arrogant, self-aggrandized ffing dummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbasses..
Yet more proof some people should not be allowed to vote, imho..
As their IQ being that damn low should disqualify them, imho.........
Now millions will suffer, who knows how many will die and how many will be cast back into slavery...
I spit on every one of the ffing morons,,,
My only wish is that they truly get exactly what they so truly deserve..--Tyr

08-17-2021, 11:21 PM
@gabosaurus (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=111)

Which trump policies do you oppose and which Biden policies do you support?

Simple questions

And, please tell us why you prefer the mess Biden has created and was it worth it just to get rid of mean tweets.

**Yep waiting also Sassy for Gabbys answer.....Put me on the waiting list...:laugh:

08-18-2021, 05:20 AM
For the first year or 2 I enjoyed his lack of political correctness, but admitted that he may need a proofreader. From there on I agreed he needed one full time as he simply wasn't going to change. Not even sure that idea would have worked.

That said, I look at the comparisons now and there isn't one. At least with Biden, I would take Trump and all of his twitter crap every day of the week.

This does make me wonder about how many may have voted Biden to get rid of all of the drama coming from Trump. If so, that would be a big mistake IMO.---------------------


Many insiders insist that when acting awards are handed out , Mr Trump is at the top of the list and by a long, long way .This particular talent of his was judged a pre-

requisite for the job which he was given .

If and when it is shown that he polled in excess of 85 million votes , his chosen strategy for hitting key voter segments will be fully justified .

At its simplest he / they knew the MSM would never give him sympathy or support and he needed a different sort of appeal to reach Patriots /Veterans / Conservatives and

the young -- also take a bow Alex Jones .He did the job asked of him .

Also up for Oscars are Mike Pence and Willy Barr . Interesting .I wait with keen anticipation .

08-18-2021, 02:49 PM
Yet another Trump supporter preaching the basic tenets of Trump policy in a bid to gain support from the legion of Trump disciples. If you are a Trump follower, this makes sense to you. If you are opposed to Trump policy, you are a heathen liberal who hates the country. Partisan politics as we know it. Trump good, Biden bad.

Where is Gabby?....Trump supporters want to know...

BTW...The Orange Man was Better!!


08-18-2021, 03:09 PM
Hey Gabby..Everything Trump warned about a Biden presidency has come true...only worse!

08-18-2021, 03:25 PM
They know they have nothing to brag about with Sleepy. So they keep going back to Trump...Who, by the way...is no longer in office. So they keep yelling RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, ORANGE MAN BAD, IMPEACH, IMPEACH, TV STAR...and with all of their constant Ranting that means Nothing. They still can't come up with NOT ONE...good thing SLEEPY has done since January 20th, 2021.

Now is their JOINT OPPORTUNITY to come here and tell all of us Trump Supporters (otherwise known in Liberal CIRCLE BACK Circles) as TRAITORS, COMMIES, RACISTS. But all they have is the traditional NAME CALLING and ACCUSATIONS backed up by "NATTA" "NOTHING HONEST" "ZILCH" the DNC has instructed all of their BRAIN-DEAD followers to use.

WHAT SAY YOU JUICER, and GABBY??? Now's your time.

08-19-2021, 07:48 AM
Hey Gabby..Everything Trump warned about a Biden presidency has come true...only worse!

As Erick Erickson said yesterday everything that the Democrats warned about trump has come true.


Under Biden.

08-19-2021, 01:05 PM
As Erick Erickson said yesterday everything that the Democrats warned about trump has come true.


Under Biden.

They Learned AMERICA FIRST Under TRUMP...

08-19-2021, 04:09 PM
They Learned AMERICA FIRST Under TRUMP...

I'm not sure what you're getting at but I think the falsehood of "America First" is being proven before our eyes.

08-19-2021, 04:54 PM
I'm not sure what you're getting at but I think the falsehood of "America First" is being proven before our eyes.

Of course most of us know Biden and all of the Democrats who control him do not believe in being AMERICA FIRST. Which is why so much appeasement with Russia, and China is so PROGRESSIVE and almost LIBERAL KISS ASS at it's finest.

If you are a TRUE American as you would like us all to believe. You wouldn't be so willing to put your own country down as much as you do. It's call patriotism...not something YOU seem to believe in.

08-19-2021, 08:55 PM
I'm not sure what you're getting at but I think the falsehood of "America First" is being proven before our eyes.

Oh so simple to figure out..>>> "Common Man"


08-19-2021, 11:33 PM
Of course most of us know Biden and all of the Democrats who control him do not believe in being AMERICA FIRST. Which is why so much appeasement with Russia, and China is so PROGRESSIVE and almost LIBERAL KISS ASS at it's finest.

If you are a TRUE American as you would like us all to believe. You wouldn't be so willing to put your own country down as much as you do. It's call patriotism...not something YOU seem to believe in.

Biden is long past whatever prime he ever had. Point out where I "put down" my country please.

Oh so simple to figure out..>>> "Common Man"

Not really. Just because trump says something doesn't make it correct. "America First" is an America that falls behind IMO.

