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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-25-2020, 10:18 PM
Within A Realm Few Are Ever Unfortunate Enough To Wake Up In
- Part One
Within granite walls of loss and shame
cast aside into nightmarish agony
an innocent victim-
born into a world of despair and dark caverns
far, far from home
waking to eerie gloom and strange surroundings

She stumbles a step
her tender heart falling into deeper aching beats
lightning bolts and stormy rumbling echoes vibrate
earth and sky-
doom rises in the fiery East
wicked winds churn ever more
none but a truly valiant heroine
could withstand such ferocity and growing fears

how she wonders, can such dark come
into this world wrecking such havoc, such pain
its gaping jaws open so wide
has not light and faith its powers slain

as sorrows grew and all seemed so lost
for a fleeting moment
all sounds and reality ceased
she heard a voice softly say
child of mine, face fear with courage
face life with fervor and hope
lonely you are but alone you are not
your dreams have born sweet fruits
breathe again and return
all is not lost....

Robert J. Lindley, 6-25-2020
Free Verse, ( And Light And Truth Shall Prevail )

Note - I want to thank my dear friend Susan Ashley for the inspiration given me to compose this free verse piece.
And for granting permission for me to reference her very fine free verse poem - Quietus- as the inspiration given me.
Of which, I am truly grateful my dear friend...

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2020

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-26-2020, 11:57 PM
Within A Realm Few Are Ever Unfortunate Enough To Wake Up In,
Part Two

As the crying shrieks resumed and darkness squalled
ghostly apparitions flew into the bloody corridor
suddenly aware that sound and fury was again
she in her new confidence stood firm,
against fear and deathly cries against demons and ghouls,
against great clawed beasts and medusa's spitting vipers
against winged beasts seeking blood
and slithering baby dragons belching red flames
heroine renewed and sturdy shield in place,
she marched towards the one glimmer of light-
knowing hope rests on the other side
yet the great behemoth had yet to show

the three headed giant that always blocked her path,
with the ghastly odor of decaying flesh and weeping pleas
hanging from bloody claws and shreds of fresh torn souls
another hundred yards was the light and a door
she could see promise on its handle,
salvation beckoning -this way pass-
then a crash, a haughty laugh
and a huge foot stomped the path,
it had finally came,
shouting, this way thee shall never pass
not while my claws are sharp, my teeth hungry
for flesh and beating heart, oozing red
child step closer that I may smell my dessert
so that my lusts for tender meat I may sate
as she blinked it clawed at her head
a miss and then up went her dream shield and
out came her sword
she shouted, this time, this time
great epic pain and loss shall find thee....

Robert J. Lindley, 6-26-2020,
Free verse, Part Two of
( Within A Realm Few Are Ever Unfortunate Enough To Wake Up In )

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2020

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-02-2020, 12:20 PM
A free verse collaboration poem .
I composed the first half and my great friend , Lawrence Sharp composed the second half.
We both post the poem just minutes ago.--Tyr

Within Mysteries, The Dark and Decay Also Hides
(free verse)

On a stony pebble, feet cried out in pain,
why does, in our way, sharp pebbles forever lay

and the beat goes on

daily turmoil and sadden goodbyes
nightly terrors, old broken toys
vacancies of illuminations
dark echoes that reveal
dismissal of kindness

and the beat goes on

In a dying feast,
why does each bite so bitter taste
broken spoon grinds upon aging teeth
table shakes its rotten legs
hope waves its retreat
tomorrow yearns to die

tomorrow, at own yearning, dies
hope, so foolish, is scorned
legs decay under table fallen
broken teeth curse aged spoon
even bitter can no longer be bitten
feast on death, never aught else

yet the heat is gone

kindness, as it were, no longer
concealed in devious light
where illuminations are filled
with days terrors, child returns
to greet anew the nightmare revived

yet the heat is gone

here, in our way, stones, jagged, perpetual
feet, mortifyingly quiet on jagged stone

A Collaboration, by Robert J. Lindley
and Lawrence Sharp
7-02-2020, free verse

Note: It has again been a blessing and great
pleasure for me to compose with my great friend,
Lawrence Sharp. I am grateful for such a
wonderful gift and the immense poetic talents
of my very kind writing partner. His verses
brought such wonderful depths and a very fine
added dimension to this new collaborative creation.

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2020