View Full Version : Those Cali doctors, Youtube and censorship

04-28-2020, 11:06 AM
Can't have anything at all contrary to what WHO says, and youtube stated that themselves. :rolleyes:


California Doctors Go on Ingraham Angle, Challenge Official COVID Policy — YOUTUBE THEN TAKES DOWN THEIR VIDEOS!

On Saturday two California doctors of Immunology went on with KERO News 23 in California and made a video disputing the official state coronavirus policy in California.

Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi said their facilities have tested over 5,200 patients for the coronavirus throughout the county, making up for over half of all testing in Kern County. According to their data, the death rate of the coronavirus is similar in prevalence to the flu. And they believe only the sick and elderly should be quarantined and that businesses should open. They also revealed that the state of California is pressuring doctors to pad the COVID-19 numbers.

The KERO videos went viral!

We reported on this story on Saturday.


On Monday night the two California doctors went on The Ingraham Angle with Laura Ingraham to discuss their expertise and challenge the official state narrative on the coronavirus.

Following their appearance on the show their videos were removed from Google-YouTube!
They did not pass official WHO policy.

Rest and video here - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/breaking-california-doctors-go-ingraham-angle-challenge-official-covid-policy-youtube-takes-videos/

And remember Trump mentioning getting light into the body? Then this was removed I believe within 48 hours.

TECH TYRANNY: Twitter Suspends Account and YouTube Removes Video of Biotech Company that Created COVID-19 Treatment Using UV Light in Lungs


This is creepy as hell.

The tech giants are now blocking information that could save lives because it is not approved by the WHO overlords.

And it might make President Trump look good.


On Thursday the Trump administration highlighted potential treatment for the coronavirus by blasting UV light on the lungs.
The liberal media was aghast and mocked him all day Friday.

But this is not an unusual idea and one company AYTU Healight is working on a proposed prototype to treat the coronavirus.

On Saturday YouTube removed the AYTU Healight video on their COVID-19 treatment plan.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/04/tech-tyranny-twitter-suspends-account-youtube-removes-video-biotech-company-created-covid-19-treatment-using-uv-light-lungs/

YouTube’s Policy on COVID-19 and Climate Change Sets Dangerous Precedent

YouTube’s CEO Susan Wojcicki‎ has declared that they will “remove any content that goes against WHO recommendations” on the coronavirus pandemic, essentially censoring any opinion other than that of the World Health Organization.

This is not the first time YouTube has censored information with which it disagrees. Last year, the online streaming site said it would censor videos that do not agree with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s exaggerated claims about global warming.

This move by YouTube sets a dangerous precedent for censorship and has the potential to restrict the flow of information from competing sources—something that has been essential to the discovery of both truths and falsehoods and so to the growth of knowledge.

If anything, YouTube should be cautious of WHO, and not the other sources. It was WHO that made big blunders.

In January, WHO declared that COVID-19 was not transmittable from humans to humans. WHO relayed the same information on its website, YouTube, and Twitter.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/vijayjayaraj/2020/04/26/youtubes-policy-on-covid19-and-climate-change-sets-dangerous-precedent-n2567584