View Full Version : Gunny's Right

06-24-2020, 05:14 PM
It's seldom I'd write such a title, but with some disagreement (of course), we are in basic agreement.

Police were called to a fake, 'shots fired' call and were attacked. It took nearly 100 other police to rescue them:


‘The officers feel like they can’t win’: Tampa chief responds to police criticism
“The police, we always have everybody’s back and nobody has our back,” said Tampa police Chief Brian Dugan at a press conference.


Also last night in Madison, WI:


Protesters tear down statues, punch senator, set small fire after arrest of Black activist
Emily Hamer | Wisconsin State Journal 8 hrs ago


Nancy Pelosi is blaming Republicans for Floyd's death:


Pelosi refuses to apologize for accusing GOP of 'trying to get away with murder' with police reform bill
BY TAL AXELROD - 06/24/20 01:43 PM EDT


Meanwhile in Seattle, we'll see how that works out:


Seattle mayor announces city will reclaim police-free autonomous zone taken over by demonstrators
Madeline Holcombe
By Madeline Holcombe, CNN

Updated 11:08 AM ET, Tue June 23, 2020


Tomorrow in DC the rioters say that the statue of Jackson 'is coming down.'


Protesters vow to tear down Emancipation Statue in Lincoln Park
The bronze memorial statue was erected in 1876 to honor Abraham Lincoln for the Emancipation Proclamation. Protesters said they will return Thursday to tear it down.


Only this last one, in Lafayette Park can the feds, (President) do something about. All the others? Well it seems the politicians have abdicated, so the people need to show up and do something. I'm the last person anyone would think heading towards vigilantism, but those that want to tear down the country, and that is what they want, need to be stopped.

06-24-2020, 06:07 PM
On culture:

06-24-2020, 06:10 PM
It's seldom I'd write such a title, but with some disagreement (of course), we are in basic agreement.

Police were called to a fake, 'shots fired' call and were attacked. It took nearly 100 other police to rescue them:


Only this last one, in Lafayette Park can the feds, (President) do something about. All the others? Well it seems the politicians have abdicated, so the people need to show up and do something. I'm the last person anyone would think heading towards vigilantism, but those that want to tear down the country, and that is what they want, need to be stopped.

The fact that there was no victim they already abused emergency services. But then to do so and attack the police? Anyone caught should have been going to prison. This is what happens when the governors and such allow for this to happen, it's spreading like wildfire.

And again, I hope they're prepared and waiting, and anyone who commits a crime with the Lincoln statue should be arrested and jailed as well. :rolleyes:

06-24-2020, 06:19 PM
The fact that there was no victim they already abused emergency services. But then to do so and attack the police? Anyone caught should have been going to prison. This is what happens when the governors and such allow for this to happen, it's spreading like wildfire.

And again, I hope they're prepared and waiting, and anyone who commits a crime with the Lincoln statue should be arrested and jailed as well. :rolleyes:
I stand with my earlier post, it’s not about the statues, but power and cultural change through violence and the threat there of

06-24-2020, 08:30 PM
“Ode to a Rioter”

It’s easy to destroy that which you did not build

It’s easy to plunder that which you did not earn

It’s easy to judge the faults of others and act as if you have none of your own

When, someday, there’s nothing left to plunder, and nothing left to burn, who will you have left to blame?

Look in a mirror and see!

06-24-2020, 10:56 PM
Wow. I get to be right. With Kathianne no less :)

There's not much for me to add. This should have been stopped dead cold in Seattle. Every second one of these "autonomous zones" exists it encourages the monkey see-monkey do types to follow suit.

This is going to cost a LOT more than anyone thinks. Ambushing police? Yet 'we" want them to be more calm, cool and relaxed :rolleyes:

Tell you what I did yesterday morning. I went to my storage and pulled myself out some firearms. A bolt action, a SA, and a couple of handguns. Just in case :smoke: