View Full Version : Nikoh's boyfriend!

08-17-2020, 02:33 PM
So the new neighbors have a large Rhodesian Ridgeback. It was love at first sight!!

Ok, they actually looked like they wanted to kill one another at first. Growling and teeth out and they ran like the wind the length of the fence and back. They still talk, but no more growling and teeth. They enjoy running the fence, but tails wagging away. Then they stick their noses through and smell one another and give off the lovey dovey eyes.

Won't let them together just yet for fear of violence. And while the Rhodesian are lion hunters, it's also in their blood not to eat them!! :)

Nikoh cannot wait to go out for any reason - but if she hears him! And the first thing every single time, whether he's there or not, she makes a fast beeline to the fence to find him.

His name is Tejo, as in the Tejo river in Brazil. Tough to get a picture of him just yet. He tried to pee on me about 1 second after this pic:


But it's a little warmer out today, and this is Nikoh minutes prior to the pool being filled for her again:



08-17-2020, 04:40 PM
What a pretty girl!

08-18-2020, 12:14 PM
I had a Ridge named Xander. Got him as a rescue in 2004. He died in 2016. He did not like other dogs except ours and was really protective. Went deaf and got separation anxiety really bad last 2-3 years of his life. Got hip dysplasia so bad couldn't walk anymore. One day he just laid there when it was time to walk to mailbox. We have his ashes on the mantle with our Black Lab, Bear, and our Mini Schnauzer Rocky.

I think I posted pic here years ago of the three of them. I no longer have that pic on my devices.


08-18-2020, 12:41 PM
I had a Ridge named Xander. Got him as a rescue in 2004. He died in 2016. He did not like other dogs except ours and was really protective. Went deaf and got separation anxiety really bad last 2-3 years of his life. Got hip dysplasia so bad couldn't walk anymore. One day he just laid there when it was time to walk to mailbox. We have his ashes on the mantle with our Black Lab, Bear, and our Mini Schnauzer Rocky.

I think I posted pic here years ago of the three of them. I no longer have that pic on my devices.


They are truly beautiful dogs! Big, muscular and protective of their #1 owner. But not a mean dog, they don't use their power for aggression. But they seem to let you know to stay the F back in their own little ways. :)

Sorry to hear about Xander. :(

08-18-2020, 12:54 PM
What a pretty girl!

So glad I listened to your advice. The boy may have turned into a great thing too - but I am more more more than happy with Ms. Nikoh. :)

All of her little puppy bad habits seem to have went away. Barely anymore nibbling and definitely no more play biting. She only pushes things if I purposely play fight with her. Otherwise she is a beautiful and friendly dog!

Only problem is, she is a traitor. She now belongs to my wife. Follows her tied to her hip. Sleeps with her. She definitely sees her as the pack leader and always looks to her for instruction. And for me, she sees me as her equal, her play partner. She still loves me though, loves everyone. Such a sweet disposition about her. But as for that "one owner" that dogs often take to, Diana won that battle.

Unless I have cookies/treats.

Not sure if I posted any of these. And the pictures above you see her with a regular pink collar I bought her a few weeks back. It's the "Fi collar" with a subscription to LTE and GPS services so I know if she gets away. It also counts her steps, and she's moving up the rankings quickly!!

Still with her bad habit from Psycho Riley and sees any moving water as the enemy!


Her and Nero chillin after both did some bird chasing


Here she is in the yard, looking pretty. But lower quality and a tad pixelated. :(


Wearing her bandana. Yes, pink, she is a girly!


08-18-2020, 09:48 PM
Frost was the teacher of water bad... must attack lol.
Riley has mellowed sorta. Jeep is the chill one.