07-08-2020, 12:19 PM
Some say Kanye is nuts. A Trump supporting red MAGA hat wearer, that even black people shunned him for his support of Trump. Don't believe the majority.
Kanye gets more than massive crowds and attention wherever he goes. Sells out every single show entirely. Claims of him being broke... comes out with his own sneaker line called "Yeezy's" and sells them for like 300-700 dollars and they are sold out and hard to get. He sets record sales and streaming sales. Comes out with Kanye this or Yeezy that with his endorsement. Becomes quite a religious man a few years back. Then starts touring America having his own congregations and music, and they are HUGE events. He's still mythical to many, and especially so with the youth of today. - and after so many stories just a few years ago, as in 2-4 years ago, of him being broke - and his net worth at this very moment is $3.2 billion dollars.
So I mention this because the next thing is the media eating it up that he finally put down his red hat and no longer supports Trump. Messages go out that he is running for president. He's also been attacking Biden's message out there, and pointing out to the black community that it's racist for anyone to think they MUST vote for either side. That they have choices like everyone else. And trust me, he's been getting that message around.
Now the important part, the inside word if you will. Did he really drop his hat and support for Trump? Is he serious to suddenly want to run for president?
Some are saying his goal is solely to get his followers and more, as much of the black community, and many youth of today who like him both black and white. The black folks lean highly and in massive numbers for democrats. He wants the voters that may want to vote for Biden to vote him instead. His goal is not to think he can win, but rather that all the folks willing to vote for him, would be a vote taken away from Biden.
He is all over the map and a little touched in the head at times. So who the hell knows for sure where he's at up in that weird skull of his.
Kanye West: ‘It’s ‘Racism and White Supremacy to Say All Black People Need to Be Democrat’
Grammy-winning rapper and fashion mogul Kanye West ripped Joe Biden and declared that the Democratic Party has controlled black Americans to the point that “this white man can tell a black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black.”
“That is a form of racism and white supremacy and white control to say that all Black people need to be Democrat and to assume that me running is me splitting the vote. All of that information is being charged up on social media platforms by Democrats,” Kanye West said in a lengthy interview with Forbes magazine. “And Democrats used to tell me, the same Democrats have threatened me…. The reason why this is the first day I registered to vote is because I was scared. I was told that if I voted on Trump my music career would be over.”
“I was threatened into being in one party. I was threatened as a celebrity into being in one party. I was threatened as a Black man into the Democratic party,” West said. The Grammy-winner tore into former Vice President turned presidential candidate Joe Biden (D) over his declaration in May that black Americans “ain’t black” if they chose to support President Donald Trump in the November election.
“And that’s what the Democrats are doing, emotionally, to my people. Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black,” West said.
The “Jesus Walks” crooner also explained why he tweeted over the weekend that he is “running for president of the United States,” saying he was serious as well as dedicated to winning: “Like anything I’ve ever done in my life, I’m doing to win.”
The rapper added he’s running for president in 2020 under a new banner — the Birthday Party — with guidance from Elon Musk and an as yet unknown vice presidential candidate he’s already chosen.
Kanye gets more than massive crowds and attention wherever he goes. Sells out every single show entirely. Claims of him being broke... comes out with his own sneaker line called "Yeezy's" and sells them for like 300-700 dollars and they are sold out and hard to get. He sets record sales and streaming sales. Comes out with Kanye this or Yeezy that with his endorsement. Becomes quite a religious man a few years back. Then starts touring America having his own congregations and music, and they are HUGE events. He's still mythical to many, and especially so with the youth of today. - and after so many stories just a few years ago, as in 2-4 years ago, of him being broke - and his net worth at this very moment is $3.2 billion dollars.
So I mention this because the next thing is the media eating it up that he finally put down his red hat and no longer supports Trump. Messages go out that he is running for president. He's also been attacking Biden's message out there, and pointing out to the black community that it's racist for anyone to think they MUST vote for either side. That they have choices like everyone else. And trust me, he's been getting that message around.
Now the important part, the inside word if you will. Did he really drop his hat and support for Trump? Is he serious to suddenly want to run for president?
Some are saying his goal is solely to get his followers and more, as much of the black community, and many youth of today who like him both black and white. The black folks lean highly and in massive numbers for democrats. He wants the voters that may want to vote for Biden to vote him instead. His goal is not to think he can win, but rather that all the folks willing to vote for him, would be a vote taken away from Biden.
He is all over the map and a little touched in the head at times. So who the hell knows for sure where he's at up in that weird skull of his.
Kanye West: ‘It’s ‘Racism and White Supremacy to Say All Black People Need to Be Democrat’
Grammy-winning rapper and fashion mogul Kanye West ripped Joe Biden and declared that the Democratic Party has controlled black Americans to the point that “this white man can tell a black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black.”
“That is a form of racism and white supremacy and white control to say that all Black people need to be Democrat and to assume that me running is me splitting the vote. All of that information is being charged up on social media platforms by Democrats,” Kanye West said in a lengthy interview with Forbes magazine. “And Democrats used to tell me, the same Democrats have threatened me…. The reason why this is the first day I registered to vote is because I was scared. I was told that if I voted on Trump my music career would be over.”
“I was threatened into being in one party. I was threatened as a celebrity into being in one party. I was threatened as a Black man into the Democratic party,” West said. The Grammy-winner tore into former Vice President turned presidential candidate Joe Biden (D) over his declaration in May that black Americans “ain’t black” if they chose to support President Donald Trump in the November election.
“And that’s what the Democrats are doing, emotionally, to my people. Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black,” West said.
The “Jesus Walks” crooner also explained why he tweeted over the weekend that he is “running for president of the United States,” saying he was serious as well as dedicated to winning: “Like anything I’ve ever done in my life, I’m doing to win.”
The rapper added he’s running for president in 2020 under a new banner — the Birthday Party — with guidance from Elon Musk and an as yet unknown vice presidential candidate he’s already chosen.