View Full Version : Merriam-Webster Agrees to Change Definition of 'Racism

06-10-2020, 04:36 PM
I have always had a feeling it was only a matter of time until lefties changed the definition of racism...


06-10-2020, 04:58 PM
The dictionary defines racism as "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

[...] "I basically told them they need to include that there is systematic oppression on people. It's not just 'I don't like someone,' it's a system of oppression for a certain group of people," [recent college grad Kennedy Mitchum] explained.

And after a few back and forth emails, the editor of Merriam Webster Dictionary agreed and wrote back, "While our focus will always be on faithfully reflecting the real-world usage of a word, not on promoting any particular viewpoint, we have concluded that omitting any mention of the systemic aspects of racism promotes a certain viewpoint in itself."

And where might we find this system of oppression? And BTW, how do you define "system"? Can you provide any concrete examples of this so-called "system"? The only actual formal system of racism in the US, that I know of is Affirmative Action.

Geez, Merriam Webster are not the most critical thinkers these days, are they? They seem to fold to political pressure like everyone else these days. It's as if by all of them caving one by one, all the rest of us are supposed to cave as well, into mindless political correctness (AKA Communism).

Note who invented the term "racism"? HINT: He trottskyed like a Russian horse. Figures the commies would have come up with such a vile word, and figure out how to weaponize it, even though it has lost most of its power these days.

06-10-2020, 05:34 PM
When did GOOGLE and the DNC take over the Politically Correct WEBSTER?

06-10-2020, 06:32 PM
There are some horrifying statistics I'm too lazy to look up, where something like 5-6 corporations own nearly all of the media in this country, including book publishing. Very depressing.

06-10-2020, 07:02 PM

06-10-2020, 07:28 PM
I don't want to be in their club, and I don't want any handouts, just leave me alone and don't make me wear freakin mask. And don't abolish the po-lice.

The timing of all this Democrat activism sure is odd. Why now? Attack now, after losing with Impeachment, Russia, Mueller and everything else they've tried? It just doesn't make sense from I guess what you would call a "tactical" point of view. You attack when you're strong, not after you've been beaten over and over again.

Maybe what we are witnessing is the last gasp of the left and communism. I sure hope so. Or maybe they are trying to get as much of the stuff done under Trump, that they were hoping to get done under Hillary Clinton.

I'm telling you though, a lot of sensible people's patience for this crap has grown really really thin.

06-10-2020, 07:45 PM
I don't want to be in their club, and I don't want any handouts, just leave me alone and don't make me wear freakin mask. And don't abolish the po-lice.

The timing of all this Democrat activism sure is odd. Why now? Attack now, after losing with Impeachment, Russia, Mueller and everything else they've tried? It just doesn't make sense from I guess what you would call a "tactical" point of view. You attack when you're strong, not after you've been beaten over and over again.

Maybe what we are witnessing is the last gasp of the left and communism. I sure hope so. Or maybe they are trying to get as much of the stuff done under Trump, that they were hoping to get done under Hillary Clinton.

I'm telling you though, a lot of sensible people's patience for this crap has grown really really thin.

They are making membership mandatory. I made a vow to live free or die, as a way to honor pow, mia, and the fallen, so I'll never surrender or submit to their club.

06-10-2020, 10:24 PM
This is not the first time Merriam-Webster has caved. In the mid-70 if you were to look up the word "nigger" the definition was: "A trashy PERSON". Now it doesn't say anything of the sort. And I'm not arguing definitions. Just making the point this not setting a precedent.

Screwing with history leaves them doomed to repeat it, even as they are repeating previous failed civilizations/Nations this very moment.

06-11-2020, 11:21 AM
This is not the first time Merriam-Webster has caved. In the mid-70 if you were to look up the word "nigger" the definition was: "A trashy PERSON". Now it doesn't say anything of the sort. And I'm not arguing definitions. Just making the point this not setting a precedent.

Screwing with history leaves them doomed to repeat it, even as they are repeating previous failed civilizations/Nations this very moment.

In the library at school, we had a big Webster's dictionary, on its own stand. They must have been sold to the schools that way, because every library BIDT had one.

I remember looking up dirty words and most of them were there. Who could forget the definition of Fart. "A small explosion between the legs." The word "Fuck" was not listed IIRC.

I suppose it's a normal part of the language for definitions of words to, over time, not so much change but be clarified. So I guess there is a precedent for this sort of thing, but it just looks to me as though Merriam-Webster are engaging in "appeasement" more than anything else. Sort of like those signs that store owners in riot areas put up saying, "We're Down With BLM. Really. So Please Don't Loot Our Store".

