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08-11-2021, 01:28 PM
Sniffer Predator Joe


“Powerful Predator” – Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Tara Reade Calls for “Real Investigation” Into President After Cuomo Steps Down

Joe Biden’s sexual assault accuser Tara Reade spoke with Fox News on Tuesday about Governor Cuomo’s abrupt resignation, calling for a “real investigation” into the president, who she says is a “powerful predator.”


She also slammed progressive groups like ‘Time’s Up’ for aiding in the harassment of Cuomo’s accusers instead of helping the women they were founded to protect.

“My heart is with the brave Cuomo survivors who endured attempts to discredit them like I did coming forward about Joe Biden with the help of non-profits that were supposed to help women like Time’s Up,” Reade told Fox News. “May there be some measure of justice for the survivors. Now, let’s call for a real investigation into Joe Biden and expose the corruption protecting powerful predators.”

Multiple prominent progressives who parrot slogans like ‘believe all women’ were exposed as frauds in last week’s detailed report on the Governor. Most notably, the leader of ‘Time’s Up’ stepped down this week after she was caught providing her legal expertise in an effort to discredit one of his victims.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/ready-powerful-predator-biden-sexual-assault-accuser-tara-reade-calls-real-investigation-president-cuomo-steps/

08-11-2021, 02:45 PM
I get an impression, adding all the many small signs and happenings , that there is a tilting moment coming shortly .

Sleepy's position could be in the S bend quite soon .

08-11-2021, 08:04 PM
I get an impression, adding all the many small signs and happenings , that there is a tilting moment coming shortly .

Sleepy's position could be in the S bend quite soon .

Yup...with sleepy Joe (and his handlers anything is possible...)

Thing is.. Joe will never know...what happened ...


08-11-2021, 10:03 PM
I get an impression, adding all the many small signs and happenings , that there is a tilting moment coming shortly .

I think you might be right. The tilting moment or Malcolm Gladwell's "tipping point" might actually be around the corner for Lyin'/Stinkin'/Plagiarizin'//Fondling/Sleezy/Slimy/"BadTouch" Joe...

08-11-2021, 10:07 PM
Sniffer Predator Joe

For Pete's sake, what the blip is Joe doing in that middle picture on the left side where he's shoving a pistol into the white-haired woman's mouth?!

08-12-2021, 04:23 AM
I think you might be right. The tilting moment or Malcolm Gladwell's "tipping point" might actually be around the corner for Lyin'/Stinkin'/Plagiarizin'//Fondling/Sleezy/Slimy/"BadTouch" Joe...

Only found MG a couple of years ago . So readable and ultra smart . Should be compulsory reading for every aspiring Compliance Gullible .

But suggest that they first obtain local GP permission .

08-12-2021, 11:12 AM
Sniffer Predator Joe


“Powerful Predator” – Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Tara Reade Calls for “Real Investigation” Into President After Cuomo Steps Down

Joe Biden’s sexual assault accuser Tara Reade spoke with Fox News on Tuesday about Governor Cuomo’s abrupt resignation, calling for a “real investigation” into the president, who she says is a “powerful predator.”


She also slammed progressive groups like ‘Time’s Up’ for aiding in the harassment of Cuomo’s accusers instead of helping the women they were founded to protect.

Multiple prominent progressives who parrot slogans like ‘believe all women’ were exposed as frauds in last week’s detailed report on the Governor. Most notably, the leader of ‘Time’s Up’ stepped down this week after she was caught providing her legal expertise in an effort to discredit one of his victims.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/ready-powerful-predator-biden-sexual-assault-accuser-tara-reade-calls-real-investigation-president-cuomo-steps/

Just asking where were you when Trump was in office asking he resign for his sexual transgressions? Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Ok that picture of Joe putting the moves on Hilary is very very creepy. It also proves he needs glasses which explains all of it. He is near sighted and could not see and was reaching out for assistance. No human of sound mind would otherwise have touched her.

Come on is anyone on capital hill NOT a sexual deviant of some kind? Why the selectivity?

On a more serious note it is very disappointing to see what Cuomo did and this crap has to stop.

08-12-2021, 01:13 PM
Just asking where were you when Trump was in office asking he resign for his sexual transgressions? Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Ok that picture of Joe putting the moves on Hilary is very very creepy. It also proves he needs glasses which explains all of it. He is near sighted and could not see and was reaching out for assistance. No human of sound mind would otherwise have touched her.

Come on is anyone on capital hill NOT a sexual deviant of some kind? Why the selectivity?

On a more serious note it is very disappointing to see what Cuomo did and this crap has to stop.Should look back (on the board) at some of the things some said about Trump. Hardly flattering. The only thing I can say for sure in regard to him is his alleged indiscretions appeared more to be the the left and associated attention whores crackpots throwing crap against the wall trying to get it to stick. There was no real evidence,

In Biden's case, I can't say much more than the above about this accusation. There are however countless photos of what I would consider inappropriate touching and comments, spanning years. Not hard, overwhelming evidence but a preponderance of circumstantial evidence.

