View Full Version : Worth The Read

07-20-2020, 02:24 PM
I’m at work, here’s the link:

Black Diamond
07-20-2020, 04:09 PM
Indeed it is.

Hot Dogger
07-20-2020, 04:18 PM
About this time of year 4 years ago they were saying Trump had no chance.

Black Diamond
07-20-2020, 04:20 PM
About this time of year 4 years ago they were saying Trump had no chance.

They indeed were.

07-20-2020, 04:23 PM
I think Trump should have stamped things out already, but democrat leadership has stopped him at every step, so as top be able to blame him for the shape of things. They have been doing so openly, from the virus to any chaos in the streets.

A LOT of people are tired of all of this BS, tired of protests, more so tired of the crime that stems often from the protests and the rioting and graffiti and taking over the streets and the police. I think a great number see this, want it to stop, see the attempts from Trump and then the instant feedback from leading democrats and leaders for those states in disarray. I think just as many are ticked off about monument after monument coming down. And it pisses people off.

I also believe that if he gets a 2nd term, that will be the quick end of tolerating any of this and being driven by crazy democrats in the states not wanting to fix things, and supporting and emboldening their ways.

The left going far left, a nominee who's brain is going downhill, a nominee who is corrupt and then some, green new deal crap talk, the talk altogether coming from the squad, the actions of the leaders in congress prior to Trump being elected and investigations since, endless lies and daily hypocrisy. Once again, they may be their own worst enemy again.