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08-11-2021, 04:27 PM
Study Finds The Most Highly-Educated Americans Are Also The Most Vaccine-Hesitant

Clearly reflected here on this Chat site . Step forward clever fellow posters who are not ant vaxx but anti experimental , dangerous gene therapy treatments that are of completely unproven safety .

Let's make sure that the irresponsible and selfish vaxxers are treated in the way that dangerous people always must be dealt with .
Segregation , Degregation and Pity . But not too much .

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, (https://summit.news/2021/08/11/study-finds-most-highly-educated-americans-are-also-the-most-vaccine-hesitant/)

A new report by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh has found that the most highly educated Americans are also the most vaccine hesitant.

08-11-2021, 04:52 PM
I saw that article at Yahoo...just skimmed through it...but will check it out..

08-11-2021, 05:12 PM
Study Finds The Most Highly-Educated Americans Are Also The Most Vaccine-Hesitant

Clearly reflected here on this Chat site . Step forward clever fellow posters who are not ant vaxx but anti experimental , dangerous gene therapy treatments that are of completely unproven safety .

Let's make sure that the irresponsible and selfish vaxxers are treated in the way that dangerous people always must be dealt with .
Segregation , Degregation and Pity . But not too much .

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, (https://summit.news/2021/08/11/study-finds-most-highly-educated-americans-are-also-the-most-vaccine-hesitant/)

A new report by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh has found that the most highly educated Americans are also the most vaccine hesitant.I had to walk away from this one for a few. I was laughing too hard to type :laugh:


Vaccine hesitant means either one is going to do some critical thinking, or just roll with the fear. Critical thinking is analyzing the situation as it affects the critical thinker, and making a decision based on what is best for that person/those around that person, and/or personal circumstance. The answers are as varied as the people/circumstances unless one has a pre-chosen crowd that reflects the answer to support the agenda.

Vaccine hesitant does not have the same meaning as vaccinated/unvaccinated. I would assume any person capable of making decisions based on logic, common sense, and fact is a critical thinker. Those running with rhetoric to suit their agenda(s) not so much.

What else you got?

08-11-2021, 05:29 PM
I saw that article at Yahoo...just skimmed through it...but will check it out..

Picked it up on ZH .Where the smart people go .

A clever guy like yourself was always a guaranteed member of our more sophisticated half of the Chat site .

Guess we will need to find ways to mentor the Gullibles , better educate them and be around when they are squirming , whining and shivering in fright this coming winter .rofl .

P.S. Paul Joseph Watson has a likely top reporting future . English . Bloody minded and bright . Effectively cut his teeth with the derided but far from daft Alex Jones .

08-11-2021, 05:43 PM
I had to walk away from this one for a few. I was laughing too hard to type :laugh:


Vaccine hesitant means either one is going to do some critical thinking, or just roll with the fear. Critical thinking is analyzing the situation as it affects the critical thinker, and making a decision based on what is best for that person/those around that person, and/or personal circumstance. The answers are as varied as the people/circumstances unless one has a pre-chosen crowd that reflects the answer to support the agenda.

Vaccine hesitant does not have the same meaning as vaccinated/unvaccinated. I would assume any person capable of making decisions based on logic, common sense, and fact is a critical thinker. Those running with rhetoric to suit their agenda(s) not so much.

What else you got?

Keep your listening ears wide open and we will help and pull you up to the penthouse with a view .

I understand you are on the defensive but don't be shy . We don't want to see the Merciless and Cruel ex Marine crying in fear .Are you taking NAC or C60 like I advised ?

No ? You naughty chap .

And wrap up warm at night .

08-11-2021, 05:46 PM
The movement restrictions associated with proving that one is vaccinated bothers me more than the vaccine itself. What if you lose your proof of vaccination?

08-11-2021, 06:00 PM
The movement restrictions associated with proving that one is vaccinated bothers me more than the vaccine itself. What if you lose your proof of vaccination?

Keep quiet about it and deny having been jabbed .

That way you can avoid being sent to one of the camps for poison spreaders .

I know Texars is a bit primitive compared to Team GB . So take a photo and store it in your phone .

08-12-2021, 10:40 AM
Keep quiet about it and deny having been jabbed .

That way you can avoid being sent to one of the camps for poison spreaders .

I know Texars is a bit primitive compared to Team GB . So take a photo and store it in your phone .

Restrictions associated with proof of vaccination open the door for restrictions mandating proof of other things. Anything beyond sworn statement system is too much.

I could go along with requiring a sworn statement with a penalty provided for supplying false information.

08-12-2021, 11:24 AM
Restrictions associated with proof of vaccination open the door for restrictions mandating proof of other things. Anything beyond sworn statement system is too much.

I could go along with requiring a sworn statement with a penalty provided for supplying false information.

You are a worrier .

Pretend you are an illegal Alien . They will give you a free meal rather than risk upsetting you .

Anyhow within 6 months this Covid 'thing' will have blown away other than for the Trials and hoped for executions .

But will grudgingly accept long prison sentences .