View Full Version : We Ain’t Going To Submit and We Won’t Forget

01-07-2021, 01:07 PM
I don't find their hypocrisy as stunning. Been watching it and discussing it for years. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest, it's expected.

Unfortunately, 2 wrongs don't make a right. It's nothing more than 2 wrongs. And both and all should be equally condemned & equally handled & prosecuted when criminal actions involved.

How many buildings destroyed this year? How many statues/monuments destroyed and/or taken down? How many buildings lit on fire? How many department stores had shelves wiped out? How many govt. buildings attacked and/or lit on fire? How many police officers assaulted? How many were killed? I could go on and on. But almost all was allowed, accepted, applauded & even joined by many.

And they certainly didn't push for prosecution of anyone and the majority walked for their crimes. Help was slapped for offering and police tools for controlling riots taken away and numbers reduced, and non-stop talk of defunding or getting rid of them.

The MSM was for it and certainly didn't condemn. Lefty supporters did the same and supported all of it, and never once spoke up against the mass damage and death. And the politicians took a knee for them. :rolleyes:


We Ain’t Going To Submit and We Won’t Forget

After four years of a sustained coup attempt to destroy the Presidency of Donald Trump, the Washington establishment now wants us, the deplorables, to sit down, shut up and accept a steal. Here’s a news flash. We will not. This is no longer about ensuring that Donald Trump, who won the election, remains as President. The issue is more profound. It is the preservation of our Republic and a demand for genuine accountability and fairness.

As I listen to the howls of faux outrage by a plethora of Democrat, Republican, media and Silicon Valley tech giants condemning any Trump supporter who dares speak out to challenge the election fraud of November 3rd, I have not forgotten and will not forget their lies and their silence. (again, major hypocrisy as these knuckleheads challenged every republican winner since 1988.)

When Black Lives Matter and Antifa ravaged some of our major cities over the last 9 months, these clowns did not denounce the rioting, looting and violence. They lied and called it peaceful protests. But the Silent Majority saw with their own eyes the desecration of statues, the assaults on law abiding citizens, the destruction of small businesses.

When disgruntled Democrats and Hollywood elite insisted, “Trump is not our President”, the media did not denounce them as “insurrectionists.” When Madonna called for blowing up the White House the only outrage came from Trump supporters. The rest of the establishment yawned and celebrated. When Kathy Griffin, a low rent, untalented comedian, decapitated a model of Donald Trump, the media again shrugged this off as nothing of import.

The double standard, the gargantuan hypocrisy is stunning. And the Washington Establishment expects us to act as Alzheimer patients who can’t remember what we had for breakfast? No. We remember every act of resistance.

For more than four years we were fed the damnable lie that the Russians elected Donald Trump. Now we know that the FBI lied repeatedly in submitting false applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. So far, not one of those liars–Comey, McCabe, Strzok–have been called to account. Yet, supporters of Trump–General Michael Flynn and Roger Stone–were accused falsely of lying and prosecuted. Most true Americans recognize this as a flagrant violation of the basic concept of fairness and blind justice.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/aint-going-submit-wont-forget/

01-07-2021, 01:34 PM
The silent majority is no more. We need to start in the schools. I know it's hard because most conservatives work and don't have time to protest but it needs to start somewhere. School board meetings..... somehow we need to reintroduce civics into the curriculum and get rid of the social justice crap. For too long we sat back thinking that common sense would prevail. However, since social media came on the scene the shamers have a larger platform and have managed to shame this nation into doing things against its own best interests.

I was an activist in the 90s and fought my county supervisors and local water agency over the construction of an 80,000,000 million gallon waste water holding pond across from my property. We won!!! It took 4 years and a lot of research, attendance at public hearings, community meetings and looking for alternatives but we did it.

I'm retired and I've been talking to some neighbors and we're going to become more involved. Not silent anymore.