View Full Version : Without precedent

09-16-2007, 09:36 AM

09-16-2007, 10:21 AM

Why is it so many Americans now dont trust the official story of 911?

Well when not even the people who chaired it believe the story I just dont understand why this is even a surprise to anyone.

Yet the media refuses to broach the subject?

Its amazing that in a country where the majority dont believe the official story(including the Chair who is a life long Republican and the Co chair) the media of our country still attempts to make any referance to 911 turthers as complete nut bags.

They are calling the majority of Americans nut bags?

How does that benifit a corporation to insult the majority its viewers?

How in the world can anyone see this as the motivated by a liberal agenda?


You will believe anything as long as its in print wont you????

I have to say you are one of the most closed minded people I have ever come across on this message board! You repeat yourself over and over. Ohh the story changes but the core of your statements remains the same. Youare constantly finding fault with EVERY SINGLE CONSERVATIVE yet liberals can do absolutely no wrong and are so enlightend as to make all conservative seem like slack jawed yokels..

Do you honestly believe that the towers were brought down by other means than the aircraft that crashed into them on live TV?? Don't forget OBL has praised the attackers in his videos and has even had them on his videos.

Ohh wait thats right its all Bush's fault and he actually has OBL in a bunker under the White House and makes video's with him when needed. I bet he is also going to trash the Constitution and become a dictator of the whole US. I bet you believe every bit of this bullshit tripe the looneys put out there.

You know I dont see how you can cally ourself truthmatters when you hardley ever actually speak the truth......

09-16-2007, 10:26 AM

09-16-2007, 10:30 AM
Being unthorough and allowing misinformation to hinder the investigation is only going to hurt us in the long run.

This was the biggest attack on maineland America in our history, and it would be an injustice to not know every little intricasy that occured beforehand and afterwards. We need to know why, our intelligence failed and why our protection of this country failed and why and how the communication systems failed for the firemen and police, and so on and so forth, so we do not allow this type of situation happen again.

It is amazing to me that when Pearle Harbor happened, the line that Came forward from the president and all the politicians was:


That was the slogan used....

It meant that our politicians and newly formed Intelligence agencies would NEVER AGAIN be caught off guard and allow an attack on American soil....and we didn't have another attack on American soil for nearly 50 years...

This was not said by anyone this time around.... instead we are being told to EXPECT another attack on American soil, even with the TRILLIONS we have spent on security!!!

That is simply unacceptable to me.

09-16-2007, 10:37 AM

09-16-2007, 10:54 AM
What is also unacceptable is a population who does not trust its own government.

This is what we have now and you can not insult away this problem.

The majority of American people do not trust the findings of the 911 commisison and never will as long as the People who headed it dont either.

The only cure to any one with a sane mind is another investigation until we answer all the questions in a comprehensive manner.

Trust does not come from PR asaults it comes from an airing of the real truth.

If there is nothing to the claims then a new investigation should be what the proponents would want to proove their points.

Long as tinfoil hat wearers like you are around, there will be people that don't trust the government for no REAL reason.

However, it's perfectly normal to not accept everything the govenment says or does at face value. Nazi Germany is a perfect example of blind trust by the citizenry.

09-16-2007, 11:22 AM

09-16-2007, 11:31 AM
Are the top two Chairmen of the 911 commission tin foil hat?

Gunny why dont you address the real issue in this post instead of ignoring it?

They thenselves said their investigations were thwarted.

They themselves say they were not allowed to know what had really happened.

It is wise not to trust this study as a definitive answer to what happened.

What "real" issue would you like addressed? There is nothing "real" about conspiracy theories. They are the product of paranoid people drawing illogical conclusions.

The most obvious and simple fact that dispells such rubbish is ...

Do you have ANY idea how may people it would take to carry out a conspiracy the magnitude of 9/11? THOUSANDS, from the top to the bottom.

Never going to happen in THIS country without someone selling out to the National Enquirer. It need go no deeper than THAT.

Then there's the fact that all I ever see from you Bush-blaming lefties is how stupid he is. Yet, in some miraculous moment of sheer evil genius, he can orchestrate a conspiracy the magnitude of 9/11, AND get thousands of people to keep their mouthes shut.


09-16-2007, 11:38 AM

09-16-2007, 11:38 AM
Being unthorough and allowing misinformation to hinder the investigation is only going to hurt us in the long run.