Something tells me that Merriam-Webster will be hearing a lot more from various black political activists after, this, demanding that many other changes be made. Maybe something along the lines of "It is impossible for a black person to be racist" or ""Blacks built the pyramids, ruled the world, and were the wealthiest people on Earth, until the evil white people stole it all from them BIDT."

06-11-2020, 11:28 AM
In the library at school, we had a big Webster's dictionary, on its own stand. They must have been sold to the schools that way, because every library BIDT had one.

I remember looking up dirty words and most of them were there. Who could forget the definition of Fart. "A small explosion between the legs." The word "Fuck" was not listed IIRC.

I suppose it's a normal part of the language for definitions of words to, over time, not so much change but be clarified. So I guess there is a precedent for this sort of thing, but it just looks to me as though Merriam-Webster are engaging in "appeasement" more than anything else. Sort of like those signs that store owners in riot areas put up saying, "We're Down With BLM. Really. So Please Don't Loot Our Store".

Something tells me that Merriam-Webster will be hearing a lot more from various black political activists after, this, demanding that many other changes be made. Maybe something along the lines of "It is impossible for a black person to be racist" or ""Blacks built the pyramids, ruled the world, and were the wealthiest people on Earth, until the evil white people stole it all from them BIDT."I agree it's appeasement. I also agree with your statement as whole. Yes, things change. Hard definitions for hard words should not, IMO. The definition of a "liberal" now bears ZERO resemblance to "liberal" when I was one back in the day. It's a dirty d now. These leftist Nazi progressives that rule the Dem party no are the antithesis of "liberal".

People are such pussies. If I had a sign it would read something like "If you value your ass and don't want new holes in it, feel free to walk on by this store".

Hot Dogger
06-11-2020, 11:46 AM
I asked Merriam-Webster to put these pictures beneath the word Stockholm Syndrome:



06-11-2020, 11:53 AM
I agree it's appeasement. I also agree with your statement as whole. Yes, things change. Hard definitions for hard words should not, IMO. The definition of a "liberal" now bears ZERO resemblance to "liberal" when I was one back in the day. It's a dirty d now. These leftist Nazi progressives that rule the Dem party no are the antithesis of "liberal".

People are such pussies. If I had a sign it would read something like "If you value your ass and don't want new holes in it, feel free to walk on by this store".

One of morning the radio hosts was pointing out, that these people "occupying" downtown Seattle, are gonna want to get paid for their work at some point.

So it's expected that they will start offering "protection" to businesses in the area, for a price. And if you refuse to pay for protection, guess what happens to your business?

See where all this is headed? This is why we have this thing called "civilization, so this kind of mafia crap does not gain a foothold. Remember?

06-11-2020, 12:10 PM
One of morning the radio hosts was pointing out, that these people "occupying" downtown Seattle, are gonna want to get paid for their work at some point.

So it's expected that they will start offering "protection" to businesses in the area, for a price. And if you refuse to pay for protection, guess what happens to your business?

See where all this is headed? This is why we have this thing called "civilization, so this kind of mafia crap does not gain a foothold. Remember?I see where it's heading. I posted as much in one of these threads related to the topic. Protection rackets will be at the top of the entrepreneurial list of stuff to do.

Then they have facilities maintenance, roads and bridges, personal conduct, et al. Hell, they'll need a Police Force and City government :rolleyes:.

So this all sounds brilliant. I'd cordon the place off and shut down all services, no one in or out but emergency medical. Let them sit hungry in their own crap for awhile. And I wouldn't care WHO I pissed off nor what freakin' color their tans are.

Black Diamond
06-11-2020, 12:12 PM
One of morning the radio hosts was pointing out, that these people "occupying" downtown Seattle, are gonna want to get paid for their work at some point.

So it's expected that they will start offering "protection" to businesses in the area, for a price. And if you refuse to pay for protection, guess what happens to your business?

See where all this is headed? This is why we have this thing called "civilization, so this kind of mafia crap does not gain a foothold. Remember?

Yikes. And if people don't feel cops can protect them, where will they go?

06-11-2020, 12:21 PM
I see where it's heading. I posted as much in one of these threads related to the topic. Protection rackets will be at the top of the entrepreneurial list of stuff to do.

Then they have facilities maintenance, roads and bridges, personal conduct, et al. Hell, they'll need a Police Force and City government :rolleyes:.

So this all sounds brilliant. I'd cordon the place off and shut down all services, no one in or out but emergency medical. Let them sit hungry in their own crap for awhile. And I wouldn't care WHO I pissed off nor what freakin' color their tans are.

I was thinking more along the lines of sending in Seal Team 6, myself. But your idea might be worth a try, before doing that.

