06-06-2020, 12:43 PM
I agree with much of what he says.
And note, about the rioters - NOT peaceful protesters. I support what the protesters are protesting and a lot of the police brutality I have seen as well.
But then the rioters and looting are totally different. They couldn't care less about George or black lives. And as pointed out, WHY are the MSM, lefties and so many lefty politicians supporting things? And not just the peaceful protesting, but supporting the rioting and looting in various ways.
So they support and applaud it. Rules about the virus protection suddenly are gone. I've seen endless videos of many states with bricks and rocks being staged before the evening of protests. I've seen antifa left and right destroying things - and the black protesters are trying to stop them or call them out. There is a LOT going on behind the scenes to egg this on and make it as bad as possible.
Tucker Carlson: The Riots Are About The Left’s Hatred Of Trump And Seizing Power
As you’ve watched the far left destroy American cities, have you wondered if this might be at least partially about Trump?
Lots of people have, including Tucker Carlson.
In fact, he made this the subject of one of his recent monologues.
Here’s a partial transcript, via FOX News:
Tucker Carlson: The riots are not about George Floyd or racial justice. They’re about Trump and seizing power
For the past week, all of us have seen chaos engulf our beloved country. The violence and the destruction have been so overwhelming, so shocking, and awful and vivid on the screen, that it’s been hard to think clearly about what’s going on.
Most of us haven’t been able to step back far enough to ask even the obvious questions. The most obvious, of course, is what is this really about? What do the mobs want?
Well, thugs looting the Apple Store can’t answer that question. They have no idea. They just want free iPads. But what about Apple itself and the rest of corporate America, which is enthusiastically supporting the rioters? What about members of Congress, the media figures, the celebrities, the tech titans, all of whom are cheering this on. What do they want out of it?
Well, they haven’t said. That’s the central mystery.
Now suddenly, it is obvious. It should have been obvious on the first day. This is about Donald Trump. Of course, it is. We just couldn’t see it.
For normal people, Donald Trump is the president. You may like him, you may not like him, but either way, there will be another president at some point, and we will move on as we always have.
But for Donald Trump’s enemies, there is nothing else. Everything is about Trump. Everything.
Donald Trump defines their friendships, their careers, their marriages. Donald Trump affects how they raise their children. Trump occupies the very center of their lives. As long as Donald Trump remains in the White House. They feel powerless and diminished and panicked. So they cannot be happy.
Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/tucker-carlson-riots-lefts-hatred-trump-seizing-power-video/
And note, about the rioters - NOT peaceful protesters. I support what the protesters are protesting and a lot of the police brutality I have seen as well.
But then the rioters and looting are totally different. They couldn't care less about George or black lives. And as pointed out, WHY are the MSM, lefties and so many lefty politicians supporting things? And not just the peaceful protesting, but supporting the rioting and looting in various ways.
So they support and applaud it. Rules about the virus protection suddenly are gone. I've seen endless videos of many states with bricks and rocks being staged before the evening of protests. I've seen antifa left and right destroying things - and the black protesters are trying to stop them or call them out. There is a LOT going on behind the scenes to egg this on and make it as bad as possible.
Tucker Carlson: The Riots Are About The Left’s Hatred Of Trump And Seizing Power
As you’ve watched the far left destroy American cities, have you wondered if this might be at least partially about Trump?
Lots of people have, including Tucker Carlson.
In fact, he made this the subject of one of his recent monologues.
Here’s a partial transcript, via FOX News:
Tucker Carlson: The riots are not about George Floyd or racial justice. They’re about Trump and seizing power
For the past week, all of us have seen chaos engulf our beloved country. The violence and the destruction have been so overwhelming, so shocking, and awful and vivid on the screen, that it’s been hard to think clearly about what’s going on.
Most of us haven’t been able to step back far enough to ask even the obvious questions. The most obvious, of course, is what is this really about? What do the mobs want?
Well, thugs looting the Apple Store can’t answer that question. They have no idea. They just want free iPads. But what about Apple itself and the rest of corporate America, which is enthusiastically supporting the rioters? What about members of Congress, the media figures, the celebrities, the tech titans, all of whom are cheering this on. What do they want out of it?
Well, they haven’t said. That’s the central mystery.
Now suddenly, it is obvious. It should have been obvious on the first day. This is about Donald Trump. Of course, it is. We just couldn’t see it.
For normal people, Donald Trump is the president. You may like him, you may not like him, but either way, there will be another president at some point, and we will move on as we always have.
But for Donald Trump’s enemies, there is nothing else. Everything is about Trump. Everything.
Donald Trump defines their friendships, their careers, their marriages. Donald Trump affects how they raise their children. Trump occupies the very center of their lives. As long as Donald Trump remains in the White House. They feel powerless and diminished and panicked. So they cannot be happy.
Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/tucker-carlson-riots-lefts-hatred-trump-seizing-power-video/