This was the biggest attack on maineland America in our history, and it would be an injustice to not know every little intricasy that occured beforehand and afterwards. We need to know why, our intelligence failed and why our protection of this country failed and why and how the communication systems failed for the firemen and police, and so on and so forth, so we do not allow this type of situation happen again.

It is amazing to me that when Pearle Harbor happened, the line that Came forward from the president and all the politicians was:


That was the slogan used....

It meant that our politicians and newly formed Intelligence agencies would NEVER AGAIN be caught off guard and allow an attack on American soil....and we didn't have another attack on American soil for nearly 50 years...

This was not said by anyone this time around.... instead we are being told to EXPECT another attack on American soil, even with the TRILLIONS we have spent on security!!!

That is simply unacceptable to me.It may be unacceptable to you but that is the reality of our times. You have to keep in mind the type of attack that occured at Pearl Harbor was a strategic military operation and the attacks on the World Trade Center towers was an act of terrorism. I can say with 100% certanty that we will not be attacked by any foriegn military without knowing full well where and when they will attack. Acts of terrorism on the other hand are performed by small groups of people without ties to the military (in most cases)..

How you can equate the two is beyond me its like comparing apples to oranges they are not the same thing.

I will point out that one reason we had such poor intel during the first few years of Bush's first presidency was due to the fact tha Clinton reduced our human intel to its lowest levels since the begining of the "cold war". It takes years to train and infiltrate human intel into a terrorist organization and this is what our current gaovernment is attempting to do inorder to limit any furthuer terrorist attacks..

09-16-2007, 11:40 AM
Where did I say I knew what happened on 911 without any doubt?

More importantly where did the commissioners say they knew what happeded.

It is the most salient momment in current American history and we do not know what happened.

We need to know what happened.


What is your thoughts on what happend?? Do you think your government perpetrated this to go to war??

09-16-2007, 11:42 AM

09-16-2007, 11:45 AM
Where did I say I knew what happened on 911 without any doubt?

More importantly where did the commissioners say they knew what happeded.

It is the most salient momment in current American history and we do not know what happened.

We need to know what happened.

Unlike needing to know what happened with the Clintons cuz they're lefties?

We KNOW what happened. You just refuse to accept it because you can't blame it on a Republican.

09-16-2007, 11:47 AM

09-16-2007, 11:49 AM
Like I said talk to me when the Democrats have had unlimmited money to investigate Bush for about 6 years.

Guess you thik you've hit upon something, but alas, it's as lame an excuse in this thread as the other. The power and money have been in the hands of the Dems for close to a year.

Try again. This time with something legitimate.

09-16-2007, 11:53 AM

09-16-2007, 11:55 AM
Now why do you distrust the Ken Starr investigation?

How much of his investigation covered all the deaths listed in the other thread?

Why do you hate facts?

09-16-2007, 11:56 AM

09-16-2007, 11:57 AM
Why dont you ask Ken Starr?

This is a response?


09-16-2007, 11:58 AM
Why dont you ask Ken Starr?

No need to, I know the answer. Apparently you don't.

09-16-2007, 11:59 AM

09-16-2007, 12:01 PM
You say "majority" again as if it's fact, TM. Do you have anything to back this up other than your regurgitated polls sampling .000001% of the nation?

Why do you love to be deluded so often?

09-16-2007, 12:02 PM
Why dont you try and answer some ot the questions in the original post instead of trying tso hard to change the subject to old news?

Why is it so many Americans now dont trust the official story of 911?

Well when not even the people who chaired it believe the story I just dont understand why this is even a surprise to anyone.

Yet the media refuses to broach the subject?

Its amazing that in a country where the majority dont believe the official story(including the Chair who is a life long Republican and the Co chair) the media of our country still attempts to make any referance to 911 turthers as complete nut bags.

They are calling the majority of Americans nut bags?

How does that benifit a corporation to insult the majority its viewers?

How in the world can anyone see this as the motivated by a liberal agenda?

Why don't you quit trying to deflect and answer the questions asked of you?

I don't find it amazing at all that people don't believe the obvious truth what with windbags like you spreading fertilizer on a continuing basis.

09-16-2007, 01:34 PM
What is also unacceptable is a population who does not trust its own government.

It's perfectly acceptable for citizens to not blindly trust the government. That doesn't necessarily infer that the stories that refute the "official" story have any validity either. There will NEVER be a story that every American believes. Most likely there are members of both political parties that would have to accept some responsibility which is why both parties don't want to mess with it.

