View Full Version : Police stop Autonomous Zones in many cities using a legal fiction called "laws".

Hot Dogger
06-16-2020, 10:47 AM
Imagine the nerve of police thinking that laws apply to Autonomous Zones. There's only two things that Autonomous Zones hate worse than laws and that's the eternal corporeal bodies of Jesus Christ and Corporate America, both are thought to be eternal. However, the only thing eternal is our struggle. And soon we'll all live in Autonomous Zones to live off the manna raining down from the heavens - food stamps and taxing the rich. And when we're done taxing them, we'll stamp and tax you. Our struggle is the surest path to Equality, where all are poor except for those who rule over us, although money is evil so let them have it.

Get in the zone. Autonomous Zone.

Sincerely Yours,

Karl Dubbelthink Sarcasmov
