View Full Version : Vaccines only killing a few and not injuring too many .

08-03-2021, 04:56 AM

How wonderful for relatives to know that when you die after taking the poison inoculation that it was coincidence and completely unrelated to the poison jabs in your arm.

Aren't these experimental and unproven inoculations amazing ? They only ever kill by coincidence . More coincidences already than in the past 30 years all added together and including every FDA approved vaccine .But that's just a boring fact and doesn't count .

But what does that matter when there are so many spare people ? Win one , but only lose a few thousand . That's life !! Bit like a war.

Of course these Government figures come from VAERS which is known to under report by up to 90% .

This means that in real world of total US deaths the figure could be hugely over 100 000 .

But all coincidences . So nothing to really worry about .

Quite a few million injured---- but what's that in a population of over 300 million?

One of the main problems with people is that they still moan when they start dying like flies . Ungrateful sods.

08-03-2021, 10:52 AM
VAERS is correlation not causation.

Abbey Marie
08-03-2021, 10:53 AM
You don’t want the vaccine, don’t get one. Simple.
Others want the vaccine, they get one. Simple.
Why all the non-stop evangelizing? We get it, some people think it’s bad.
I know people who ended up in the ER due to an antibiotic. That’s one of the mysteries of the human body. The same drugs that save lives can also mess you up.

And as far concern about babies dying in utero, I’d more consider the incredibly outrageous numbers that are murdered by abortion every day.

08-03-2021, 11:01 AM
^Because those who didn't get one have to make sure you know how much smarter that they are than those of us who did.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-03-2021, 01:42 PM
You don’t want the vaccine, don’t get one. Simple.
Others want the vaccine, they get one. Simple.
Why all the non-stop evangelizing? We get it, some people think it’s bad.
I know people who ended up in the ER due to an antibiotic. That’s one of the mysteries of the human body. The same drugs that save lives can also mess you up.

And as far concern about babies dying in utero, I’d more consider the incredibly outrageous numbers that are murdered by abortion every day.

Here is the sad truth of it.
Those that chose--not--- to take the jab have been wrongly vilified by media/government and others.
Thus many of those not jabbed, have pointed out why they chose not to take the shot.
Myself, I err on the side of caution and am tired of calls by some to levy some punishment on me for making that choice..
Now when they come to try to- punish me- I am not a sheeple, not a coward -and not a meek and mild person.
I protect me and mine and have always had a habit of dishing far, far worse back onto the attacker than what was being slung at me.
So does not matter who-- attempts to punish me-- they will not get by unscathed.
Here in the South--there are many, many like me..
Far more -- non-sheeple-- here than any other area in the nation, imho.
Another sad truth--those calling for punishment -plan on letting others do the punishing that they as cowards prescribe.
What they do not consider is when it comes to dishing it back-- they just may find out that they have been discovered
and do not get to sit back all safe and comfy..
As the old saying goes-- reality bites...--and often bites damn hard....--Tyr

08-03-2021, 02:13 PM
^Because those who didn't get one have to make sure you know how much smarter that they are than those of us who did.

In this instance you are absolutely right .100% .

One of your fellow posters even told me that VAERS is about correlation not causation -- as if the OP did not make that abundantly clear . And as if this

information has only been revealed to him .

In other situations I would direct you to Japanese bio distribution studies showing that 75% of the Spike Proteins move into the blood stream .

That the Spike Protein is a killer .Check out D- Dimer blood testing for microscopic blood clots . The millions that microscopes cannot pick up .

That the SP delivery system uses a poison -- Graphene Oxide .

But I am sure you have read all about that , which is why you are so smart .

Good luck over the next five years because millions will die and/or suffer autoimmune and neurological diseases .Lady luck might spare you and just

take away a few years of your otherwise likely life span .

Or should I say that these millions will die and suffer by a remarkable coincidence ?