09-16-2007, 01:48 PM

09-16-2007, 02:48 PM
I asked questions and no one answered them?

your questions are not worth answering.....you article points to frustrated investigators....

nothing more......

you all are the same nut bags that believe fdr helped japan bomb pearl harbour...

i wish darwins theory was allowed to actually work on the human race....

09-16-2007, 03:13 PM

09-16-2007, 03:22 PM
your questions are rehtorical....

two men write a book and issue a press release about how hard their job was.....

vast right wing conspiracy......blah, blah, blah.....

most of America do not believe that anything other than airplanes hit buildings at the request of OBL.....

but nut jobs like you want to believe it was the govt.....i guess clinton ordered:

WTCI explosion
kobhr towers
the uss cole
bali night club

blah, blah, blah.....

i thought you libs were open to alternative explanations and were not so inflexible and dogmatic....

just staying the course on 911 conspiracy theory huh......

09-16-2007, 03:25 PM

09-16-2007, 03:30 PM
Why do you always make up things about what I am saying instead fo dealing with what I Am saying?

You need to go argue with the person who actually said those things which would be YOU.
HERE is what I said.

you don't get to control the response .... don't like it ...don't read it...

09-16-2007, 03:32 PM

09-16-2007, 03:42 PM
Im not trying to control it Im just pointing out to you and everyone who reads this how silly your agrument has become.

LOL oh please--now your going to presume to know what I think?
You crack me up :laugh2:

09-16-2007, 03:46 PM
LOL oh please--now your going to presume to know what I think?
You crack me up :laugh2:

ya my arguments are the silly ones.......

09-16-2007, 03:55 PM

09-16-2007, 03:58 PM
You have yet to really make one against what I have really said.

You keep making up what you think my arguement is instead fo really dealing with what I did say.

your friends may give you green squares for that but it does not make it a real arguement.

You refuse to realise that the Two Top people of the 911 commission have come out and said they could not investigate 911 to get to what really happened.

This is fact and yet you say nothing about it and make up litle stories instead.

so it is my fault you can't communicate clearly.....

they are 2 people that have written a book about the investigation and how hard it was.........go read your own article....hell i don't think you even read the article.....

09-16-2007, 04:02 PM

09-16-2007, 04:05 PM
Good God man they were the people running the show!
One is a lifelong R.

Go read the article and read their book

Thomas Kean (Chairman) - Republican, former Governor of New Jersey
Lee H. Hamilton (Vice Chairman) - Democrat, former U.S. Representative from the 9th District of Indiana

good god woman....they have written a book about how hard it was to do their investigation......

you act like they didn't find out that airplanes hit buildings....uh btw...their report said OBL ordered and funded airplanes hitting buildings....and guess what....that is what happened...

09-16-2007, 04:14 PM

09-16-2007, 04:19 PM
Did you read anything they said?

BTW I never said any of those things did not happen so why do you keep pretending I did?

Why dont you stay with the facts?

yep....they said their job was hard...they did a bad job of questioning rudy....and were wishy washy in their stances on all the major isssue....spent 500+ pages to say airplanes hit buildings ....

now they have written a book to try and profit off of not doing their job well.....but they have excuses....

09-16-2007, 04:25 PM

09-16-2007, 04:29 PM
wow that really help thanks.....i have changed my answer....

they have written a book to try and profit off of not doing their job well.....but they have excuses....hey said their job was hard...they did a bad job of questioning rudy....and were wishy washy in their stances on all the major isssue....spent 500+ pages to say airplanes hit buildings ....

09-16-2007, 04:36 PM

09-16-2007, 04:39 PM
See there you go defending Bush at every turn.

Do you think this Republcan Kean has no other way of making money?

He could have written any book about the 911 commission and made money.

He could have written one glowing and crowing about Bush huh?

But he did not.

really where in that post do i defend bush?

i think these two guys (there were 8 others) are trying to make a buck off of doing a bad job....richard clarke did the same thing....people being rewarded for being incompetent piss me off....

09-16-2007, 04:45 PM

09-16-2007, 04:47 PM
You have done nothing but defend the original 911 story here and if you dont realise that you need to take a long hard look at what you post.

all i have said about 911 is:

OBL funded and ordered that airplanes hit buildings.....

if that makes me a bush supporter then my golf score is even lower than i thought....

