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07-22-2020, 05:24 PM


Poll: Americans Say Cancel Culture Has Had A Negative Impact On Balance, 27/49

ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 1:31 pm on July 22, 2020

This is interesting and encouraging (https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/22/americans-cancel-culture-377412), but you come away wondering if it all boils down to how each person defines “cancel culture” for themselves. Is it just a byword for “political correctness” for most people?
When Trump fantasized a few years ago about NFL owners firing players who kneel during the national anthem (https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/49ers/trump-anthem-protesters-get-son-b-field), was that “cancel culture”? It’s not an example most people would think of when the term is used, I expect, because it represents right-wing orthodoxy, not left-wing orthodoxy. And it’s left-wing orthodoxy most Americans think of when they think of political correctness and the increasingly draconian ways in which it’s informally enforced.


Abbey Marie
07-23-2020, 05:27 PM


To one of the points in the article, living here in Very Blue northern Delaware, we’ve certainly noticed over the years that Dems feel quite free to state their Liberal opinions quite loudly in restaurants, bars, parties, stores, etc.
We hear them loudly mocking Republicans as if they assumed everyone in the room is also a Dem. While we sit quietly and practically whisper our politics.

I’m curious for those of you in more conservative states, is it different there? Do conservatives speak loudly about their politics in public settings? Somehow I expect they still do not.

Black Diamond
07-23-2020, 05:57 PM
To one of the points in the article, living here in Very Blue northern Delaware, we’ve certainly noticed over the years that Dems feel quite free to state their Liberal opinions quite loudly in restaurants, bars, parties, stores, etc.
We hear them loudly mocking Republicans as if they assumed everyone in the room is also a Dem. While we sit quietly and practically whisper our politics.

I’m curious for those of you in more conservative states, is it different there? Do conservatives speak loudly about their politics in public settings? Somehow I expect they still do not.

Some do. But it's incorrect to assume the whole restaurant is one way or another whether it's vermont or Oklahoma. As far as not feeling like you can voice your views at your own table with any volume, any stranger who comes up to your table and interrupts your conversation and begins arguing is wayyyyy out of line.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-23-2020, 06:02 PM
To one of the points in the article, living here in Very Blue northern Delaware, we’ve certainly noticed over the years that Dems feel quite free to state their Liberal opinions quite loudly in restaurants, bars, parties, stores, etc.
We hear them loudly mocking Republicans as if they assumed everyone in the room is also a Dem. While we sit quietly and practically whisper our politics.

I’m curious for those of you in more conservative stages, is it different there? Do conservatives speak loudly about their politics in public settings? Somehow I expect they still do not.

I state my political views as I see them without fear or reservations.
I do this anytime, anywhere and hope some a'hole takes umbrage.
The very few that speak back in opposition do so grumbling as they walk away.
I guess, they see right away that I don't play....
Which is good for them as it very likely saved them a few hard knocks had they pushed the issue too far.
In such cases. I'll never hit first--but Lord help the fool that tries to hit me first.
I refuse to bite my tongue and remain silent when others are the damn fools and the worthless arrogant scum!
A Southern man, just how I was raised..... --Tyr

07-23-2020, 08:57 PM
Well I don't know if AZ is all that one way or another, haven't been here long enough to get a real feel. Up in Sedona area-pretty liberal. When I moved to Verde Valley, only about 20 mi away, it was more mixed with blue collar and there was a mix-lots of Clinton bumper stickers/lots of Trump flagged trucks/lawn signs had Trump ahead.

Here, some Trump stickers, no trucks with flags. No Biden anything. Some blacks and whites with t-shirts of BLM, "I Can't Breathe" and "Trump voter." Seriously what stands out, politeness-much more so than before the protests. There was lots of talk in days following George Floyd and how awful that was, but it's over now. Couple of pro-police walks; one 'peaceful protest' which was peaceful. That was it. Blacks, Hispanics, Native American, and white interactions with all above-very polite; weirdly so.