It makes me sick to remember how the ATF and FBI were all over the Waco "compound" after a couple of their guys got killed in the initial raid, back in '94. Where are these guys when we really need them to actually protect us from a legitimate threat like we have now. Honestly, it would not be much of a fight against a bunch of Soy Boy college kids dressed in black clothes.


06-11-2020, 12:43 PM
I was thinking more along the lines of sending in Seal Team 6, myself. But your idea might be worth a try, before doing that.

It makes me sick to remember how the ATF and FBI were all over the Waco "compound" after a couple of their guys got killed in the initial raid, back in '94. Where are these guys when we really need them to actually protect us from a legitimate threat like we have now. Honestly, it would not be much of a fight against a bunch of Soy Boy college kids dressed in black clothes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUWV8kp95ccI'll stick with defending Weaver. I'm not going to go that far with Koresh. Think about this: you mention SEAL Team 6 -- which, in effect, is doing EXACTLY what the US Government did with Koresh. He was an anarchist building his own little feifdom in Central Texas, and in violation of laws that made him and his followers an armed and dangerous enemy of the US.

A person in the decision-making chair does not have the luxury of picking and choosing out of personal idealism. The only difference I see between then and now, is The US Government made the first move on Koresh. The anarchists have made the first move in Seattle, aided and abetted by a traitor to the law posing as the law. Edit: Marines come in all sizes, shapes and colors and we all bleed GREEN. Shithead, professional victims would have hard time screaming discrimination. We kill everything.

And ... :) SEAL Team Six is not the correct weapon. 1st Battalion 7th Marines would be more appropriate. We could make the Devil himself turn and run :). Bragging aside, and infantry battalion could easily overcome any resistance and occupy and, Marines don't care who they piss off and if they piss off politicians that's bonus points time.

A SEAL Team is a precision instrument that renders its target a moot issue. That might be a tad much for the American mind to handle.

Black Diamond
06-11-2020, 12:55 PM
I'll stick with defending Weaver. I'm not going to go that far with Koresh. Think about this: you mention SEAL Team 6 -- which, in effect, is doing EXACTLY what the US Government did with Koresh. He was an anarchist building his own little feifdom in Central Texas, and in violation of laws that made him and his followers an armed and dangerous enemy of the US.

A person in the decision-making chair does not have the luxury of picking and choosing out of personal idealism. The only difference I see between then and now, is The US Government made the first move on Koresh. The anarchists have made the first move in Seattle, aided and abetted by a traitor to the law posing as the law. Edit: Marines come in all sizes, shapes and colors and we all bleed GREEN. Shithead, professional victims would have hard time screaming discrimination. We kill everything.

And ... :) SEAL Team Six is not the correct weapon. 1st Battalion 7th Marines would be more appropriate. We could make the Devil himself turn and run :). Bragging aside, and infantry battalion could easily overcome any resistance and occupy and, Marines don't care who they piss off and if they piss off politicians that's bonus points time.

A SEAL Team is a precision instrument that renders its target a moot issue. That might be a tad much for the American mind to handle.

So is it true that Clinton acted in 1994 and trump should act now?

06-11-2020, 01:06 PM
So is it true that Clinton acted in 1994 and trump should act now?It is true that Clinton acted in 1994. The Federal government acted because koresh was in violation of Federal weapons laws. So was Randy Weaver. His crime was possessing a firearm that was modified (I believe). Feds killed most of his family over it.

It is my opinion that it is to the point where if State Governors cannot get this under control in whatever states it's going on in, and/or the governors that are part of the problem, it is the responsibility of the Federal Government to step in. With Federal troops. Screw that National Guard/militia noise. They belong to the States and are loyal to their states.

Instead of trying to police the world's poppy crop in Afghanistan for eternity, bring I MEF back to CONUS and deploy their asses straight up I5 to the Canadian border anywhere anyone wants to argue with them. We're trying to tell the World what to do and we have individual States not being controlled that should.

Everybody's got their pain and grief over poor Mr Floyd. Yes it was murder. The unjustified taking of A (one-count them) life. Grieving time's over and the price extracted is well beyond the crime.

06-11-2020, 10:23 PM
I'm tempted to just write off this entire past year, as the worst (and longest) campaign ad the the Democrats have ever come up with.

06-12-2020, 09:10 AM
I'm tempted to just write off this entire past year, as the worst (and longest) campaign ad the the Democrats have ever come up with.

If we dont act, that campaign ad will never end.

06-12-2020, 09:20 AM
Fair elections in November will sort all this out. But apparently, the left knows they will lose in a fair contest, so they're trying to rig the process well in advance, with all of the current nonsense.

I think election integrity ought to be our main concern right now, much more so than fools in the streets with their govt and media enablers.