09-16-2007, 04:54 PM

09-16-2007, 04:56 PM
What makes you look like a Bush supporter is denying that the chairman ad the Co Chairman of the 911 report said that the admin tried to block certain parts of their investigation.

That is what these men said and you are trying to find any way you can to call them liars.

Huh? I thought you were implying the administration was behind the attacks? No?

09-16-2007, 05:03 PM
What makes you look like a Bush supporter is denying that the chairman ad the Co Chairman of the 911 report said that the admin tried to block certain parts of their investigation.

That is what these men said and you are trying to find any way you can to call them liars.

you got that from this post?

all i have said about 911 is:

OBL funded and ordered that airplanes hit buildings.....

if that makes me a bush supporter then my golf score is even lower than i thought....

....go find me where i said what you claim...

go find where i called them liars....

i said they are trying to profit on the bad job they did by writing a book....

09-16-2007, 05:26 PM

09-16-2007, 05:28 PM
Is there any honest people on the right at this site?

Are there any people that have intelligence that post with the name "truthmatters"?

09-16-2007, 05:46 PM
Is there any honest people on the right at this site?

nope .... we are all liars and thieves....we want the oil ..... the opium .... and as many dead iraqi civilians as possible.....next up iran....

09-16-2007, 05:52 PM
Is there any honest people on the right at this site?

You failed to answer my question.

09-16-2007, 05:53 PM
You failed to answer my question.


09-16-2007, 05:55 PM

09-16-2007, 05:56 PM
I am implying nothing I have asked for a more through examination into 911 because the first left to many unanswered questions and people dont trust it.

Sooo, you think that it was as portrayed by news? Or you think it's one large conspiracy? Or you are clueless?

09-16-2007, 05:59 PM
I am implying nothing I have asked for a more through examination into 911 because the first left to many unanswered questions and people dont trust it.

why is it that you assume that it is those questioned who are at fault and absolve those that asked the questions.....

maybe the commission were a bunch of boobs....

09-16-2007, 09:13 PM

09-16-2007, 09:21 PM
I am implying nothing I have asked for a more through examination into 911 because the first left to many unanswered questions and people dont trust it.

Who are these people who don't trust it?

09-16-2007, 10:48 PM
I think Bill Maher sums things up nicely:


09-16-2007, 11:22 PM
Then why were they appointed if they were boobs?

boobs appointed them....

10-04-2007, 11:40 AM
Why all posts from user Truthmatters are replaced by a "4" ??
I can only read him in quotes

10-04-2007, 11:41 AM
Why all posts from user Truthmatters are replaced by a "4" ??
I can only read him in quotes

Good question, it appears she went back and edited all of her own posts.

10-04-2007, 11:48 AM
I sent this via PM and am posting this here for all to see.

If anyone abuses the edit function like this and removes EVERY post in a single thread, they will receive a temp ban and forever have editing privileges removed.

10-04-2007, 11:55 AM
It was a couple of weeks ago when I had blown my top at all the personal attacks. I was going to leave and felt my time here was a waste. I was going to leave you people with as little of me as I could. I edited my posts and the 4 was just in a handy place to type because you can not leave nothing in the edit.

I was having some personal frustration that I wont bother you people with and I realise it was petty but I found it cathartic at the time. I then came to a better place and instead posted the Im sorry for my bad behavior thread instead of leaving. I had posted some personal things which I have to admitt Im glad are not there anymore for people to use against me.

Im not perfect and will never claim it here or anywhere else. I am a flawed human being just as any of you here are.

I will not do it again.

10-06-2007, 02:10 AM
It was a couple of weeks ago when I had blown my top at all the personal attacks. I was going to leave and felt my time here was a waste. I was going to leave you people with as little of me as I could. I edited my posts and the 4 was just in a handy place to type because you can not leave nothing in the edit.

I was having some personal frustration that I wont bother you people with and I realise it was petty but I found it cathartic at the time. I then came to a better place and instead posted the Im sorry for my bad behavior thread instead of leaving. I had posted some personal things which I have to admitt Im glad are not there anymore for people to use against me.

Im not perfect and will never claim it here or anywhere else. I am a flawed human being just as any of you here are.

I will not do it again.

But that still does not explain the "4" key, I mean the "3" key or the "5" key are about as conv as the "4" key. Do you have something against 3 or 5? They try hard to be just as handy as 4.