View Full Version : World Renowned Doctors Release Studies Supporting Hydroxychloroquine

05-06-2020, 09:20 AM
Looks like the study that the MSM trounced upon wasn't even valid. And you won't get much more of an expert opinion than from this guy. Read his background if need be. Still not the full answer, but could be the answer for many folks instead of death.


World Renowned Doctors Release Studies Supporting Hydroxychloroquine Treatment for Coronavirus as Fake News Continues to Smear Life-Saving Drug

Thousands of lives could be saved with the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat the China coronavirus.

One of the most recognized experts in the study of communicable diseases worldwide is Dr. Didier Raoult:


Dr. Raoult is very hopeful regarding the treatment of the China coronavirus by using hydroxychloroquine.

Dr. Raoult continues to speak out on his tremendous results using HCQ on coronavirus patients.


The Chinese study referred to by Dr. Raoult claimed the following:

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with a decreased mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19 through attenuation of inflammatory cytokine storm. Therefore, hydroxychloroquine should be prescribed for treatment of critically ill COVID-19 patients to save lives.

The Spanish study concluded the following:

Conclusions: in a cohort of 166 patients from 18 to 85 years hospitalised with COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine treatment with 800mg added loading dose increased survival when patients were admitted in early stages of the disease. There was a non-statistically significant trend towards survival in all groups, which will have to be clarified in subsequent studies.

In spite of all the evidence that hydroxychloroquine is a viable alternative for treating the China coronavirus, other flawed studies claim the drug doesn’t work. Could this be because there are billions of dollars in vaccines as opposed to these simple drugs and big pharmaceutical firms therefore would prefer the big money in vaccines?


It is not surprising but very sad that our medical community is also political at a time when the world needs good honest information on how to treat the China coronavirus.


05-06-2020, 09:27 AM
Looks like the study that the MSM trounced upon wasn't even valid. And you won't get much more of an expert opinion than from this guy. Read his background if need be. Still not the full answer, but could be the answer for many folks instead of death.


World Renowned Doctors Release Studies Supporting Hydroxychloroquine Treatment for Coronavirus as Fake News Continues to Smear Life-Saving Drug

Thousands of lives could be saved with the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat the China coronavirus.

One of the most recognized experts in the study of communicable diseases worldwide is Dr. Didier Raoult:


Dr. Raoult is very hopeful regarding the treatment of the China coronavirus by using hydroxychloroquine.

Dr. Raoult continues to speak out on his tremendous results using HCQ on coronavirus patients.


The Chinese study referred to by Dr. Raoult claimed the following:

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with a decreased mortality in critically ill patients with COVID-19 through attenuation of inflammatory cytokine storm. Therefore, hydroxychloroquine should be prescribed for treatment of critically ill COVID-19 patients to save lives.

The Spanish study concluded the following:

Conclusions: in a cohort of 166 patients from 18 to 85 years hospitalised with COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine treatment with 800mg added loading dose increased survival when patients were admitted in early stages of the disease. There was a non-statistically significant trend towards survival in all groups, which will have to be clarified in subsequent studies.

In spite of all the evidence that hydroxychloroquine is a viable alternative for treating the China coronavirus, other flawed studies claim the drug doesn’t work. Could this be because there are billions of dollars in vaccines as opposed to these simple drugs and big pharmaceutical firms therefore would prefer the big money in vaccines?


It is not surprising but very sad that our medical community is also political at a time when the world needs good honest information on how to treat the China coronavirus.


It will be a very cold day in hell when I rely on ANY "news" agency to provide medical expertise on ANY subject. I trust an ancient Celtic druid for that more than the news media... just sayin

05-06-2020, 06:30 PM
Great article. Dr. Raoult was widely acknowledged by the media as a world class expert, and they were totally behind his study about hydroxychloroquine up until the minute the Trump touted it. Ever since then, the media has done its best to ridicule, downplay, and deny the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine. It is incredible - even at the risk of lives, the media wants to ridicule this drug.

I’d be interested in seeing how many media members, if sick with COVID, would refuse to take this drug.

As for the recent study that said hydroxychloroquine has no benefit at all, I suspect they only tested it for late stage cases. It was stated early on that the drug’s benefits are mostly when used early on. That’s why lupus patients that take it regularly have not been catching COVID at all.

Hot Dogger
05-07-2020, 06:40 AM
It occurs to me that COVID has a malaria toxin or molecule in it. Malaria was a favorite plaything at USAMRIID when I was there, many of my buddies went on the Malaria Protocol, mostly so they could get the one month convalescent leave. Many of them relapsed, oftentimes repeatedly, oftentimes years and decades later. I'm telling you, between the Nazis and the Globalists with their weaponized diseases, insects, and vaccines, we're up shit creek without a paddle.

Anyway, as for this Malaria Protocol, one buddy was lying in USAMRIID Building 1425 Ward 200 in the throes of black water fever, when he was molested by this big black queer; who was supposedly a medic on Ward 200, but I suspect he was a psychological operative detached from Ft. Meade, actually in the employ of the CIA. Remember that USAMRIID Building 1412 was the site of the MKULTRA Program and other wonderful things. So my buddy's lying in bed with black water fever, he said the queer came in and was giving him a bed bath, when the queer starts groping his cock and says, "Do you know what's going on?" My buddy said he yelled and the queer ran out. He also said the queer did this another time, came into his room one night and started going down on him, my buddy woke up and yelled, the queer ran out. The queer was on CQ duty that night, so he had the master keys, my buddy said he heard them rattling as the queer ran off. We were hanging out in the barracks a bunch of us guys when he told this story.

We said to our buddy, "Why don't you report that queer?" My buddy's says, "No way, if I report him, I'll never get another date as long as I'm stationed here, everyone will think I'm queer." You see, I think the queer wasn't a medic but a military psychological operative, he asked my buddy as he's groping him, "Do you know what's going on?" Now why in the hell ask that kind of question? You know how when the queers wanted to have open recognition in the military, the news was reporting things like, "The Pentagon is studying the effects on morale of homos in the military." They'd already been studying the thing for a long time in ways that are criminal.