If this person or persons have a case, they need to take it to civil court where a preponderance of evidence is enough to convict. Whatever the result, I don't see it removing Biden from office and re-installing Trump. The democrats aren't going to do anything about it, if true. I use Bill Clinton as my example. He got a complete pass from the left.

It's not going to stop. Someone threw away the moral compass. It is now an individual thing rather than the societal mores and values it once was.

08-24-2021, 10:42 AM
It's not going to stop. Someone threw away the moral compass. It is now an individual thing rather than the societal mores and values it once was.

I think Gunny myself it really does come down to the individual right? Context is key right? I just don't know anymore. I mean we see things some consider over the line and get absolutely upset about and others feel was not that a big deal.

We went from a very prudish value system to an anything goes one in the 60's back to this very Victorian model now.

Sometimes some of the politically correct arguments sound like extremist fundamentalist religious ISIS like groups banning people from expressing anything sexual.

I do not mean to downplay sexual harassment or violence of course not but we have also gone very far to the right ironically by leftists in terms of limiting individual decision making and demanding people follow a collective set of rules as to what is acceptable.

You and I and others appreciate moderation but we were brought up gentlemen and our concern is how its impacting on our ability to decide anything on a common sense and individual basis. So in that sense its not left or right its more like when do any of us think for ourselves and just follow proper manners and can others be a tad more flexible?

At 65 I am much more likely to say how I feel and be confident in my feelings or behaviour and I can be very blunt but like you I do not go over a certain line and never have but screw it, I do hold doors, give up my seat, call women "mam", tip my hat, and when women were gloved and before Covid 19 did kiss a few hands because we did that in Montreal. Its a French thing.

Ah. Today we all wear masks like the Taliban anyways.:poke: Everyone gets upset a lot.

08-24-2021, 04:04 PM
Presidential Predators being with Trump and then followed by Clinton and FDR and so on.

08-24-2021, 04:08 PM
Presidential Predators being with Trump and then followed by Clinton and FDR and so on.

What are YOU trying to say: Explain..

"Presidential Predators being with Trump"

08-28-2021, 02:30 PM
I think Gunny myself it really does come down to the individual right? Context is key right? I just don't know anymore. I mean we see things some consider over the line and get absolutely upset about and others feel was not that a big deal.

We went from a very prudish value system to an anything goes one in the 60's back to this very Victorian model now.

Sometimes some of the politically correct arguments sound like extremist fundamentalist religious ISIS like groups banning people from expressing anything sexual.

I do not mean to downplay sexual harassment or violence of course not but we have also gone very far to the right ironically by leftists in terms of limiting individual decision making and demanding people follow a collective set of rules as to what is acceptable.

You and I and others appreciate moderation but we were brought up gentlemen and our concern is how its impacting on our ability to decide anything on a common sense and individual basis. So in that sense its not left or right its more like when do any of us think for ourselves and just follow proper manners and can others be a tad more flexible?

At 65 I am much more likely to say how I feel and be confident in my feelings or behaviour and I can be very blunt but like you I do not go over a certain line and never have but screw it, I do hold doors, give up my seat, call women "mam", tip my hat, and when women were gloved and before Covid 19 did kiss a few hands because we did that in Montreal. Its a French thing.

Ah. Today we all wear masks like the Taliban anyways.:poke: Everyone gets upset a lot.In context, my statement was to point out the double standard between how the left and MSM treat a Democrat/leftist and/or Republican/conservative and how the right does. Trump spent 4 years under siege while Biden is screwing up the World order and finally just now getting a bit of pressure.

Should be a singe standard. Guilty is guilty. A single standard precludes my statement from needing be thought or stated.

I don't know who said it first, but I head this first from Kathianne and completely agree with the assessment: Donald Trump is a direct result of the left's behavior for decades, culminating in a President that disregarded the Constitution of the US and played king for 8 years. Obama was the poster child for the disease, but not the disease itself. The left holds the right accountable. The right holds the right accountable; especially, if the left demands it. The left does not hold itself accountable.

Enter Trump. An independently wealthy person no one can hold accountable. He may have upset the uptight right, but he made the left insane. The left couldn't handle having its own behavior thrown back in its face. What do we get for the 24-7 insanity Trump caused the left and the uptight half of the right? A completely unqualified person as President.

At no point do both sides just take a step back and pull their wits about them. They'd rather burn the country to the ground than not get their way. The right is worse than the left in that regard. The right is so caught up in "self" they can't pull their heads out of their butts long enough to come together and stop the rest of the madness. They're too focused on vaccinations and masks. The right IS the left's best weapon against the right.

So some of us are angry/frustrated because none of the above are doing a damned thing to take care of the United States. Compared to other nations/societies, we're pre-schoolers and will be forgotten as fast as we got here.

I agree about people always being angry. Myself included. Stupid makes me angry and all I am seeing is stupid at every turn. On the other hand (to comment on manners) I do have mine. My personal conduct is such that the only people it would possibly offend are those looking for excuses to be offended. Unless the situation dictates my conduct be less than what I expect of myself. Fighting fire with fire is only a threat to the morally superior person if they forget their morals when the fight's over.