09-13-2007, 07:33 PM
In another thread, I stated that the heart is the core of a person, it's who they truly are.
The subject of the heart is addressed in the Bible more than any other topic. More than works, serve, believe or obey.
"Love the Lord your God with all your hear, soul, strength....Deut 6:5
"Man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart" 1 Sam 16:7
"Where your treasure is, there will be your heart, also" Luke 12:34
"Trust the Lord with all your heart & lean not to your own understanding"
Prov 3:5
The Bible says the heart can be troubled, wounded, pierced, grieved & even broken. It can also be cheerful, merry, joyful, rejoicing. It can be wise or foolish; steadfast, true, upright; frightened, faint, cowardly, melt like wax, proud, stubborn, hardened, wicked.
It is the source of our faith, hope, creativity, courage, conviction and love. It is the central theme of the Bible as it is the central part of the human body. Our deepest thoughts are held in our hearts.
Jesus said, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. Matt 15:19
So, how healthy is your heart?
The subject of the heart is addressed in the Bible more than any other topic. More than works, serve, believe or obey.
"Love the Lord your God with all your hear, soul, strength....Deut 6:5
"Man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart" 1 Sam 16:7
"Where your treasure is, there will be your heart, also" Luke 12:34
"Trust the Lord with all your heart & lean not to your own understanding"
Prov 3:5
The Bible says the heart can be troubled, wounded, pierced, grieved & even broken. It can also be cheerful, merry, joyful, rejoicing. It can be wise or foolish; steadfast, true, upright; frightened, faint, cowardly, melt like wax, proud, stubborn, hardened, wicked.
It is the source of our faith, hope, creativity, courage, conviction and love. It is the central theme of the Bible as it is the central part of the human body. Our deepest thoughts are held in our hearts.
Jesus said, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. Matt 15:19
So, how healthy is your heart?