View Full Version : Michelle Obama Replays Theme of Children ‘Thrown into Cages’

08-18-2020, 11:37 AM
Not sure why the media go crazy about her. IMO, she speaks and comes off fake as can be. Even her voice and tone change, as if she's acting, which she is.

But this highlights again, just what liars they are, and how they will do so right in the face of facts. Daily. And will do so again tomorrow.

Shit, Obama/Biden created these jails, and the pictures were from 2014. They have been pointed out thousands of times. And yet here we are, again. :rolleyes:

3 more days of lying to go.


Michelle Obama Replays Theme of Children ‘Thrown into Cages’

Michelle Obama used her prime time convention speech on Monday to revive 2019 claims that President Donald Trump’s border agents threw children “into cages.”

Americans “watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages,” she said, reviving a claim that produces a strong emotional reaction among Democrat-leaning voters.

A fact check by the Associated Press said:

THE FACTS: The reference to cages is misleading and a matter that Democrats have persistently distorted.

Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border. They are chain-link enclosures inside border facilities where migrants were temporarily housed, separated by sex and age.

At the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border, photos that circulated online of children in the enclosures generated great anger. But those photos — by The Associated Press — were taken in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/08/18/michelle-obama-replays-theme-of-children-thrown-into-cages/

08-18-2020, 07:30 PM
I got something that we can replay at the RNC... you didn’t build that.... remember that one? From one of Obama’s speeches. Except, let’s turn it on the pathetic Dems

1. AOC - you want to recreate the national economy with your Green New Deal.... what do know know about the economy.? You didn’t build it, you didn’t participate in it, why should you tell those of us who did how we should run our affairs? You didn’t build it cupcake!

2. Bernie Sanders - you want to make this country socialist and confiscate personal property. You didn’t build this country. You’re trying to subvert it instead.

3. Antifa/BLM - you riot, you burn, you kill, you demand, you pillage, you act like the 21st century versions of Attila The Hun and Ghenghis Khan. You didn’t work to build those businesses, you didn’t put any sweat into making anything, you didn’t build any of it. You act like spoiled 2 year olds... even the rights you have, you didn’t earn those, you didn’t serve your country. You didn’t build anything, you just tear things to the ground.

4. Ilhan Omar - you denigrate the country that gave you and your family refuge. You trample on the Constitution you are sworn to uphold. You didn’t have a hand in building this nation. You didn’t build that.

5. Nancy Pelosi/Chuck Schumer/Kamala Harris- you went to Washington to serve the people of this nation. Instead, during the height of a national crisis, instead of putting your differences with the President aside, you play politics as usual. You talk about bringing the country together while working night and day to tear it apart. You’re all about greed and lust for power. You talk about unity, but you didn’t build that, you tore it down.

6. Obama and Biden - this economy we enjoy, you did not build it. While you were in office, you took advantage of a crisis and put countless people out of work, and drove millions into poverty. But what did you care? You wanted Socialism by all means necessary. You even had a hand in spying on your political opponents. This prosperity we enjoy? The wealth that was created since you left office? You didn’t build that, you are just trying to steal it.

7. Main Stream Media- you try to pass yourselves off as journalists but you are nothing more than DNC propagandists. Instead of building your profession, you’ve killed it. Journalism? You didn’t build that, you destroyed it.

08-18-2020, 07:49 PM

By the way, as you can see. I have a very large collection of images from as far back as 1995 when I retired and began saving Information.