View Full Version : New and Specifically Written for contest.....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-11-2019, 10:30 AM
Like Razor Sharp Sword, Cutting Through Butter

Like razor sharp sword, cutting through butter.
Flows, American Coast Guard ice cutter.

Like razor sharp sword cutting through butter
Flows American Coast Guard ice cutter
In seas of ice, frozen hard as concrete
Its valiant crew accepting no defeats
Winds across glassy smooth ice does its dance
Ship and brave crew leaving nothing to chance
Watching as ice breaks, tumbles from its prow
Never fearful of Neptune's angry scowl
They work diligently around the clock
Far away, from safety of their home dock.

Like razor sharp sword, cutting through butter.
Flows, American Coast Guard ice cutter.

Beast, cutter rips through diamond hard ice
American made, prow designed to slice
Manned by courageous men, well trained and true
Born to sea duty, earning their just due
There to face coldest cold of freezing clime
Diligent in their ship's pride, all the time
Sworn to defend life, American shores
Face dangers, living life that never bores
As ice buckles and breaks in popping tune
Crew often longs for warmth of sunny June.

Like razor sharp sword, cutting through butter.
Flows, American Coast Guard ice cutter.

Robert J. Lindley, 12-11-2019,
Rhyme, ( Dedicated To Brave American Coast Guard That Honorably Serves This Nation )

Note: I woke this morn and my muse said, boy go ahead and write.
I will give you help as you so often need it! Remember, without me
you'd still be barefoot gathering eggs for breakfast and slaving on
the damn farm. After a scowl and some thought, I saw some bit
of merit, some small bit of truth in that, her usual condemning tirade
and I began to compose. As usual she did finally give me two verses
and another enlightened admonishment that I was getting old, and
very, very lazy as well as a bit boring to her. With such immense help
and joyful cheering-- just how could I go wrong I ask !??

Syllables Per Line:
0 10 10
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 10 10
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0 10 10
Total # Syllables:260
Total # Words:::::184


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-16-2019, 08:10 AM
The Plea, Heal Me After All That I Have Been Through

You a heavenly body. So sweet
Your kisses would make this heart skip a beat,
Paying you adoration, shall be a great treat,

Since that summer, time and love have both flown
Your tender heart knows not how I have grown,
And my past ways now do truly disown,

Among winter's weeping and dying leaves
Lives a broken soul that so deeply grieves,
Its prayers begging from above, reprieves,

Now that days too oft resembles dark nights
Moon balks, refusing to alter its sights,
My darkness absolute, I cry for lights,

You a true goddess so wondrously made
To see again, anything I would trade,
Alas! Pray I your image will not fade,

Your exaltation, weeping spirit weaves
From dreams of touch that never deceives,
For greatest of hope, this mortal believes,

Good things come to he who faithfully waits
begging love's rewards, not tempting dark Fates,
to deny true love again before the Pearly Gates,

O' goddess, mercy please return to me
Without you I am as a dying tree,
A ship in a dark and deserted sea,

Look upon this wretched dishearten man
For truth in your love restore if you can,
Holding you once more, has been my plan,

These many decades heart has deeply bled
Holding memories of our nights instead,
Now abandoned I feel entombed and dead,

Return your love lost before I perish
For no other beauty do I cherish,
End my torment that is so nightmarish,

Let true romance gift us our love anew
In heaven's light, be we wedded as two,
Heal me after all that I have been through,

You a heavenly body. So sweet
Your kisses would make this heart skip a beat,
Paying you adoration, shall be a great treat,

R.J. Lindley
Tripled Rhymes,
( Words cast from a shattered soul and broken heart )

This dark into a torn apart heart eats
birthing ravages from deep epic defeats
as day and night hurl grief as falling pain
and I seek that no mortal can attain!

Ubi amor vere mortuis resurrectionem non esse?

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2019

EDIT- Forgot to enter the poem......

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-04-2020, 06:15 PM
Contest Description

After my one liner, I felt sometimes one line is not enough.

I have posted an example called Sins of the Mind.

So this contest is a two liner poem contest called ku duet.

These are the rules:

Two line poem. Keep it on two lines.

Stick to the monoku rules of no more than 17 syllables per line.

The second line is more like a haiku with 5/7/5 syllable structure. If you prefer not to do it in this way, that is fine, but it may result in a lower placement. However, keep it on one line. Not three.

You can use monoku or haiku as a form.

The Hope, Climbing To Ascend

born of earthen soil, clay models of infinite degrees and sky hopes
snowy mountain ledge- peak ringed by white stormy clouds- icy silent breath

Robert J. Lindley,
Poetry Contest: ku duet
Sponsored by: Silent One
Syllable count 34
checked by, How Many Syllables.com

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2019

First place......

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-13-2020, 02:52 PM
Grows The Night

Grows the night, hours of slow sweeping pains

Moonlit views gifting no true delight,

A vassal of sad sorrows and woes

I seeking life's relief Fate denies

Grows the night, shadows dancing about

Creaking doors and pitiless low moans

Vestiges of weeping, shattered hearts

Trepidation reigns as, grows the night.

Robert J. Lindley, 6/10/2020
Repeat The Phrase Poetry Contest
Verse poetry form only.
Sponsored by: Nette Onclaud
Chosen, "grows the night"
syllable count checked using-

Awarded First place.....

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2020