View Full Version : The Office

09-13-2007, 08:16 AM
It took me a long time to finally watch this, as the UK version is one of my favorite shows ever, and I didn't think the American one could compete.

But, surprisingly, it does! Sure, it does suffer from being spread too thin, like every American sitcom (the Brits have got it right, 6 to 10-episode seasons are the way to go), but it's still one of the more refreshingly original American "sitcoms" (I wouldn't really call it that, but anyway) I've seen in a long time.

I love Steve Carrell, but I'm not sure how I feel about his take on Michael Scott. At times, the character is just way too creepy and self-centered to even be funny. Sometimes he's just flat-out an asshole. But, for the most part, he works well as a great caricature of a boss from hell (whereas Ricky Gervais created a dead-on realistic portrayal of a boss from hell). Jon Krasinski, or however you spell it, is great in his role, but my favorite is definitely Dwight, played by Rainn Wilson. That guy's got a great comedic career ahead of him. And, of course, Jenna Fischer is great in everything.

One area where the US version doesn't quite match the UK is in its realism. As stated, the boss is more of a caricature, and there are plenty of moments that are just way out of character and so far beyond realism that they took me out of the show altogether (Jim not speaking for an entire episode because he lost a game of "jinx"), but for the most part, it works. Sure, it's wackier than the UK version, but not necessarily in a bad way. Also, the actors look less like real office workers in the US version than in the UK version, but that's probably mostly because Steve Carrell and Rainn Wilson are recognizable "famous" people, whereas, for me, nobody in the UK version was immediately recognizable, although subsequently, the lovely Lucy Davis and Martin Freeman have been popping up in a lot of stuff I've seen lately.

I've only seen the first two seasons, for all I know it could go to complete crap in the third, but so far so good.

06-21-2008, 07:46 PM
WoW, look at me!! I'am a spamming loser.

06-21-2008, 08:00 PM
WoW is for fags.

06-21-2008, 08:11 PM
WoW is for fags.

Was that like a spammer or something?

Anyway, I love The Office. I'm hoping to see it out on DVD this x-mas as I've missed SOOOOO many episodes. I think I'm finally caught up with arrested Development, now!

Hagbard Celine
06-21-2008, 08:31 PM
I don't watch the office. My thinking is I spend five days a week in an office, so why would I want to spend my free time watching a show about one? :dunno:

06-21-2008, 08:38 PM
I don't watch the office. My thinking is I spend five days a week in an office, so why would I want to spend my free time watching a show about one? :dunno:

It's a spoof on reality based programs - kind of like "trailer park boys'. I find the earlier episodes to be a lot funnier, but check it out if you get the chance.

Hagbard Celine
06-21-2008, 08:39 PM
It's a spoof on reality based programs - kind of like "trailer park boys'. I find the earlier episodes to be a lot funnier, but check it out if you get the chance.

Yes'm. :cheers2:

06-21-2008, 10:47 PM
I don't watch the office. My thinking is I spend five days a week in an office, so why would I want to spend my free time watching a show about one? :dunno:

Fair enough. But, the American version has really developed way beyond being just about people working in an office. There's a lot of absurdity in the humor.

06-21-2008, 10:49 PM
Was that like a spammer or something?

Anyway, I love The Office. I'm hoping to see it out on DVD this x-mas as I've missed SOOOOO many episodes. I think I'm finally caught up with arrested Development, now!

No, I just thought I'd announce World of Warcraft is for fags, and this seemed like the most appropriate place!:slap:

Hulu.com has, I think, all of Arrested Development and a bunch of Offices that you can watch online for free... but it doesn't work on computers outside the U.S. Yet another reason why WE'RE #1!:salute:

06-21-2008, 10:59 PM
WoW, look at me!! I'am a spamming loser.

whomever did this you are my hero..........:laugh2:

06-22-2008, 11:25 AM
No, I just thought I'd announce World of Warcraft is for fags, and this seemed like the most appropriate place!:slap:

Hulu.com has, I think, all of Arrested Development and a bunch of Offices that you can watch online for free... but it doesn't work on computers outside the U.S. Yet another reason why WE'RE #1!:salute:
Yes. Well. You know what they say aboot fences and neighbours don't ye? :finger3:

07-10-2008, 03:21 AM
World of Warcraft is for live-in-your-mom's-basement losers. Like MEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!11!one!!!!!11

07-10-2008, 07:26 AM
Goddammit, quit fouling up my thread with your World of Warcraft garbage, bots! :fu:

Who the hell gave this non-person a positive rep?