08-19-2021, 11:55 PM

Not really. Just because trump says something doesn't make it correct. "America First" is an America that falls behind IMO.[/QUOTE]

TRUMP made America first...all working perfectly Americans were happy.....then then stolen election...

Joe Biden is making America behind...

**Easy to compare the two for Americans...we all see what is going on now with biden and his puppet masters...


08-20-2021, 08:50 AM
TRUMP made America first...all working perfectly Americans were happy.....then then stolen election...

Joe Biden is making America behind...

**Easy to compare the two for Americans...we all see what is going on now with biden and his puppet masters...


Not the correct comparison. Free trade is good; trump's "America First" did nothing to disprove that.

08-20-2021, 03:18 PM
Biden is long past whatever prime he ever had. Point out where I "put down" my country please.

Not really. Just because trump says something doesn't make it correct. "America First" is an America that falls behind IMO.

YOUR WORDS ABOVE: "America First" is an America that falls behind IMO."

That IMO sounds like the same voices we hear from the LEFT all the time. As if to say. AMERICANS should never WANT us to be FIRST...because that would be UNFAIR and RACIST to others.

08-20-2021, 04:28 PM
YOUR WORDS ABOVE: "America First" is an America that falls behind IMO."

That IMO sounds like the same voices we hear from the LEFT all the time. As if to say. AMERICANS should never WANT us to be FIRST...because that would be UNFAIR and RACIST to others.

Then you do not understand context and the use of quotation marks.

08-20-2021, 05:08 PM
Then you do not understand context and the use of quotation marks.

See how stupid you are? Gotta correct my punctuation but DON'T DARE HONESTLY ANSWER any question. HOW LIBERALLY IGNORANT CAN YOU GET???

08-20-2021, 05:20 PM
See how stupid you are? Gotta correct my punctuation but DON'T DARE HONESTLY ANSWER any question. HOW LIBERALLY IGNORANT CAN YOU GET???

Two points; 1. I didn't correct you're punctuation, and 2. you didn't actually ask a question. I merely pointed out that you're reading comprehension is not up to par for modern-day conversation.

But to help you keep up with the class I didn't "put down" the country, I put down a particular policy, "America First," brought forth by a former POTUS. That policy was detrimental to our national trade because it is protectionist in nature, and IMO it is detrimental to our national standing because it has us vacating our world leadership position. "America First" has us withdrawing from the world where we should be leading by example.

The US is better than "America First." The greatest country on God's green earth shouldn't withdraw from global leadership. Now go ahead and tell me how that "puts down" the country.

08-20-2021, 06:04 PM
Two points; 1. I didn't correct you're punctuation, and 2. you didn't actually ask a question. I merely pointed out that you're reading comprehension is not up to par for modern-day conversation.

But to help you keep up with the class I didn't "put down" the country, I put down a particular policy, "America First," brought forth by a former POTUS. That policy was detrimental to our national trade because it is protectionist in nature, and IMO it is detrimental to our national standing because it has us vacating our world leadership position. "America First" has us withdrawing from the world where we should be leading by example.

The US is better than "America First." The greatest country on God's green earth shouldn't withdraw from global leadership. Now go ahead and tell me how that "puts down" the country.

Your patronizing snobbishness says all I need to know. Looking down your nose might be dangerous for you. You might trip over it.

08-20-2021, 08:24 PM
Making trump's buffoonery someone else's fault.

Fine, but whatever amount of buffoonery Trump engaged in is dwarfed by the amount of fake buffoonery that the liberal media falsely accused him of, after first conjuring it up out of thin air.

How many times did you see CNN say that "Trump 'falsely' stated" something or "Trump's 'debunked' statement" something? I will conservatively estimate it at 200 million times. Now compare that to how many times CNN has said "Biden 'falsely' stated" something. I will confidently estimate it at zero times. This despite the fact that Biden lies way more than Trump ever did.

08-20-2021, 09:36 PM
Biden is long past whatever prime he ever had. Point out where I "put down" my country please.

Not really. Just because trump says something doesn't make it correct. "America First" is an America that falls behind IMO.

You would do well to notice situations that compare to arguing with a Scientologist.

08-20-2021, 11:17 PM
Your patronizing snobbishness says all I need to know. Looking down your nose might be dangerous for you. You might trip over it.

I tend to be "patronizing" to people who suggest I'm anti-American and seek to put down my country.

You should apologize.

You would do well to notice situations that compare to arguing with a Scientologist.


08-20-2021, 11:18 PM
Fine, but whatever amount of buffoonery Trump engaged in is dwarfed by the amount of fake buffoonery that the liberal media falsely accused him of, after first conjuring it up out of thin air.

How many times did you see CNN say that "Trump 'falsely' stated" something or "Trump's 'debunked' statement" something? I will conservatively estimate it at 200 million times. Now compare that to how many times CNN has said "Biden 'falsely' stated" something. I will confidently estimate it at zero times. This despite the fact that Biden lies way more than Trump ever did.

They suck. He didn't help his own cause.